
UK Phenomena Killings




I realise that the term "The UK Animal Killer", and my granddaughter's rabbiits were victims of human perpetrator/s so I am fully behind the need to highlight and campaign. I have always felt that this is the work of more than one person. I believe this is a group (cult?) of very sick individuals who commit these acts, take trophies and share the images on the dark web. The rabbits lived with me as there weren't suitable facilities where my daughter lived. 

They were bascially given the free run of my enclosed courtyard garden and were rabbits first, pets second. They were Rexes and the male in particular was a muscular buck and would have fought. They were removed, killed, exsanguinated, decapitated and had their tales removed. The male rabbit's tail was flung over the wall into a neighbour's garden and the tail of the female placed under the male's body. He was posed directly so that on opening my curtains he would be laying, hind paws first, while it was absolutely intentional to pose him like that I am unsure if the effect was meant to look like he was in repose but it more resembled a rabbit positioned in a butcher's shop. 

The female rabbit's body was dumped on their dung pile in the back corner of my yard. The large double hutch was absolutely untouched, not even a food bowl overturned. 

There was no sign of a struggle. Not a spot of blood in the hutch, on the largely paved garden, nor on the fur around the excision sites of their heads and tails. 

My back garden is overlooked by a block of flats, anyone looking out on the first floor and up would have had a clear view, as well as bungalows. 

It happened after around 1:30am and their bodies discovered by the neigbour who saw the male rabbit's tail on the ground next to his bins round about 9AM. 

This was 7 hours to catch them, knock them out somehow, as I say the male would have fought and there were no signs of a struggle, take them somewhere to kill them and carry out their mutilations, and return them and pose the male. The heads were never recovered. 

I was targetted because (I was told) disabled households and those with young children are the favoured targets, for the biggest impact. Until this group of individuals (I absolutely believe it would take two to restrain the male rabbit and not disturb the interior of the hutch) are found and their ring exposed this is going to continue. I would never again have any pet that would require being housed in my garden. 

My granddaughter has frequently asked if we can have more rabbits, obviously I did not tell her they had been killed, let alone how and what happened to them, and chose to tell her they both got ill. I have to come up with excuses and it absolutely angers me that through the actions of sick individuals I have had to change my plans, not enjoy doing something that would bring my granddaughter and myself real joy.

Desperate Love Message from Spirit

In the early evening of November 10, 1975, during a heavy storm on Lake Superior, the S. S. Edmund Fitzgerald sank. Her captain and crew of 28 were never found. No one knows why the ship sank so quickly or why the captain never sent out a distress call. And though many years have passed since the incident, mystery still surrounds the tragedy.

Psychic Marie St. Clair investigates the mystery and delivers a message of love from a lost crew member.

The Connection
At 1 AM, I got into my relaxation mode and successfully connected to the Edmund Fitzgerald. The connection was frightening at first, because I arrived before the ship sank while it was being battered by a terrifying storm, what’s known as the dreaded “Witch of November.” It was as if I was watching the ship on a television screen, and, at the same time, I was there. I couldn’t feel the cold or water as I was there in spirit and not in bodily form.

Yet I could almost feel the malevolent essence of the storm as I watched great and punishing waves turn the water into jaws with the strength to cut metal. All the while, great winds launched their own assault, prying at the deck and pummeling the already compromised hatch covers. She was heavily loaded with iron and traveling low in the water, which only contributed to her taking on water from the unimaginably huge waves.

And the captain and crew in the pilot house realized that the ship was taking on a lot of water and that there was a problem with the hatch covers. I saw two men go on the deck–perhaps to close a hatch cover that had blown off. A great wave lashed out at the deck and carried the two men away. The captain said something else that I couldn’t make out, and then the bow was abruptly hit by another wave, while the stern was rocked by another.

Below, I saw water rising up through big stacks of metal pellets. I saw metal pellets shift toward the bow and could almost feel the ship strain from the unimaginable tug on her bones. I saw the bow listing precariously. Yet on the radio, the captain said something along the lines of: “We’re holding our own.”

And then the vessel was swamped by water, literally beaten and broken by waves and gales. And–much to the crew’s shock–the ship split at a point that was about two thirds of the way down from the bow. There was no time to react. The ship went down headfirst, almost instantly, and the stern followed, taking the crew with it.

I watched the undulations of the black water for some time, reflecting on what I’d seen, an overwhelming sense of dread and fear welling up inside me as I pondered the crew’s terrible fate. I was afraid to follow them into the depths and had to remind myself that I must in order to find the information that I sought, and that it was entirely safe for me to do so as I was not there in body. And finally, I summoned enough courage to take a dive where I came upon the wreckage.

I was met by an older, gray-haired man in the front of the ship who identified himself as the captain. He told me his name was “Sorely,” or at least that’s how I heard it. He was evasive about the ship’s sinking, seemed not to want to discuss the incident or maybe he didn’t know how to mentally convey information to me. He didn’t seem opposed about my being there, but was somewhat intimidated about my presence. The other members were too and stayed away, hiding within the ship’s stern, but I knew they were listening to the conversation with great interest.

This is not the first time that I’ve experienced this strange “fear” reaction from those I’ve made a connection to. Read some of my other Case Files to see what I mean. Since I was meeting this resistance from the men, I started to explain to the captain that I’d come for research purposes, telling him that the world wants answers about why the ship sank and about the men who went down with her. He seemed to relax, and so I began to ask questions.

I asked why the ship had sank, and he said: “Storm.”

I asked again and was told: “Brittle metal”

When Questioned further, he said only, “Metal fatigue,” and I got a strong mental picture of the weak metal and the great stress going against it. It had to cut itself loose from the grind, could no longer contain itself. It broke in two just as I’d seen.

I asked why no distress signal was issued and why no one tried to abandon the ship.

He said: “No time.”

Such short statements from spirits are not uncommon. I would be more surprised if the person I connected to issued full and descriptive sentences. The short replies don’t generally represent the person’s reluctance to tell their story. Instead, I believe that the lack of verbosity is due to some kind of physical resistance or block. It could due to the spirit’s difficulty in relaying information to another like someone talking on a defective phone line. After all, we’re thinking to each other, not using our lips. I believe that it’s not easy for all to accomplish this feat and is a skill that must be mastered. I also believe that spirits are, for the most part, not allowed or are unable to convey information to me unless I ask them something specific. Sometimes, however, that’s not true, as another spirit aboard the ship reveals.
There was a strong and passionate voice among the men. Though I could make out few details about him, since he continued to hang back in the shadows, I, nevertheless, sensed that he was a younger man with brown or reddish hair. He yelled repeatedly: “Tell Elaina (or Alena) I love her!” He virtually yelled this message at me often during the connection. It was important to him that I carry this message to the world, and I assured him that I would deliver his message if possible. If there’s an Elaina out there who had a loved one on board the ship, I would certainly appreciate it if you’d let me know. It would make me feel so much better to know that you’d received the man’s heartfelt message.
As the captain escorted me about the battered remains of the vessel for what I can only call a tour, the others started venturing closer. By the look of things, I’d started out many years after the wreck–in the ship’s present state, but as we proceeded, its condition changed. It didn’t seem like the ship was wrecked or under water. Instead, it was suddenly in perfect condition, and I could have been on board during a beautiful day when it was getting ready to set out on its next adventure.

I believe this is how the crew perceives the ship and their surroundings.

The tour ended in a room with a long table. I sensed that it was the men’s favorite room, the place where they most liked to gather–perhaps the galley. And we talked for some time. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what we said, but I apparently gained the men’s trust, and they no longer feared me. In fact, many of the men who’d seemed fearful about my presence earlier now seemed to want to be near me, seemed glad that I was there. Many of the men wore big smiles as they gathered around the table.

I don’t wish to upset any family members with my account, but I feel that I must be truthful when revealing what I saw and sensed during a connection, and I’m sorry to say that despite this amiable environment, in which I found myself, I feel that many of the men are not entirely at peace. Some had not accepted the tragedy or their own death. Even the captain, on some level, seemed unwilling to accept his fate. I also strongly felt that not all 29 men were there. Some had either moved on to the other side or were still hiding from me.

I told the men that I believed it would help them if we prayed together. They honored my request. Holding hands, we formed a circle and prayed. I asked God to give these men peace and comfort and to let his healing light flow through them and lead them home.

Then I snapped out of the vision. Stunned, I could only sit there for a long while, hoping that my prayer had been answered. I realized that I’d had a greater purpose in going there than merely to learn information about the tragedy. I unknowingly went there to help those men cross over. And perhaps I’d accomplished this as, following the prayer, I was suddenly ejected from the scene from some unseen force. I knew that God had had another purpose in my mission there. I was supposed to connect to those men and help them.

I glanced at the clock. It was 5 AM. I had been on board the ship for more than 4 hours. This was the longest that I’d ever been in a vision. I was ravenous, something that often happens after I make a psychic connection, especially a very strong one like this. I immediately began to evaluate what I saw.


Lynn's Life Detective

Elizabeth I of England 
"Something feels really dark and there’s some heavy energy about Elizabeth. When I focus on her I see that in the ‘royal’ lineages, all those folks keep reincarnating within the same lines over and over, so they always keep close to the thrones, to the threads of power. When we die, we’re faced with choices. We can hang-out, we can go visit places or people, we can learn, or... we can go down a light tunnel and have our minds wiped. The reptilians control this light tunnel. They create this illusion of a loved one and hope and lure you down the light tunnel with it, trapping you in this 3d (third-density) world. Part of what the reptilians [aka, arch*ns, heretofore known as “ircons" because they irk] do is route who-goes-where, esp in terms of the lower vibe people. And they actively want to propagate this dark monarchy. And… the current queen... really feels like THIS queen! She is QEII, now. Ugh, she feels very 3d, feels very stuck in the 3d. You can resist the light tunnel if you want to… and she doesn’t want to. She’s going to be part of a creepy 3d loop for a really long time. I see the 3d existence lasting a lot longer than people think.”

Phillip II of Spain
“I get that he incarnated as Prince Charles! Behind the scenes, there is always something about Charles trying to prove himself to QEII, but he’s never good enough for her… and it’s because of this past karmatic history! In this life they're here to work this out… but they’ve not worked through it and they won’t for a long while. Marrying Lady Diana was more of a rebellious thing that he did. He tries to do things to win QEII over, but she’s very stuck in her long-held beliefs. She has a very low vibe feeling to her. They’re going to continue to incarnate into this low-vibe rondo until they work this out on their 3d path."

Edward Teach (aka, Blackbeard the Pirate)
 “I get that he incarnated after this lifetime into... some kind of English poet at a university… around 1800s. Oxford? He was some kind of literary genius. He went from badass pirate to intriguing poet. Who is he now? I see him having to live out this barbaric part of himself but then moving on to a very intellectual path. He’s moving more into scientific roles in the future, something even more intellectual. I couldn't tell which poet and it's driving me crazy. I can't seem to get a name. Just the visual of a lot of red-and-black plaid.This 'ircon tunnel-of-light' thing opens up a huge can of worms. Was Edward Teach/Blackbeard then INTENTIONALLY sent by the ircons *into the literary world* to force things a certain way/disrupt things? Yes, I think it was ircon driven, and then guide-assisted to get a fuller lesson of learning; our guides still help us and want us to evolve, despite the circumstances. Just because an ircon sends you here doesn't mean your guides want you to stay here. Our guides will still help regardless of the density you end up in.”

Hunter S. Thompson
 “He looks like he’s going to come back a very hard-core military man, dedicated to serving his country. 100% committed, totally decorated. But the experiences he’ll have will take a mental toll. He’ll snap and be discharged for mental instability and spend his later adulthood dealing with the things he saw while serving in the military. He’s all about courage and bravery in this next lifetime."

Prince William and Prince George 
“Let’s look at William first. I feel like there’s something really transitional in William. He’s not the traditional monarchy guy. It’s the Diana in him. He’s not as intently into all the negative ritualistic stuff. I don’t see him doing any of that. He *will* become king, but it will be much later in life… and he won’t stay king for very long. He’ll either renounce the throne or something like that. He’s going to break the ircon monarchy loop. After this life, he’ll still go into the light [trap], but he'll be rejected 'cause he doesn’t fit the irconic plans. He’s gonna make the 4d jump with Diana. As for George… he’s never going to be king, but it’s no big deal. It’s like Diana in spirit is something protecting her boys and grandkids from all the darkness in the monarchy. Some strange thing will happen and there will be a very abbreviated term for William as King, but when they all cross over in spirit, Diana is going to take them to 4d."

Prince Andrew
“Ugh, so creepy. Reptilian connection to all these guys. When he passes he’s not going to reincarnate for a loooong time. Something about him… the ircons won’t let him come back in and that’s so strange. I see him in spirit and they won’t let him go into the 3d light tunnel. He’s kinda tortured in spirit. That one’s really weird."

Jeffrey Epstein
“Ew! Even creepier. He’s coming back to 3d, but not soon. I see him and he looks like a little girl in an orphanage in his next life, somewhere in China or SE Asia. He’s desperate for love in a sterile, overpopulated orphanage, emotionally neglected. Karma city. His life is totally devoid of all personal connections. A very sad life.”

Jared Kushner
“He’s very 3d, too. I hear something about him coming back as a 'snobby prince.' He’ll incarnate into wealth (again), into a life only about money and deals. A very superficial materialistic 3d life around 2100. Ick." 

Marie Curie 
"I get that even after she passed away, she always had some kind of religious affiliation to her. In her next life, she comes back as a Greek Orthodox nun in Central Europe. She has this very giving, nurturing feeling of wanting to serve SOURCE, very selfless. She feels *very* high vibe. She’ll be 4d next.”


A Psychic View of the Planets

Feels aggressive. If you were there you would feel anxious. High energy. I also get the color blue, and take it to mean it is somehow tied to the throat chakra. I feel like all the colors I saw were due to a vibration that the planet was giving off. I feel like in the beginning, ALL the planets were one mass, and over the years, they have been split off with collisions. The older planets were split first, and the "newer" planets were more recent (in terms of millions of years). When a collision occurs, the heat from the explosion makes the planet mass more gel-like, and that combined with the intense rotations makes it appear more circular until the mass finally cools and solidifies.

Very feminine. I see orange, and... now that I think on it, that doesn't surprise me since orange is the color of the sacral chakra (reproductive area for women). Venus has a calm vibe, very similar to earth. Feels like a home to 3d or 5d beings should they want to hang out there. Venus and Earth used to be closer. As time goes on, they all tend to space out more. Even our moon used to closer. In general, it is as if space is growing.

4d is here. It is just a matter of making the ascension merge. We are living in a time of timeline shifts, time slips, Mandela Effects, etc. It is a crazy energy time as the 4d makes it's full split.

Very masculine. I get red, which for men would tie to reproduction and survival. Extremely primal. Energy feels very direct, like jabs rather than being fluid. Feels like the counterpart to Venus, almost like a yin yang type of connection. Mars could also house 3d to 5d beings. The energy there doesn't feel good. It’s just very blah.

Feels like the 'grandpa' of the system. Very old. Slow moving, but wise. Can't be a little direct (versus a 'soft' grandma). The moons are like grandchildren that look up to the 'grandpa'.The energy is similar, but very muted down. Jupiter does feel like one of the "one offs" that didn't come from an explosion. Aside from earth, tons of ET activity happen on Jupiter and our moon. Maybe even more than on earth. Jupiter is like a home away from home for ETs, literally.

Very masculine, and jealous (??). The energy here is very uncomfortable. I get Saturn is like an uncle in relation to Earth, older, wiser, and male. Saturn feels like it has a real ego battle going on. Ego can get in the way of developing your gifts.

Color-wise, I see white, but not in an enlightened or protective way. More like cold and sterile. This planet has an old and abandoned feel, like it's a loner. It feels alone out there, like it doesn't fit in with the others.

Feminine feel, with an angry vibe. Neptune feels into herself, and not in a good way. The energy relates to compulsions, addictions, etc. Neptune feels like a lower vibe planet that is very 3d, or even less.

I see Pluto as a spunky kid. Excited, anxious, naive and immature. Very young in comparison.

So… when the planets “line up,” or get a little closer in their orbits, they must “feel” each other across the distance. Do they then release some kind of spiritual energy? 

Absolutely. Proximity or conjunction makes things very intense.

What did the asteroid belt use to be? Was that a planet that was destroyed? 

The asteroid belt was a collision of another planet into Earth that created our moon. There was a collision in the Pacific Ocean which is why there is so much water/space there. The large mass became the moon, and the debris got stuck and became the asteroid belt.

What will happen with each planet after The SHIFT?

They'll exist, but some may stay on a different density.

The sun is alive, too. Is it a scale model of SOURCE, or a giant star spirit?
HUGE HUGE portal. A living portal, part of the portal system. That is why we see so many ETs there.

You said that you saw the early solar system as one mass. What was it BEFORE it was one mass? Where did the mass come from?"
"I see this mass, smaller than a grain of sand, and there was some kind of implosion and caused things to break out from there. It wasn't intentional, it just was. And, I feel like the 'sand' was a piece of SOURCE or came from SOURCE."



Izzy the missing miracle

Pea Horsely Animal Communicator saves a missing pet.
I live in Australia. A friend of a friend suggested I contact you. I was driving home from Mackay to Townsville on March 2nd this year, and about half way home a truck rammed me from behind, causing me to lose control and go off the highway. I rolled for about 100 metres, but came to rest on my car wheels. My fur baby, Izzy, was in the car with me, and traumatized she escaped out a broken window and ran away. I was taken to hospital and unable to look for her until the following day. I travelled countless times back to crash site and searched for her – it’s all bush land and I’ve walked kilometres looking for her. I have contacted all farm properties in the area and distributed multiple flyers. I have also put out information on multiple missing animals Facebook pages. I am desperate to bring her home. I don’t know if she is still alive. There was only one sighting reported which was on the night of the accident, and I was in hospital. She was seen on the side of the highway near the crash site.”
My heart went out to them. I imagined being in a car accident and then my own dog escaping from the car terrified and in shock. Was she still alive was my first question. If she was perhaps I could help.

Thankfully when I communicated with Izzy the first things she expressed was, “I’m safe. I fled.” I felt she was still alive but I double-checked with a gestalt technique to be sure. She also showed an image of her body; her ribs were clearly showing. She felt bruised but otherwise, amazingly, she was doing pretty good physically. Yes, she was hungry, scared and worried, but she was still in her physical body which meant there was hope. I took time to offer her comfort, healing and to reassure her I’d try and help her and Jo back together again.

My first communication with Izzy was spread over two sessions as I gained her confidence. Izzy is more of a timid dog than a confident one; she’d gone into survival mode and was not as open as she would be if she’d felt safe at home. She reminded me a lot of my own dog’s character, which in a way made me even more determined to try and help Jo get her home safe. I shared some identifying markers for Jo who was able to recognize a location and went to look. Izzy had mentioned a river a number of times and pictured a structure, which wasn’t very tall, manmade and occasionally had people in it. It wasn’t something I knew or recognized. Izzy ended the communication by picturing and expressing that she wanted to be held in Jo’s arms.

The second communication with Izzy was about encouraging her to be seen. She began by repeating, “I’m safe.” When a dog is in survival mode and hiding it takes longer to locate them. Wherever she’d got herself, she felt she was in a safe place and keen to remain there. Jo wanted me to ask her if she felt safe enough to approach a human for help. Izzy replied emphatically, ‘No.’

I spent quite a while talking with her, gaining more trust and sharing Jo’s encouraging messages like, ‘Let her know I’ve been searching for her since the accident, and people within miles are looking for her too.’

Izzy communicated she wouldn’t venture out, ‘Until it grows dark. Safest time.’

I began to ask things of her. ‘Please be visible to a human,’ I communicated.

I agreed she could do this from a distance, but that she would need to ‘come out and stand still. ‘Let a human see you clearly. Then return to safety.’

I explained that I hoped the human would tell Jo they’d spotted her and Jo would then be able to call for her in the right location. I went further to explain, ‘This is how you can be reunited and go home together.

With great determination Izzy replied, ‘I will do it.’

I carried on to share Jo’s message that a lot of people had been trying to find her and Izzy replied, ‘I feel a great caring.’

Then I communicated Jo’s message, ‘I’m doing my best to get Izzy home and into my arms,’ acknowledging that I had passed her communication request to Jo and Jo had responded. This added more trust between the three of us. Izzy responded, ‘I feel so much happier.’

Jo’s final message to Izzy was, ‘Tell her I’ll never give up looking for her.’

Izzy replied, ‘I know you love me. It wasn’t your fault.’

I passed on to Jo that Izzy was feeling muscly, strong and stronger in heart. She was feeling happier since the connection began through the communications. She was more optimistic and positive.

Then the most heartwarming message from Izzy, ‘I know there’s a way home.’

I repeated our agreement that she’d show herself and Izzy said it would be when it’s dark and the moon was high and bright. Izzy offered to show herself ‘in three sleeps.’

Izzy’s last message was, ‘I want to come home.’

I ended by telling her, “Make yourself visible. Keep safe.’

That was on March 25, over three and half weeks since the crash. Then two days later…

Izzy Is Home! I got a fairytale ending – it’s a miracle. Your communication with Izzy was invaluable and kept me going. I honestly believe she made herself visible to someone. It was an epic mission to get her. She has been just eating and sleeping. Took her to this vet this morning and she has no broken bones, her bloods showed normal kidney and liver function. Honestly just malnourished and exhausted. I gave her a long warm shower and used pet medicated shampoo. She is loving being home, and I am forever grateful.’

Izzy may not have waited ‘three sleeps’, she may have shown herself on the second night. Although Jo and I aren’t completely certain on this because maybe Izzy meant three UK sleeps, which would have been two Aussie sleeps.

Once Jo had Izzy settled, the following day she went into more detail and offered thanks to all the people who had helped and supported her.

It Took A Team To Bring Izzy Home

‘Your communication with Izzy gave me hope, and kept me going. It was indeed essential. She was alive, safe, showing ribs, but surviving out there. I cannot believe it to be honest. I think she actually had plenty of opportunity to show herself to a human, but didn’t. The fact you communicated with her and gained her trust, and that she presented herself to a human at the time she did – is indeed a miracle. The beach where I found her is so isolated – the guy camping on the beach shouldn’t have even been there. Firstly it is very remote, and difficult to get there. Secondly, our government had introduced a new rule saying no camping was allowed due to COVID-19. It is a miracle they were camping there, and that Izzy felt ok to show herself. And Jay who saw her – he saw my flyer and called me. Those variables in themselves are a miracle. Yesterday I was at work when I received a phone call from a young man called Jay. He left a voicemail saying he had sighted Izzy down at Elliot River Beach. He had seen my flyer, and because he is an amazing person, he called me. I was fortunate to be given permission to leave work. I drove down to meet Jay, which was about 10km from the crash site (coastal direction) at a place known as the Elliot River Huts. Jay said he had seen Izzy over on the beach, and I would need a boat to access unless I waited until about 9pm for the tide to go out. To get to the beach was an extraordinary task, and took a couple of hours, but we made it just as the sun was going down. We found paw prints, and guided by Jay’s advice as to where he had spotted her, we headed there.
I spotted Izzy in the shrub/grass. I called out to her and she started running. She was terrified. She ran to the sand along the water, stopping occasionally to look back. I was calling her but my voice wasn’t being carried by the wind. Izzy ran up the sand dunes, and out of sight. I desperately tried to crawl up the sand dunes but every time I almost got over, the sand would collapse underneath me. Eventually I was able to propel my body over the top and I got up and saw her in the distance. She kept running. So I ran too. Eventually she slowed, and after about 5 minutes of cat and mouse, she stopped, and let me walk up and put my arms around her. I cried and cried. I picked her up and carried her back, sliding down the sand dunes with her. My friends met me with her lead, and I carried her back to where we had entered the beach. We gave her water and food. I got back to my car, put her in the front seat with bedding, belted her in and we headed home. I took Izzy to the vet this morning and amazingly she is fine, apart from being malnourished and exhausted. She is being pampered and treated like royalty.
‘It is so wonderful to have her home. It’s a miracle. On the beach, the only structure was the tent that the guy had set up. Nothing else for kilometres. However, prior to the beach, way back from the ocean (and to get from the beach requires low tide or a boat) are the Elliot Huts. They are essentially sheds (structures) where people live (think: underground living – away from civilisation). A whole other world. This makes sense from your information. I travelled down on the Thursday afternoon, and I did find a structure that matched / was similar to the picture you sent. It’s funny – where I searched on the Thursday was still kilometres from where I found Izzy, but it all helped as part of the puzzle. I think it was the second night I found her. I decided that I wasn’t going to wait anyway, I was going to search and search and not wait the 3 nights. I believe she managed to travel to the beach from the river when it was low tide – which is from 9pm onwards. Which makes sense why she chose evening to find her.’

A Happy Ending
I wrote to Jo, ‘Please give your darling a big kiss from me and tell her, “Well done! You did good and are perfect. I love you.”

Thank you also Jo for trusting me and going with the communication. I understand the rollercoaster agony of trying to find your missing animal and it is such a hard place to function from.

I just lay down with Izzy and told her what you said. She is very happy to be home. I did trust you Pea, you gave me hope at a time when I was struggling so much. Thank you also for responding to my request to help – and for believing in a positive outcome for Izzy and I. You have my permission to share anything you would, anything at all. If this success story can help even one other animal be reunited with their owner, then it is worth it. Love Jo (and Izzy – the bravest girl I know).


Firestorm Miracles at Bunyip VIC

The town of Bunyip in Victoria Australia is the place for wildfire miracles.

2009 Miracle at Bunyip VIC
Mrs. Gerrard was home with her invalid husband and her daughter who has a studio on the property. We were on fire-alert and I thought I knew about fires as I had I lived in Erica for years where they were a threat many times. We were prepared with our mops, buckets and hoses all at hand. We were very calm. 

We could see the smoke in the air and at 2:30pm our neighbours sent us a text message to advise us that we were about to get some embers. So we got ready, still calm. We have a tower here and my daughter could see a long way. We got my husband out of the house, he has a heart condition, and got the dogs inside. We were still very calm, just waiting for spot fires. 

A young man, Michael, arrived and helped us fix and connect our hoses and then he just hung around. He lives in Warragul, but didn't feel easy about going home and I couldn't persuade him to go. At about 3:00pm the wind changed and we started getting embers. We had been watching the flames and smoke across at Jindivick and the fire was moving away from us. 

Suddenly our neighbour texted: 
"Look to the front of your property, you have two seconds to prepare yourselves!" 
My daughter organised us we split into two groups and went to our stations. God had sent that young man, Michael to us and he hadn't felt able to leave us. Then another friend arrived. My post was in the front of the house so I was on the perimeter waiting. 

Then it came, roaring up the paddock from behind us. A great rolling wall of fire tumbling like a long barrel, with the noise of 1200 bulldozers all at once. The noise was terrific - we were shouting at the top of our voices. Andrew and I were filling buckets to protect the perimeter of the house. 

"GOD HELP US! DO SOMETHING! WE LOVE YOU!" My daughter and our friend were at the other side of the house. The fire was raging all around us it came to within a metre of our garden and all the paddocks were on fire. My hair was singed and my scarf wrapped around my face was scorched. 

By this time I was on my knees calling out, "God help us! Do something! We love you The fire then turned and went down to the lake. 
Our friend called out, "Tell Him we need some rain, and send it now!" So I called out, "Lord, send us rain, and send it now!" 
The rain came, it was like when you drop a hose and it snakes along the ground - the rain came spurting down like silver streaks of water through the air. That helped us and we knew then we would be OK. 

As the fire passed we came back together it felt like we'd just come back from a battlefield. 

The young men said, "We could hear you shouting out to God, above the noise of the roaring fire." Now I'm a softly spoken person -- I don't generally have the strength for volume in my voice. I'm 72, and I've never experienced anything like it before. Never been so close to dying. We praised the Lord and thanked God; maybe we weren't ready to go?

Right around the house is a ring untouched by the fire; the house and rose garden looked as though nothing has happened. The white wooden fence is there, but it is untouched. The fire burnt the foliage and the ferns under the fence; outside the fence all the native trees and the conifers are gone - totally burnt.

Our neighbour had cows in the next paddock and as the fire roared on my daughter said, "I'm going to bring the cows over." She was amazing. She brought them over to our sand area where we had some horses. When the horses saw the cows, they helped her with the roundup.

I said, "Look at that!" The horses had the cows in a ring, just calmly grazing the perimeter around them so that the cows couldn't get out. The animals were so calm —they must have felt the Lord's hand over them.

At one stage I was riding the motor bike. I nearly crashed many times, as I couldn't see more than ten feet in front and sure enough - I turned the bike over. I said, "Lord, give me the strength of twenty men!" I put my leg on the upturned bike and over it came. Later, my daughter found blood on the back of my head and on my arm.

I can't say it was frightening it was an experience we were carried through. My faith is strong; I don't start the day unless I ask the Lord if I am doing His will. He protected us as if He put a cone over us and said, "I will protect you". He sent us a guardian angel to protect us. Michael was like an angel and he said later that he didn't know why he stayed. The other young man was sent to us too. My husband is not well we couldn't have done it on our own. We were just calling above the noise, Lord, God help us! Our voices went above the noise of the fire, even though we could hardy breathe. Ive had a cough ever since. 

If you believe in God and put your life in His hand, He'll be with you. I'm sure all these disasters are to bring us to God. All these disasters overseas in lands where very few are living with God, are surety a sign of the end of end of times. I feel I live in the world, but I'm not of it. I got on my knees and said "Please, Lord, I want you to save my family. I'm 72, but these young people...


2017 Hollywood Actress Declares Psalm 91 Over Home Saved From Wildfires (not Bunyip VIC) 

Amazing testimony of the power of speaking the Word of God over your life! The American actress and singer, Brenda Epperson, best known for her role in the soap opera The Young and The Restless, was thankful her home and family were saved from the deadly wildfires that continues to burn in California. In one of the live videos she posted on her Facebook, she showed the area where God miraculously stopped the fire and saved their property. Brenda said it was only through the power of prayer that God stopped that fire from reaching their home and protecting their terrified horses. 
… and the fire stopped. God stopped that fire right at our property line, right at our fence.” Brenda said in CBN interview. She also shared in her Facebook post that she keeps on praying the powerful verse, Psalms 91 over her home.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in his mighty shadow. I will say of the Lord He is my refuge and my God in whom I trust. Surely, He will save you from the fowler’s snare and the deadly pestilence. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you.
She was so overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness. At the same time, she encouraged the people to continue praying for the victims. And at the moment, Brenda and her family are going around the affected areas helping people. They are sharing the love of God to those who need it.

“The good that’s going to come out of it is I believe that revival, that God is going to wake us all up.”

2019 Goat miraculously survives on only grass patch in paddock

A GOAT tethered to a fence has miraculously survived the Bunyip bushfire — by standing on the only patch of grass that didn’t burn in a charred paddock. Moorooduc firefighters came across the “luckiest goat” on Sunday when leaving a property at Tonimbuk.

“He’d been surrounded by fire throughout the day, yet the one square metre patch of dirt and grass he was standing on didn’t burn,” volunteer firefighter Aaron Pinxt wrote on Facebook. “Everything around this guy was burnt, yet somehow he survived without a scratch.”

The firefighters checked him over for injuries and filled a drum with fresh water from their truck.
“Hopefully that water will keep him going until his owners are allowed back home,” Mr Pinxt said.

How would you fight this monster?

FLAMES OF HELL: Narrabri man Mark Barrow took this photo on Timor Rd looking towards Warrumbungle National Park 2013

Drugs Alcohol Psychics and Ouija Boards

Psychics or people with intuitive abilities are often incredibly sensitive. When we head onto the spiritual path, we wake up, we gain clarity, we become more connected to spirit. But on a daily basis alcohol and drugs can impair your connection with your internal guidance. It also can cause you to let down your guard and be susceptible to other entities. Many, many spiritual leaders and psychics have repeatedly carried the message that alcohol and drugs can interfere with psychic abilities and in fact can cause a form of possession.

Ouija Boards can be effective in connecting to the other side, but the real issue comes from how they originated. There are lots of dark magic tied to them, and they were used in very dark rituals. As these became tools of the darker forces they tried to get these dark magic tools into the hands of the public so people that didn't know what they were doing could conjure up darker spirits. People were unintentionally drawing in these spirits and strengthening the low vibrational beings  and making spiritual ascension much harder. Now these boards can be found in the gaming isle of most stores, and children, who are some of the most "intuitively open" beings have access to these tools. Ouija Boards are not toys and should only be used by those who absolutely know what they are doing.

When you bring a spirit forward using the Ouija Board, good or bad, you are opening up your space and allowing permission for it to exist. They can be stubborn, and not want to leave. These beings on the other side want to be heard, so they will "rush" the opportunity the Ouija Board provides. These beings generally reside in spirit, and not physically, and can intend to cause harm either by their own will, or implanting ideas in those around them by using a physical being to do "their" work. 

It is not just Ouija boards. There seems to be an epidemic especially among the young people of this generation being possessed or having entities attached to their etheric bodies. Any number of things can bring this type of attachment about such as drugs or alcohol. People diagnosed as having psychosis, who say they see or hear spiritual beings, all stem from addictions that open their personal space to the other side. Often this is written off as bipolar or depression, and treated with drugs that only make things worse. It seems like dark forces are preying on the young now more than ever.

A person going through such a crisis sometimes has been chosen as a natural medium by the spirit realm for a message that needs to be communicated to the physical world. Mental disorder, behavioral disorder of all kinds, signal the fact that two obviously incompatible energies have merged into the same field. These disturbances result when the person does not get assistance in dealing with the presence of the energy from the spirit realm. Heavy dosing with anti-psychotic drugs compounds the problem and prevents the integration that could lead to soul development and growth in the individual who has received these energies.

When someone is suffering in this manner their eyes are different, their facial complexion, their demeanour is different. They lose weight, their hands shake, their personality changes, they're paranoid, they're unreliable.

This person had insecure financial income in their life, they worked hard but their finances were going backwards, causing great stress and anxiety which led to doctors, drugs, self medicating and alcohol. They said they  'knew when they were there' (the bad people) because the person they were talking to would suddenly turn their head and look at them sideways. That's when they had to pretend to carry on as normal while planning a quick escape. They said they were followed everywhere, towns, cities, states. There was nowhere safe from the bad people. This person was already sensitive to the other side and now the other side had exploded into their world. They became very unstable. 
Deliverance is through Jesus Christ. Forget formulas and simply seek God’s presence. There are no magical formulas to use to conjure up miracles. Instead, miracles happen whenever you welcome God’s powerful presence into the situations you face. So don’t worry about trying to pray perfect prayers to convince God to do something miraculous in your life. Simply invite God to work in every situation in which you’re seeking miracles, and trust Him to do what’s best after you ask Him to intervene.


Plants and Consciousness

I do get plants have a consciousness. Their consciousness extends to feeling energies and frequencies around them. I see that is why when people sing or talk to their plants, the plant actually grows better. The plants pick up on the human connection, and it promotes health.  I get that when people pick plants, vegetables, herbs, etc, take a moment and have some gratitude. Even a simple "thank you" in your mind can mean a lot. They will feel your appreciation and yield a healthier, and even more nutritious crop. What is interesting if they are part of a collective consciousness with each other too. For example, if you are in a forest and causing harm / destruction, when you enter a different area, the plants feel it and are "on guard." They feel it and pick up on what your intentions are.- Lynn Psychic Focus  
I became aware of a strange high-pitched tweeting sound of excitement all around me.  The sound was one of millions of tiny particles or entities communicating excitedly among themselves. I looked around me to ascertain what was causing this vibrational delightful sound... and then realized the sound came from the trees, the leaves, the branches and other plants. - anon 
My friend said he knew exactly what that noise is because he has heard it heaps of times when he is in the wheat paddock just before the wheat comes into head. He always assumed it was the dry stalks and the wind making the noise, he says that it can get very noisy after a shower of rain. It sounded like a whispering at first and he was looking around for its source, then it became like a little chatter which grew in intensity to the point where it felt very loud. He just associated it with the harvest because he hadn't heard it anywhere else. He said there needs to be shower of rain and warm weather. I might mention he has also told me that animals eat grass into the wind so the plants don't know the animal is coming and can maintain its sweetness. - Steve  
I really believe that, I had a fern on each stereo speaker years ago, and was into relaxation and meditation music, they grew so lush and huge but I didn't click on till my son moved in and while i was at work pumped ACDC music all day. Weeks later I wondered why the ferns were starting to die, I moved them to different areas around the room but sadly lost both. Then one day i came home early and could hear ACDC pumping out of my flat, it then got me to wondering if the  plants had died because of the music, and the volume. - Wendy Dunn
Glenda has a special gift in the garden leaving the Townsville Spiritual Church, I had a spring in my step. "I've found my life's purpose," I told my daughter Laura, 30, as we set off home in June 2004. I had just turned 50 and had found a spiritual connection with crystals at my church. Over the next 18 months, I learnt how to connect with people using crystals, then one day I decided to try something different. Going into the garden I placed my hands on a tree. It took a lot of concentration but eventually I could feel the vibrations running through my body and the tree started to speak to me. "My name is Magnolia," she said. I hopped from one tree to the next finding out their names. Cellyander, Alabaster, Jumping Jack, Gulliver and Alistair are just some of the trees I have come to know. I wanted to find out more. "Where do your names come from?" I asked.

"Some of us are named after loved ones and others from a past life,"Jellyander replied. They tell me they are here to learn love, wisdom, compassion, strength and, above all, honour. The trees have healing properties. One day I asked Alistair to heal my aching back. "Turn around and lean on my bark," he instructed. I could feel his heat coming out and soon my back was better. I've mastered the art of talking to the trees and don't have to touch them to speak to them anymore, they just comment as I walk past. "Hello, Alabaster," I call to the tree out on the highway. My husband Chris, 60, is supportive. When we're out, he'll stand with me so I don't look like I'm up to mischief. One day last year, Laura phoned excitedly to tell me about the movie Avatar. "I am going to see it," she said. "It's all about the trees being an important life force." I have been talking to the trees for almost six years now and one day I would like to work with the police to help solve cases. Gulliver the tree told me the story of when he was hit by a car. The occupants later came back and burnt the car and Gulliver was burnt as well. The burnt-out car stayed there until I campaigned for its removal. "My heartfelt thanks," Gulliver said. "After being hit and then burnt I am recovering thanks to you. The land is still in danger from the oil spill but time will heal that." I know that people will probably think I'm a little eccentric, but I can cope with that. I have a rare gift and I will do all I can to help my friends of the forest. 

First appeared in That's Life Magazine May 2011


Talks With Trees; A Plant Psychic's Interviews with Vegetables, Flowers and Trees

Whispers from the Trees: The Book


The Woman at the Top

Glamis Castle Scotland
Supposedly the most feared person in the world is Somerset Belenoff. People are quite frightened of her and her power.  In fact, no less than Vladimir Putin has called her the most beautiful woman in the world and was quoted saying “I fear only three things in this world; Lady Belenoff, illness and death, in that order.” Her daughter, Karina Belenoff, openly runs a cannibal restaurant in Los Angeles called Hollydale with a private website called People Are Meat dot com, and the British royal court is forbidden from saying her name aloud. 

What does a psychic say about her?
When I tune into this, I get a VERY dark vibe. Everything surrounding her feels very low. She resided in spirit for hundreds of years, and decided she needed to incarnate here in the 3D to get a better control. I get something about Somerset not being her "real" name, but it is the name she uses for public purposes. People know and refer to her by something else on the dark web or in secret communications. I also get that she doesn't experience our linear timeline or age as most humans do (she can manipulate time).  It doesn't look like something traumatic happened to make her this way, she was truly born with a dark life path, and being low vibe drew other low vibe beings to her. In spirit she was aligned with negative entities, and after she incarnated it looks as though she would call upon these beings to help with her mission of fear and control here on earth. It was no accident that she became a person of power and influence, as that was her intent when she incarnated.  The royal bloodlines are flooded with Reptilian and Archon connections, but her's is very strong. She came here to get control of the Reptilians as she felt they were "slipping" or "being lazy." She is definitely someone to watch, and someone to keep at an arm's length. And that is all I have for this reading. You may want to take a moment and mentally cleanse and protect yourself after that reading (I know I am).
Who is Lady Somerset, Countess of Banbury and Arran?
She is the third cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and she is also the current head of the World Governing Council, as well as the chief executive officer of the World Security Office. She sits unchallenged atop the Illuminati hierarchy and she rules with an iron fist. She has consistently demonstrated a willingness to track down and destroy those hostile to her agenda. Her motto is "Debate is required, respectful dissent is allowed, betrayal is a death sentence." Within the realm of world governance, there is no one who wields more power. Somerset Belenoff emerges as a complex and often contradictory character, at times kind and compassionate, often whimsical, but always dangerous. She emerges as a powerful and generous friend to those close to her, and a ruthless enemy, capable of instilling cold, abject terror in those who stand against her.

Elizabeth Somerset Feodorovna Bowes-Lyon Belenoff (born May 1, 1953) is a British aristocrat, born at Glamis Castle, As a child, she was known to spook family members and guests with casual, factual statements about long dead relatives who had died in Glamis Castle, often referring to them by nicknames used for them when they were alive. On one occasion, according to Princess Margaret, when Belenoff was 8 years old she joined a grown-up card game and played extremely well, winning several hands. When the astonished adults asked how she learned to play so well, she replied that she had been playing cards on a regular basis with Earl Beardie in a hidden room within the castle since she was 3 years old. "Earl Beardie can beat the devil at cards," she announced, "and sometimes I can beat the devil too." Earl Beardie is distant relative of the current royal family who lived in Glamis Castle and died there in 1486.

The Countess of Banbury and Arran is the de facto head of an ancient dynasty, House of Wettin, that has ruled over much of Europe for more than a thousand years. The sheer number of aristocratic bloodlines in her pedigree, combined with her charisma and personal magnetism, placed her in a unique position to assume the practical leadership, which is really Europe's most elite dynasty. Affectionately referred to as The Witch of Glamis Castle. Queen Elizabeth has forbidden the use of the term within her inner circle and has instructed that Miss Belenoff be addressed as Countess, Lady Glamis, or Lady Somerset

"Well, I knew the Countess when she was 16 years old, before she was a Countess and before the whole, Wettin, World Governing Council stuff. She was one of the beautiful young people who orbited the rock and roll scene back in the 60s and we were a pretty rough lot. She was called Lilibet back then, sort of a nickname for Elizabeth, which is actually her first name. At first we thought, you know, she's the Queen's cousin, she's beautiful and we like having her around, but you know, we have to look after her, you know, protect her from some of these predatory gorillas around us... She'd go away to school in China, she was majoring in Mathematics, already at university, really advanced for her age. Or she'd leave for a few weeks up to Glamis or to Clarence House (in London) and then she'd pop back into our lives every couple of months and you know she and Jimmy (Page) used to have these friendly occult challenges where they'd sit across from each other and see who could make the other person's chair fall over. Silly games like that, and I remember one thing she could do that Jimmy could not is she could actually, literally drop the temperature in the room. One day we all went up to Hampstead where some of Jimmy's Golden Dawn associates had a big old spooky house. These geezers were former students of Aleister Crowley and they had a new magical circle called The Resurrected Circle of the Golden Dawn or some such shite, and Jimmy wanted to introduce them to Lilibet (Miss Belenoff). Well we get there and there's this intense feeling of dread and darkness, like pure evil in the house and it didn't seem right to bring a young girl to such a place. So introductions were made and we all sat around in chairs like in a circle and she and Jimmy and these 3 old geezers start doing the challenge thing like she used to do with Jimmy. And she and Jimmy had always been about equal in their abilities, you know. Now these old guys were like real old school evil sorcerers and straight away they start moving their hands around in the air and you can see Lilibet's chair start to shake. Like I said, Jimmy and I were both very like, protective of Lilibet so we were feeling pretty bad about how this was starting to go down, you know. Like it was supposed to be a friendly competition but these guys were taking it to another level. Then one of the guys starts making gestures with his right hand like in a choking motion and pointing it toward Lilibet's throat, and you can see it's having an effect on her. So Jimmy and I both decide to get up from our chairs and end this but we can't move! We can't stand up and we can't even move our hands! At first when they did this, you can see Lilibet's face and she has a shocked look but then she relaxes and she gets a smile on her face, like, 'ah, she's regained control' and at the same time the old sorcerer geezers are getting more agitated and gesturing more intensely. The other thing everyone notices is it's starting to feel really f...ing cold in the house. Now you have to remember, it's the middle of July and it's one of those hot muggy London nights, but now all of a sudden it's getting really, really cold. It's not like before when Lilibet used to drop the temperature in the room when she and Jimmy were just fooling around with the occult. This was like, Siberia f....ing cold, and it's getting worse, colder and colder still. And then the old geezers started complaining, 'I can't feel my hands!' Every window and everything made of glass has frost one it now and we can all see our breath - except Lilibet. She appeared to be totally relaxed and no visible frosty breath coming out of her mouth. As it gets even colder the old guys are starting to panic but they are unable to get up from their chairs. Then Lilibet gets a look of complete satisfaction on her face and she stands up and throws her arms into the air and at that very moment, everything made of glass explodes. The crystal in my watch, the spectacles of the old sorcerer sitting on my left, absolutely beautiful, century old stained glass windows, every piece of china in the house, which has been frozen, just explodes in this loud, very violent eruption. One of the old sorcerers had a glass eye and it was just awful to see what happened to it. The old geezer that had been making the choking motions with his right hand had been complaining that he couldn't feel his hands ... and I swear to Christ as I sit here, the bones inside his f---ing hand shattered. Shattered as though they had been made of glass, and his hand was just a bloody pulp. And understand, all of this happened within seconds of Lilibet standing up and throwing her hands into the air. It was like she broke her own spell and shattered everything that had frozen. Then two other things happened at the same time. The room became warm again immediately after everything shattered or exploded, and at the same moment, the radio in the corner of the room came on and started playing that song by The Lovin' Spoonful, "Do you believe in magic, in a young girl's heart...". Then Lilibet does a little spin and a bow with this innocent smile and as she leans down over the old sorcerer with the shattered hand and the one with the shattered glass eye she says, "That, gentlemen, is the way we do it up at Glamis!" The geezer with the shattered hand, his skin is a bloody pulp with sharp bones shattered inside is screaming at Lilibet and saying, "You've destroyed my hand you dirty she-devil!!" and Lilibet says to him, "Maybe you should remember this the next time you try to strangle a young girl." After that I realized Lilibet's occult abilities had progressed far, far beyond anything we had imagined and she didn't need anyone's protection. Later we asked her where she had learned such powerful sorcery and she said, from her friends within the walls of Glamis Castle. Several months later she and I were driving together and my car broke down in a really dangerous, dodgy part of London and Lilibet said to me, "Don't worry Peter, I won't let anything happen to you." That's 25 years ago and to me, to all of us who knew her then, she's still sweet Lilibet.
- Peter Grant

I've met your devil, sir, and frankly I was not impressed. Lucifer is a third rate demonic entity who relies on his biblical fame in attempt to hold onto power. The pathetic fool once offered to give me the world on a silver platter in return for my immortal soul. I told him I already have the world, I have the silver platter and I have no need of his silly trinkets. I told him if he annoyed us further I would take his eyes out, and he left. I was 13 years old..."
- Somerset Belenoff to Reverend Billy Graham


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  • (First notice you see on this website is "Update - January 13, 2020 - We are back online after experiencing a temporary disruption. Within hours of our site becoming inaccessible, we were not able to access our own website, one of the researchers for this site received a text message that read: "Your site is down. Kindly remove the photo of Zara Tabrizi from your Staff tab and remove the reference to Thalia Sunil. - S. Ling." We've done that, and we apologize to our readers for the disruption. We don't believe we would have been able to come back online if we hadn't complied. It's worth noting that the researcher who was contacted via text had only recently obtained the phone, and it was a "burner" number.")