
UK Phenomena Killings




I realise that the term "The UK Animal Killer", and my granddaughter's rabbiits were victims of human perpetrator/s so I am fully behind the need to highlight and campaign. I have always felt that this is the work of more than one person. I believe this is a group (cult?) of very sick individuals who commit these acts, take trophies and share the images on the dark web. The rabbits lived with me as there weren't suitable facilities where my daughter lived. 

They were bascially given the free run of my enclosed courtyard garden and were rabbits first, pets second. They were Rexes and the male in particular was a muscular buck and would have fought. They were removed, killed, exsanguinated, decapitated and had their tales removed. The male rabbit's tail was flung over the wall into a neighbour's garden and the tail of the female placed under the male's body. He was posed directly so that on opening my curtains he would be laying, hind paws first, while it was absolutely intentional to pose him like that I am unsure if the effect was meant to look like he was in repose but it more resembled a rabbit positioned in a butcher's shop. 

The female rabbit's body was dumped on their dung pile in the back corner of my yard. The large double hutch was absolutely untouched, not even a food bowl overturned. 

There was no sign of a struggle. Not a spot of blood in the hutch, on the largely paved garden, nor on the fur around the excision sites of their heads and tails. 

My back garden is overlooked by a block of flats, anyone looking out on the first floor and up would have had a clear view, as well as bungalows. 

It happened after around 1:30am and their bodies discovered by the neigbour who saw the male rabbit's tail on the ground next to his bins round about 9AM. 

This was 7 hours to catch them, knock them out somehow, as I say the male would have fought and there were no signs of a struggle, take them somewhere to kill them and carry out their mutilations, and return them and pose the male. The heads were never recovered. 

I was targetted because (I was told) disabled households and those with young children are the favoured targets, for the biggest impact. Until this group of individuals (I absolutely believe it would take two to restrain the male rabbit and not disturb the interior of the hutch) are found and their ring exposed this is going to continue. I would never again have any pet that would require being housed in my garden. 

My granddaughter has frequently asked if we can have more rabbits, obviously I did not tell her they had been killed, let alone how and what happened to them, and chose to tell her they both got ill. I have to come up with excuses and it absolutely angers me that through the actions of sick individuals I have had to change my plans, not enjoy doing something that would bring my granddaughter and myself real joy.

Dead & Delivered within the Hour

The UK Cat Killer, also known as the Croydon Cat Killer or the UK Animal Killer, is still terrorizing pet owners with his grizzly activities. The latest death is a young cat that was let outside at 5.00am and found laid out in its own garden an hour later, which is a very short time frame. 

It is not just cats, but cattle, horses, sheep, rabbits, guinea pigs, deer, birds, bees and foxes that have fallen victim. Bodies have signature injuries that identify the Cat Killer as the murder. The exact details of which has been kept a secret to avoid copy killings. All these deaths have one thing in common - there is no blood at the scene.
How does one catch a cat in the dark and kill it without noise and then deliver it into the cats garden.  Are we to believe that the murderer waits outside a cats house with his surgical van? I believe there is so much unknown about these freaky murders.
I saw a beheaded bee with its bottom stinger missing and just a tiny hole there. 
If all bodies were autopsied for the same signature cuts it might lead to the discovery that the person responsible may not be a 'person' at all. Meaning that the individual locations and complexities involved will be not logically possible. That would at least prove that more than one person was involved, possible a cult. Or it will make its mark as being phenomena.

All over the world cats are simply disappearing after being let outside. Lost cat notices are common in all countries. The saddest ones say that the cat had been let out but then disappeared, with other family cats disappearing the same way in successive days. Cat after cat after cat. Vanished. No bodies.

Investigators in France officially opened more than 150 probes into the killings and mutilations of horses all over the country. Horses have been found mutilated across the country. Many had their ears cut off, eyes gouged out, and even genitals mutilated. The police still don’t have a clear idea of what and who is responsible for such brazen acts of animal cruelty. Over the past weeks the country has been shocked by a succession of mutilations of over 150 horses that have seen ears sliced off, genitals cut and skin lacerated. 

According to the authorities, the attacks are by multiple perpetrators whose methods vary nationwide, further complicating the picture. The issue of cattle mutilation dates back to 1606 when mysterious livestock deaths were first documented. Sheep, horses, cats, dogs, and many more have been victims of such heinous acts ever since. Nearly 100 sheep were slaughtered in London and thousands of cow murders have happened in the US since the 1970s. 

The FBI conducted investigations on cattle mutilation in the US midwest but the truth remains elusive till this date. 

If you were in the Wyke Oliver Road area of Preston at this time, or parked and have a dashcam camera which was facing the road and recorded any person(s)  vehicles moving in the area between 0400 – 0700 on 5th September please contact SNARL or Dorset Police in confidence, quoting crime reference: 55200133481. 

Previous suspected attacks we are aware of have taken place on or around the following dates: 
Sunday 26th July 2020 - Hamworthy, Poole BH15 4. 
Sometime between Wednesday 25-Monday 30 March – Preston DT3 area 30th June 2017 – Charmouth, Dorset 
We strongly suspect there are more cases in Dorset that have gone unreported so please remain vigilant. 


Half Cats Found in Canada

A spate of inexplicable cat mutilations is occurring in America. The recent incidences are in Kelowna, a city in the south of Canada’s British Columbia province in the Okanagan Valley, on the eastern shore of Okanagan Lake. There is a warning to cat owners in the downtown Kelowna area to keep their pets inside, as reports circulate of animals being mutilated. More concerned Kelowna citizens have come forward to try and help find out what is going on after several mutilated cats have been discovered over the past few days.

Alexandria O'Neill says one of her four cats was cut in half, discovering the body just outside a neighbour's door on Friday. 

In front of her house, right in front of her vehicle. It was just cut side up and it was just blood and flies. She's like 'that's not your cat is it?' and I was like 'that looks like my cat Misses and then I flipped her over and it was my cat and I just broke down," explains O'Neill. "we are currently waiting for the results of a necropsy that is being completed by investigators with the SPCA to determine the cause of death.
O'Neill says there were no bite marks and no blood, it was a clean cut. O'Neill and her husband were told by a friend that half a cat, the backside, was found at Bankhead Elementary on Wilson Avenue. 
I got into contact and got a picture and confirmed it was the back half of my cat, also a clean cut.
Another cut-in-half cat has been found in a Kelowna park. Ray Peron says his cat, Mouse, went missing Saturday night in the Glen Park Dr. area and then he received a phone call from a stranger saying they had found his cat, at least what was left of her.
I got a call because her collar was still on and the body was left in Glen Matera Park but from her front legs back, her face was there, her shoulders were there, and then there was nothing.
..even the spine was gone. 
He has already buried Mouse and was content to write it off as a coyote killing until he saw the story about another cat that was also found in half and he began to reconsider. "I don't know what a coyote kill looks like but I'm pretty sure when a coyote takes a cat they take it away and eat it somewhere else. They don't leave them around and this was left right in the park.

Residents are advised to keep their pets inside at night.

In the meantime we ask the obvious question. Who takes the spine from these cats and leaves them bloodless?


Entity Mutilating Pets in Locked Cages

SNARL UK is at the forefront of trying to prove to police that a human is responsible for the ongoing pet mutilation problem, but there is those amongst us who beleive there is something frighteningly non human about it because of the strange complexities within each case. 

A pet owner who found her beloved rabbit decapitated said she is “devastated” the Police have dropped their investigation into the M25 Cat Killer. On Thursday, the Metropolitan Police concluded their three-year investigation into the alleged pet killer who was suspected to have killed over 400 animals. Police believe the mutilations were likely down to fox attacks.

But a group tracking the cat killer, called Snarl, say they have proof many killings were human caused and will continue their investigations. Nicola Camoccio, from St Leonards, found her beloved pet rabbit Clive mutilated in her garden last Christmas. Snarl say they have no doubt it was the work of the killer and was “one of the nastiest” incidents they had investigated.

The 48-year-old has kept Clive’s decapitated body in the hope that the killer is caught, and the rabbit’s head is returned, so that she could have a proper burial for him.
It was so horrific finding Clive, the killer took all of his internal organs ribs and backbone – I was hysterical. I remember feeling so much fear.
Snarl and Nicola say the remains of Clive were found in Nicola’s garden. Clive’s liver had been placed by the shed and appeared “surgically removed” according to the animal rescue charity. Nicola was asked not to remove the organ from the garden and so she put a pot over it to protect it from scavengers. 
The next morning, when she lifted the pot, Clive’s liver had been replaced by his collar.
Along with Snarl, she has no doubt that the attack was human, not fox-related. She added: “The police have dismissed it as a fox but I’m angry because I know that this person is still out there. Clive is now gone and there’s other victims. “The killer will never stop until he is caught.”

In response to the police’s conclusion, the animal charity released a statement on Thursday. Boudicca Rising, the founder of Snarl, said: “We have taken a collective decision to continue with the investigation. Our thoughts are with owners who have been confronted by this news without any warning.”
Sussex Police said: “Sussex Police did refer a number of incidents of mutilated animals to the Metropolitan Police, but there was no evidence to suggest that there was any anything suspicious.”
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? - Public Comments
My grandsons rabbit was found earlier this year in the garden with its stomach sliced neatly open when my son told me I collected it and took it to my local vet, who after examining it, concluded that certain organs were missing and the cut was human rather than animal. The bizarre thing was the garden is fully secured with high fencing all around with houses on either side its not a huge garden and who ever it was would have had to scale at least 7ft !! 
How did they know the rabbit was in the garden to start with?
How did they know the rabbit lived deep under the shed?
Without any flippancy at all, it sort of makes one wonder whether it's the work of someone not human.. I know that sounds far-fetched but when one considers regarding such a highly enclosed garden, they either have ladders, or something else.... ! And again I repeat, no flippancy intended, just very, very bizarre although when he is caught, all will become clear how he has managed to do all this, all this time, without being caught.

I too agree with the not human not animal theory it is too bizarre to be anything one can put a finger on and I think the police already know this.

My daughters rabbit was killed years ago. She lived in a hutch inside a secure locked pen. We came home and found her headless body placed neatly at top of garden. 
But the pen and hutch were still shut up and secured. 
No way any fox could do that. But someone scaled our fence to get in. Still makes us shudder even now. 

About 4 years ago I came home and found my rabbit in the garden, he appeared to be laying out enjoying the sunshine and I thought he had escaped his run. 
When I went out to get him back in his head was missing and the run was still secure. 
At the time I assumed he had found a way out and a fox had got to him but I have wondered since if he was killed by someone.

Found within Moments
Facebook is rife in the UK with mysterious headless, bloodless bodies of fox cubs and rabbits. Some mutilations have been discovered while the body is still warm. Where do the bodies come from? How do they appear? Are they dropped from the sky or tossed from a vehicle. WHY IS THERE NEVER BLOOD FOUND ON THE BODY?

My neighbour knocked on my door earlier to ask for help as she had found a dead fox cub in her garden. The poor little animal had been completely decapitated. What I found odd is that there was no blood anywhere but the body was still soft. The head is still missing and we assumed it had been killed by another animal but I keep thinking how it looked too 'clean' for an attack....this little family of foxes are regulars around here so to see one of the cubs like this is really upsetting. Please keep an eye out for the rest of them in case they suffer in the same way! - Gosport UK Facebook 8 Jul '20

I had a fox do this to my rabbit.. No blood anywhere and the head missing. I caught the fox carrying her body in the garden. She was a white rabbit and wasn't a spot of blood on her. I doubt the fox did it if there was no blood, the fox probably unfortunately got hold of the rabbit after it happened. - Gosport UK Facebook 8 Jul '20

I found a cub beheaded ... literally severed off, no blood just the body without a head in my garden .. the mother had 3 cubs, only saw one cub weeks later no sign of the others .. thought maybe another animal killed it but it was a clean cut so doubtful ... this was a few years ago but same happened to me ... AND my children witnessed it, they found it actually .. horrendous! -- Gosport UK Facebook 8 Jul '20


Sliced without a Fight

Horrific cat mutilations are ramping up in Washington USA. The strangeness about these killings is that they follow similar patterns to other random mutilations with typical clean cuts from a very sharp object. It is yet to be discovered if there was no blood at the scene and no DNA attached to the cats claws, which is typical of mutilations found in the same random manner and states that the animals were killed very quickly and did not have a chance to fight for their life.

A series of cat killings and mutilations has horrified residents and sparked an investigation in the Tri-Cities area of Eastern Washington. The unexplained killings began in late May. Cats that have been cut in half have been left on streets and sidewalks all over Kennnewick.

Officials with the Tri-Cities Animal Shelter say two cats initially were found that had been violently killed by someone with a sharp object. The first cat was found decapitated about 10 days ago on its owner's property in the vicinity of Costco in Kennewick. 

Then, last Wednesday, animal control investigated a cat found cut in half in the area of Vancouver and 37th in Kennewick. It appears the cats were cut with an extremely sharp object as the cuts were clean, officials said. 

Then, in the following days, two more cats were found cat in half. One was near 17th and Kellogg along the canal in Kennewick. The other was in the 1100 block of West Parkhill Drive in Kennewick.

Police say a fifth cat was found mutilated in Kennewick Tuesday morning in an apparent string of cat killings. The cat was found cut in half in the 900 block of N. Kellogg St., according to Lt. Aaron Clem. Four other cats have been killing in a similar manner in the past couple weeks. The sixth mutilated cat was found on June 9 on North Kellogg. 

A seventh mutilated cat was found in the area of 10th and South Reed on Tuesday night.

Animal Control and the Kennewick police are working together to investigate the gruesome killings.

Joel Watson, owner of Just Joel’s Cafe in Kennewick, offered a $1,000 reward out of his own pocket Sunday for information leading to the arrest of a local cat killer. 

Within a couple hours, Watson said he received messages from Kennewick mayor pro-tem and prominent business owner Steve Lee, Horse Heaven Hills Pet Urgent Care and a community member named Jeremiah Griffith — all of whom were interested in adding to the reward.

Together, they’ve raised $3,000 for the name of the person responsible for mutilating four cats in Kennewick in the past couple weeks. 

Here is a list of all the locations where cats have been found: 
  1. 900 South Auburn 
  2. 900 North Kellogg 
  3. 4000 South Anderson 
  4. 1000 North Pittsburgh 
  5. 1100 West Park Hills Drive 
  6. 10th and South Reed 
  7. 17th and South Kellogg 

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Headless bird just appeared

I didn't sleep last night. At 1.00am I was up and, against my better judgement, let the cat outside. I said a quick prayer for the safe return of my cat and went about filling in the hours. The cat returned at 5.00am and I went back to bed.

With the cat sleeping away the day (he thought he was going to..) I  did an errand down town at 8.00am before tidying the house. Between 9.00am and 10.00am I made a couple of visits to the outside recycle bin, situated a few steps from my front door. 

A visitor arrived at 11.00am and pointed to a headless bird laying on the ground.  I was annoyed that my cat had killed the bird. The ants had not yet attacked it. This was not a bird that I had seen in my garden before, this bird was not local to my area in rural NSW.

Later that day I got to thinking that something didn't feel right about my cat killing the bird. How could he catch it when he was inside asleep... and had been asleep since his breakfast at 7.30am. 

I assumed that my cat had killed the bird during the night. But the bird had not been there when I was coming and going earlier that morning, I would have had to step over the body. I absolutely know that I did not step over the body because there are spiky balls on the ground from the liquid-amber tree and I watch where I am walking to avoid them. There are no other animals to kill the bird and I doubt an animal would have left the body at my front step. And the distance is too far for a neighbor to have tossed the headless body.

I googled the bird: -
The only bird endemic to NSW, the rockwarbler makes its home on the sandstone formations and rocky outcrops around Sydney. The rockwarbler is a small bird with a dark grey-brown back and wings, a pale grey throat and a rufous underside. It flicks its tail as it hops over rocks searching for insects to eat. Occasionally, rockwarblers will nest inside buildings. Size: 14cm. Call: Raspy ‘chee-cheet’ squeaking. Where to spot them: Rocky areas e.g. coastal cliffs, steep rocky gullies, outcrops within 240km of Sydney.
The NSW Rock Warbler 
How did a headless bird appear at my front step? 400km west of its natural habitat. 

As if it fell from the sky.

The chills ran up and down my spine.

Theory for the Unnatural Urban and Rural Mutilations

It is a fact that strange animal mutilations are happening around the world. Occasionally cats and dogs and other small domestic animals are found cut in half with their internal organs gutted out. Many wild creatures such as badgers, groundhogs, and even small deer are often decapitated with the heads dispersed a great distance from their torsos. Another unusual mutilation pattern has been noted in foxes and small deer. Their mutilations consists of a small hole is bored through the upper skull from which the animals brains are mysteriously removed.

In addition to the actual physical mutilations, other strange factors are consistently related to these incidents. For example, in some cases the ground beneath a carcass is markedly depressed suggesting that the animal was dropped from a considerable height. Consistent with this impression, the limbs, ribs, and other bones of the dead animals often show fractures consistent with trauma caused by sudden impact. In a few cases, trees in close proximity to the dead animal show evidence of broken boughs and branches again suggesting the carcass had been to the ground. A related observation is that occasionally, the carcasses of large wild animals like dear, elk and rams are inexplicably found in trees or entangled in high voltage power lines. The carcass of mutilated cattle are consistently avoided by large scavengers such as coyotes, wolves, foxes, dogs, skunks, badgers, and bobcats. Domesticated animals are “visibly agitated” and “fearful” of a mutilated carcasses.

Missing organs has been reported in all types of domestic animals including horses, cattle, sheep and goats. Immediately evident are missing sensory organs located in the head. Usually one or both eyes and ears have been neatly removed and upon close inspection the animal’s tongue is found to have been removed from deep within the throat. Excisions of these organs appear to have been carried out with surgical precision. Stripping of all muscle and soft tissue on one or both sides of the animal’s jaw right down to the bone. This stripping usually occurs on the left side of the animals face but not always. It can occur on either side and on some occasions both sides of the jaw are cut away in this manner.

Anal coring along with smaller circular or teardrop shaped apertures in the torso appear to be surgical orifices used for removal of the animal’s internal organs. It would seem unlikely that such a feat could be carried out through such small openings but careful inspection of the mutilated animals’ internal body cavity reveals that all if not most of its viscera have been removed. Forensic examination of these portals into the body cavity reveals that they appear to be made by a laser-like instrument. The incisions are clean, precise and carefully executed.

A theory of recent is that the government is behind it as there is evidence to suggest the animals are subjects of a 30-40 year monitoring programme, with body parts taken for tests. The purpose seems to be a prion infection, similar to BSE in cattle but presumably deadlier.

Quote from a chemistry researcher with a doctorate in Chemistry:- 
I remember attending a lecture by MOD scientists, who estimated that the military is about 30 years ahead of mainstream science so they certainly have the capabilities. Plus I can believe prion research has to be covert, the government doesn't want big pharma to know that it is researching out of their agenda. Big pharma funds most research, so have to 'keep on the right side of' it. They don't like the idea of prions as it doesn't fit with their agenda, they are concentrating on molecular medicine (genetics/nucleic acid), the buzz words are 'personal medicine'. Prions don't have genetic material or nucleic acid. The infections are just caused by a misshapen protein.'' - anon
Richard Hall suggests that it might be aliens OR it might be a secret government/ military/intelligence project using tech from secret programmes which are way ahead of publicly disclosed tech that we know about, he goes on to state that he thinks it must be aliens doing research.

If so, the key question arises, is it a project aimed at protecting humans or a sinister one, perhaps to ultimately reduce the human population through introducing near-incurable prion/brain infections.

What is a prion?
A prion is a small infectious particle composed of abnormally folded protein that causes progressive neurodegenerative conditions. These mis-folded proteins do not multiply in the host organism that they infect. Instead they affect the brain structure by acting as a template, inducing proteins with normal folding to convert to the abnormal prion form.These newly formed mis-folded proteins, in turn, act as further templates for the conversion of more normal proteins. There is therefore an exponential accumulation of the prions in the tissue of the central nervous system. Prions are so small that they are even smaller than viruses and can only be seen through an electron microscope when they have aggregated and formed a cluster. Prions are also unique in that they do not contain nucleic acid, unlike bacteria, fungi, viruses and other pathogens. Prions are therefore resistant to procedures that destroy pathogens by breaking down nucleic acid. Furthermore, because these particles are an abnormal version of a normal protein that is already coded for in the body, they do not trigger a host immune response, as other pathogens do.
Who do we think is behind the mutilations?
It is generally believed that these mutilations are being carried out covertly by aliens to avoid attracting attention to their activities. Yet the aliens show no hesitation in returning the mutilated carcasses to where they were first taken. 

Why not simply destroy the remains without leaving any clue as to the animals’ disappearance? Why return to the scene days later to replace fresh body parts or the pet collar? Why remove pets from secure yards and locked hutches then return them and bolt the doors? 

The strangest death, which happened some years ago, has no feasible explanation:
My parents raised rabbits for a time on a property in California. At the time it was a pretty remote area. Still is somewhat. One morning one of the rabbits was dead. No visible injuries really, except half its body was inside the cage, half out. The wires went through the body but all the wires were still connected to the cage. No blood or anything, it just basically had the wires through its body, but the cage was not damaged. Still don't understand it.
If the Aliens are doing this what is their agenda? 
To create fear - fear harvesting, loosh energy. To create souls - soul harvesting, collection, breeding, experimentation. 

Because they are evil.

In this book
The shocking questions examined include: 
  • Have millions of Americans already been exposed to the prions known to cause Mad Cow Disease through years of eating tainted beef? 
  • Does the epidemic of prion disease spreading like wildfire through the nation's deer and elk pose a threat to hunters and venison eaters? 
  • Are the cattle mutilations discovered in the last 30 years part of a covert, illegal sampling program designed to learn how far the deadly prions have spread throughout the nation's livestock and beef products? 
  • Exposing the devastating truth about Mad Cow Disease and a new theory of the possible consequences of a little-known government research program and the potential national health catastrophe that may be the result, Brain Trust inoculates Americans with an effective cure: the truth.

Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity

In this book
Exposes the agenda behind the bio-robotic grey aliens’ genetic manipulation of certain human races
  • Reveals the Grey’s nature as sophisticated self-aware machines created by a long vanished extraterrestrial civilization
  • Explains how their quest to capture human souls appears in the historical record from biblical times
  • Explains how the phenomenon of racism is a by-product of their genetic tampering

The Urban and Rural Mutilation Phenonema

Animals all over the world are being found with strange surgical holes in their bodies, with organs missing from the inside, where sometimes the holes are too small for the organs to pass. There is no blood or footprints on or around the carcass, with body tissue  removed by an unknown method.

This is happening far more than people realise and in many parts of the world. In the rural area of the world it is farm animals such as cows, horses, goats being mutilated while in urban areas it is the pets such as cats, rabbits, birds. 

All mutilation cases are connected by the following:-
  • No tracks or footprints
  • Evidence of animals being dropped through broken bones or blunt force trauma and depressions in the ground
  • Bloodless carcasses
  • No evidence of tranquilizers or cause of death
  • Surgical precision
  • Not scavenged by predators
  • No signs of a struggle or rope burns on trees, no scattered hoof prints and no strangulation marks.
  • Inaccessible locations
  • Evidence of being mutilated while still alive
And NOT ONE PERSON has ever been seen, caught or convicted.


Cattle Mutilation
During my investigations I had sheriffs, deputies and ranchers tell me that the mutilation perpetrators were "creatures from outer space". Why? Because they were seeing completely silent objects in the sky over pastures that looked like small airplanes or helicopters that would dissolve into misty clouds. Further, ranchers reported that beams  of light were coming down from glowing objects in the might sky and some ranchers had even seen one of their cows rise in a beam of light or be lowered in a beam of light to the ground dead and bloodlessly mutilated. - Linda M Howe
A witness to a cow being taken by a strange force is provided in detail.
On September 13, 1994, at around 4PM, one of the strangest UAD cases ever reported occurred near the small northern New Mexico town of Chacon, at the base of Luhan Canyon, in the Sangre De Cristo Mountains and was investigated by Linda Howe. Carpenter Larry Gardea, while hiking up Luhan Canyon to go bear hunting, found a dead, "mutilated" cow. The tongue had been completely removed along with the tissue and hide from the jaw. The rear end had been cored out. This find alone was worth noting, but Gardea's unbelievable experience did not stop there. As he walked closer to examine the downed animal, he noticed a second cow that was down, but not "mutilated." Suddenly, a loud electrical-like sound started up, that Gardea later described as sounding like a huge "arc-welding torch." The rest of the herd began running down the hill away from the sound and Gardea then noticed another downed cow, on the other side of the fence-line, being dragged backwards up the hill toward the apparent location of the sound. He later described to Linda the terrified, struggling animal as making a sound like it was "being tortured," while being dragged. The witness watched in understandable amazement as the animal appeared to slowly float over the ground and over a shallow trench, heading toward the sound source apparently obscured uphill in a grove of trees. The bellowing cow disappeared in the aspen trees after being dragged almost 150 feet. A shocked, scared, Gardea, not at all sure what to do, fired two shots with his 30.06 hunting rifle in the direction of the sound. The sound stopped. Gardea, by now "kinda freaked out," rushed to the sheriffs office to report the strange event he had just witnessed. His account was actually taken seriously by the sheriffs office and a deputy was dispatched. After returning with the deputy and examining the area, they found no tracks to indicate the animal had been dragged up hill. They didn't find any trace of the dragged cow, but did find the "mutilated" cow lying where Gardea had seen it. Gardea is positive that the sound-source was somehow dragging the animal, and although they didn't find tracks, they did discover broken branches. - Larry Gardea

Witnesses to an elk levitation and disappearance

In February 1999 three forestry workers witnessed a small, disc-shaped object slowly drift over a nearby ridge to their south and descend into the valley to the north of their position. The object descended silently with what seemed to the witnesses a purposeful manner, exhibiting a slight “wobble” to its flight. The three workers at first thought the object was some kind of parachute that was drifting and descending, but they quickly realized that their initial impression was not correct. Hence, they shouted to their eleven coworkers nearby, who were working on the north-facing hillside, and all fourteen members of the work crew watched the object for an estimated 3-5 minutes. Within seconds of their first observation of the object, the witnesses became aware that the object was travelling generally in the direction of a herd of elk that they had been watching all morning. They continued to watch as the object proceeded toward the herd until it succeeded in getting quite close to the animals. The animals apparently remained unaware of the object’s presence until it was within a very short distance of the herd. Suddenly, the animals bolted, most of the them running up the slope to their east. However, one adult animal was seen by the witnesses to separate itself from the herd and run or trot to generally to the north, perhaps along a logging road The witnesses report that at this point, the object quickly moved directly above the lone elk and seemed to lift it off the ground, although no visible means of support of the animal was evident to the observers. The witnesses added that shortly after lifting the elk off the ground, the object seemed to begin to “wobble” to a more pronounced degree than it had exhibited earlier. In addition, as the object appeared to increase its altitude, the elk, which was suspended upright below the disc, rotated slowly beneath it and appeared to be getting closer to the ventral surface of the disc. They also commented that the object seemed to increase in size slightly after it had picked up the animal. With the elk suspended below it, the object began to ascend slowly up a clear-cut slope to the east. However, the witnesses watched it apparently brush the tops of nearby trees to the east, at which point it reversed its course and proceeded to the west. It executed a 360-degree turn to the left and may have gained some slight altitude in the process, the witnesses thought. After the object had completed its turn and was once again proceeding in a generally easterly direction, it began ascending very quickly at what seemed to the witnesses to be a rather steep angle. It continued to ascend, and simply disappeared from sight of the witnesses. The witnesses stated that once the object had started to ascend and had climbed to an altitude above their vantage point, they no longer could see the animal suspended below the craft. Their presumption was that the animal had somehow been taken into the craft, although the witnesses could discern no “door,” or any kind of aperture through which the animal might have been conveyed into the craft. The witnesses also stated that following the incident, the herd of elk remained in the same general area, although remained more closely huddled to one another than had been the case earlier in the morning. The workers added that they, too, had remained closer to one another until their departure from the area at the end of the work day.

Vital reaction is proof that these animals are still alive when mutilated.

Linda Moulton Howe talked about a mutilated bull found in 1981, in Colorado, with dried traces of exudation that trickled down along the muzzle from both its removed eyes, in such a way that only could have occurred if it were standing up, meaning that whoever excised its eyes, removed its tongue, the sexual parts and the rectum, did all that with the animal still alive, paralyzed and standing over its own legs. 

Cat Mutilations
The Half-Cat Mutilation Phenomena has been mentioned by Ms Howe for many years and is similar to cattle mutilation. 

In the typical half cat mutilation scene there is no blood on the fur or surrounding ground with the front or back half left behind. Organs are bloodlessly removed and missing, leaving the remainder looking like a hand puppet. On occasion both halves of the cat are present with a section in the middle missing.

A reported incident.

“I was terrified that this is such a widespread event. Two years ago, I woke in the morning and found my two cats looking out of our kitchen window. Their eyes were wide open and they appeared almost frozen. I followed their gaze and saw a furry mass on the ground outside. I went outside to take a look and there was the most hideous sight I have ever seen. A cat lay dead, cut from neck to groin in a single, neat clean line. It was also cut through the middle in half. I have worked in the medical field for years and I know what surgical precision looks like. That was it. It was placed neat and tidy, one half next to the other. There was no blood to indicate a 'kill sight' I checked the entire back yard. The other very chilling thing was that the cat’s innards were gone, it was empty inside. No bones, pooled blood, nothing. The head, leg, and tail bones appeared to be in tact but nothing else. No rib cage-NOTHING. I called Animal Control and they advised me to notify the police. When the police arrived, the officer looked around and agreed that while it could be a coyote, he really doubted that an animal did this. He called for a second officer who specialized in hate crime and I believe he used the word 'cult activity'. the officer looked around and said without a doubt it was a coyote and they left. My husband and I looked at the poor cat and there was no way a wild animal would do this...  (continued below)

A cat displays fear with wide open eyes and a fixed stare, both of the cats in the witness account had beheld something terrifying at the same time, they were both watching it, keeping their eyes on it, in a state of unblinking frozen fear,  their alert body behavior clearly telling us that they had witnessed something unusual, never before encountered. Thankfully these two cats were safely inside the house. Not so the little one outside.

Mysteriously shaved cat

...one and a half years later one of our cats came home with his belly and groin area shaved almost bare. There was also a patched shaved on his leg with a small round sore that festered and we had to take him to a vet. The Vet claimed it was probably a feral cat or a non-neutered Male cat. No way, again this was a precision clipping. The edges were neat and tidy and the hair was ALL clipped short, not torn out or scratched. A vet tech recommended I file a suspicious activity report with ASPCA, but they refused to take the report because with cats, you can not control them. - Witness California

SNARL Cover-up
Richard Hall states that the M25/UK Animal Killer is known in that area of the UK because of the 600,000 SNARL-leaflet drop alerting people to the cat mutilations, and the fact that the managers of SNARL, Tony and Boudicea, live in the area where the mutilations are predominant. 

First known as the Croydon Cat Killer, and later, as the deaths spread, the M25 Cat Killer and the UK Animal Killer. SNARL firmly states that one or more humans are responsible for the deaths. 

Richard states that cat mutilation is a world wide phenomena and not centered around Croydon, because the deaths have the same modious operendi as cattle mutilations. 

He has unsuccessfully contacted SNARL to request copies of databases, reports, dates and leaflet distribution areas. He has asked SNARL to provide information as to how they established links to the police & RSPCA as they undertook their investigative endeavors, along with photographs which show the least likelihood of animal predication with organs missing. SNARL replied that because it is an ongoing investigation they do not wish to encourage the copy of these crimes by sharing the details. 

Richard has suggested that SNARL is a front used for the purpose of disinformation, muddling the facts, and misleading the public with the help of main stream media. He has 'connected the dots' because Boadicea was once an animal rights activist, originally from South Africa, who has been involved in animal rescue since arriving in Britain in 1994.

By accusing SNARL of a cover-up, and suggesting that SNARL is a false front serving an unknown purpose, Richard appears to have thought outside the box and and jumped to a conclusion just as strange as the phenomena.

If more animal rights activists, such as SNARL, were to head an investigation in their part of their country, with follow up evidence, the real mutilation problem might not be simply brushed off by authorities as animal predication. If SNARL did not alert the world to the serious consistency of the UK Animal Killer the world would be none the wiser. 

And it is happening everywhere.

How does SNARL know a human is carrying out these attacks?
  • Mutilation injuries and 'signature injuries' are consistent despite being geographically apart
  • There are many areas the killer does not strike in, despite there being large population of foxes there
  • Rabbits are taken from locked hutches, killed, mutilated and returned to the hutches and the doors bolted
  • Foxes, including young cubs, are victims too, displaying exactly the same injuries as cats and rabbits
  • The killer returns to areas/roads with regularity and sometimes to the same dwelling
  • There are many anniversary killings., returning two or three consecutive years to the same locality
  • Bodies and body parts have been returned, pristine, days or weeks later
  • To our knowledge, there have been no similar mutilation cases reported in Scotland, Ireland, Wales or the West Country. The vast majority of cases are in the M25 area and South East
  • Suspected victims are always examined by qualified vets in order to rule in or out of the investigation, following strict criteria
  • The vast majority of animals examined are found to have been killed by blunt force trauma or strangulation and mutilated with a sharp bladed instrument, which are confirmed by vets as being caused by a person and not an animal
  • Many cases we attend are road traffic accidents with fox predation or the occasional dog attack. The injuries sustained are completely different and include scuffed claws. Foxes do NOT cleanly remove heads or tails with a sharp bladed instrument. They tend to disembowel
  • Whilst it is possible that one person may be responsible, we have not ruled out the possibility of a joint enterprise or group. We have never had consecutive killings that we were logistically impossible for one person to do
  • To our knowledge, some Police Forces are closing their investigation without examining vets reports or seeing any photographs of confirmed victims and their injuries

The general consensus is that animals - and humans - are being mutilated by creatures not of this earth while they are fully conscious for an unknown nefarious purpose. 

Evil is real.

Richard D Hall and the Mutilation Mystery 


Phenomena Just Got Real

Bempton Yorkshire UK
Whatever is getting these animals is hitting them with such speed some of their internal organs have imploded.
A Paranormal Investigation has been launched after 'animals found mysteriously butchered' in an East Yorkshire village after speculation animals were found with their ears cut off and their organs removed with “laser precision”.

Reports have been made over the past few weeks of deer found in Bempton UK with their ears removed but no other explanation as to their death, with "no blood" found at the scene. It is also believed sheep have been found with some of their internal organs removed with expert butchery skills, but again with no blood found.

One man is now on a mission to get to the bottom of what has been happening in the area including Bempton and nearby Flixton, as he believes it is a signal of paranormal or extra-terrestrial activity.

Mark Vernon, who has been investigating the paranormal for decades, said:

 Farmers have been losing a lot of animals recently, some with their organs and precise patches of skin removed. I will be visiting these killing fields this week and looking at the woodlands, and I believe there is also an underground bunker which I want to investigate. Bempton is a known UFO hotspot anyway, and while I deal mainly in ghosts, I want to help get rid of whatever is mutilating the animals. I don’t believe in werewolves, but this is certainly something akin to the mutilations in America that have been linked to UFOs.
Whatever is getting these animals is hitting them with such speed some of their internal organs have imploded, and I’m determined to find out what it is.
I believe when it comes to getting rid of a nasty or evil spirit, you need an even scarier one to do the job for you. That’s what Kara is, and she will be coming with me to East Yorkshire to make sure I’m not savaged or bitten by whatever is killing these animals. Kara is my bodyguard. We became friends over the years and she protects me when I am on paranormal investigations. 
According to Mark, Kara arrived to help him when he was at a particularly hostile investigation in 2015. A family in South Kirby, Wakefield, had been left so terrified to go upstairs they resorted to sleeping in the living room.
“Kara is not a ghost, so she has never been a human – she has been here a lot longer than us. She often speaks in Sumerian, which is one of the oldest languages in the world, and while she isn’t attached to me as such, she does appear when I need protection.
SNARL is currently investigating mutilations in the southern UK. They believe one human is responsible for the bloodless deaths because of signature precision knife marks.  The animals are killed by "blunt force trauma" before being butchered elsewhere and returned to the same place days later. 


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