UK Phenomena Killings
Miracle in Action Rob Galea
Father Rob Galea |
One day, the pain she felt for her suffering son brought her to her knees. She cried out to God that she would not get up until he saved her son. She begged for mercy for Rob, beseeching the Blessed Mother to be her son’s mother and to carry him to Jesus.
Rob Galea and his two siblings had an idyllic childhood, growing up on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Malta. The Galeas spent a lot of time on the beach and in the water. Almost every Sunday, the Galea children saw their grandparents.
Rob’s carefree happiness started to disappear in primary school when two of his grandparents died in a short period of time. He couldn’t understand why his life had to change.
On top of the pain of loss, Rob experienced bullying in school. His classmates mocked him for his appearance, and he was friendless. Things got a little better when he changed schools, but it was too late.Photo courtesy of Ave Maria Press.
“As I knelt restlessly on my bed, I saw only two ways out of my misery. One was for someone, somewhere, to reach out and somehow save me, or two, to end my own life,” Fr. Galea writes.
“Something kept me waiting in silent prayer for longer than usual, and that’s when God spoke back,” Fr. Galea says in his book.When Rob opened his eyes, he saw Jesus.
“It was like the Holy Spirit had chosen that moment to help me get rid of the inner fury, loneliness, and regret that was still left in my heart,” he writes.
Watch Compass
Breakthrough: A Journey from Desperation to Hope
Desperate Love Message from Spirit

Psychic Marie St. Clair investigates the mystery and delivers a message of love from a lost crew member.
The Connection
There was a strong and passionate voice among the men. Though I could make out few details about him, since he continued to hang back in the shadows, I, nevertheless, sensed that he was a younger man with brown or reddish hair. He yelled repeatedly: “Tell Elaina (or Alena) I love her!” He virtually yelled this message at me often during the connection. It was important to him that I carry this message to the world, and I assured him that I would deliver his message if possible. If there’s an Elaina out there who had a loved one on board the ship, I would certainly appreciate it if you’d let me know. It would make me feel so much better to know that you’d received the man’s heartfelt message.
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Pet Cats Mysteriously Vanish in Australia
Tasmania 2020
RSPCA Tasmania said the cats were simply walking away and not coming back and, in Dover, none of the bodies were even found.
"What is happening to these cats has yet to be established, but police are aware of the situation," Jen Davis, CEO of RSPCA Tasmania said. RSPCA Tasmania is confident the missing cats are a criminal matter.
Ms Davis said differing opinions about cats - whether they are friend or foe - can lead to disagreements in the community and cause individuals to "take matters into their own hands".
Tasmania Police are aware of the reports but said, "there is no evidence to suggest any connection between the reports - or any criminal behaviour involved".
"Cat owners are advised to contact their local council, or animal welfare organisations, if they have concerns."
George Town local council was aware of missing cats being reported but said they were limited in how they could respond.
Sue Maddigan has had two of her beloved fur babies go missing in George Town over the last two years. Ms Maddigan said that the curse of the missing cats had hit the town last year, as well as this year, and the gender of the cats may play a role in their disappearance.
"Fourteen female cats have gone missing this year, but it was 14 male cats last year. It has to be more than an almighty coincidence," Ms Maddigan said.
While Tasmania police were not prepared to link the disappearances to crime, Ms Maddigan was confident a member of the community was the cat burglar.
"It seems to be, the last two years, people are just taking cats," Ms Maddigan said.
She lost Mack, her five-year-old Maine Coon, in 2019 and shortly after filling the hole he left behind with her new cat, Splodgie, that one was gone too. Mack was a huge, big ginger boy with beautiful gold eyes. I cried for days after losing Mack. And Splodgie was a dear little pet that was loved."
"It's like taking a child ... It's your fur baby," Ms Maddigan said.
Sunshine Coast QLD 2017
At least 30 cats have disappeared from one Sunshine Coast suburb as fears mount a cat hater could be stealing the beloved pets and killing them. The cats were registered, micro-chipped and desexed and have vanished without a trace from the Peregian Springs and Peregian Breeze estates.
Some of the cats had been fitted with GPS trackers which have been switched off, adding to the concern a human was responsible.
A Sunshine Coast Lost Pet Coordinator spokeswoman said police and the Sunshine Coast Council had been informed. But with little help available, the distraught pet owners have formed their own Facebook page, missing cats Peregian Springs and Peregian Breeze, to share information.
Residents have also distributed 3,000 flyers to homes, alerting other cat owners of the potential risk.
Donna Powell's much-loved "family member" Leo went missing "46 days ago" when he was allowed outside for a brief period in the afternoon. Ms Powell's distraught seven-year-old son, Ceri, who has Asperger's has been waking up crying for his beloved friend. "We are all distraught," Ms Powell said.
The lost pet coordinator said there had been "no sightings of the cats, no bodies and none of the pounds had any information. Wild animals had been ruled out as a cause because of the lack of trace of any remains and the cats disappeared from inside busy, residential neighbourhoods.
We lived in the springs for five years and lost two fur babies and our current little cat went missing for three days but returned home. I am still dubious that he wandered but may have been captured as ever since returning he has a phobia of black shoes. He is savvy so maybe one of the lucky ones. I do believe something sinister is going on as there are no remains or surrenders to pounds or councils...makes me sick to think what may be happening to these babies and what comes next if anyone has such a hate inside them that they could possibly do this to a living thing. We have moved since to our own three acres so he is now the king of his domain still very cautious of everything... especially black shoes of any kind.