
Old Mother Shipton's Prophecies

Known famously to us as Mother Shipton but many believed her real name was Ursula Sontheil in 1488. Very little is known about Ursula’s parents but local legend says she was born during a violent thunderstorm in a cave on the banks of the River Nidd in Knaresborough in the UK. Her mother, Agatha, was just fifteen years old when she gave birth, and despite being dragged before the local magistrate, she would not reveal who the father was.Agatha raised Ursula by herself in a cave on her own for two years.

It’s said that, Abbott of Beverley took pity on them and a local family took Ursula in. Agatha was taken to a nunnery far away, where she died some years later and she never saw her daughter again.

Ursula appeared different from most of the other children growing up in Knaresborough at the time. It was said that her nose was large and crooked, her back bent and her legs twisted and because of her appearance, she was often tensed.Over the years, after much abuse from the locals, Ursula learnt that the best company to surround herself with was nature and just herself. She spent most of her days around the cave where she was born and studied the forest, the flowers and herbs and made remedies and potions with them.

When she was 24, it is said she met a man by the name of Tobias Shipton. He was a carpenter from the city of York. After only a few years of being together, Tobias died but Ursula always kept his second name. The mother nickname came as Ursula got older.Ursula lived a very long life and died in 1553, aged 73 years.

Her predictions.
Mother Shipton’s prophecies, didn’t appear documented anywhere until 1641, 80 years after her reported death.

It was said she predicted the great fire of London, the plague and the end of the world!It was a common occurrence for those in politics to use prophecies to predict future events and its said Old Mother Shipton ability was used to predict such things especially amoung uprisers against Henry VII.

Many of her written predictions were confirmed as forgeries, created to sell greater numbers of chapbooks and almanacs. Her 1684 “biographer” spun spooky details of her birth and existence; the 1881 end-of-the-world prophecy was debunked when the Victorian editor Charles Hindley publicly confessed to concocting the verses himself.

However, there is some evidence to back up the legend in the 1500s written by Henry VII. He speaks of a lady nicknamed ‘The York Witch’.Henry VIII, who wanted action taken against the rebels, dictated the following letter to Norfolk in response:

“We approve of your proceedings in the displaying of our banner, which being now spread, till it is closed again the course of our laws must give place to martial law; and before you close it up again, you must cause such dreadful execution upon a good number of inhabitants, hanging them on trees, quartering them, and setting their heads and quarters in every town, as shall be a fearful warning, whereby shall ensue the preservation of a great multitude… You shall send up to us the traitors Bigod, the friar of Knareborough, Leche, if he may be taken, the vicar of Penrith and Towneley, late chancellor to the bishop of Carlise, who has been a great promoter of these rebellions, the witch of York and one Dr. Pykering, a canon. You are to see to the lands and goods of such as shall now be attainted, that we may have them in safety, to be given, if we be so disposed, to those who have truly served us…”

Was Henry VII, referring to some women who acted outline as a witch or was he making reference to Old Mother Shipton?

Mother Shipton’s Full Prophecies 
Mother Shipton was reputedly born Ursula Sontheil in1488 in Norfolk, England, and was burned to death in 1561, after being accused of being a “witch” (a woman who performs evil religious practices). 

Her mother died when she was born, and a cave where she was born, became her home for much of her life, and is known today as “Mother Shipton’s Cave.” 

Mother Shipton exhibited prophetic and psychic abilities from an early age, and when she was 24 years old, she married a Mr. Toby Shipton, and eventually became known as “Mother Shipton.” Her prophecies were written in the form of verse (poetry), and came true within her own lifetime and in the centuries that followed. 

Whilst all prophecies are open to interpretation, Mother Shipton’s verses are easy to understand, and seem to have prophetic indications for our times, in view of recent world events. 

In approximately 1970 an Australian lady copied the verses and smuggled them out of the Mitchell Library in Sydney Australia; – (now the State Library of the State of New South Wales in Australia.) The originals were kept in a locked room, along with many other volumes of prophetic writings, which the government deemed, (considered) as unsuitable for the general public to read.

The Main Prophetic Prophecies
1. A carriage without horse will go Disaster fill the world with woe (Sadness), In London, Primrose Hill Shall be in centre hold a Bishop’s See (Meeting Place). 

2. Around the world men’s thoughts will fly Quick as the twinkling (blinking) of an eye (Internet) And water shall great wonders (Work) do how strange. And yet it shall come true. 

3. Through towering hills proud men shall ride No horse or ass move by his side. Beneath the water men shall walk (Undersea Divers) shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk. And in the air men shall be seen in white and black, and even green (Men in Flying Suits or Aliens?). 

4. A great man then shall come and go (US President JF Kennedy?) For prophecy (prediction) declares it so 

5. In water iron then shall float as easy as a wooden boat, Gold shall be seen in stream and stone in land that is yet unknown (America or Australia?). 

6. And England shall admit a Jew You think this strange, but it is true. The Jew that once was held in scorn (disrespect) Shall of a Christian then be born. 

7. A house of glass shall come to pass [Great Exhibition Building in London in England], But alas, alas, A war will follow with the work Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk. 

8. These states will lock in fiercest strife (war) and seek to take each others life. When north shall thus divide the south (American Civil War) And Eagle build in Lion’s mouth (American War of Independence against England) Then tax and blood and cruel war shall come to every humble door 

9. Three times shall lovely sunny France Be led to play a bloody dance Before the people shall be free Three tyrant (dictator) rulers shall she see. 

10. Three rulers in succession be then when the fiercest strife (war) is done each springs from different dynasty (ruling family). England and France shall be as one (European Union?) 

11. The British olive (UK) then next then twine in marriage with a German vine (Germany). Men walk beneath and over streams Fulfilled shall be their wondrous (wonderful) dreams. 

12. Women shall adopt a craze (custom) to dress like men, and trousers wear And to cut off their locks of hair (long hair). They’ll ride astride with brazen (ugly) brow (Motorcycle Helmets) as witches do on broomstick now (Motorcycle Riders). 

13. And roaring monsters with man atop (Vegetable Harvesters) does seem to eat the verdant (ripened) crop. And men shall fly as birds do now, and give away the horse and plough. 

14. There’ll be a sign for all to see be sure that it will certain be, Then love shall die and marriage cease and nations wane (cease) as babes (children) decrease. And wives shall fondle (play with) cats and dogs and men live much the same as hogs (pigs) —— (The Result of Divorce Court Laws in Western Societies) 

15. In nineteen hundred and twenty six (1926) Build houses light of straw and sticks (wooden houses with thatched straw roofs) For then shall mighty wars be planned and fire and sword (destruction & war) shall sweep the land. 

16. When pictures seem alive with movements free (TV, Etc). When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea (Submarines). When men like birds shall scour the sky (Air Warfare). Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die 

17. For those who live the century through (Year 2000?). In fear and trembling this shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens (caves) to bog (swamps) and forest and wild fens (valleys). 

18. For storms will rage and oceans roar When “Gabriel” (one of four angels, who guard the world), Stands on sea and shore And as he blows his wondrous horn Old worlds die and new be born. 

19. A fiery Dragon (comet or meteor ?) will cross the sky Six times before this Earth shall die Mankind will tremble and frightened be For the sixth heralds (stories) in this prophecy. 

20. For seven days and seven nights Man will watch this awesome sight. The tides will rise beyond their ken (normal level) To bite away the shores, and then The Mountains will begin to roar (volcanos) and earthquakes split the plain to shore. 

21. And flooding waters rushing in Will flood the lands with such a din (loud noise) That mankind cowers (hides) in muddy fen (valley) And snarls (growls) about his fellow men. 

22. He bares his teeth and fights and kills And secrets (hides) food in secret (hidden) hills And ugly (violent) in his fear he lies To kill marauders (invaders), thieves and spies. 

23. Man flees in terror from the floods And kills and rapes and lies in blood And spilling blood by mankind’s hands Will stain and bitter (cause hatred) many lands. 

24. And when the Dragon’s tail (comet or meteor?) is gone Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on To apply himself - too late, too late For mankind has earned deserved fate. 

25. His masked smile, his false grandeur (pride) Will serve the Gods their anger stir (make them angry). And they will send the Dragon (comet or meteor ?) back To light the sky - his tail will crack (make a loud, sharp noise) Upon the Earth and rend (break open) the Earth And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf (poor farm labourer). 

26. But slowly they are routed (pushed) out To seek diminished water spout (flowing water) And men will die of thirst before The oceans rise to mount (cover) the shore. And lands will crack and rend anew (break open again) You think it strange. It will come true. 

27. And in some far off distant land Some men - oh such a tiny band (group) Will have to leave their solid mount (strong mountain) And span (cover) the Earth, those few to count. 

28. Who survives this [UNREADABLE] - disaster? - and then begin the human race again. But not on land already there But on ocean beds, stark (unattractive), dry and bare. 

29. Not every soul (human-being) on Earth will die As the Dragon’s tail (comet or meteor?) goes sweeping by. Not every land on Earth will sink But these will wallow in stench and stink (very bad smells) Of rotting bodies of beast (animals) and man Of vegetation crisped (burnt) on land 

30. But the land that rises from the sea Will be dry and clean and soft and free Of mankind’s dirt (pollution) and therefore be The source of man’s new dynasty (new Nation or civilisation) And those that live will ever fear The Dragon’s tail (comet or meteor?) for many a year But time erases memory You think it strange. But it will be. 

31. And before the race is built anew A silver serpent (space ship?) comes to view And spews out men of like unknown [Aliens] To mingle (mix) with the Earth now grown Cold from its heat, and these men can Enlighten (teach) the minds of future man To intermingle (mix with) and show them how To live and love and thus endow (pass on) The children with a second sight (psychic powers). A natural thing so that they might Grow graceful, humble, and when they do The Golden Age will start anew. 

32. The Dragon’s tail (comet or meteor?) is but a sign For mankind’s fall and man’s decline. And before this prophecy (prediction) is done I shall be burned at the stake (pole fixed in the ground), at one (13.00 hours) My body singed (slightly burnt) and my soul set free You think I utter blasphemy (swearing or evil statements) You’re wrong. These things have come to pass This prophecy (predictions) will come to be. 

The Following Verse Were Found On A Scroll In A Separate Jar 
They appear to have been written at the same time as the other versus; 

1. The signs will be there for all to read; when man shall do most heinous deed (savage acts). Man will ruin kinder (children’s) lives; by taking them as to their wives. And murder foul (terrible) and brutal deed; When man will only think of greed. And man shall walk as if asleep; He does not look - he may not peep (see). And iron men (robots) the tail (work) shall do; And iron cart and carriage too 

2. The Kings shall false promise make; And talk just for talking’s sake (talk for nothing) And nations plan horrific war; The like as never seen before And taxes rise and lively down (living standards); And nations wear perpetual frown (continual sadness). 

3. And Christian one fights Christian two (Ireland); And nations sigh (complain), but nothing do And yellow men (China) great power gain; From mighty bear (Russia) with whom they’ve lain. These mighty tyrants (dictators) will fail to do; They fail to split the world in two. But from their acts a danger bred; An ague (sickness), leaving many dead. And physics (doctors) find no remedy; For this is worse than leprosy (AIDS?). Oh many signs for all to see; The truth of this true prophecy. 

4. Yet greater signs there be to see; As man nears latter (later) century. Three sleeping mountains gather breath (volcanoes); And spew out mud, and ice, and death. And earthquakes swallow town and town; In lands as yet to me unknown (America or Australia?).

These Verses Were On The Outer Wrapping Of The Scrolls
1. I know I go, I know I’m free I know that this will come to be. Secreted (hidden), for this will be Found by later dynasty (generations). 

2. A dairy maid (farm girl), a bonny (pretty) lass Shall kick this tome (rolls of paper) as she does pass And five generations she shall breed (shall pass). Before one male child does learn to read. 

3. This is then held year by year Till an iron monster trembling fear (paper shredder or garbage compactor) Eats parchment, words and quill (pen) and ink And mankind is given time to think. 

4.. And only when this comes to be Will mankind read this prophecy But one man’s sweet’s (good luck) another’s bain (bad luck) So I shall not have died in vain (for nothing). 

SIGNED: Mother Shipton

Note: Enclosed words the editor’s additions and/or notes of explanation because this was written over 500-years ago in the “Old English” language. 

Original source for 'Mother Shipton's Full Prophecies' has been lost

Psychic Predictions

Climate and earth: Around 2026-8, the American Heartland will face drought as the aquifer that has watered this breadbasket for centuries runs dry. These changes will cause major changes in how we live and think. Heat will begin surging during this decade and by 2030, everyone on this earth will know we are in a climate crisis. In the late 2020’s millions will begin migrating north. In the 2030’s and 40’s people who can afford to travel will chase winter the way they now chase summer, going to the Southern Hemisphere when it is winter there and returning to the northern hemisphere when it is winter there. People with foresight will buy large tracts of arable land in Canada and set up cluster living around the farms. Families will live in tiny homes on the properties, and gather together in some form of cooperative living.
- Psychic, Jeanne Mayell

If Trump is not re-elected in 2020 due to fraud with the Dominion ballot machines and ballot counting in certain states, I foresee that Biden will not last as President through 2024--it might be impeachment for his dealings in China with his son Hunter, death, or he resigns in disgrace. He will go down in history, not Trump, as the worst President ever. Trump should have won if the election had been fair! I know that all the Southern states would have voted for Trump because he is Pro-Life, while Biden and Harris are Pro-Choice. 
- Psychic, Betsey Lewis

The Federal Government switching leaders to someone from within the same party in 2021. This big change will come after a “rogue” person steps out to reveal something important to the public. I really also feel like around April next year there’s going to be like a rogue person that spills the beans. I think someone’s going to come out and go rogue, tell the public a lot more about what we didn’t know.  On Australia’s current government she adds: “What they did and how they’ve been is no longer suffice. People are just more aware now. Everyone feels like there’s something bigger than us. I think that sparked off the curiosity of people not just believing what’s on the news but researching things and finding out the truth. Whoever comes out and blows the whistle is going to shock a lot of people. I think that it starts off as national but it will then involve international people.
Psychic, Linda Willow Roberts

I hear the phrase "The scandal of the century is about to unfold." I get an image of people sitting around a TV, glued to the news. It doesn't feel tied to just the United States either, there is something big coming about tied to the politics. It feels more than just the start of the 2020 election, it is something that I feel really leaves a mark and changes the reality of many people (involving or effecting leaders or several different countries). It is as if the swamp really starts to drain (rather than wishing and hoping, it starts to happen), and the people and spiderweb is made public. My impression is the sealed indictments start to surface, and the magnitude will be shocking. It will extend way beyond certain "Foundations."
- Psychic, Lynn, Psychic Focus 

Donald Trump's rise to power after the lost election. After the chaos surrounding the US's 2020 presidential election, Democrat Joe Biden will go ahead and assume office in the White House. But this will not be the last we hear of Donald Trump - quite the opposite, the Republicans will expose some evidence of electoral fraud but not enough to swing the election's results. Mr Trump will meanwhile find newfound glory as a "messianic" figure of sorts. Trump will put up a ferocious battle. He will take things to the high court but will not succeed. Cheating is revealed but not enough evidence to call for a new election. The challenges will continue in 2021. Trump TV will be launched and will quickly become popular. A deal will be done with Fox TV to screen Trump TV shows. Mr Trump will then supposedly take on a much bigger interest in religion. He will become a more powerful voice than President Biden and will still wield power through the media.
- Psychic, Craig Hamilton Parker

Psychic Eric Leigh-Pink says Dan Crenshaw is in his sight for Americas future president. 
  • My hats off to you Mr Crenshaw and the integrity of the moment, you are on my short list for being the “Military one”.
  • I had a visual of the year 2022, there were new voting booths, new machines, new procedures. All reflecting an issue unfolding in now.' 'Something odd is coming around the corner. It sounds like Biden gets the votes. Spirit implied one of the US leaders falls ill. They implied one of the leaders fights the law and loses. They are consistently showing the military one as the eventual president.' 
  • There is Washington.. Jefferson.. Lincoln.. and then him. A titan of your era.. the military one.. will bring back the word ‘United’ by common interest. equality, freedom and liberty. The military one will hold his seat longer than normal. I had a visual: I was watching a fairly young person for a president, talk to a small group about him becoming president.. their expectations were low but out of nowhere he rose to be president. I had a visual of leader walking down steps and the entire military saluted him. - 30 Sept 2020 
  • With doubt you ensure chaos. The thief will try and take the election and make it theirs. The light on them is too bright, their actions become overly obvious. Spirit who will be president!? I had a visual, I was looking down at a rose garden. Then I saw the shadow of a figure form, a military figure.
- Psychic Eric Leigh-Pink

2019 Psychic Predictions Australian Federal Elections Alex Fulford

Looking at the messy situation of Australian politics, the NLP are in disarray still and this is going to cost them dearly come election time, divisions within the NLP is a disgrace but will be around for a while. Do not expect loyalty nor solutions. Make no mistake this wedge was deliberately inserted by powerful business men as a control system. Breaking the party and pick over the bones to get what they want.

This has no place in politics but is a reality of life. Media backing and stoking the fires to install who they want. Julie Bishop still plays her cards close to her chest, and at this stage has only set herself finite timeline to stay. For some reason I pick up real estate connected to her as I write this. I don't know what that is about. I will leave it there though.

Scot Morrison is just a gate keeper and will do as he is told. He is a stubborn and proud man and prone to angry outbursts. I do not see him staying as Prime Minister. perhaps 18 months or so. Nothing is set in stone and certainly not in the world of politics. As I have said in other political readings this change of leadership is the standard of the day now like in the UK. Let this be a reminder to the voter that your vote is but a mere illusion, it does not count.

It is by passed by leadership coups. Democracy is a non existent illusion is the game.

I do feel Scot Morrison will get out of his depth, his views as we can already see are not welcomed by most people and is prone to rub the public up the wrong way. After being placed in this Prime Ministership the game is now to manipulate and ridicule him in the media. That is not a nice thing to do and it shows you our media are bought and paid for by very nasty people. No respect for any one.

Mr Morrison will be seen as the Australian Donald Trump, I feel he will step aside after the elections. Should he miraculously win then he will not be the PM for long.

As we know the NLP is a sinking ship and it will stay this way for a while. The loss of respect from the voters will take a long time to fix. I doubt Josh Frydenberg can do anything to fix this either, I do not feel he is the right man to be the leader of the NLP.

I see a younger man (could be Josh Frydenberg) taking the baton and running with it within the ranks of the NLP, the others do not stand a chance against him. His backing to too powerful. That worries me as this is an agenda which is very bad for Australia. This young man taking over the leader ship is the " what's in it for me" type of guy. Careless mistakes will be made by this younger man.

Do keep your eye on Zed Seselja again, Zed like I said last year will become the Prime Minister one day, that could be within the next two elections, not the 2019 one though. But he needs to be very careful whom he trusts. There is a small group of men around Zed are wanting him to do their bidding. They are not political and the harm will stick to Zed's name but not theirs, so please be very careful whom you trust Zed.

Too much money is being sent overseas and the public disapprove of this, as much is needed back home. I here the words "agreements written in blood", referring to the public monies being drained and much sent off shore. The ALP will not stop this either.

In fact they will over spend the public monies. Watch out for Penny Wong in the ALP , she is not at this stage likely to be leader of the ALP or Prime Minister. I feel she is going to have a major run in with a male party member and it will get ugly. I do feel Penny is also more inclined to do the roles other than PM or Vice PM as it gives her some leeway and less likely to draw flack.

She is a very ambitious lady also. No, is not in her vocabulary.

Now down to the elections it is team Red versus team Blue. Both are trying to win over the voters but there is a lazy apathetic feeling from the politicians. They do not seem to care much. Not like the old days. The public are not stupid and are better informed than ever before. I honestly do not like the way things are heading politically for Australia as a whole. Dark times are on the horizon because the politicians have gotten away with way too much. The Genie is out of the lamp and will not go back in.

This feels like an Empire on its way down, That is our little Aussie Empire of being true blue. I am very sad to see this. Sadly voters think they have the power, but they don't they have an illusion that is now turning dark.

So much energy has been wasted and lack of foresight by both the politicians and the public. There is a strong air of deception leading the voters up the garden path with fake promises, the voters will be very angry.

I do not feel the ALP can save Australia, they are out to play a game of hearts and minds. Remember one thing here though. Many of the new comers to Australia are not stupid and will not fall for this. They have seen it all before. This will be yet an other dilemma.

Do not be surprised if there is a new female leader of the ALP, however, she is not the real power. It is a male person with brown hair behind her that is the power. She is a mere puppet.

So much of the male energy in politics is either too weak or angry and vengeful. All parties need a good shake up but no one seems capable of doing this. No one has any real power as their hands are tied by business men and the media.

Some of these politicians would like to speak out but are too afraid, especially in the NLP right now.

The media have too much power and we are seeing what was done by Rupert Murdoch in the UK happening in Australia. This must be addressed as these individuals do not speak for the Australian voters.The public must demand this stops.

I am hearing the words " false victory" and "closed off". That sums up the way things are at present.

Bill Shorten ( sadly I feel a male passing to spirit around him, an older man) This election could be the end of his leadership. May be that is not a bad thing, I do not feel he has the steel to be Prime Minister.

There is a lot of animosity around Bill Shorten at present, he needs to move fast to thwart a leadership challenge, just like I saw in last prediction on him. It will become apparent the party want to replace him. This is a female gunning for him and she wont stop. I feel this is Penny Wong gunning for him to topple him. But I could be wrong I do not think she will be a leader. Many voters will not tolerate her harshness.

Her knives are out, but I feel it is just to assist in the coup. So watch out for this little shark in the tank. Politics will always be a male club it is the nature of the beast and male dominated energy on an astrological level that lasts thousands of years.

Now whom ever the new Prime Minister is I can tell you he is greedy for power. He will not listen to others, it is all about him. I feel the new Prime Minister will have light coloured hair (may be its gray, lol) He is not a strong man, just stubborn and this can bring him unstuck. I do not think he will last long. Now this could still be Scot Morrison. How ever if that is the case, then he could still be taken over by Josh Frydenberg ans Leader of the NLP.

You can bet your boots Zed Seselja will not like this and will up the stakes. In 5 to 10 years Zed will step in to the role of Prime Minister.

If the ALP play their cards right they could scoop up the elections, however they will drop the ball economically speaking and put us in deep debt. The ALP are aligned with China, so that is something people must think about too.

This will be yet an other nail biting down to the wire election. Young people will swing to Labor and the Greens yet again due to propaganda agents, and their youth does not afford them all wisdom. We all have to go through this it is only natural remember.

I do see snap changes at the poling booths. I see the ALP win hands down.But will they stand up to China? I doubt it. This is also the dawning of very dark times for Australia. I see turmoil and open aggression within Australia and from overseas aimed at Australia. Australia really must assert itself in the world or they will become history. After Christmas big changes are foot within Australia there are dangerous times ahead for all of us. We have our leaders to thank for this. Australia will not be the same again after this. This does not have to happen, but it will be made to happen. Make no mistake this is a very dark agenda. We will have a struggle to keep Australia in our own hands. Thanks to the politicians and business men that sold us out. This is treachery and I am very very sad at this. Even though I was not born in Australia. This great nation has a massive piece of my heart and always will have.

I have lived here since 1973 off and on until 1983 due to my parents choices, but from 1983 on wards I had my own say and took out citizenship and this is where I will stay. As a loyal Australian citizen.



Man Made Religion

Firstly let me say there is something truly wondrous about the creation of this universe, no matter how much we contemplate its creation we cannot figure it out, or even why we are here. But I do know one thing this universe and the many worlds it contains, ours included, was not created by a `Man made God`....there I have said it, now I will give my reasons for making such a bold statement, and why I say 'Man Made'.

During the 68-years of my life I have seen heard and read many accounts of mans inhumanity to humankind, our whole history is littered with blood from as far back as historical evidence allows us to go. If there was a God how could such an omnipresent entity allow the genocide through the ages that scars this world of ours , and that genocide of one form or another is still taking place today. What God would allow this ? what God could stand by and watch and hear century after century the slayings and screams of the innocent.

No the God we have all been bought up to worship does not exist, the God entity is man made, if you hear of Gods word it always comes from a human never the God entity itself. Your priests bishops and popes are no closer to God than you or I, plainly because the man made God does not exist, ask yourself why when the God entity has something to say does it not talk straight to the people, why must his word come from other humans who claims to be close to the divine spirit, its absolute rubbish. 

When we question the suffering of certain unfortunate people in society we are told God works in mysterious ways or God loves them and will be their savior. This is just utter twaddle, most of those that suffer on this world suffer all their lives no matter how many times the priest makes the the sign of the cross . For example look at the state of India , India has a space program yet thousands of children sleep on the roads and in the slums. And you dare to tell me God has his reasons for letting them live in such squalor. You might say God has given humanity the gift of self determination and its up to us to sort things out and create a better world and stop all suffering. Right lets ask a question.. Was it God that said we are gifted with self determination ? No! it was another human, one of those humans that profess to be in contact with the holy spirit, one of those people we must listen to for guidance as they do not want us to think for ourselves. a priest a pope a cardinal, take your pick because none of them are in-touch with a God and never will be.

You might say to me "What about the Bible that in itself is proof of a God." Now ask yourself who wrote the Bible? was it God ? no! it was men human men. If you argue the point that the writers of the Bible wrote Gods words then I presume they took dictation while this God sat on his throne When the ten commandments were created why did no one see God, in fact why have we never seen God , for some one that has done such a lot it would be nice and religiously enforcing to meet him. But no we are left to deal with the deceivers, those that make us think that a God exists when he clearly does not. If you want to hold power over the masses then create a religion and a God, then blame everything that goes right or wrong on that God and indicate that the Divines spirit has its reasons for good or bad fortune.

When I ask where is God, you will say to me " Look around at all the beauty, the trees flowers insects and animals , is Gods handy work not everywhere". Well he certainly slipped up with the creation of the human, never has there been such a vile grotesque blood thirsty creation than the human. Yes there are a few good people, but when it comes to blood letting their protestations mean nothing, 

I would truly love there to be a supreme God, a divine entity that could put everything right, but it is not going to happen anytime soon. It has not happened in thousands of years so do not expect it now. The real spirit of this universe should there be one is untouchable un-contactable , no priests or any member of the clergy has any divine contact with the universal spirit responsible for our existence. If a true God existed and worked through us , then the world would be a much better place by now.

I firmly believe there is something else behind the creation of this universe, something so awesome that its impossible to comprehend . But there is one thing for sure, its not our man made God.

The Antichrist

Excerpt taken from the book Prophecy with Sylvia Browne 2004.

"There's been a lot of talk about the coming Antichrist, including in this book, especially in the Nostradamus pages Some believe the prophecy of the Antichrist has been fulfilled in the persona of Saddam Hussein. Others believe the Antichrist's name on this earth is Osama bin Laden.

I have my own prophecy about the Antichrist, and I guess this chapter is as appropriate a place as any to discuss it.

I do believe we need to brace ourselves for an Antichrist, but I don’t believe he's arrived yet. He'll be born in 2005 or 2006, in the area of Syria. It will be in about 2030 that he makes his proclamation that he is the resurrected Christ, back for the Rapture, and that all those who follow him will be saved.

He will have long, jet black hair to his shoulders, and huge brown eyes. Unlike Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, his seduction will begin with great pretense of compassion, nonviolence and a desire for world peace and unity. He’ll have a charismatic gift and a feigned humility that sends him at the beginning of his "ministry" to gather his first followers from among the poor, who are easily and cheaply bribed for the smallest amount of food and sense of hope.

He himself will live in caves and tents while his reputation takes hold, gathering donations for his followers, none of which he appears to be spending on himself but all of which it will be revealed later he’s hoarding and investing to amass a fortune. He will have a genius for manipulation and be a master mentalist, psychologist and self-promoter.

His soft-spoken “pacifism,” "humanitarianism" and undeniable charisma will attract a celebrity following, first in Europe and then in the United States, generating still more "donations." By the time his rhetoric begins to turn slowly and shrewdly genocidal and his vast holdings include black market nuclear weapons, he'll have a slavish, indebted and systematically indoctrinated flock of converts numbering in the hundreds of thousands, ready to kill for him and die for him in the tragic belief that he's their only path to eternal salvation.

If you can block their respective physical images from your mind, a vague parallel from recent history would be the discovery that the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, say, the soft-spoken, pacifistic celebrity guru of the 19605—who never claimed to be the reincarnated Christ, I hasten to add—was, in reality, the real brains and money behind al Quaida. It seems ludicrous to even write that or say it out loud, but when this other man “goes public" in around 2030 and then reveals himself to be genuinely and completely evil a few years later, the shock and sense of betrayal will be that jarring and that seemingly impossible. 

It's no coincidence that his rise to power will be preceded by Healing Centers and other major and minor collaborative efforts among world religions. It takes great concentrations of Light to eliminate that much insidious, cancerous darkness, whether the Antichrist or just another horrifying terrorist with a different angle, and when bright Light gathers together, no amount of darkness can overcome it. 

That’s not a prophecy, it's a fact. It will be a fact in 2030. It’s a fact today. 

It's not always as easy to believe as we'd like in these rough, uneasy times, when it looks as if darkness is having its high old despicable way. 

But it's still a fact. We just have to keep our own Lights on 'high beam,' seek out other Lights around us, pray for even more Light than ever from the Father and Mother God and ride this out together."

Evil President
Two or three presidents away. The new leader will be a demagogue, preaching the radical, a fear monger. The leader will become the first truly evil leader of the US, he will stain the name of the US for a good time.
There are consequences to the US breeding hate. Hate and vitriol on both sides. Hate that dictates the tone of a nation; where verbal vitriol is.. acceptable. Where attacking children of a horrible shooting tragedy is.. acceptable. Where tearing children from families is.. acceptable. If you abandon the basic moral foundation of a nation don’t be surprised when the most evil come to lead you and you become the worlds villain. We desperately need to change course with both of these messages. 

We held out on sharing this message, the implication that the future evil is our own was just too depressing to share even for me, but Spirit wanted me to post it as their word, no more delays. There is an ounce of hope we can change course.

Prophecy: What the future holds for you By Sylvia Browne, Lindsay Harrison

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Dangerous Psychic Predictions President Trump

Lindsay Edwards Psychic
Donald Trump will break his arm. Someone will find hidden evidence in Trumps office related to the US election Russian scandal, Trump will be assassinated before any charges can be brought against him but the case will continue against his son. 

My wonderful spirit guide rocked up and showed me that Donald Trump will be shot dead during a public speech he is doing. The person will shoot from a roof but will be killed by Trumps security immediately after killing Donald Trump. I question my guide how this person can get access to shoot Trump knowing he will have or should have the best security in the world and I am told that due to back lash of Trumps presidential decisions America knows that he has to go as if he remains to be president it’ll only get worse (there is a leak in the system). I am shown that he is shot during or shortly after an explosion which I feel isn’t too far from where Trump is giving his (unknown to him) last speech. I am shown a bow and arrow and feel it could be the arrow that goes through Trumps heart. I am given October for Trump to be shot dead 
and I see many riots, violent protests and total ciaos in the run up to his death.

My spirit guide tells me that Donald Trumps fate was to be President of the United States hence why he managed to become President without spending his life working in politics, and another thing which is fated for him is his passing in such an abrupt and shocking way! I am reassured that him passing in this way is due to a higher purpose and in order for the people of America to change the way they think about certain things. It may sound crazy but God does work in mysterious ways and spirit show me that bad things happen to people for a reason and that for everything bad that happens – good things can grow from it if those who remain choose that path, the path of enlightenment.

I am told that Trump will accomplish what he’s set out to while in presidential power and he will celebrate his success before being assassinated. The assassination is a retaliation for stopping ISIS. Spirit still mention June time for the war on ISIS and for ISIS to be squashed and I still see October for Donald Trump to be assassinated. This is a big job but spirit say someone has to do it, I am shown Donald Trump being assassinated again and it isn’t in America, I hear the country Afghanistan so I feel it may be there or certainly near there but it is a country where he has been welcomed to give a speech and during that speech he is hit from a roof top. I am told his killer feels it’s worth the sacrifice of being shot dead himself, he really believes that killing Trump is worth dying for.

I don’t see President Donald Trump completing 2018 as president and I am given October time for his cut off, I was previously given October 2017 for Donald Trump being assassinated but I am now being told that this will happen in October 2018, while he is in power and I see that his funeral takes place in winter time.. 

Psychic Julie McKenzie says while he will win the election it will be a short-lived term with illness or injury set to come his way and an attempt at his life at some point around the election.
“The attempt at Trump’s life may be before the election, after, or maybe even both,” Julie says. “I feel like someone will get caught up in the crossfire of that. I’m not sure if somebody passes from that or they just get shot in the arm. However, I don’t think he’ll see out his second term. There will be illness or injury or something that will stop him from doing so. It might be like six months after the election.” 
THE POPE - The Pope will be beheaded by ISIS this year and they will film it for the world to see. Spirit tell me that people will be left feeling like ‘why Italy and why get Italy so bad?’, I am told it’s done for the shock factor and nothing more. I am made aware that a lot of Trumps progress with the war may initially be kept top secret and people will question what on earth is going on but he and his team are actively working to bring down ISIS for good and the terror attacks we will see start to unfold around the world are actually retaliations from what’s going on behind the scenes which we’re not initially made aware of. 

Nikki - Psychic to the Stars Predicts:-
  1. Possible Impeachment around Donald Trump 
  2. Assassination (attempt) on Donald Trump 
  3. Trump will be gone by the Spring or before 
  4. Donald Trump will attack North Korea 
  5. Mike Pence and Donald Trump have to watch health 
  6. Melania Trump and son in danger 
  7. Problems around Donald Trump Jr. 
  8. A lot of people surrounding Trump will be gone by May 
  9. The Trump administration will fall like domino's before May 2018 
  10. Donald Trump in grave danger 
  11. A child will show up claiming to be Donald Trump's son, who he had out of wedlock 
  12. A ski accident around the Trump family 
  13. Death & Health watch for Donald Trump (It does not mean that he will pass but they might have to watch their health and also watch for danger in his life.) 
Jeanne Mayell Psychic
  1. As I have said from the beginning, Trump will not be impeached. The GOP Congress will continue to help prevent his crimes from coming to light.
  2. Ultimately the truth about Trump will emerge, but not while the GOP has control, and Trump will not be impeached.  The GOP knows they have to fully activate their plan to squash the full scope of the Mueller investigation before the November midterms when they could lose control of the Congress.
