

Adults putting children on the front line

The use of children as bait to create media sympathy for various causes, is an increasingly used method in the West. 

Greta Thunberg recently spoke at the UN, probably without a clue of the sinister political game she is a useful tool for. The teenager is even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. The world truly has gone mad. Thunberg, now used by the highly politicized “climate change” industry is only 16! The child is allowed to give hysterical, rude talks about the world at mass extinction, entire ecosystems collapsing, the end of the world stories. 

Swedish Greta Thunberg has a known past with mental issues, a diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, depression, a history of self-starvation and obsessive compulsive disorder. This is the child now pampered by power structures in society to travel the world with the mainstream media covering her every step as she gives apocalyptic speeches and end-of-the-world threats. The young girl initially found world fame just a year ago, after organizing school strikes in her home town in Sweden, skipping school and demanding climate change to be taken seriously by world leaders.

This poor young woman increasingly looks and sounds like a cult member. The monotone voice. The look of apocalyptic dread in her eyes. The explicit talk of the coming great ‘fire’ that will punish us for our eco-sins. There is something chilling and positively pre-modern about Ms Thunberg. One can imagine her in a sparse wooden church in the Plymouth Colony in the 1600s warning parishioners of the hellfire that will rain upon them if they fail to give up their witches.

We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.” - Thunberg
This is utter stupidity. Thunberg, would not even be able to travel was it not for economic growth and billion dollar wealth pushed into the very same industry she now is a poster child for. Who writes her speeches? The person should be fired. 
She’s ignorant, maniacal and is being mercilessly manipulated by adult climate bedwetters funded by Putin,” - Steve Milloy 
I find her passion admirable, albeit her rhetoric can be very hectoring and annoying. But I think she’s being used, and I worry about her more than her supporters seem to.”  - Piers Morgan
Greta is a Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left. Her simplicity and childish outlook is exactly the reason why she has been exploited.
I honestly don’t understand why adults would choose to spend their time mocking and threatening teenagers and children for promoting science, when they could do something good instead. I guess they must simply feel so threatened by us” – Greta Thunberg 
Years ago at a school picket line a few parents were told by passing women that they should be reported to child protection for abusing their children. This was a picket line, early in the morning before school started, with children under the age of eight holding their parents’ hands, with painted signs urging onlookers to “save the turtles”. 

Let me predict that nobody will care what will happen to this child in later years, when Thunberg has outdone her use to the mainstream powers. Whoever is responsible for the abuse of Greta, let him stop. Let her go home and finish her schooling and get a bright future in Sweden. 

Once it is over, and Greta Thunberg stops being useful to whoever is paying for all of this, we will never hear from her again. 

Is this an Auzzie Greta?
A ten year old, barely at the legal age to know right from wrong, is again in the forefront of climate protesters in Sydney.

Isolde (Issy) Raj-Seppings 10, whose home was incinerated in Australia's bushfire crisis, was with her father outside Kirribilli House along with other protesters, who were demanding Prime Minister Scott Morrison take action on climate change. The pair were among dozens ordered to move on by police deployed at the scene on Sydney's Lower North Shore. 
I'm asking you and your father to cease your actions which are preventing police from opening this closed road," a Senior Constable says to the young girl. "I now direct you to move off this temporarily closed roadway so that we can reopen the road. I must warn you that should you fail to comply with my direction, you may be arrested – Do you understand Issy?" 
NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge is among hundreds who have since come out in support of Issy. 
Kids like this are leading the way and we need to have their back and make sure when they're calling for climate action their calls are heard in Parliament" 
No matter how courageous the child, no matter how well a child holds themselves in front of adversity, this is nothing less than using a child as a political front to gain media sympathy. The parents should be held accountable for child abuse, for betraying their children’s right to have a normal childhood free from the adult world of political undertakings. 

If you want to put your children at the forefront of climate change a much more effective way to do this would be to ensure they get a good education and help them to move in political circles where they have better chances of making climate changes where it counts.

Issy and father Sydney climate rally
Issy and her father at the Sydney climate rally

Psychic Focus Question and Answer
Greta Thunberg- What are your thoughts on her and her climate activism? I have heard that she is a puppet...Is she sparking a revolution of awareness? Is climate change real...or the natural evolution of Earth? Are we at the beginning of our extinction?

When I think about the climate, and the fears being propagated, I get it is just that, FEAR. Earth is massive, and she knows how to cleanse and purge what needs to happen. Yes, there are man made factors at play, but in the BIG picture, man alone cannot evoke, change, or stop a climate change that is in full force. 

During the Ice Age, people didn't trigger it anymore than cow farts trigger it now. I see the climate is changing, the sun looks hotter (and emits a brighter white light), the seasons are shifting, and drastic weather patterns appear. Some is manufactured, but the major cause is due to the magnetosphere being pulled on by other planetary bodies which shifts our own equilibrium. No amount of grounded planes or cars off the road will stop the shift of true north which effects weather streams and currents in the ocean. The force is too large, and one things has nothing to do with the other.

I get that the very left leaning people have enlisted Greta to pull on emotions, spread fear, and try to wins votes. There is A LOT of money to be made on going "green" and implementing these ideas. Taxes can be imposed, government funding can be requested, and newer "ideas" (GMO, chemical based food, etc) can be tested. 

If you want to do good to the earth then meditate, send positive energy, help lift the collective consciousness, but don't contribute to the fear. If Mother Gaia wants to cleanse herself, she will, and the change we are talking about will take many human lifetimes to accomplish. 

An Interview with Greta

They coach these young kids to prey on emotions of the masses...


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