
Cat Mutilations and Taigheirm

Cat Mutilations were rampant in Orange County California back in the 90s. Newspaper reports counted sixty seven cases in twelve weeks. It is a problem where dogs don’t bark and no noise is heard despite the mindless gore and violence happening under the noses of neighbourhood inhabitants.
A resident recently sent an image of a half cat which he discovered on his front lawn. A shocking and gross experience which has been repeated countlessly by dozens of people in the area. 

But how many incidents are not discovered or not reported?
What dreadful things are going on outside of our houses during the night?
“Pet owners, galvanized by recent reports of ritualistic animal mutilations in California, New Jersey, Florida and other states, say all signs point to something very unnatural, possibly a satanic cult or youth gangs at work. But animal control and sheriff's officers, after necropsies on dozens of cats and consultation with a Federal wildlife expert, say the more likely culprits are urbanized coyotes. There is never any blood at the scene, the animals are often dismembered with surgical precision and paws and other body parts are often left on the ground in strikingly similar arrangements. No one ever seems to hear anything nor do dogs bark during the killing.”
How does an urbanized coyote kill or feast on a cat and leave no sign of the incident? Are they trying to tell us that the coyotes can achieve this soundlessly and cleanly and then distribute the carcass? I feel that the experts are at a loss to explain the source of the killing and are presenting findings filled with logical explanations which are meant to nullify our horrors at what is increasingly appearing to be a problem of unknown origins.
Another reader expressed his thought that cat mutilations may be related to the Scottish ritual of Taigheirm which means either an armoury, or the cry of a cat; mostly given to an ancient magic rite in which cats were sacrificed. The cries of tormented cats were also the weapons used to overwhelm the opposition that demons presented to human requests. This mainly happened in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, although it is believed that the ceremony originated in more northerly climes, and was practised until about the end of the 18th Century. The last time the Taigheirm was performed in the Highlands was in the island of Mull and the place is still well known to the inhabitants. I won’t give the details of this horrid rite but it is enough to say that the act does not incorporate half cats or the innards of cats which discounts Taigheirm as a reason for widespread cat mutilations. Not discounting the fact of course that something we are not aware of in this modern day might have taken its place.

What if we all invested in security camera's?
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Alien Encounters in Australia

Victoria, Australia is being invaded by aliens!

Newspaper headlines in Australia testify that there is witness accounts to verify the existence of alien-like beings with the scars to prove it. 
"Accounts of UFO sightings are on the rise across the state. And the increased activity has resulted in more people coming forward to share their stories of alien abduction and encounters."  
Abduction accounts include:
  • A young woman who thought the “beautiful technologically advanced spaceship” and a "green reptilian" figure was all part of a dream until she discovered the scar where she was inserted by a needle-like object in her shoulder which x-rays later confirmed as having a “rogue object” embedded within.
  • A man who awoke in fright to discover a “skinny grey being” standing next to his bed with a hypnotising stare. An encounter which happened again in his backyard during daylight hours, this time standing beside his car and “shimmering in an inky glow and reading his thoughts”.
These encounters are one of many being investigated by Victorian UFO Action group, a not-for-profit organisation with a team of ten volunteer enthusiasts who try and be scientific in their approach and analyse the footage and speak to witnesses.
"Sometimes it is obvious and it can just be a bird, bug, plane or even a Chinese lantern. Then we get some other cases where we go 'Wow!
The news article can be read on this link:

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Secret Science

I think there's a lot of Advanced Technological things that are shown in movies that have actually been developed or in the process of being developed in real life.... look back at old science fiction movies that, at the time those movies were made, people never thought some of those technologies would ever exist but they do exist today.

With that in mind comes the questions:
  • Are these science fiction movies a way for the governments, or whatever, to get the public’s opinion or reaction before they bring them into reality?
  • Are UFOs being unleashed on the public through movies and portrayed as friendly so that when it really happens the groundwork will be done and the world be fooled into a false sense of security?
There was a scene on Stargate Universe where a crew member was walking along a corridor in I think what was a space ship, suddenly he came face to face with a swirling mist of particles, he drew his gun and fired several shots in its direction. The particles came closer then attacked him, end of scene, later I heard the other crew members discussing the attack, and one them said, ‘Did you see what it did to his face’. It made me wonder about the mutilation attacks and other phenomena, should we be looking for something different than solid entities and aliens when these attacks take place.

Certainly food for thought.
The English Cognizant Citizen


Demons & Nightmares

"I have always been drawn to the Demonic side of Ufology; you have something Alien and something not Alien, something more evil and cunning. By evil I do not mean evil deeds but more of a feeling, something we really do not understand, we sense it and we fear it but we do not know why.
I talk like this because as a very young child I had some extremely terrifying, what, as then, I could only call dreams. I would have been about 6-years old when the night-time terrors started, you may think that`s what it was but let’s think.
It was 1956, there was very little television to influence my night-time sleep period, no horror stories were told, there was no reason for my torment. So why was I pursued in my dreams by unseen entities hell bent on holding me down or chasing me down stairs in slow motion with invisible fingers grasping at my back and waist, many nights I went crying to my parents’ bedroom. One particular dream (I call them dreams because I do not know what was really taking place) involved me making my way down some steps to a cellar, when I opened the door an old lady stood there sorting through a load of dirty what appeared to me as washing, when she saw me she lifted up her hand and with one finger beckoned to me to come in, the terror was immense.  
It was only recently that my memory of that dream was ignited when I read on Enigma Earth about a child who disappeared in a National Park of America ,the child found himself in a cave strewn with various artefacts, old guns and the like, and most weird of all, his other grandmother. The years went on I could not turn to anyone for help, I do not blame my parents, what was happening was beyond their understanding. I eventually got to the point of resistance, I decided to fight back. I realized I could be conscious  in my so called dreams so I resisted, I fought, I struggled, I demanded  they go away. It worked, the dreams slowly stopped, and the periods of calm sleep where extended. Since then I have used the same approach when my sleep has been invaded by these entities.
Were they dreams? I do not know, Were they Aliens? I have no idea, was it Demonic? it felt like it, no evil was done but the feeling of evil was predominant".
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FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife
•Fallen Angels: Giants, UFO Encounters and The New World Order

Demonic Aliens

Camille James Harman gets to the heart of the alien abduction phenomena and is putting it all on paper.
Camille  is an abductee who experienced the trauma related to alien abduction. She decided to immerse herself in the UFO community and became a public speaker, wrote for UFO magazine, and attended conventions.
Camille has come to a number of conclusions and decided to write her own book.  She didn't, however, have all the answers she wanted about her experiences.
"I started to pray, 'God, give me an answer to this whole mystery. I want to have a useful conclusion.' I was then guided to read a couple of books that I hadn't come across in my research. (Later on), a profound feeling of grace came over me. I felt the divine, protected and guided."
The books she referenced include Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife by Nick Redfern and Fallen Angels: Giants, UFO Encounters & the New World Order by C.K. Quarterman. She also referenced alienresistance.org who has undeniable proof in the testimonials from living people who have found salvation from this ghastly phenomena through help from the Angels and Jesus.
"Years ago, I heard aliens are demons but it never really clicked for me until it made logical, historical sense in this context. I saw historical and biblical references to fallen angels breeding with humans. ... They can present themselves in different forms." Camille said these beings now present themselves as extraterrestrials.  
"The theories in the UFO community are that the aliens are breeding with us to strengthen their race. Or that they need to keep our DNA off the planet in case we blow ourselves up. And that the aliens will come and save us, fix our problems. I think this is a big scam.
The beings don't have souls. I think they are trying to get our souls either by genetic manipulation or get them at the time of death when people are transitioning." 
Spread the word. If you do not want to speak it because of looking foolish then spread it by other means. Write it on websites, this is the first place others will look when seeking help. Leave comments and links. Please do your bit to make others aware of alien salvation; this is a true horror. Camille's new book is not yet released.

Click this to learn more about protecting yourself

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Earth Warnings

According to Veteran’s Today there is a biological human super brain interfaced with the world’s most powerful 3D computer chips. Those who built it and use it refer to “it” as “The Beast” and “it ”is really running things at the highest level of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and instead of its creators being in charge of it, it is rumoured to have gained control over them.
Allegedly all information available in binary bits is inputted directly in the BEAST.  Important information like that contained in Library, encyclopaedia and history books and other materials are scanned and converted to digital bytes and then input.
All verbal radio and news and tapped phone calls are converted to digital and input.  The human brain part of the computer is fed with a circulating bath of oxygen and food containing plasma like liquid pumped and delivered at controlled temperature.
Supposedly complex algorithms using every multivariate statistical analysis means known was inputed also and the BEAST was able to reprogram itself, finding newer higher order algorithmic solutions to complex societal problems.
 The BEAST is supposedly contained in a DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASE (DUMB) at one of the “above top secret” locations.  Some have said it was located at DUMB in Dulce New Mexico based on the power lines going in, others have hypothesized it was located at the DUMB in Yuma Arizona. Still others guessed it was somewhere near or underneath the new Denver International Airport which has some very spooky NWO art on the wall and a very strange horse sculpture outside with glowing red “demon” eyes.  It has been rumored that DIA is steeped in occult imagery because those who built it are allegedly deeply into the occult. Some say it has to be near enough the new NSA spook center aka the “New NSA Data Center” for the blue-badges being built in Bluffdale, Utah to have easy access to the data that will be provided or have underground tunnel access.
There have been anecdotal rumors that the BEAST exists, but due to its main core being comprised on human cell networks grown in petrie dishes, it has taken on a “life of its own” and developed its own consciousness, best described as a superhuman consciousness.
Some who work with it believe it has taken on its own spirit and has developed spiritual powers that exceed those claimed by human psychics and others who claim to have developed Psi-power such as remote viewers. And some believe that the BEAST has developed characteristics of an omniscient god that is completely self-serving and exceedingly evil.
Some have also claimed that the BEAST was built using Alien Technology and recommendations gained through secret treaties with Alien entities, a sort  of sophisticated technology exchange program where the SSG gets this high technology and Psi-power in exchange for something so far specifically unidentified, perhaps access provided to human subjects for genetic experimentation of genetic farming.”
Written by Preston James, Ph.D
Click here to read the article in its entirety.
Could our mutilation incidents be the result of the "BEAST", steering us towards an agenda only it understands, as this "BEAST" been around for eons carefully manipulating our history. Take Werner Von Braun and what he warned Carol Rosin, he was able to describe to her the planned events that the world would have to suffer, and he spelled it out event by event from global terrorism to weapons in space. He then said the last card would be the "ALIEN CARD" and it would all be based on a lie.
So who can plan future events from years ago, who would want to, you would only plan things if you benefit from the planning, Von Braun told Carol Rosin that she must stop them.
 Is "THEM" the BEAST or ALIENS or Both.
The English Cognizant Citizen

Alien abductee tells us how to make it stop

"There are those of you that have been abducted against your will. Some believe that this is out of their control and believe that there is nothing that they can do to stop this happening. I am a medium/psychic and healer. I am here to inform you that there is indeed something that you can do to stop this happening against your will.
We all have spirit guides and guardian angels. According to the laws that govern this area of our life, that is the alien presence and alien abductions it is important that we know what our rights are. It is not enough to simply ask these beings to leave us alone as they will not listen to you. Some of these experiences can be very terrifying and malevolent. Some of these beings can be working with the darkness and choose to inflict suffering upon innocent people for their own agenda. This is what you can do to make it stop. Call upon your Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels or Angels of Light. Tell them in clear language that you wish for them to put a stop to these abductions or the interference of these beings in your life. They have the right to act on your behalf to put an end to their interference and or abductions in your life. Simply asking God for help will not be enough. The Guides and Angels are not allowed to intervene in your life unless you ask them specifically to do so. I was once the subject of alien interference, but by asking my Guides to intervene am now free of the suffering that I was subjected to. You too can once again have peace of mind knowing that you are protected by the Angels of Light.
Spirit Guides and Angels ARE REAL SOLID BEINGS but just on another vibration. They are able to interact on the same level as the ET's. The ET's are telepathic and so the Guides can communicate with them. On that level they ARE able to intercede for you if you ask them. They cannot intercede if they are not asked due to the law of free will. But they can due to the laws that govern these things intercede on your behalf and block these beings. These ET beings must comply once the Guides are involved as the 'Powers That Be' will physically intervene and stop the ET's from interfering with you. These 'Powers That Be' are other 'Spiritual Forces' that have the policing power and the means to employ it once you have asked the right channels for assistance...Beings that belong to 'The Spiritual Hierarchy'. The Galactic Federation Of Light' and 'Other' 'Spiritual Beings' from other worlds and other dimensions that are more powerful than the ET's that belonging to the Darkness abuse human beings. Also many of the 'abductions' are 'Astral Abductions' that is the ET's responsible are taking your 'Spirit Body' or 'Energy Body' onto their ships without permission of the owners. So especially in these cases the Guides and Angels are in the perfect position to block them for you. 

Yes people are being abducted 'physically' but the majority of the time it is an 'Astral Body Abduction' But of course many people are not aware of this and believe that they have been abducted physically. The 'Astral' or 'Energy' body is an exact duplicate of your physical body and so those who are not aware of even having an 'Astral' body believe it to be a physical event...Yes they can take your Spirit/Energy Body and Yes the Guides and Angels CAN block this from happening if they are asked to. Guides and Angels are REAL and are as solid as you and I but just on another vibration. They actually DO exist in the REAL world and have a REAL effect. They are not a 'mental conception'. IN answer to the last part of your question the reason is that there are many 'LAWS' that govern the Earth at this time. It is up to people to know what their rights are. In the case of those that are being abducted they are not aware what their rights are and so the ET's are able to take them. This is why I am doing what I am doing so that through education people may come to realize that they DO indeed have the right to say NO. All they need do is ASK for the intervention of their Guides/Angels or The Galactic Federation Of Light. If they do not ask, then these 'Powers' are not allowed to interfere.

Please copy and post this where appropriate so that many more can be free."
Source Erol Pheonix