I also get that China is population dense. The ground zero point, a food market in Wuhan, was the perfect origin. This virus can spread from animals to humans, and this type of open market provided the opportunity to put infected animals in the middle of masses of people. I get that when this was released, the PTW didn't know what way the virus would mutate within humans, but they were confident that something would spread.
They also look to have been working on a development project for an immunization or treatment. I hear something about when a treatment or prevention is created, it is largely based on the "genus" name of the virus or bacteria that is the root cause of the illness. A true immunization couldn't be formed against it, but a close version with a fair amount of effectiveness could be based on the "genus" of the virus being released. I also get something about this was a way of being able to test the "genus" theory, and could be a big breakthrough for future diseases or illnesses.
The coronavirus is unpredictable. No one truly knew the extent of how far it would travel, or the severity of the illness. I see that they anticipated pneumonia to be as severe as it got. This virus can effect people very differently. Some people may feel like they have a bad cold, and recover on their own. They may not even get a fever. The cold resolves itself after a few days, and the person moves on. This person can then later infect others unknowingly. I see that is the situation that played out there. Someone was infected and had very mild symptoms. They didn't know to be checked, or that what they were dealing with warranted further action. This virus has been so blown up that people don't realize that you can have it and not even realize you are carrying it. The assumption is that you are in severe medical peril, but that isn't always the case.
The virus is something to watch, and something to mitigate, but why so much fear? Is the fear warranted? Is the seriousness of this worse than the Bird Flu scare, H1N1, Zika or Ebola? Why is the media obsessed with adding to the panic? Yes we need to be aware this exists, and yes we need to take precaution, but is there a bigger agenda at play?
They also look to have been working on a development project for an immunization or treatment. I hear something about when a treatment or prevention is created, it is largely based on the "genus" name of the virus or bacteria that is the root cause of the illness. A true immunization couldn't be formed against it, but a close version with a fair amount of effectiveness could be based on the "genus" of the virus being released. I also get something about this was a way of being able to test the "genus" theory, and could be a big breakthrough for future diseases or illnesses.
The coronavirus is unpredictable. No one truly knew the extent of how far it would travel, or the severity of the illness. I see that they anticipated pneumonia to be as severe as it got. This virus can effect people very differently. Some people may feel like they have a bad cold, and recover on their own. They may not even get a fever. The cold resolves itself after a few days, and the person moves on. This person can then later infect others unknowingly. I see that is the situation that played out there. Someone was infected and had very mild symptoms. They didn't know to be checked, or that what they were dealing with warranted further action. This virus has been so blown up that people don't realize that you can have it and not even realize you are carrying it. The assumption is that you are in severe medical peril, but that isn't always the case.
The virus is something to watch, and something to mitigate, but why so much fear? Is the fear warranted? Is the seriousness of this worse than the Bird Flu scare, H1N1, Zika or Ebola? Why is the media obsessed with adding to the panic? Yes we need to be aware this exists, and yes we need to take precaution, but is there a bigger agenda at play?
As I ponder the above question, I see a lot of working parts here. This looks like a VERY well played hand courtesy of the Powers That Were (PTW) as they take their last ditch effort of keep their control, and this was a plan they had devised decades ago for this exact moment (check out Dean Koontz, "The Eyes of Darkness".} Let me explain:
- Making China submissive: This bio-weapon looks to have been released in China for a few reasons. They wanted to make sure China was put in their place. China has been accumulating lots of gold in hopes of being the next controller of the financial system, and the PTW could not have that. China was also buying up real estate and companies all over the world. The PTW wanted to make sure China could not rise or become even more powerful. The PTW want China to work for them, and not rival them.
- Taking out Trump: Trump has been running on the platform of the economy and low unemployment numbers. By having supply chains broken, people not working due to closures/illness and a shaky stock market at best, his platform looks to be weaker. This also opens up attacks for the Dems. (Watch for pathways for voter fraud with all the scares as well. "When you can't beat them, cheat them.")
- Crashing Markets: When the news of this pandemic first hit media, it didn't phase markets much. As time progressed, and closures occurred, people got scared. This opened up the perfect scenario to manipulate the market and slowly crash it before the elections. Again, making Trump appear weak and leading to number 4.
- Creating Pathway to world currency: With markets crashing and less faith in the dollar, new forms of currency are being introduced. As the fed makes money to help offset the costs being endured with the hardships, the dollar is further inflated, creating even more reason for alternate forms of currency that are "backed" by something. Note: The latest rumor is that the money can be a carrier for the virus (another reason people won't want to carry it.) This leads to the cashless society to "protect us."
- Creating Pathway to social healthcare: The costs of healthcare are higher than ever. By using this crisis to shed light on the costs of healthcare, and the idealistic way free healthcare would work, people start to envision a false reality of socialized healthcare being great.
- Forced immunizations: Big pharma stands to make a TON of money off this. Not only due to manufacturing test kits, they are being paid lots to come up with an immunization.
- Test of Control - How Far Do We Allow It?: Most importantly, this is a test to see how submissive and under what circumstance people will be controlled. If you implement enough fear and scare, what will people do? I foresee a false flag looming related to "gun violence." This is the most submissive this country has been in many decades, and if they want to take the guns, this will be their opportunity, and I see them really maximizing on it.
BUT... while the PTW are working on the above, Trump along with the "white hats" see their hand, and does one better. Whether you like these people (Trump and the "white hats") or not, Trump is a smart businessman, and the white hats won't give up. They always knows what there opponents are up to, and work to combat this. It started with forced resignations, plea deals, witnesses and gathering evidence. People have even distanced themselves from the throne to get out of the spotlight. I see Trump using quarantines and grounded flights (combined with a dash of fear) to make a move on prominent people. Stay tuned. This is just getting started!
One of the most curious is the recent resurrection of a prediction by Sylvia Browne. In her 2008 book End of Days, Browne (who died in 2013) predicted that “In around [sic] 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.”
How to Combat Corona
1. Special Frequency programs (Deta-Elis).
2. Power Tube (Zapper).
3. The virus gets destroyed in the stomach, so rinsing with hot water and swallowing helps to reduce the severity.
4. Low power laser light devices, which cleans the blood
5. Ultra violet light devices
6. Colloidal Silver
7. Vitamin C in high doses
8. Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS)
*Not useful are hand sanitizers, colloidal silver spray is much better.
Let me break down each one and give my impressions. Deta-Elis: I see this could be helpful if the person responds to the frequency. This device gives off a specific frequency, and helps to get the body back in harmony by getting the organs functioning at a healthy vibration. I get that if you chose to go this route, the organ to focus on is the liver. The liver is what needs the main support in fighting off this illness.
Power Tubes: I don't see this as effective as the Deta-Elis because it looks to be more of a neurological stimulator. Any pain or discomfort resulting from this illness looks to be caused from a muscular standpoint versus nerves.
Hydration: I see hydration helping because it keep the body flushed. If this virus enters the mouth (versus eyes) and stays there it can be absorbed into the lymph nodes. In this scenario both drinking fluids and also oil pulling (in the early stages) can be helpful. You may still experience some symptoms, but the severity looks to be lessened.
Laser Lights: I see this may support the immune system and promote it's function, but I get that other alternatives could prove being more effective.
UV Light: This looks to be a huge help. I see that UV light in general helps to boost the immune system tremendously and promotes faster recovery. UV light in general looks to help sanitize outside environments to reduce the spread in common areas (doors, mailboxes, cars, public transportation, parks, grocery carts corralled outside, etc).
Colloidal Silver: I hear a phrase that colloidal silver is "antibacterial and antimicrobial, but not necessarily antiviral." This can help you prevent getting things such as a cold, flu or sinus infection which lessens your immune system (helps you to stay strong). But, I don't necessarily see it preventing a viral attack.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is always good. This is great way to improve your body's own defense system to combat any foreign element that made their way in.
MMS: I do see (for some people) this can be very helpful. Be cautious with this. A little can go a long way, and too much can be damaging (too strong). It does look to attack the virus, but if you use too much it can create too many toxins or byproducts of the virus being destroyed and overwork the liver.
2. Power Tube (Zapper).
3. The virus gets destroyed in the stomach, so rinsing with hot water and swallowing helps to reduce the severity.
4. Low power laser light devices, which cleans the blood
5. Ultra violet light devices
6. Colloidal Silver
7. Vitamin C in high doses
8. Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS)
*Not useful are hand sanitizers, colloidal silver spray is much better.
Let me break down each one and give my impressions. Deta-Elis: I see this could be helpful if the person responds to the frequency. This device gives off a specific frequency, and helps to get the body back in harmony by getting the organs functioning at a healthy vibration. I get that if you chose to go this route, the organ to focus on is the liver. The liver is what needs the main support in fighting off this illness.
Power Tubes: I don't see this as effective as the Deta-Elis because it looks to be more of a neurological stimulator. Any pain or discomfort resulting from this illness looks to be caused from a muscular standpoint versus nerves.
Hydration: I see hydration helping because it keep the body flushed. If this virus enters the mouth (versus eyes) and stays there it can be absorbed into the lymph nodes. In this scenario both drinking fluids and also oil pulling (in the early stages) can be helpful. You may still experience some symptoms, but the severity looks to be lessened.
Laser Lights: I see this may support the immune system and promote it's function, but I get that other alternatives could prove being more effective.
UV Light: This looks to be a huge help. I see that UV light in general helps to boost the immune system tremendously and promotes faster recovery. UV light in general looks to help sanitize outside environments to reduce the spread in common areas (doors, mailboxes, cars, public transportation, parks, grocery carts corralled outside, etc).
Colloidal Silver: I hear a phrase that colloidal silver is "antibacterial and antimicrobial, but not necessarily antiviral." This can help you prevent getting things such as a cold, flu or sinus infection which lessens your immune system (helps you to stay strong). But, I don't necessarily see it preventing a viral attack.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is always good. This is great way to improve your body's own defense system to combat any foreign element that made their way in.
MMS: I do see (for some people) this can be very helpful. Be cautious with this. A little can go a long way, and too much can be damaging (too strong). It does look to attack the virus, but if you use too much it can create too many toxins or byproducts of the virus being destroyed and overwork the liver.
Psychic Focus 2020
Sylvia Brown 2008
Psychic Focus 2020
Sylvia Brown 2008