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Over the past weeks I have sat back and contemplated our world as it is today, I have never known in my years a more disjointed violent corrupt era.
I have no doubt there were periods in history far worse, but I`m talking of this supposedly technological age, murder , slaughter and fear are on the increase, we are definitely teetering on a down-hill roll towards total destruction, things could get worse, and they may well do. This set me thinking what could pull the world together? What would make us respect one another no matter what colour, nationality or religion? What would bring us together even though we would still have our political and religious differences?
False Flag Event
After much thought I was left with no option other than the implementation of a False Flag Event, but which direction would such an event take? Would it be a nuclear war? An asteroid strike or may be the much talked about Alien Invasion? Which one of these would unite the world in a common cause of co-operation and peace even with our differences, a New World Order (now that rings a bell). The nuclear war and asteroid strike, to me, could, or would, be the end of humanity as we know it, survivors would be set back a hundred years or more fighting one another for survival and resources. So how do you pull the human race together, to fight as one and keep civilisation intact even though battered by some orchestrated catastrophe. IT HAS TO BE A FALSE FLAG ALIEN INVASION.
Whoever is controlling events does not want humanities progress taking a huge back step as we would with a nuclear war or massive asteroid strike. With a false flag Alien Invasion just the fear generated by a perceived threat lurking near the Moon waiting to pounce on us humans would be enough to start talks of co-operation between countries. All that would have to be done, with a little help from the media, is to tell the public that those thousands of lights that are reported round the Moon are Alien craft and our well-fed fear instinct would take over (we have seen the films and heard terrifying stories), we would literally beg those in power to do something, and in turn we would do whatever those in power wanted us to do. A few thousand well places explosions all around the world would help cement the fear of invasion, a lot of destruction but society would still be intact and screaming for governments to do something. But! all is not lost, after thousands of fighter jets scream around chasing ghost radar blips it will be announced that the tide has turned and the invaders are on the run. We, through our ingenuity, have back engineered Alien spacecraft we have shot down, and now production will take place to implement this captured technology into our own spacecraft and take the fight to the invaders.
Work or Enslavement?
Of course we have always had this technology, it's been kept well hidden from the masses for a fair few years until the powers that be felt that it was the right time play the Alien Card. Eventually after many fake explosions in outer space the invading menace is driven away, then in this new era of co-operation new industries will arise because it will be announced that we need to prepare against another attack. Space based technology will be in full production all around the world, bases will be set up on other planets, we will be told these will be advanced guard bases, but in reality, these bases will be set up by big corporations to establish mining companies, we will again be told that they have made some rare mineral discoveries that could help in the fight against further invasion attempts and so we must take advantage of this discovery. People will be trained in their thousands to work on other worlds, mining will be big business, and there will always be the fake threat of an Alien terror planning to attack us, so they would have to take substantial weapons with them, to weaponize outer space. In other words the criminals have broken out of jail and are now marauding unhindered through the Solar System and beyond, they will know no bounds because the duped innocent people of planet Earth would be fully behind them out of pure fear that an Alien race seeks our defeat and enslavement.
Television and News
Ok! I know what you're thinking, you're saying to yourself "This is pure fantasy" well to a certain degree you would be right but fantasy is what the media can easily spin to us, the vast majority of humans will believe everything that the box in the corner of the living room tells them or any of the tabloids that are daily delivered through our letter boxes.
So many false flags have been thrown at us over the years, false flags that contain controversial in your face evidence that suggests everything about terror attacks are fake, yet we still believe everything the media tells us. You have all seen the advancement of special effects in films so how do you know that a news item telling you that fighting is taking place in a particular corner of this world is actually happening, a short journey on the internet will show you fake news reports. But the mistakes they make in producing false flag events are so blatant and stupid you would think after the first few mistakes they would try to polish there act up, but they do not, they do not care because they know how the human mind works.
A perfect example came from my son, at his place of employment he was discussing the Paris terrorist attack with a 20-year old work colleague . My son wanted to show his friend on his phone a film of the injured police officer who was supposedly shot in the head, the film demonstrated that the bullet hit the pavement behind the policeman. When my son looked at his friend for his reaction, he was amazed to find his friend standing there with his arm across his eyes, my son asked him what was up, the friend replied "I do not want to see anyone get shot", my son replied "No one gets shot, if they did I would not look at it either". My son attempted to show it again but his friend still stood there shielding his eyes, again my son asked him what was up? his reply was "I KNOW WHAT I HAVE READ AND HEARD" by this I think it's safe to assume he means TV news and daily paper news, there was no way he was going to view controversial evidence.
Are we pre-Programed?
The sad thing is most humans think like this. We are so programmed we do not realize it, a casual look in our kitchen sink unit will give you some idea what I`m talking of. Every day TV advertising tells us unknown dangers in the form of germs lurk around our houses, from mites in your bed to bacteria on your table and germs on your work tops, but not to worry under our kitchen sink is an armory of chemicals that, we are told, will kill all germs and "Could" stop you getting the Flu virus. Now thanks to the fear generated by the advertising industry, what used to be a couple of bottles of cleaning fluid under the sink unit in the 1950`s has now turned into probably 10 or more items, we personally have a friend that will rush out and buy a any new cleaning fluid when its said your children are in danger from germs or this "Could" protect your child from the Flu virus.
Have you noticed how certain adverts will have someone shouting at you that there product is what you need, or having someone looking all medical and in a white coat, telling you that the toothpaste they show you is the best. If they shout at us or wear a white coat or even a suit in advertising we will duly stand to attention and do whatever we are told, so why should a false flag Alien invasion be impossible, we show our gullibility to all manner of fear-monger bought to us by advertising, the media and politicians.
The Charlie Hebdo incident as a recent example bought millions in protest to the streets of Paris, all this instigated by the actions of a small group of individuals. So again to me a false flag Alien Invasion would not be impossible, the powers that be have spent years moulding us into a mental state of acceptance, and now I wonder if the fruits of their labour are about to be displayed in the ultimate Invasion scenario, to quote Carol Rosin "The Last Card Will Be The Alien Card".
Digital Mumbling
Last night my family were talking about the quality of Digital TV sound, time and again we are frustrated at the apparent mumbling of actors. The quality of sound on Analogue TV was far superior to Digital TV, we watched an old Cowboy episode called `Gunsmoke` which must have been 50-years or more old, the sound was crystal clear. The only reason I think Digital was introduced was that is easier to fool the audience as to what they are looking at than it would have been with Analogue TV. There is no justifiable reason to replace good quality with bad quality as they have done with Digital TV. I believe at sometime in the near future the pixels that now dominate our screens will be manipulated (if not already) for us to see and hear false news. Think about it we have at times had our TV`s involuntary jumping channels, or our TV`s being wiped clean of all stations, we have had news film breaking up. Clearly we are no longer in control of what we see, we think we are, but were not.
The English Cognizant Citizen