
The Third Force

An article presented by Veterans Today talks about a Third Force inhabiting the earth.
This is the description of the Third Force which many historians have stated is a strong hidden hand in the background controlling all world events. The article describes itself as an attempt to shed some light on this little discussed quite shadowy subject and perhaps provide a framework for some plausible answers from what is now known or strongly suspected. Many historians have stated that there is a strong hidden hand in the background controlling all world events. They sense this Third Force but declined to identify it or its most visible minions. As Woodrow Wilson’s famous quote goes:
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
Major Societal Forces
FIRST FORCE – this is present in every battle whether overt war or covert power struggles
SECOND FORCE - counter-force or opposition
THIRD FORCE – an additional counter-force which can exert much more power and exist without being specifically targeted when carefully concealed or covert
It has been suggested numerous times that this mighty force for Evil in the world, has attained power over nation states by setting up puppets to control them to conform to their overall world goals. Since the advent of the internet there has been an explosion of research and disclosures about this THIRD FORCE.
The work of numerous excellent very well informed researchers, historians, journalists and intel experts has made it possible to make reasonable hypotheses about this Third Force which has been mysteriously and covertly influencing human destiny in a blatantly evil and foreboding fashion under different dress among the few most powerful nations in order to pit them against each other as a continuing strategy of tension to divide and conquer strategy of producing continued states of conflict and massive chaos which allows major changes to be made by the Powers That Be which would otherwise not be possible. 
In recent years numerous researchers and journalists have been connecting the dots as never before and have started arriving at the conclusion that there is a secret, covert major and very powerful and “bad to the bone” THIRD FORCE which appears to have captured most of the major nation states of the world and appears to have somehow gained control over its leaders to act as parasites upon their citizens while cooperating with each other to produce a New World Order Globalist Tyranny; its operative ideology being “ends justifies the means” with absolutely no value placed on human life, a complete lack of love or any humanity at all.
There are differing views of what the Third Force actually is:
  • The THIRD FORCE might be what the Old Black Nobility called the “teeming power of Lucifer” that controls the whole earth within the limits allowed by God Almighty and asks is this THIRD FORCE non-human or alien. Some have claimed that these Alien entities (they call extraterrestrials or ETs) are actually benevolent and are here to rescue mankind from himself. The best evidence to date is that this is not true at least for those who are predominantly in control. This is based on reports of a treaty made by President Eisenhower with some which started out good and ended up with these ETs proving to be very deceptive, and notably evil and predatory. This subject was discussed in the article, Secret Space War in Veterans today. 
  • The THIRD FORCE are extra terrestrials that have come to Earth as parasites to con and manipulate to fulfill their secret agenda, some have referred to as “the Alien Agenda” which is to create a NWO Globalist system with a greatly reduced population, complete control, access to human genetics to create a new trans-human hybrid race and full access to all earth’s resources, supposedly all to be done in order to quarantine the Earth and keep it from harming the universe as they develop nuclear technology which can get out of hand.
Running out of Time
The question arises “if the third force is so superior in intelligence why doesn’t it just kill off everyone in its way and just take over anytime it wants?” The best answer comes from those on the inside of the top power structures who have claimed that there are certain “Rules of Play” that must be obeyed by the Creator or the MAIN FORCE of the Universe. These rules have been described as:
  • folks cannot have their innermost free-will taken away
  • they must be told what the super-elites are planning to do ahead of time
  • the champions to fight them must be allowed to arise since the THIRD FORCE must win fair and square to demonstrate its superiority and full power, etc
The Powers That Be know that their time to fully implement their plan is short since people are starting to awaken to their inhuman, evil plans and with the Internet the alternative news is getting the truth out at breakneck speed. It is time for folks to wake up and realize that the earth has been invaded and hijacked by a foreign enemy which is being influenced by a Third Force that appears to have an evil anti-human agenda.
According to rumours from well placed sources the dilemma faced by the sinister Third Force is: On the one hand those doing the dirty work (the puppets in power) are being told that unless they complete the plan quickly, the aliens (the THIRD FORCE) who run them according to a “alien agenda” will just go ahead and institute major disasters or even perhaps destroy the earth (an obvious lie according to those than know the “Rules of Play”). But the Powers That Be are afraid that if they move too fast they will elicit a major mass awakening of the public which will create a push-back so large they will be defeated and driven out of office or worse.
The Third Force deeply fears people power. They look on us as a sleeping giant, who if fully awakened has the ability to bring their regime completely down in a week. The super-elites know that civilisation is on the verge of a mass awakening and they are afraid. That is why they are moving fast and going for broke because they know their time may be short. So they are now moving ahead as fast as they dare, and perhaps they have now gone too far too fast because they have lost their judgment and listened to ivory tower experts who do not understand the strength of the human spirit. The Third Force operates on mind control and bluff. If folks pull the curtain back the power evaporates.
Is the Third Force a timeless ancient Beast of Old? Or is it merely the current face of EVIL which is a very old Beast and common enemy of mankind which goes all the way back to man’s creation?
This article is dedicated to all well connected folks who have done their part to reveal some of these deepest secrets behind the hijacking of humanity, and to those that have been persecuted or lost their lives getting the truth out. The original article can be read here. It was written by Preston James PhD
Comment - During the week I pondered this THIRD FORCE and it political implications, because long before I had read anything concerning a hidden hand manipulating humanity, I came to the conclusion world events were in fact governed by off world controllers. I was re-reading the THIRD FORCE when it suddenly struck me, could this THIRD FORCE also be responsible for a host of other events , events like animal mutilations, disappearances, ufo`s, strange entities. Who knows why a superior intelligence would want to keep us guessing by inflicting paranormal events on us, perhaps that is it, keep us looking the other way while it gains even more control. It is certainly food for thought.
The English Cognizant Citizen

"Something Big is Coming"

"NASA's Curiosity rover should be running at full capacity next week after a computer glitch temporarily suspended the robot."

One reader writes - "I could not understand why I could not access any images from the Mars Raw Image site, well apparently one of Curiosity`s computers has develop a glitch, hindering the image sending, it’s the first glitch I think they said in 7-months. This glitch happened just before Curiosity could send the results of the soil sample it drilled for.
I managed to find Richard C Hoaglands comment about the glitch on youtube its really worth listening to he say some interesting stuff he also has the knack of reading between the lines and fitting the puzzle together.
Richard Hoagland is on in the first hour, you need to jump about 8-mins in for him to start talking, his talk finishes about the 40-min mark, so its about a half hour long. News seems to say that there is a big push for a manned mission to Mars by 2022 and there are lots of players. So is Richard Hoagland right when he says "Something big is coming", perhaps an announcement, we will have to wait and see."
The English Cognizant Citizen

Aliens and God

Has anyone noticed that the world is slowly being conditioned to accept the presence of alien beings.

 All over the internet are articles written about the possible meeting and engagement of alien life forms. This is referred to as the 4th kind. It has been taken for granted by those who accept the existance of aliens that they are empowered with higher technology and  therefore a higher conciousness. By coming to earth it is assumed that their purpose is to share with us their power and technology with the enlightenment of lifting us out of our earthly troubles and saving us from ourselves.
When I think of all the people who would welcome this interaction with aliens I have a visualisation of my neighbour with her open acceptance of everyone. A wonderful way to be of course; but thinking of her inviting an extraterrestrial into her house to accept a cup of tea and discussing worldly matters brings me to realise that there are a lot of people who would do the exact same thing - offering courteous hospitality to those perceived to have a higher intelligence. But were that a possibility why would an alien not choose to have a cup of tea with the president? 

The fact is: HUMANS were given control over the earth and all things on it (Gen1:26). There is no mention of extraterrestrial aliens having control over HUMANS and our earth; which is exactly what aliens have been achieving surreptitiously.  
This is the biggest deception. It is in our minds that aliens do not exist. It is in our minds that aliens are not creating confusion, fear and death on this earth. 

Has anyone wondered why all abductions, mutilations and strange lights always happen at night? It is because aliens are creatures of the darkness, their power is at night. They do not live in the light of day or the light of God.
People do not realise that we are actually more powerful than any life form not of this earth.
We can protect ourselves against these terrifying beings. We can protect our people, our animals and our earth by praying; by visualising a white light covering anything and everything. Ask for deliverance.

Our world is in trouble at the moment.

God has his own forces at work out there. If you do happen to have a strange encounter you must trust your instincts. Do you feel that this is a good or bad experience?  Your instincts will tell you what to believe. For more information about how to protect yourself read the section" Bothered by Entities?"
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Strange Forest Death of UK Rabbit - WARNING

Parkhall Stroke-on-Kent UK an area known as the ArenaBody of rabbit found without blood and gore despite internal organs missing MUTILATIONS IN A UK FOREST.
"My son walks his Staffordshire Bull Terriers at night because they tend to jump up on people and greet them; he solves this problem by walking them in the dark in a lonely place where there is less people. On the 21st Feb 2013, he turned up at our house with a dead rabbit. The dogs had been for their nightly run around an area known as the Arena in Parkhall Hills UK when they suddenly became quiet.
Close up of rabbits head with missing ears and eyesRear end of rabbit On investigating he came across the body of a rabbit (Fig 1) in the under growth under a tree. The back of its head was missing so was its brain and ears, there was no blood around the back of the head (Fig 2). I explored the body for the signs of shot gun pellet marks, there were none. I searched for claw marks thinking has a large owl grabbed it by the head with one claw and the other claw grabbed somewhere on the body, again there was nothing. On the back end of the rabbit, again, as in other animals I have found in this area, the back end had been violated (Fig 4) (Mouse with Strange Marks will be posted 27 April).
After taking a photograph I cut the skin on the stomach area, this revealed that the body cavity was empty, there may have been a couple of organs higher up but the body cavity should have been full, there were some organs in there but I cannot see the stomach or intestines or anything that looks like the gall bladder. I know this because I have just finished watching a Vet on youtube showing you a dissected rabbit.

This was, according to my son, a fresh kill as the rabbit’s legs were still floppy and very loose; no rigor mortise. It was the next day when the first signs of blood dripped from the back end of the animal. I might add this rabbit was found very close to the farm where a number of dead sheep were found minus their back legs and about a mile as the crow flies from the fish bone skeleton. (
Unusual Skeletons in UK Forest will be posted 20 April).
I`m at a loss to think what could enter the rear end of a rabbit through a small hole, too small for a rat, and neatly eat or remove most of the internal organs, even though my veterinary skills are nil I still think a strange killing event took place.

I often wonder about these Orbs that have been witnessed before a mutilation, in fact one woman on the internet said she saw an Orb shoot from under a rabbit hutch where several rabbits had been mutilated.

Are these Orbs intelligent or are they a parasite" 
Two of the images have not been published due to their graphic nature.

Odd Disappearance

Last year, it was not yet dark, just dusky, my son was on the flat in the Arena throwing a plastic ring for his dogs, they like it to be thrown fast along the ground like a wheel, they then chase after it. This particular throw was towards the top area of the flat, his dogs took off after it and my son could see where the ring was going, but then he noticed they were sniffing the ground confused. He thought what’s up with them, the ring must be just there somewhere. The dogs normally grab the ring and tear back with it for the next throw,

My son walked over to where he calculated the ring should be, but to his amazement it was not there, he searched along with the dogs and found nothing. He said that when he threw it he could see the ring losing momentum so it did not go up the embankment. My wife and I were up there early the following morning we searched everywhere and came away empty handed. Just thought I would share this with you, could be something could be nothing, but it makes you think about the area.

Argentina Animal Deaths

Cattle Mutilations having been taking the forefront lately especially in Argentina where strange deaths happened to a herd of cattle. The details of that news article can be read here.
In 2011 an article hit the world which made people sit up and take notice. Exactly how much of it is to be believed we will probably never know.
More than 8,000 cattle were snatched by mystery aircraft, mutilated, then dropped from the skies above the US south west in the late 1970s, special agents told their directors.
An FBI document dated January, 1979, said: “The Department of Justice advised that their criminal division has been aware of the phenomenon of animals being mutilated in a manner that would indicate such acts were performed by persons as part of a ritual or ceremony.”
Kenneth Rommel, who led the FBI’s Animal Mutilation Project probe, wrote a bombshell memo on March 5, 1980, on one alien swoop.
It stated: “In July 1978 a UFO was reportedly sighted by a resident of Taos, New Mexico, hovering over a pick-up truck. The following morning powder flakes were reportedly recovered from the truck roof.” Locals told the FBI the flakes came from COW HIDES, he added.
Possible theories for the mutilations examined by the FBI included claims the CIA or US Department of Energy had carried out biological warfare tests on the cows, that religious cults were to blame or that “they have some connection with unidentified objects”.
Declassified FBI files reveal how the White House was sent into a panic by suspected alien sacrifices of COWS. THE US Air Force had a secret unit that probed UFO sightings for 22 years called Project Blue Book ran from 1947 and examined 12,618 sightings. Investigators FAILED to get to the bottom of the mystery sightings, then closed Blue Book in 1969 citing “extreme pressure on Air Force funds” releasing a dossier concluding that no UFOs had been a threat to national security and having no evidence of “extraterrestrial vehicles”. Source 
Argentina is know for its unusual animal deaths. Read a Gust of Wind where the mutilation of three goats was preceded by a strange gust of foul smelling wind.

Horses have been found dead with strange wounds. The animals appeared to have been killed on the spot where they were found. Click here to read these articles but be warned of the graphic content.

Myrna Hansen, and her son was abducted in 1980 after witnessing two white-suited beings working on a cow near Cimarron, New Mexico. The cow was bellowing in pain and Myrna tried to interfere.  Source

Mothers who try to help an animal are not making up a sensational story just to be ridiculed. This should be proof enough of who is doing the mutilations.

Questionable Images

Mars Rover Curiosity

Before It's News has an eye opening article about technology that has been hidden from the rest of the world. Spy drones that can capture details of our world unrevealed to our knowledge in its extreme detail. The video below give the details.
"Why are they letting us in on this technology now? What are they still hiding? I'm 100% sure they also have drones with the capability shown below that have the added capability of being able to see through walls, ceilings, buildings and more. Think about that! Are 'they' watching you and I, our intimate lives, our children sleeping and bathing, our family meals every day, inside of our homes, while we are completely unaware? You'll be totally blown away when you watch this video to see what they can see."Source.
If technology has come this far why is the Mars Rover Curiosity sending back images so blurry it is difficult to make out the details.  Closer inspection of this image seems to show a building with straight lines in the background. Other images in the SOL 165, 166, 167 and 168 also have questionable shaped landmarks.
"As you may know there are a number of camera`s on board Curiosity, well one particular camera puzzles me, and that is the Navcam. It appears that some pictures it takes are blurred, the problem being they are the most interesting pictures on the site. When you view them you will see what I mean, either my eyes are playing trick on me or NASA is hiding something, if they have nothing to hide why are they blurred. Also if the pictures are nothing but mundane landscape, why on this recent set of pictures did they take 24 blurred photo`s in black and white. I thought we had seen the last of bad and blurred images after the first Moon landing, especially when you consider the technology we have today. Why bother to release blurred photo`s anyway, you cannot do anything with them, maybe we are meant to ask questions."

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