
A psychic's view of coronavirus

I get a lot of things are going on. My initial impression is that the PTW (Powers That Were) intentionally introduced this virus into the population. Why China? I see this chosen location for a few reasons. First, this is a huge power play on China. I cannot see many, if any, PTW are Chinese. This looks like a way to keep them weak and under control (scared). If China is somewhat under a bio attack, they will be submissive and rise to the occasion should the PTW call upon them. 

I also get that China is population dense. The ground zero point, a food market in Wuhan, was the perfect origin. This virus can spread from animals to humans, and this type of open market provided the opportunity to put infected animals in the middle of masses of people. I get that when this was released, the PTW didn't know what way the virus would mutate within humans, but they were confident that something would spread. 

They also look to have been working on a development project for an immunization or treatment. I hear something about when a treatment or prevention is created, it is largely based on the "genus" name of the virus or bacteria that is the root cause of the illness. A true immunization couldn't be formed against it, but a close version with a fair amount of effectiveness could be based on the "genus" of the virus being released. I also get something about this was a way of being able to test the "genus" theory, and could be a big breakthrough for future diseases or illnesses. 

The coronavirus is unpredictable. No one truly knew the extent of how far it would travel, or the severity of the illness. I see that they anticipated pneumonia to be as severe as it got. This virus can effect people very differently. Some people may feel like they have a bad cold, and recover on their own. They may not even get a fever. The cold resolves itself after a few days, and the person moves on. This person can then later infect others unknowingly. I see that is the situation that played out there. Someone was infected and had very mild symptoms. They didn't know to be checked, or that what they were dealing with warranted further action. This virus has been so blown up that people don't realize that you can have it and not even realize you are carrying it. The assumption is that you are in severe medical peril, but that isn't always the case.

The virus is something to watch, and something to mitigate, but why so much fear? Is the fear warranted? Is the seriousness of this worse than the Bird Flu scare, H1N1, Zika or Ebola? Why is the media obsessed with adding to the panic? Yes we need to be aware this exists, and yes we need to take precaution, but is there a bigger agenda at play? 

As I ponder the above question, I see a lot of working parts here. This looks like a VERY well played hand courtesy of the Powers That Were (PTW) as they take their last ditch effort of keep their control, and this was a plan they had devised decades ago for this exact moment (check out Dean Koontz, "The Eyes of Darkness".} Let me explain: 

  1. Making China submissive: This bio-weapon looks to have been released in China for a few reasons. They wanted to make sure China was put in their place. China has been accumulating lots of gold in hopes of being the next controller of the financial system, and the PTW could not have that. China was also buying up real estate and companies all over the world. The PTW wanted to make sure China could not rise or become even more powerful. The PTW want China to work for them, and not rival them.
  2. Taking out Trump: Trump has been running on the platform of the economy and low unemployment numbers. By having supply chains broken, people not working due to closures/illness and a shaky stock market at best, his platform looks to be weaker. This also opens up attacks for the Dems. (Watch for pathways for voter fraud with all the scares as well. "When you can't beat them, cheat them.")
  3. Crashing Markets: When the news of this pandemic first hit media, it didn't phase markets much. As time progressed, and closures occurred, people got scared. This opened up the perfect scenario to manipulate the market and slowly crash it before the elections. Again, making Trump appear weak and leading to number 4.
  4. Creating Pathway to world currency: With markets crashing and less faith in the dollar, new forms of currency are being introduced. As the fed makes money to help offset the costs being endured with the hardships, the dollar is further inflated, creating even more reason for alternate forms of currency that are "backed" by something. Note: The latest rumor is that the money can be a carrier for the virus (another reason people won't want to carry it.) This leads to the cashless society to "protect us."
  5. Creating Pathway to social healthcare: The costs of healthcare are higher than ever. By using this crisis to shed light on the costs of healthcare, and the idealistic way free healthcare would work, people start to envision a false reality of socialized healthcare being great.
  6. Forced immunizations: Big pharma stands to make a TON of money off this. Not only due to manufacturing test kits, they are being paid lots to come up with an immunization.
  7. Test of Control - How Far Do We Allow It?: Most importantly, this is a test to see how submissive and under what circumstance people will be controlled. If you implement enough fear and scare, what will people do? I foresee a false flag looming related to "gun violence." This is the most submissive this country has been in many decades, and if they want to take the guns, this will be their opportunity, and I see them really maximizing on it.
BUT... while the PTW are working on the above, Trump along with the "white hats" see their hand, and does one better. Whether you like these people (Trump and the "white hats") or not, Trump is a smart businessman, and the white hats won't give up. They always knows what there opponents are up to, and work to combat this. It started with forced resignations, plea deals, witnesses and gathering evidence. People have even distanced themselves from the throne to get out of the spotlight. I see Trump using quarantines and grounded flights (combined with a dash of fear) to make a move on prominent people. Stay tuned. This is just getting started! 

One of the most curious is the recent resurrection of a prediction by Sylvia Browne. In her 2008 book End of Days, Browne (who died in 2013) predicted that “In around [sic] 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.”

How to Combat Corona

1. Special Frequency programs (Deta-Elis).
2. Power Tube (Zapper).
3. The virus gets destroyed in the stomach, so rinsing with hot water and swallowing helps to reduce the severity.
4. Low power laser light devices, which cleans the blood
5. Ultra violet light devices
6. Colloidal Silver
7. Vitamin C in high doses
8. Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS)

*Not useful are hand sanitizers, colloidal silver spray is much better.

Let me break down each one and give my impressions. Deta-Elis: I see this could be helpful if the person responds to the frequency. This device gives off a specific frequency, and helps to get the body back in harmony by getting the organs functioning at a healthy vibration. I get that if you chose to go this route, the organ to focus on is the liver. The liver is what needs the main support in fighting off this illness.

Power Tubes: I don't see this as effective as the Deta-Elis because it looks to be more of a neurological stimulator. Any pain or discomfort resulting from this illness looks to be caused from a muscular standpoint versus nerves.

Hydration: I see hydration helping because it keep the body flushed. If this virus enters the mouth (versus eyes) and stays there it can be absorbed into the lymph nodes. In this scenario both drinking fluids and also oil pulling (in the early stages) can be helpful. You may still experience some symptoms, but the severity looks to be lessened.

Laser Lights: I see this may support the immune system and promote it's function, but I get that other alternatives could prove being more effective.

UV Light: This looks to be a huge help. I see that UV light in general helps to boost the immune system tremendously and promotes faster recovery. UV light in general looks to help sanitize outside environments to reduce the spread in common areas (doors, mailboxes, cars, public transportation, parks, grocery carts corralled outside, etc).

Colloidal Silver: I hear a phrase that colloidal silver is "antibacterial and antimicrobial, but not necessarily antiviral." This can help you prevent getting things such as a cold, flu or sinus infection which lessens your immune system (helps you to stay strong). But, I don't necessarily see it preventing a viral attack.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is always good. This is great way to improve your body's own defense system to combat any foreign element that made their way in.

MMS: I do see (for some people) this can be very helpful. Be cautious with this. A little can go a long way, and too much can be damaging (too strong). It does look to attack the virus, but if you use too much it can create too many toxins or byproducts of the virus being destroyed and overwork the liver.  

Psychic Focus 2020
Sylvia Brown 2008

Montauk Project Experiments


In an interview (read the full interview below) with Eve Frances Lorgen, Andy Pero shared his experience with trauma-based control of the mind and the Montauk explorations in consciousness. He recalled sessions where he was tortured and put through shock treatments. This is done to have the ability to reprogram participants to do things they were not able to previous to the programming. 

Andy said that many people die in the process while undergoing mind control, but there are survivors. One survivor is Duncan Cameron. Another survivor is Kathy O’ Brien, who was also interviewed by Eve Lorgen. Kathy recalled bein picked up by an F-16 fighter plane at the Rochester Airport and taken to a southwester desert for more training, including military training, assassination missions, and obstacle courses. Andy said that the mind control projects aim to create the perfect "Manchurian Candidate." The Greenbaum Speech by D.C. Hammond gives details about what a "Manchurian Candidate" is. The title is "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse." Hammond says, "The way you create Manchurian Candidates is you divide the mind." He says, "If you’re going to get an assassin, you’re going to get somebody to go do something, you divide the mind." 

EL: Andy, where are you from originally and when did your training begin? 

AP: I was born in Fallon, Nevada in November of 1969. My father was a Lieutenant Commander at the Fallon Naval Air Station in Nevada at the time. I believe my first experiences began by the time I was two and a half years old. At five years old my family lived in Munich, Germany and I remember attending two distinct Kindergarten classes, on in German that was located on or near McGraw Army Troop Army Base, and another Kindergarten in English. I have flashback memories of torture sessions as early as age two where I was subjected to shock treatments with needles inserted in my ears and genitalia. What they (the controllers/handlers) do is use extreme trauma to separate the mind from the body. They do this to split the mind into several parts that can later be programmed to do things-like superhuman feats. Basically, they disconnect all of the normal human brain impulses, emotions and whatever is normally present, then reprogram in new ones. They do this to remove all fear, so that when they program in new abilities, you will not have the instinctual, “but I can’t, I’m afraid…” response. They program you to do, not think. In essence, they treat and program your mind as if it was a computer. 

EL: Who are the people running these secret programs like the Monarch and Montauk Projects, and where do they conduct their activities? 

AP: Our own government. One of my handlers-who tried to brainwash me into believing that he was my father–was basically a Nazi. I nicknamed him Adolph because he is very Aryan looking. After WW2 many Nazi scientists were brought over to the US through our own Intelligence community who formerly worked in mind control research in the concentration camps. I believe they are a remnant of the Nazi party working in conjunction with different branches of the US government and the military. Much of my training and torture sessions were done right at the University of Rochester, NY. They used to take me to a private room in the attic or top floor of the library. The big lab where I had most of the programming done to me was at the Rome National Air Base in Rome, NY. I have also been used in the Montauk chair while at Camp Hero, Montauk, L.I. and also in a chair in Atlanta, GA at Dobbins Air Force Base. The Montauk facility located in Camp Hero, L.I. was reopened by the Department of the Navy and is active to this day. Basically there are underground bases located across the country. Each one has a different function and specialty. There is a facility in Rochester, NY, Paramus, NJ, Dobbins Air Force Base in Atlanta, GA, Camp Hero in Montauk, L.I. and many others. In the Paramus, NJ facility is where they do the sex programming for many of the female agents. For the most part, 99% of them are involuntary sex agents and couriers who were raised in various mind control projects. 

EL: What were some of the things the mind control programmers made you do? 

AP: I remember my mother enrolling me in a Silva Mind Control course when I was ten. It is a type of self-hypnosis where you learn to go to different levels of your mind to do self-healing, relaxation, visualization, bending spoons with the power of your mind, things like that. This is also the time when I saw two peculiar military men, who would periodically visit me throughout my childhood, especially sporting events. I did exceptionally well at Silva Mind Control (and sports), so much so that the two military men approached me and said, “I hear you have some very special abilities. Someday you will work for us.” At the time I didn’t understand, but later the two men figured prominently in all the training I had up all the way through my college years. Of course I didn’t realize this until my memories came back. I did very well at sports and demonstrated a genius IQ, but I stuttered so badly until I was in my twenties, that everyone just thought I was a dumb jock. The stuttering was due to all the electroshock treatments. I recall being subjected to electroshock numerous times, being placed in an enclosed water tank and told to breathe underwater. Consequently, I drowned several times and would revive because of my self-created healing pool in my mind. I learned to create my own mental laboratory through Silva Mind Control, replete with a super powerful healing pool that could heal any injury. I was forced to endure suffering beyond belief to accomplish superhuman feats of strength and survival. 

EL: Tell me more about the various superhuman abilities you discovered you had. 

AP: The trainers would put me into a trance whereby I’d be told I could jump off a ladder of minimal height. In my mind, I believed that I was only jumping off a footstool or a short ledge. In actuality, I was progressively led to jump higher and higher heights to the point of successfully jumping off buildings and even out of planes without a parachute. When under mind control, I could do whatever I was instructed to do as long as I believed them. I would do 200 or more push ups in perfect form, sometimes as long as a half hour straight, or until I was told to stop. I weight lifted 545 lbs.on a barbell and squats while attending college and much more (500-1500 lb.) while I was under the mind control in the training laboratory not far from Rochester, NY. In my jumps, it was as if I was falling like a cat, calm and cool with no fear, focusing like a laser only on the landing. 

EL: Are there others like yourself who have had similar training and experiences? 

AP: I think there are thousands of other children and people who are used and many end up missing. Many die in the process. They are considered expendable. The ones who can survive the most rigorous programming live on to become what are known as the Montauk boys. Duncan Cameron is such a person. In general, the boys and young men are trained to be couriers, assassins and super soldiers and even psychic killers. The women are mostly used as sex agents. Cathy O’ Brien’s story is an example. 

EL: What kinds of special missions or time travel experiments do you remember taking part in? 

AP: There were times I remember being at the small Rochester airport, being picked up in an F-16 fighter plane and ending up in some southwestern desert terrain either for special military training and obstacle courses or assassination missions. I remember seeing other men in black t-shirts and pants on the same training course at one time. Other times I found myself on some aircraft carrier out at sea. After the mission they would take me back and I would return to college after a couple of days or even hours not remembering what even happened. All of these missions were done between the time I was 15 years old and until 1988-1992 under deep hypnotic programming with the memories erased, until of some of my memories started to return. I was also taught to handle various types of guns, loading, cleaning, special characteristics of each model and firing at exact targets repeatedly and perfectly without thinking, just doing. 

EL: Tell me more about your involvement in the Montauk Project. 

AP: I was involved in an off shoot of the Montauk Project called the Montauk chair. Basically the Montauk chair was developed to give the human and spirit a zero point of reference to facilitate time travel. What the chair essentially does is separate the mind from the body. The chair operator’s thoughts and vibrational energy is picked up by umbrella looking antennas above the chair, sent to a computer, over to a processor, then amplified several hundred times. The information is sent to a network of free energy crystals arranged in a circle. Then whatever thoughts were amplified, i.e., a time period, a wormhole would open up in the room. The wormhole was as large as 16-18 feet across and even large enough for a truck to go through. In Camp Hero, Montauk, the location is the cross hairs of the earth’s biorhythms and is the point on earth where time travel is most easily accomplished when earth is the point of origin. My part of the Montauk chair project was to use my focused visualization skills to think of specific time points in history that were assigned to me. The chair is connected to a sophisticated computer system and thought amplifier, such that when a thought or time period is visualized, the computer simulates a time portal based on that point in time. A series of time portals are done until a library of time periods and portals are accumulated. 

EL: Have you ever encountered any extraterrestrials or seen any aliens in any of your underground base memories?

AP: From what I understand the Department of the Navy made an agreement
with the alien Greys to exchange technologies for human women and children to conduct horrific breeding experiments. This is what is going on right now in an underground base not far from Miami, Florida. One of my most disturbing memories is being escorted down a hallway in this underground lab and seeing cages of chickenwire fencing with women and children screaming for help. I have seen Grey aliens (the 4-foot tall ones with large black eyes) and also 7-foot tall reptilian beings in some of my experiences. I have been told that I have many children from alien breeding experiments. I have had abductions with the Greys also. On one occasion I was introduced to a Reptilian being while in an underground base sometime in 1989-90. At first I saw a 7-foot tall human Ayran looking man. He walks towards me and I notice that his image phases out as if something interfered with an energy field. He does something to a device on his belt and tells me, “OK, I’ll show you.” He then pushes some button and then I see his image change into a 7-foot tall lizard like creature who looked like he weighed over 400 lb. I was introduced to a group of beings that claimed to be a sub group of the Illuminati. They were made up of a group of about 40-50 men, all 6′ 2″ or taller, white, and of an indeterminate older age, averaging 70, but I suspect much older considering the technology they have access to. They convened in a boardroom that I believe was in an underground base, perhaps Camp Hero, Montauk. They sat around a large football shaped table made of wood. Each high backed chair had a light at the tip and each sitting had a TV type of screen and control panel that came out from the table. There was a huge screen located in the front of the room as well. I have reason to believe that not all of the Illuminati are human, but in actuality are alien beings that appear to look human. EL: Who or what groups do you think are running the show here in the US or even on Earth? How do the aliens fit into all of this? AP: It is very complicated, but basically there are four main versions or groups of the New World Order, all with slightly varying agendas. The first group comprises the US and Western Europe (i.e., England, Germany, France and the US). The second group is Eastern Europe fused with Western Europe and the US. The third group is the countries of the Orient, and the fourth is the Middle Eastern-Saudia Arabian elements and all the oil money. There are also off world groups (aliens and future human Nazi’s types called Zardanians, Reptilians, Greys and Dracos) who also have a hand in the NWO plans. For the time being, the old money groups of Europe and England have teamed up with die hard Nazi factions, Jews and Americans forming the group that has been always been known as the Illuminati and affiliated secret societies. This large international group controls the media, police force, military, etc. The Illuminati is also part of the NWO plan, which includes members such as George Bush, Prince Charles and other high ranking people. As for the aliens, I think most of the alien Greys are either under the authority of or in collaboration with the Reptilians, Dracos and the Illuminati, based on some of my experiences and memories that are still returning to me. Some Grey groups are in conflict with the Reptilian/Draco agenda and are doing their own thing (human/grey hybridization programs) so to speak. Their agenda gets into heavy spiritual matters having to do with acquiring an emotional body and an ability to ascend to higher dimensions. They are using humans to accomplish this via the human/alien hybrids. Humans have the key in terms of having a threefold essence or unity of being, physical, emotional and spiritual. Other aliens have lost this unity of being (because of the fall from grace), thus inhibiting them from ascending to higher dimensions, or evolving to higher levels. This gets back to the original Luciferic rebellion, fallen angels and the various conflicts between species. 

EL: When did you start remembering your memories? How did or can you break the programming they install? 

AP: Some of my first memories surfaced while I was living with a roommate in Atlanta, GA back in 1996. We went to the bowling alley and I saw a large sign in the shape of a man dressed like a Rhino advertising, “Bowl with Rhino balls.” This triggered me into remembering that “Rhino” is the name my Nazi handlers called me. My roommate overheard me say outloud, “I’m Rhino-they called me Rhino.” He got excited and immediately asked me, “Where did you hear that?” He had a grave look of concern on his face and kept questioning me. By his reaction, I realized later that all along he was one of my hired programmers and handlers. The initial triggered memory that surfaced was a flashback of me being electrocuted and shocked and screaming in pain in one of my numerous torture sessions. Then after that first memory, other memories started leaking through. It was like my mind was dammed up and the subconscious memories were starting to leak through. My mind controller programmers deliberately built a wall around my memories so that I wouldn’t remember. When I started recalling bits and pieces, I’d write notes to myself and hide them. Then I’d find my notes, after I had forgotten everything because my roommate was catching on that I was remembering. So he would repeatedly put me in trances, erase my memories and I’d forget what I had just remembered. But then everything came crashing down, because I deliberately hid notes and pretended that I didn’t know to my roommate. I had thought he was a friend and it turned out he was just hired to be another controller and handler to keep me in the program. I recall that in the past I did not even remember my dreams for ten years. But now things are coming back. I am working on purifying the body to help clear my mind and get my abilities back. 

EL: How do they keep control overall these people who have been and are still in mind control projects? 

AP: The essence of their control tactics is of splitting the mind at a young age. This entails a process of trauma, torture, degradation and humiliation of the subject. The process is different for each individual, but in essence they go to your subconscious mind and find out what the most personal parts of you are. Then they essentially use this against you to break you down and rip your mind apart. What happens is this: An individual who possesses special mental abilities is selected at a very young age. (Very often they are from military families or from multigenerational Satanic ritual abuse families-EL) Then they are subjected to various stages of terror and horror to begin to separate them from their own minds. It is a process of progressive dissociation and compartmentalization of the mind and personality. They control your mind through various complicated hypnosis techniques and commands until they create the perfect Manchurian Candidate. (See The Greenbaum Speech by D.C. Hammond) They program you to do something, then erase the memory. Basically they program your mind as if it were a computer. Once they install the magic word, all they have to do is say it and you’re under their control. This happens from an early age so it is easier to control them if they are conditioned and dissociated into several personalities. Another method of control is that they send in special people in your lives, handlers and controllers who pose as friends, teachers, “deprogrammers”, roommates, lovers, etc. who are actually operatives for the mind control projects. Some are sleeper operatives who don’t even know they are being used to a certain extent. It makes it hard to trust anyone at this point. 

EL: Is there anything else you can say about these projects or advice to others who have gone through similar experiences, like how they can be set free from its influence? 

AP: For those who want to get out of the influence of the programs of mind control , you must have a strong fighting instinct to do what is right regardless of what others are doing. Your only cage is the one you build for yourself. You must connect with your highest self to break the evil that is all around us, and not succumb to doing evil just because everyone else is doing it. Retain your fundamental sense of right and wrong. It all goes back to the basic conflict basic good and evil. It is like the dark forces in power of the planet at this time are trying to cheat their way into heaven or higher dimensions. THE HISTORY OF THE MONTAUK PROJECT Operated on Montauk, Long Island, The Montauk Project is a supposed group of operations that were had by the United States Government. Operated at Camp Hero or the 'Montauk Air Force Station', the point of these operations were to strengthen the United States information about psychological warfare. On the side, they also wanted to research time travel. There have been books on the Montauk Project by Preston Nichols; some people believe that is the origin of the stories about Montauk, Long Island. These stories go decades back, however. Originally started in the early 1980s, book writer Preston Nichols claimed that he had suddenly remembered things in his memory that were repressed. Originally from New York, Nichols claims that he had degrees in psychology, electrical engineering and parapsychology. Those who believe in The Montauk Project say that it is a continuation from the Philadelphia Experiment, an infamous experiment which happened circa 1943. They were studying around electromagnetics, and were curious about how to make things invisible and how to use them in the field of war. However, when a report was prepared for Congress, it was rejected. They claimed that this founded far too dangerous. However, it was funded secretly by the Department of Defense with $10 Billion from the Nazi gold train. Work began in Long Island, New York but initially upgrades were needed. They moved the base to Montauk in the late 1960s. They made a bunker underneath the base and then to mask it they had the area closed off due to 'environmental contamination'. Rumors began to begin about what happened. People said that the facility had twelve levels. There were hundreds of workers. There were rumors that the buildings underground were so big that they had gone far past the limits of Montauk. Desperate for people to test on, it is believed that they took homeless people and orphans. Some of them were never seen again, and 'few survived'. One of these survivors, Stewart Swerdlow claims to have been involved. He says that he had his psychic abilities enhanced to the point where he could materalize objects out of thin air. He also says his mind and "psionic" faculties were boosted, but there was a loss - emotional instability came more of a problem. He also experienced post-traumatic stress order, and other issues. Along with that, teleportation experiments were also conducted apparently. You might think that's it - but there's more. A portal was made underground which made them able to do time travel and communicate with other types of life. They had a time tunnel which allowed them to contact the aliens. Using time travel, they went back to 1943 and flying saucers from aliens were sucked into the lab. The aliens demanded a special type of quarts to get their engine fixed for the flying saucer. However, they simply used the time machine to get another flying saucer from another planet. The Montauk Project has more than some people will ever be able to explain. 

Source  http://www.disclose.tv/news/montauk_project__victim_exposes_time_travel_mind_control_reptilian_aliens_and_greys/136613#article_anchor


Breeding Fear

Long ago was some agenda set in motion that placed life upon this world and ensured its survival by endowing it with an instinct to fight tooth and nail to make sure the species survives. 

But why would you want to do that unless it benefited the creator of that life. Our existence deepens on our well organised production of food, among other things. We are very good at what we do, but! Do we really have free will or are we controlled by our creator, step back and take a look at this world. You are sitting on the Moon your head resting in your hands looking out towards the distant Earth, you know that if it was left to humanity Earth would no longer exist so there must be a control in place. So it appears there are just enough wars and conflicts to keep things ticking over, not too many and not too little, our whole life is controlled from birth to grave, and then possibly back again to rebirth. It seems a key ingredient of life on Earth is 'conflict' and its never far away, whether is an argument with your neighbor or a war in a far off country, conflict rules the day. Simple things like getting to work on time are a form of conflict, earning enough money to pay your mortgage is another, the whole of life vibrates conflict in some way or other. 

Is conflict a natural state of living or is it forced onto us by an unknown entity, something that needs to control us for its own ends. 

Take the words 'Fear of Death', these human words has been used for thousands of years to 'Control' everyone and everything, it has to be the most subconsciously ever present word used in the human life of this world. Just simple words like the recent news article expressing that 'Global Warming this year could see many pensioners die from the cold or heat stroke', those words would strike 'Fear' into many elderly people. You do not have to use the word 'Fear', just other words that conjure up the feeling of 'Fear'. 'The Fear of Death' is like an umbrella over society, most of us do not realize it but we go to the doctors because we subconsciously fear death, every day we are showered with fear inducing adverts graphically stating what illness we might come down with during our life. 

Doctors and hospitals do a lot of good, but there is an aspect of it I do not like, it's something like The Spider and the Fly, I`m the 'Fly' and the 'Spider' is the medical establishment or the big pharmaceuticals. As I stand I feel reasonably well, but I bet if I went to my doctor with a small problem he would say I need a thorough check up (you might think, 'Dear me what will they find' this would be a trigger for 'Fear'). I will guarantee he will find something to send me to the hospital with, (more 'Fear') they now have you and will not let you go easily, your life is no longer your own, the Spider has got you. But not in my case I have taken control of my own life, I feel well, I eat well, I do like a drink with my meals, I do not smoke and I keep fit, what more can I do? I have taken charge of my own life and if that life has to end suddenly along the way then so be it. Yes I could collapse tomorrow but we are all walking time bombs, that`s how life used to be before the 'Fear' thing, you got on with your life until nature decided to remove you, and it will happen one day no matter how much medicine or vitamin pills you take, it's out of our control and big pharma knows this, so they need us to think they have control over all medical problems hence the reign of 'Fear' inducing adverts about our health. Without illness or the 'Fear' of illness big pharma would be nothing. 

If a machine keeps producing an item then it's because that item is required for some purpose.

As we will discuss in a minute, the unexpected success of The Ascension Mysteries is an excellent move towards Full Disclosure. The Cabal, New World Order, or whatever you want to call it, is freaking out about full disclosure -- because it will mean a complete loss of control for them. 
"The number one most profitable industry on earth is pharmaceuticals, with at least 11 main categories. Second to that is oil. Third is telecommunications."
The Cabal has thoroughly locked up the pharmaceuticals and energy industries. Full disclosure will quickly remove the profitability of both. Technology will be released that eliminates the need for "fossil fuels" and almost all forms of traditional medicine.

There will still be plenty of thriving industries, but there will also be an opportunity for many newcomers to get involved and have a fair shake. Ultimately, full disclosure also means the lack of need for a money supply altogether -- since we can "print" anything we desire with materializers - David Wilcock.

Will our Arrogance be our Downfall?

This article criticizes the arrogance our technology gives us, and how that arrogance blinds us to what may really be going on. My intention is not to demean ethnic races they are extremely intelligent in their own right. 

I`m now convinced there are two, possibly three lines of existence on this world, they are so in your face yet hidden, hence the words 'Hidden In Plain Sight'. 

First Line of Existence 
We, the masses of today, are the number on a tax form or the number on a voting slip, we are only thought of as 'numbers' because, in reality, we do not matter, we are just a means to an end. In this reality we have a job, we have a mortgage, we live a care free life as long as all goes well, but we are natives in the jungle when it comes to understanding what is really going on. 

We have all seen newly discovered tribes in some far of land firing arrows and throwing spears at helicopters as they invade the privacy of their existence. Those natives live in the same reality as us, we have technology, they do not, we think we are the bee's knees, the ultimate, we are at a peak of our historical journey through life, and at this moment in time nothing or no one can get better than us… or so we think. Alas when it comes to understanding what's really going on we are on par with the natives firing arrows at a helicopter that shares their reality, but is so far removed from their state of understanding, we, like them, and because of our technological arrogance, do not have a clue about the real or alternate world that coexists with us. 

As the natives go about their business, huge jet airliners zig zag the skies above them, likewise as we, the high-tech natives go about 'our' business, most of us are oblivious to the fact that there appears to be, in outer space, if all the reports and accounts are true, a secret space program which has huge craft occasionally entering the Earth's atmosphere. These craft are sometimes seen by the high tech natives (us) and like our counterparts in the jungle, stand and look in amazement, not quiet believing what we are seeing. For many years all sorts of observations of craft traversing the heavens have been made, Earth sized objects coming into close proximity to the Sun, other objects near our Moon. Of the thousands of reports one thing stands out, nothing credible to prove that those observed craft are visiting Aliens has ever been forth coming, yet the word 'Aliens' is constantly, subliminally there, the idea, even though the media make fun of UFO/Alien sightings, that you must keep associating all that you see and cannot explain to be 'Alien Craft'. 

Is this psychological association - that every unusual craft we see in our skies must be Alien, a cover for the comings and goings of the secret space program? 

Second Line of Existence 
To this day no one has ever captured or produced an 'Alien Craft', or occupant of said craft. Stories galore litter our media concerning the sightings of UFO`s, but there is never a solution, no one in power seems interested in finding answers. To me that can only be because of one thing, those elite few in power know that these craft are basically ours (the high tech natives) but 'we', the masses, do not know it, it's the best kept secret of the elite and this secret has an overcoat disguise and it's called 'Alien', these people have put themselves far above us when judging our intelligence, just like we do with the jungle natives. 

The general public have been chasing the Alien/ UFO`s for well over 60-years or more and those in power are quite happy for us to carry on chasing them for another 60-years. Also have you noticed that when the establishment is confronted with a question concerning UFO`s, they are quick to say they have no evidence of visiting 'Alien' craft knowing full well we will not trust what the establishment tells us and make up our own minds that what we see is 'Alien'. 

We, in effect, are hiding the secret space program (if it exists) for them, by assuming everything what we see in our skies is 'Alien'. 

Third Line of Existence 
The third line of existence is the fact that the elite that control the secret space program are also considered as high tech natives of a next level (one above the human masses) because it is well believed that the elite are using Alien technology in their secret space program, and now they think they are the bee's knee's. This technology was part of secret deals with 'Aliens' and the elite of Earth, or so they say. The Aliens want something, a deal was done, but the vastly superior Alien`s more than likely look on the elite as the third stage of jungle native, clever, but not that clever they cannot be fooled. 
"What goes around comes around, we treat the jungle natives as stupid, the secret space program elite treat us as though we are stupid, and the Alien treats the elite as though they are stupid". 
All the time technology is being exchanged is there some 'Alien' plan being secretly implemented. Forget the Alien 'Gray' for the moment, this character has been push forward in our everyday lives too much for my liking, I bet most of you when you started to read this article and reached the word 'Alien' you automatically thought of the 'Gray', it's so well ingrained in your subconscious, I purposely left the word 'Gray' out to prove a point. How about the real Alien is just as human looking as us Earth masses, how about, while we are looking for the 'Grey' very human looking 'Aliens' are wining and dining here on Earth, all the time planning their next move, to fool the elite, to give them a false sense of security while they control our very existence and steer it in the direction they want it to go. 

How do we know they are not walking the corridors of power already because some of the actions of our Earthly governments are so 'Alien' to our society -  one has to wonder?
The English Cognizant Citizen

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Fukushima Shine

The Fukushima authorities and media have grossly under-reported the extent of the nuclear damage. 

Imagine 270 million cardboard book boxes (9,000,000 cubic metres), end-to-end, encircling the world of radioactive waste. This amount has been stored in black bags as a result of the disaster. However, according to estimates, there is another 13,000,000 cubic metres of radioactive soil yet to be accounted for.

And, there’s still more, the cleanup operations only go 50-100 feet beyond roadways. Plus, a 100-mile mountain range along the coast and hillsides around Fukushima are contaminated but not cleansed at all. As a consequence, the decontaminated land will likely be re-contaminated by radioactive runoff from the hills and mountains. Indubitably, how and where to store millions of cubic metres of one-tonne black bags filled with radioactive waste is no small problem. It is a super-colossal problem. What if bags deteriorate? What if a tsunami hits? The “what-ifs” are endless, endless, and beyond.
“The black bags of radioactive soil, now scattered at 115,000 locations in Fukushima, are eventually to be moved to yet-to-be built interim facilities, encompassing 16 square kilometers, in two towns close to the crippled nuclear power plant,” Ibid.
By itself, 115,000 locations each containing many, many, mucho one-tonne bags of radioactive waste is a logistical nightmare, just the trucking alone is forever a humongous task, decades to come. According to Japanese government and industry sources, cleaning up everything and decommissioning the broken down reactors will take at least 40 years at a cost of $250 billion, assuming nothing goes wrong. But dismally, everything that can possibly go wrong for Tokyo Electric Power Company (“TEPCO”) over the past 5 years has gone wrong, not a good record.

The 2020 Olympics
Yet, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant remains totally out of control with no end in sight. As far as that goes, Olympic events alongside an out of control nuclear meltdown seem unfathomable. As recently as October 30, 2015, The Japan Times reported: “Extremely high radiation levels and the inability to grasp the details about melted nuclear fuel make it impossible for the utility to chart the course of its planned decommissioning of the reactors at the plant.”

On the other hand, according to TEPCO, preparation is underway for removal of the melted nuclear fuel, scheduled to begin in 2021. “But it is difficult to know what is happening inside the reactors, and there are no established methods for doing so… It is not difficult to get a camera inside the reactor. The problem is the camera breaks down due to high levels of radiation,” according to Toru Ogawa, director of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency’s Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (Kiyoshi Ando, senior staff writer, Long Road Ahead for Fukushima Cleanup, Nikkei Asian Review, Feb. 19, 2016).

Beyond the remote possibility they find the melted nuclear core aka: corium, engineers have not yet figured out how to cart the molten core away, assuming it can ever be located, and somehow handled. Meantime, if molten core burrows through the steel-reinforced concrete containment vessels into Earth, then what? It is likely a disaster for the ages! But, what about the Olympics? If perchance melted nuclear core penetrates its steel-reinforced concrete containment vessel and burrows into the ground, it likely results in deadly isotopes uncontrollably spreading erratically, ubiquitously into surrounding underground soil and water. It is difficult to imagine Olympic events where melted nuclear core is still at large.
“Sporting events at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are to be held in the Japanese region of Fukushima… Spectators and athletes in the Olympic village will be served with food from the region as part of an effort to restore the reputation of Fukushima, formerly one of Japan’s richest agricultural regions,” Fukushima to Host Olympic 2020 Events, The Times, Feb. 25, 2015.
Unprecedented Disaster
Japan has declared a state of emergency due to recent events at the Fukushima nuclear reactor.

Officials have said that the damages at the reactor are "far worse than previously thought". They have found that melted fuel has contaminated underground water and melted core appears to have spread out over an "extensive area". Furthermore, a gaping 2-meter wide hole has been found under the containment vessel.

A camera probe was sent in to survey the damage and it revealed that part of the grating is missing as well. Three days later a plant operator announced that the radiation levels at the reactor have soared to levels never before seen. Readings taken inside the containment vessel at the number 2 reactor of the disabled nuclear facility stood at 530 sieverts per hour, the highest recorded since the disaster. Before these recent readings, the highest reading ever recorded was 73 sieverts per hour. 

These recent developments have been described by many as "unprecedented" and "unimaginable". Many in the field state that they have never considered the possibility of working with levels as high as these. Another disturbing disclosure came as a boss revealed that 600 tons of fuel had melted and cannot be found. "Nobody really knows where it is he stated". There had been hopes of decommissioning the reactors in the past, but these recent developments show that it will be impossible to do so. With the cores missing, decommissioning or containment becomes impossible. Uncontrolled fissioning continues under the site. 

This is by far the worst nuclear disaster to ever occur on earth. With no end in sight. Uncontrollable fissioning will continue for years to come.

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Trump and the Last Card

Will Donald Trump be the one to start disclosure or the false flag last card?

It has just dawned on me as I was reading a post on `Project Camelot` it is titled:- `Trumped The Alien Agenda`. 

At the beginning she explained the meaning of the card game `Trumps` (the whole topic revolves around `Donald Trump` by the way). But what clicked with me was Carol Rosin said as you know that the last `Card` will be the `Alien Card` so I ask will Donald Trump (think card game) be the one to start disclosure or the false flag last card? is he the last card? 

It could all be coincidence, I know, but to have a man with the name of a card game as President and the last card to be played would be the Alien card… I`m now thinking is what Werner Von Braun said soon to become true and events are leading to a false flag Alien invasion. Von Braun was right how he said world events would play out, and that was back in the 70`s. 

Preston James has often said that the law of this conflict between good and evil is that they have to state their intentions. Is that what they are doing when Trump surprisingly won the presidential election? did they shove it in our faces like `This is what we are going to do, we are going to play the Alien card, the last card, `The Trump Card`. 

Time will tell if the `Last Card` is about to be played, and if I`m right.

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Running in Circles

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of UFO and paranormal researchers, thousands of hours of videos and interviews, millions of documents and testimonies by people from all walks of life concerning abductions sightings and encounters. Yet we still have no solid definitive proof of Alien life forms and their machines, something to touch and hold, a UFO to walk inside, to talk with the occupants, to touch them and their machinery. 

This may have happened to the individual, but to get the message across it needs to happen to thousands upon thousands of people at the same time. But at this moment that ideal scenario seems a long way off, purely because we appear, or should I say, life appears, to be running in circles decade after decade. Imagine humanity is the ball on a Roulette Wheel that ball keeps dropping in every slot except the one labelled Disclosure, all the other slots represent the many aspects of life. 

So with that in mind just step back and look at the whole picture of life on this world, something is not right, everything is going in circles. Everyone knows by now that war and fighting dominate this world, year after year thousands are murdered in pointless orchestrated conflicts, news items of fear are regurgitated in an endless stream, the internet is full of potential threats to humanity none of which come to fruition. 

How many times do we have read that the end of humanity is just around the corner? Politicians spout the same rubbish time and again, they just talk, talk and talk and criticise the other parties, they appear, or want to appear, they are doing something. You are encouraged to vote when elections are on the agenda, but they really do not care about your vote they just want you to play the game. I have noticed how films and TV episodes are re-done or told for the next generation, many times I have asked myself why are they doing a particular series again because they did that story years ago, it is really for the next generation of prisoners. I say prisoners because that`s what it appears like, we are being kept busy, occupied, the same hard labour of breaking rocks, keeping our eyes to the ground and asking no questions. 

If this is the case and we are being kept busy, does this imply that our reality is controlled, as I have stated above the fight for UFO and paranormal disclosure is endless without any conclusion in sight, how many more years will this go on for? If reality is controlled then who is doing it and why, who wants to keep us here? Yes we are dangerous, that could be a very good reason, perhaps we carry a parasite of murderous hate that needs to be cured before we travel the Universe? At the moment we appear to be acting like children left home alone, Mom and Dad have locked the kids in while they nip off somewhere, the only problem is the kids are wrecking the house. The truth is just that, bored kids do wreck houses, and most of the time the big kids rule the little ones. Too often in society we see young people traumatized by the fact that they do not know or have any real parents, is that how the human race is? is humanity traumatized by the fact we do not know where we come from, who our parents/guardians are. 

This asks the question that if we could get that Roulette Ball to drop into the Disclosure slot, to know our true history, to find out where we belong, and to know we are not alone, would we be overcome with a great sense of relief and peace, would our continuous repetitive murderous reality forever be changed for the good. Will these revelations help the children grow up well-adjusted and ready to venture out into the Cosmos? 

It is my belief that our reality is controlled by the big kids in the house, they have discovered by rooting in the cupboards of life Mom and Dads/Guardians secrets, they have learned how to use those secrets, they have created a reality for themselves far above what the little children know, they have unlocked the door to the house and have ventured out, something their parents did not want them to do. They have traveled to Mars the Moon and many other places, building an empire, a secret space program that is involved in a space war, is this space war because the parents have come home and are not pleased that some of their children have found the key to the door? 

Our reality is definitely controlled so that the small kids are kept in the play pen running in circles, the big kids are doing the controlling, the question is how do we get to enlightenment to know our true history to know what the big kids know. I think it will eventually be down to our parents or guardians (Aliens), it will be down to them to snap that circle of deceit that has had us running in circles for years, I do not know how they will do it but they will, and that`s because the people in power here on planet Earth have lost our trust, once we know all that is hidden the big kids will lose their power and hopefully peace will reign. 

I would like to think that time is fast approaching, because just how much more can this world take? Our Guardians had better make their move soon because the kids are about to burn the house down.


ARCHONS, MIND CONTROL, AND A MOM! A path to enlightenment!

Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny Insider Account of Alien Contact & Government Cover-Up

Abe Lincoln Craziness You've Never Heard Of

Thanks for A Man Called Da-Da  for this excerpt from Alex Christopher's impossible-to-find book, Pandora's Box.

Little has been published about the early life of Abraham Lincoln. However, during a search of some old property records and will in a small courthouse in central North Carolina, Alex Christopher, the author of Pandora's Box, found the will of one A. A. Springs. Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed at the secret that it disclosed, but one must remember that it is a known fact that wills, even though they are classified public records are rarely combed through, and these records hold many dark secrets that can be hidden in public view, but are never uncovered because there are very few who research these old records.

A Surprising Find
In the will of A. A. Springs was the list of his property. Mr. Christopher, and others, were looking to find what railroads and banks this man might have owned and had left to his son, Leroy Springs. He didn't find anything like that, but he did find the prize of the century. On the bottom of page three of four pages was a paragraph where the father, A. A. Springs, left to his son an enormous amount of land in the state of Alabama which amounted to the land that is today known as Huntsville, Alabama and then he went into detail to name the son and at first Mr. Christopher and the others with him couldn't believe what they were seeing, but there it was the name of the son and it was "ABRAHAM LINCOLN"!

This new information about the Springs (real name Springstein) family was just another twist. [But] this new information about Lincoln built a fire under them to see where this new lead would take them, because everything they had found in the railroad and banking saga had been a real mind-bender. So they inquired at the local archives and historical records on families and found a reference to one Abraham Lincoln in the family genealogy of the family of the Carolina by the name of McAdden, in a published genealogy on the family. The family members in the Carolinas were in a limited edition that at one time could be found in the public libraries. The section on Lincoln and the story went something like the following: "In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks, who was of the family lineage of the McAdden family was visiting some of her family in the community of Lincolnton, North Carolina. While on her stay with family in the Carolina', she visited with many of the neighboring families that she had known for many years; one such visit was the Springs family. The sordid details had been omitted but obviously the young Nancy Hanks had found herself in a compromised position and was forced to succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs. She became pregnant as a result. There were no details of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless female. Abraham Lincoln was the result of that act, which leads one to wonder if the name 'Lincoln' was real or a fabricated name for the are of conception was 'Lincolnton.' Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since the 'Springs' were Jewish, that made Lincoln part Jew, and as part of the Springs family, he also became a relative of the Rothschild family by blood."

The following information was derived from information that exists in the Smithsonian, National Archives, the Congressional Library, Courtroom Police files, public and private libraries and storage vaults across the United States and Europe: "Abraham Lincoln was slapped three times with a white glove by a member of the Hapsburg royal family of Germany (Payseur family relatives) during a White House reception in 1862. The German royal family member demanded a pistol duel with the then President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The blows to the face stunned Lincoln but he non-verbally refused to participate in the duel by bowing his head before walking out of the reception room." What had ol' honest Abe done to so enrage and up-set the royal European personage?

Now It Gets Juicy
It seems that the practice of promiscuity was rampant in many families in those days and the German King Leopold had an illegitimate daughter named 'Elizabeth' who was sent to America, where she lived in a very comfortable manner. Although Leopold could not recognize her position, he was very interested in her life. In the early or mid 1850s, Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth began having sexual liaisons that produced twin daughters named 'Ella' and 'Emily' in 1856. The regal German father who was so royally up-set with ol' honest Abe probably had full knowledge of what the true blood line of Lincoln really was. Abraham's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, did not find out about Elizabeth, Ella and Emily until 1865. Previous to being informed about Elizabeth and the twins, Mrs. Lincoln had developed a ravaging dependency on opium. Her main supplier of the drug was a former member of the Confederate Intelligence community, he was a former member because the Southern gentlemen did not approve of his drug pushing and unreliable behavior. It was because of his involvement with the Southern Intelligence Community, Mary's supplier -- John Wilkes Booth -- knew about the lover and the illegal twins.

After being spurned by the Confederate intelligence community, [Booth] approached and became involved with the Rothschild Empire of Europe, for he realized the European banking moguls would be very interested in his pipeline to the White House. (At this time) Lincoln was searching for an issue that would unite the North and South after the Civil War ended. The issue needed to be popular to all levels of American citizenry so they could 'rally around the Stars and Stripes' thus rapidly healing the wounds of the bloodiest war in history. Lincoln was seriously considering one major movement or event that would galvanize his fellow Northern and Southern patriot countrymen into cutting loose the United States of America from the dictatorial grip of the Hapsburg's bloodline of banking control in Europe. All the time, the Rothschild's were trying to take control of the entire world monetary system, and at that time the Rothschild's were trying to get a foot-hold in America and find a way around the British, Virginia Company, and French Bourbon family that were gaining control in this country through government help.

Lincoln found himself in hot water, because under the Virginia Company covenant, the 48 families that formed it were all of the "Holy Grail Bloodline." This country was to be an extension of what all the royal families of Europe controlled. The royalty of Europe is 'Hapsburg,' no matter what their name is. The royal family of England is one such example. Now what Lincoln did is he wanted to become independent of the... Rothschild side ... the Rothschild's and their family bloodline have always been undermining the affairs of the Hapsburg's and stealing the monetary control away from them. No matter what the history books say, the Rothschild's didn't get (total) real control on things in America and the Federal Reserve until the Springs usurped the Payseur family companies in the early 1920's. (But Lincoln had fallen from Rothschild grace, and so, due in part to his Executive Order to print United States Greenbacks, thus interfering with the International Banks' profits). It appears that the Rothschild family wanted Lincoln embarrassed to the maximum degree. 

So, [Booth] was hired to kidnap the President of the United States. Abraham would be put on a boat for a two month cruise of the Atlantic where he would be injected with and addicted to opium and then dumped on the streets of Washington. While the forcefully addicted President was stumbling around our nation's capital, the press would be informed of Elizabeth, Ella and Emily.

[Booth] and the collaborator (agent) of the Rothschild's had his perfect accomplice in the plot to kidnap and discredit the leader of the North American Continent in the First Lady, Mary Todd Lincoln. After being informed of Abe's lover and the twins and the kidnap plot by her drug supplier, Mary was promised that after her husband resigned or was impeached, she and Abe would be moved to Europe to live happily ever after with plenty of opium. Superficially, Mary expressed a desire to live in Europe with plenty of opium and no Civil War or Politics to distract her husband or family. But [Booth] had totally underestimated the confusion, desperation and anger of Mary Todd Lincoln.

Now It Gets Crazy
The plotters decided the Presidential snatch needed to take place in a public, yet discreet location where minimum witnesses would be present. There were too many potential witnesses at the White House. Two hours before the capture was to take place, Mary Todd had on the floor, a tantrum, because Abe had decided not to go out of the White House that night. Mary's outrageous outburst caused Abe to change his mind and the First family departed. Several minutes after arriving at the kidnap location, Mary instructed the family bodyguard to take a position that placed the First Family out of his visual sight. The position also required the bodyguard to traverse several flights of stairs to reach Abe and Mary should he be needed for any reason ... A wagon with a wooden cover arrived at the back entrance of the kidnap location with several men including [Booth]. The plan was for [Booth] to traverse the backstairs entrance, silently move down a hallway, and open an unlocked door to a darkened room where Mary and Abe were sitting.

After entering the room, [Booth] would tell the President an urgent message was waiting for him at the War Department. Before descending down the backstairs, Abe would be knocked out with chloroform. The kidnappers would load the limp body into the covered wagon and swiftly stow Lincoln on an opium boat for a novel 'cruise' of the Atlantic Ocean. When Booth actually opened the door to the darkened room where Abe and Mary were sitting, he went into a panic and shock. Abe was asleep with his head on Mary's left shoulder and the First Lady had her head turned toward the left looking at the door. When she was sure the man who opened the door was Booth, she turned and looked at the President to be sure the pistol she was pointing would explode beneath the lower left earlobe of her husband.

Before Mary pulled the trigger, John Wilkes Booth, drug supplier to the First Lady, realized he was the patsy in all this mess. But he did not know if he was only Mary's patsy or also a chump for the Rothschild family. Were the men hiding around the back door of Ford's Theater there to help Booth with the kidnapping or there to point the false finger at the 'innocent' Booth? Booth was not about to run into the hallway or down the backstairs to find out the answer to that question. The only escape route was to jump the balcony and crash onto the stage during the performance. That night, Booth gave a literal interpretation of the theatrical phrase 'break a leg' as he fractured one of his during his leaping act from 'lethally loony Mary' and the men lurking around the back entrance of Ford's Theater.

In a novelty case located on a wall in Ford's Theater is, 'The Gun That Shot Abraham Lincoln.' If anyone (assassin) were to kill a head of state, they would use a revolver, because several bullets might be needed to accomplish the murder and stop any guards during the escape. One would only use a one-shot pistol if they were absolutely sure they had intimate access to the victim. The gun on the wall of Ford's Theater is a derringer - the perfect weapon for the left handed female assassin who did not attend her husbands funeral. Mary Todd was not hiding in her room due to overwhelming grief and sorrow; she was imprisoned in her room with two armed guards for two weeks after killing her husband.

In the 1860's, an Act of Congress mandated the compensation of widows of former and active Congressmen, Senators, Vice Presidents and Presidents. The month and duration was ratified by both Houses of Congress for each widow. Mary Todd Lincoln applied for her widowers compensation three times and was denied the mandated compensation three times by both Houses of Congress. An unknown benefactor paid for Mary's passage to Europe where she died in a small cottage in Germany.

In 1867, the Secret Service was founded so that drunken municipal law enforcement could not unwittingly participate with drug-addicted First Ladies or Gentlemen in vengeful high-brow killings of philandering Presidents of the United States. (To cover up the murders committed which would reflect a bad light for the presiding Administration, such as the Vince Foster murder of President Clinton's administration). Before Booth jumped out of the balcony of the Presidential Box of the Ford Theater, he shouted at General Riley and his wife who were sitting to the right-front of the Lincolns. Booth's words expressed his innocence but also sealed the fate of the Riley's. Within a week of the shooting, General Riley and his wife were packed off to an insane asylum where they both died of 'unknown causes' within 30 days of being committed." (Pandora's Box, by Alex Christopher, pp. 282-286).

What Lynn (from Psychic Focus) Saw
"In looking at this, this resonates as being true! I also heard things like, 'the only things we learned in school are what they want you to know.' The Powers-That-Were (PTW) want us to feel the greatness of it all, while hiding the truth, as they don't want to be viewed for all their misdeeds, which are countless. The PTW know that people wouldn't be willing to fight for their country, etc., if they knew what their 'leaders' were really like.

"John Wilkes Booth did NOT shoot Lincoln, that's true. But I get that Mary was not the "druggie" she was purported to be; she did take some things, but she wasn't exactly a crazed "druggie" as this suggests. She was horribly depressed. She was a sad and unhappy person. She was so angry and sad and depressed -- and tired of Abe's extramarital affairs -- that SHE shot him and set up Booth as patsy. Booth wasn't necessarily a "pusher," that's awfully harsh, as is the word, "druggie," but he did provide medications that were to help Mary, not to make her dependent. Booth really cared about Mary and was trying to help her.