
Miracle in Action Rob Galea

Rob Galea
Father Rob Galea
For three years, Anne Galea’s son, Rob, 17, had been out of control. She felt helpless watching him spiral downward. Unbeknown to Rob, she would stand outside his bedroom door and pray as she listened to him sob. Praying was all she could do for her son because he wouldn’t let her help him.

One day, the pain she felt for her suffering son brought her to her knees. She cried out to God that she would not get up until he saved her son. She begged for mercy for Rob, beseeching the Blessed Mother to be her son’s mother and to carry him to Jesus.

Through her tears, she beheld in her mind’s eye a picture of Rob surrounded by a group of young people. In this vision, her son was playing a guitar and singing and around his neck was a priest’s collar.

Anne’s son didn’t sing or own a guitar, and for him to become a priest would be a miracle.

Growing up
Rob Galea and his two siblings had an idyllic childhood, growing up on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Malta. The Galeas spent a lot of time on the beach and in the water. Almost every Sunday, the Galea children saw their grandparents.

Rob’s carefree happiness started to disappear in primary school when two of his grandparents died in a short period of time. He couldn’t understand why his life had to change.

On top of the pain of loss, Rob experienced bullying in school. His classmates mocked him for his appearance, and he was friendless. Things got a little better when he changed schools, but it was too late.Photo courtesy of Ave Maria Press.

“My self-esteem was wrecked. I was convinced that I was worthless,” writes Fr. Galea in his autobiography, Breakthrough: A Journey from Desperation to Hope (Ave Maria Press, 2018).

Wrong Crowd
When Rob was 14, he wanted nothing to do with his parents, especially his father. He began sneaking out to clubs, drinking, smoking, lying, and shoplifting for an adrenaline high. Then he fell into the wrong crowd and started doing drugs. When he was 17, a malicious lie he told about a drug dealer put his life in danger, and he was afraid to leave his room.

Rob, consumed with worry and loneliness, felt hopeless.
“As I knelt restlessly on my bed, I saw only two ways out of my misery. One was for someone, somewhere, to reach out and somehow save me, or two, to end my own life,” Fr. Galea writes.
He was in such a debilitated mental state that he would punch himself in the gut and hit his head against the wall to distract himself from thinking.

He thought no one cared — not realizing that his mother was begging for the Lord to save him.

A phone call from his surviving grandmother inviting Rob’s sister, Rachel, to a Catholic youth group meeting was the lifeline that Rob needed. He asked his mom if he could go with his sister. At that meeting, he witnessed the happiness of people who loved Christ, and he wanted to experience their joy. The preacher had told the group that they could talk to Jesus. Rob grew up in a Catholic home, but he never felt that God had time for him.

Even so, what the preacher said caused him to do something unusual. He closed his bedroom door and set up two chairs facing each other. Rob sat in one chair and invited Jesus to sit in the other. Every day, he would talk to Jesus as if he was sitting in the chair across from him — praying and pouring out his problems.

In one of those prayer sessions, the other chair was no longer empty.

“Something kept me waiting in silent prayer for longer than usual, and that’s when God spoke back,” Fr. Galea says in his book.
When Rob opened his eyes, he saw Jesus.
“It was like the Holy Spirit had chosen that moment to help me get rid of the inner fury, loneliness, and regret that was still left in my heart,” he writes.
Rob continued to grow closer to God, and though he first resisted, he eventually entered seminary and, in 2010, became a parish priest in Australia. He also co-founded a youth movement called the Stronger Youth program and became a recording artist. Many will remember that he appeared on Australia’s version of X-Factor and performed at World Youth Day.

Fr. Galea’s journey from a hoodlum to musician priest is a fascinating one, and Hollywood thinks so, too. Film producers have purchased the rights to his recently published book, Breakthrough.

Never stop praying and hoping

Beyond Fr. Rob’s exciting story, for me, one of the most important messages is for parents. For all of those moms and dads out there thinking that there is no hope for a seemingly lost child, this priest’s story offers hope and encouragement. It reminds us never to stop praying for our children.


Read More Miracles


Breakthrough: A Journey from Desperation to Hope

Cartomacy Kickstarter

Tarot, French cartomancy, transformation playing cards, analytical psychology, art, surrealism, symbolism, fingerprints, vintage prints, and illustrations inspire the Cartomancer Poker Deck.

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The CLARITY Deck is a modified reissue of the first Cartomancer Poker Deck. These award-winning playing cards are what many of you have come to love. Plus, it’s also the pack that others have been looking for but cannot find. Consider it the deck of insight and intuition.

In the new SHADOW Deck, night has fallen on all the Cartomancer cards.  Each one features a mirror image of the Clarity Deck illustration yet is set on a dark gray background. Look close enough, and you'll notice the shadow cards concealing differences rich in symbolism. That's why it’s considered the deck of dreams and secrets

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Holy Scriptures Meant to be taken Symbolically

FreakSense TV
 As someone who has attended church since before I could walk, in a family comprised entirely of devout Christians, and having read the Bible cover to cover it has become increasingly clear to me that these holy scriptures were meant to be taken symbolically, not literally or historically. Things like talking snakes and bushes, virgins giving birth, eating the body of Christ, staffs turning into serpents, and many other biblical “miracles” are all actually ancient spiritual symbolism's, found in many cultures/traditions around the world, thousands of years older than the Bible, referring to psychological phenomena, not historical events. Of course snakes and bushes cannot talk, of course virgins cannot give birth, Christ isn’t a cannibal, wooden staffs cannot turn into living serpents, water cannot magically turn into wine, breads/fish cannot magically manifest from the ether, and humans cannot survive for days inside whale’s bellies.
 2 Corinthians 3:6 clearly says the scriptures should NOT be read literally. Matthew 13:34 says Jesus never spoke unless it was in parables. He said people who took the word literally were like those who looked but could not see! Modern fundamentalist Christians who read the Bible literally with their over-active left-brains are missing the whole point. The reason Jesus cast nets to the right side, sits on the right side of God, and builds the door to the temple on the right side, is because he is leading us out of our lower left brains and into our holistic, symbolic, higher brain on the right.

Psychic Impressions 
In listening to this MUCH of this resonated as true. I have always felt there was a truth within the Bible, but the stories (in taking them from a more literal approach) felt very wrong. I couldn't quite understand why parts of it felt to be very enlightening and create a sense of peace, while at the same time rejecting it. After watching the video, I gained such a clarity that I had to share it with you. This is more of a confirming type of post rather than a read, but I hope you enjoy.

When trying to understand the base language of the Bible, I do resonate with it being written in ways we can remember. It tells a truth, but in a way that it paints a visual story to reinforce the image. To further support this, the Bible itself within Proverbs discusses a "Perceived Understanding." We talk in allegories all the time. Even Matthew 13:34 discusses how Jesus spoke in parables. We uses phrases in language all the time and say things such as: shooting the bull, if looks could kill and spilling the beans, just to name a few. I see the Bible and it's lessons working the same way and that is why across various religions, concepts are very similar. 

Allegories and the concept of parables are discussed several times in the story of Abraham. 2 Corinthians further describes that the letter kills (or taken literally causes harm) and the spirit gives life. The versus are meant to teach great knowledge, and more importantly how to access and speak to your inner God directly.

It is suspected that many people in the Bible didn't exist. I have always seen that they did, but I didn't connect to the extreme miracles like parting the red sea, or finding two of EVERY animal to put on an ark. I do see a great flood, and I see the parting of the red see as a symbol for something else. A great point was given within the video as the existence and magnitude of their abilities have been questioned. How is it possible to prove Jesus or Moses existed as it is near impossible to prove a non existent being? It would be like saying "prove a flamingo-pelican doesn't exist" when the real challenge should be to prove it does indeed exist (people go about the proving in the wrong direction). 

The Bible is a story of dark and light or the (D)evil versus Go(o)d. Getting right with God or finding the Kingdom to God is accessed via the right side of the brain. The Bible refers to getting within (going inside) to find God and the mystery of the kingdom. The reference of going "right" and "within" is repeated several times. You go without (to the external) to hide from God, but go inside to find him. The carnal/ego is the left and Christ is on the right. Luke 17:21 God is within you.

The Bible further goes into meditation and the importance of it to find God. In Matthew 6:22 if your eye be single your body will fill you with light. The third eye or the pineal is the gateway to finding God. Going to the mountain or higher place in all religions refer to the higher part of consciousness. God lives in a temple not built with human hands (within the temples of your head). The temple can only be built in silence.

References to regarding the chakras  is also discussed. You have to climb the chakras via the kundalini energy and the climbing leads to the opening to the right side of the brain, and finally the enlightenment in the pineal. The pineal is the seed of the soul. Even the Vatican has the pine cone symbology relating to the pineal. Jacob also describes meeting God in a place called Piniel. Revelation 5:1 states "and I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals." This refers to gaining knowledge from within and it was gained by traveling the backside and passing through the seven chakras. 

This rising kundalini energy (which originates in the root chakra at the base of the spine) is many times illustrated as the golden serpent climbing the spine. The kundalini is also referred to as the coiled one in many religions as that is the motion it makes as it travels upwards. This can also be represented as Jacob's Ladder or in the description of King Solomon Temple and the winding staircase. Not only does this spiral motion lead you to the Kingdom of God, but the shape is also the basis of life (half of the double helix of DNA). 

I feel this just taps into the knowledge that we have always had in our hands. True enlightenment (inward lighting of the mind) comes from within. We have the key, we just need to unlock it. 


Mysterious Animal Deaths Spirit of Tasmania


Many years of controversial animal deaths on board the ship Spirit of Tasmania has culminated in the calls for an investigation.

WARNING - Distressing information.

Missing Dog 2021

Last night I was on the spirit of Tasmania coming from Tasmania. I had put my dog in a kennel and checked it twice to make sure that the door was shut. I was woken up at midnight to one of the security guards telling me that she had escaped and that had been trying to get her but had no luck. They would only let me look for an hour and I waited in the bar as they kept looking. They couldn’t find her, they didn’t raise any alarms when they were trying to get people to disembark or check their cars as they seem to think that she might of jumped in the Utes or trailers. I was there up until midday refusing to leave as they said she just vanished they check their limited cameras that they had on the dock/boat they don’t have cameras facing the kennels. I’m hoping someone has found her and that she is in the pound but I won’t know until tomorrow. We were moving from Tasmania to tweed heads and she is my best friend and I just want her back. Not knowing if she’s Dead or alive is killing me. Please help

The woman desperately searching for her pet dog after it escaped from a kennel while travelling to Melbourne on the Spirit of Tasmania says the unknown is destroying her.

"Not knowing if she's dead or alive is killing me. Please help," she said in an emotional Facebook post.
Holly Alexander checked on Ester, her Doberman and Rottweiler cross, twice to make sure the kennel door was shut while travelling on the ship. Ms Alexander was woken by security guards telling her Ester had ran off.
"I was woken up at midnight to one of the security guards telling me that she had escaped and that had been trying to get her but had no luck," her Facebook post reads.They would only let me look for an hour and I waited in the bar as they kept looking. They couldn't find her, they didn't raise any alarms when they were trying to get people to disembark or check their cars as they seemed to think that she might have jumped in the utes or trailers.

Death of Dog 2019

A man who says his dog died during an overnight trip on the Spirit of Tasmania ferry is calling for an overhaul of the conditions animals are held in during the 12-hour crossing of Bass Strait. But he claims the 93-kilogram South African mastiff died during the 12-hour journey.South Australian Marcus Lehmann took his best mate Mook on the Spirit of Tasmania as part of a permanent move to the state.
Pets are required to travel in the ferry's kennels and owners are not allowed to access the kennels during sailing. Mr Lehmann said he was told that staff noted the 14-month-old dog was struggling earlier in the night. Mr Lehmann said he was informed of the dog's death when the ferry docked in Devonport the next morning.
"At 8:30pm it was noted [by crew] he was struggling, and I was not notified and at 11:00pm he was deceased," he said. I think he suffocated, he had skin off his nose, off his head, off his feet, he tried really hard to save himself. It was horrific. They wrapped him in the sheet, threw him in the back [of Mr Lehmann's vehicle], said sorry, and let me go. This is Australia, this is Tasmania with my dead dog."
Mr Lehmann said conditions needed to change for animal welfare during the 12-hour Bass Strait crossing. They need to have been in an air-conditioned area, and they need to have somebody watching them 24/7. I would guess they're not allowed to have staff down there for any length of time because it kills [people], and then they go and put your bloody pets down there.

Death of Ponies 2018

The owner of six polo ponies that allegedly died during a Bass Strait crossing on the TT-Line's Spirit of Tasmania said he had seen the autopsy report and blamed the ferry service for their deaths. Australian agribusiness multi-millionaire Johnny Kahlbetzer owned six of the 13 horses that died in January while, it is alleged, travelling from Devonport to Melbourne. Mr Kahlbetzer said he and the owner of the other dead ponies, former Australian polo team captain Andrew Williams, arranged for autopsies to be done.

The pair, along with Mr Williams' wife Rebecca, are suing TT-Line and logistics company QUBE for negligence over the horses' deaths, alleging the companies failed to provide a safe environment, adequate checks and air flow. Mr Kahlbetzer said he and Mr Williams commissioned the autopsy and said the horses suffocated.

"We delivered the horses to the vets, who did that autopsy, etc — that's how I've seen it," he said. It's all in technical terms, and part of our legal case, but basically they died of lack of oxygen."

The Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries (DPIPWE) has repeatedly refused to release the autopsy report, saying it was part of their ongoing investigation. The ponies, valued at almost $650,000, died in the horse float driven by Mr Williams.
"It's irrelevant if it's a $20 cat from the pound or if it's a bloody million-dollar race horse," Mr Kahlbetzer said. You're not allowed to let animals out of your car or truck or whatever, you can't go and visit them whilst you're on the ferry, so it's totally the responsibility of the ferry to provide a safe environment, and they're not doing it on an everyday basis. These aren't the first animals that have ever died on that ferry, and there's obviously something that occurs at times on that ferry which is causing animals to die on them, so they need to have a really good look at their systems and improve them.

Reoccurring Deaths

Deaths have occurred as far back as 2011 when the Spirit of Tasmania made an attempt to explain away the deaths of two dogs. Christine White's dogs had been sleeping in her four-wheel-drive for the Friday night journey across Bass Strait from Melbourne to Devonport, but when she checked on them early Saturday morning, she found two of the three had died. Dharma, aged 10, and younger brother Trek were dog-show veterans and were reportedly in good health at the time of the trip. Dharma had had a leg amputated this year because of cancer, but had continued to perform well in shows. Another of Ms White's Rottweilers, Phoenix, also sleeping in the vehicle, survived. Ms White told 3AW her dogs had previously slept in her car on two trips to Tasmania without incident, but on this occasion staff had requested her car be moved to a higher deck than the one pets are usually kept on. Ms White said vehicles accommodating pets were usually kept on a lower deck ''in an area that is well-ventilated''. She said she voiced concerns but was told by staff: ''It doesn't matter, you will be fine up here.''

Ms White said three vets had assessed the dead dogs in Tasmania. Their opinion at this stage … is that they've died of carbon monoxide poisoning. I think because we were on a higher level, all the fumes have gone up to the top. Passengers are not permitted, for ''safety reasons'', to go to the vehicle decks to check on their animals en route. Instead, the website states that crew ''perform regular checks on pets during the crossing".

STATEMENT by Spirit of Tasmania

Hi everyone. We do very much appreciate your comments regarding the recent tragic death of the two dogs. The cause of death remains unknown. There have been some reports suggesting the dogs died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning; however there is no evidence to support these reports and we are strongly refuting these claims. The vehicle decks of Spirit of Tasmania are regularly checked by a third party provider against Australian Standards for atmospheric pollutants and we have never failed any of these regular checks. Further, the incident on Friday night occurred on vehicle deck 6. Vehicle deck 6 is a hanging deck contained within vehicle deck 5. While all of Spirit of Tasmania’s vehicle decks remain ventilated while the vessel is at sea, vehicle deck 5 and 6 are not enclosed decks - they are both open to the air. Both decks are designed with an opening at the stern of the vessel. We carry more than 12,000 domestic pets per annum. This number does not include horses and other livestock. The transportation of these animals is on vehicle deck 3, 5 and 6.

Ship of Death
Ship of Death



Psychic reading on Ester the missing dog Nov '21

I’m picking up that Ester is suffering from a sickness and it really causing her a lot of pains, if care is not taken she will be dead

Ester disappeared on a ship called Spirit of Tasmania she got out of her kennel

No they Kidnap her that what you guys don’t know

CCTV showed her running around the cargo then nothing so the crew did something to her?

Yes they do something to her, I feel like they inject her


Ester is a unique dog, it scarce to see a loyal dog like her and kind dog like her, I feel the pains she is passing through, running mental.

Where is she now?

She is in an abode

What do you mean running mental?

But she is not well, she has turn to a beast

Ohhhh sad

Yes sad

How did they steal her?

Injected called sapphire, it makes dog to feel weak, the dog will feel weak whenever they see sapphire.

 - John Camer

Saved by THE WORD

I thought it my duty to give my account of how Jesus came to my rescue. 

The First Time
The first time I was 16 years old and had been picked up by a trucker while hitchhiking. 

To make a long story short, it was late and dark in Southern California and this man tried to kill me. He pulled me into the back bunk from behind and started to strangle me. I tried to fight him but he was much stronger so I’d say “OK, OK whatever you want” and as soon as he relaxed I would start fighting again. After several rounds of this he began to strangle me again and overtake me. 

I then realised that I was going to die this way and I thought I am way to young to die. I then remembered that I learned in church there is power in Jesus name so immediately, and with total belief I yelled out "in Jesus name!" I felt a power surge well within me as I said the words and immediately an unseen force pulled this man off of me and held him back with his arms in the air. I sat up and looked at him momentarily, then jumped down from the cab of the truck, tried to open the door (it was locked), struggled to find the lock, unlocked the door and jumped down out of the semi-truck. I ran to a gas station and they called the police. That was the first time I experienced an absolute miracle that can not be explained away to any other explanation. 

The Second Time
The second time was years later, I guess I was about 33 at the time. I awoke in the middle of the night. I immediately was fearful and sensed two dark beings at the end of my bed. The room had the most putrid odor I had ever smelled, I can only describe it as the smell of pure evil. I tried to scream for my husband but my mouth would not move and I was paralyzed. I then heard (telepathically) one being say to the other "What do you want to do to her?" Since I heard them I figured they could hear me so I thought to them "You have no right to be here, I am a child of Jesus." Immediately they were gone and I fell back to sleep. Several weeks later I again woke paralyzed and there was one being in my room (this one I sensed was younger and was just watching me) anyhow, I just said in my mind “Jesus make it go away” several times and it was gone. 

During that time of those visitations I had many other odd things happen, waking to buzzing noises, bed shaking, I even saw a UFO outside my window and my daughter saw it at the same time. She saw some dark figures in her room, before going to sleep one night. After these incidents had happened I was cleaning her closet one day and found a Ouija board in her closet that her friend had brought over and left. I ripped it up and threw it away. I wonder if that was the reason for all of the happenings, as I had never had ANYTHING strange happen before that time period, and have not since. 

Glory to the power of Jesus! You have my permission to post this. - Heather

Facebook Alien Resistance

Believers and Church Hypocrisy

The hypocrisy of the Church has hurt innocent people who stand in public places and unknowingly spread evil by blindly believing and speaking  the "Word of God" because it is written in the Bible. Praying for others to be delivered from homosexuality, telling others that to love the "wrong" sex is a sin in the eyes of God.

Good people who declare their absolute faith in the Almighty by following the written law in the "good book". Weak personalities who will not look beyond Church acceptance of what was written in the days of ruling despots. Weak personalities who deny their own God given intuition that something doesn't sit right and prefer to believe what they can see before their eyes. Bibliolatry - worship of the Bible.

Blatant and absolute bibliolatry in its finest.

The Catholic Church has now revoked homosexuality, same sex couples can marry in a civil union, a complete reversal of all church teachings based on the "God's Law". Church hypocrisy in action.

Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God,” Francis said in one of his sit-down interviews for the film. “What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered.

It is unfortunate that even in the twenty-first century the leadership of the Church still stumbles blindly enforcing rules that no longer make any sense in modern civilization.

 The Catholic Church in Action

  • Does not honor democratic principles; it is governed by the Pope with help from the cardinals and bishops who do not want input on changes to the rules or beliefs of the Church.
  • Tried not only to control one's actions but one's thoughts as well. The Church regarded impure thoughts (thoughts about sex) as a grave sin against God that would blacken our Souls.

Homosexuality is not contrary to natural law, and it is not sinful or offensive to God. God does not make rules for humans to follow and has no desire to restrict or prohibit homosexual activities or anything else humans do. The Church's ban on homosexual activities is consistent with their position that all sexual activities are sinful, except intercourse between a husband and wife for the purpose of conceiving a child. Leaders recognised that humans were not naturally monogamous creatures, and it was necessary to establish rules to enforce this principle, along with harsh sanctions for breaching them. They knew without rules to enforce monogamy and prohibit adultery, some men would have numerous sexual partners while others might have none, thereby sowing the seeds for jealousy, anger and violence.

The Christian God became a human-like deity created by the holy men of the Church to help them control the masses through guilt and fear. They gave their God the attributes of a despot on Earth and easily sold this to their followers, expecting them to pay homage to him and obey his commands, failing which he would become angry and vengeful. The early leaders of the Church knew that a God with these characteristics would serve them well in their quest to control their followers.

God did not dictate the Bible. It was written by men who were all following their own agendas, as were the holy men since then who cited passages from the Bible to justify the rules and beliefs they advocated. In the early days of the Church, its religious leaders agreed, after considerable debate, on a set of beliefs then re-wrote or edited part of the original passages from the New Testament to ensure that the scriptures that survived conformed to their vision of the Church. Often they deliberately concealed or destroyed scriptures that contradicted the beliefs they had established for the Church. As a result, the Bible that you know today was written by many different men and revised by the holy men who followed them and does not represent the "word of God" as various holy men have claimed over the centuries.

The Bible is not our God, and cannot be treated as such. The Bible is the revelation of the love of God through Jesus Christ, and its sole purpose is to point us to Him.

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The Truth about Tarot - Evil or Not?

There is a big misconception out there that Tarot is evil, the work of the Devil, Satan worshiping when we look at the cards, it makes bad things happen, brings evil spirits into play. Tarot is sinful. Tarot cards are associated with divination, Leviticus: “Do not practice divination or seek omens.”

Tarot an Occult Practice
If one were to examine the definitions of Occult and Psychic one would see that Tarot is not the same as Occult and is no more 'dangerous' than using any other 'normal' card. The Church simply wrapped up everything is one basket and denounced all as satanic practices. 

OCCULT - mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena. 

PSYCHIC - relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance.

In the Biblical sense divination means fortune telling and unlocking the secrets of the future by occult and supernatural means. Omens means an event regarded as either good or evil signifying the advent of change. This concept of predicting the future is sinful because what it’s doing is asserting a power that’s greater than God’s. On a spiritual level it means that you are ignoring the present, which is where you can make the biggest changes, and instead, you’re thinking more about the future, and you're living outside of yourself

About the Cards
  • Tarot cards are made in a factory using coloured inks and glossy card. They come out of the factory, are put into boxes and then arrive with retailers who sell them to the public. At no stage do the cards pass through a process where people put curses on them or likewise bless them with love. Tarot cards themselves are a product, they are not “bad” in themselves. 
  • The Tarot is a book of wisdom where each individual Tarot card represents an energy or situation in life. A good deck has cards that readily bring to mind the energy or essence of that card in a way that we can quickly recognise. (I suppose it is possible for someone to paint a deck that is intensely dark and therefore brings to mind a negative way of thinking. Thankfully we live in a world where publishers like US Games and Lo Scarabeo have editors who will refuse anything too unsuitable from making it to the presses). 
  • Some will mention that there are “bad” cards in the Tarot like Death, The Tower and The Devil that can scare people. These cards are not to be taken literally or be seen as “bad” cards. For example leaving a job is like a death, but then alongside that getting a new job is like a birth. In that sense, death does not need to be unwelcome. Nor does it literally mean there will be a death.
Evolution of Tarot
Tarot has gone through many reinventions through time. The divination system has many origin myths, debated history, and speculation. What was once a card game slowly evolved into the most popular system of divination today.

As it passed through Antoine Court de Gebelin’s hands in the 1780’s it was given more occult influence and deeper symbolism. This repeated again as the system passed through the hands of Etteilla in the 1790’s, Levi in the 1850’s, Mathers in the 1880’s, Waite in the 1910’s, Case in the 1910’s, Hall in the 1920’s, and finally Crowley in the 1940’s.

Each occultist added new layers of meaning and imbued them with their vision of the Mysteries, making the system as rich in symbolism and associations as it is today. However, the earlier Christian spirituality of the Medieval Church is usually swept under the rug. It is fascinating to see just how much influence it had on our modern decks.

The Rider Waite Smith Deck
A. E. Waite, the creator of the world’s most influential Tarot deck, was a spiritual seeker and mystic who supported himself with freelance translation and writing. In 1889, under the pseudonym Grand Orient, he published A Handbook of Cartomancy, Fortune-Telling and Occult Divination, one of the first books in English on how to read tarot. His fascination with the occult scene drew him into membership in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, but his spirituality gradually evolved away from ceremonial magic and toward Christian mysticism. When the Golden Dawn splintered into factions, he created his own order, the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross. In 1909, he created the Rider Waite Tarot in collaboration with Pamela Colman Smith, and wrote the book The Pictorial Key to Tarot.

The most verifiable history that we have is that the cards originated as the Italian card game called Trionfi, which is the origin of both the tarot and our modern playing cards. Trionfi means “Triumph” and eventually originated the word “Trump” in card games. The Trump cards were cards that ranked in power and a higher ranking card would “triumph” or “trump” cards that were lower than it. To understand the Trump cards and why certain symbols were used, we have to understand when they were created, or at least popularized, which was during the Medieval period of the 15th Century in Renaissance Italy.

The Major Arcana
The Tarot Trumps which evolved into what we call the Major Arcana, displayed spiritual messages pertaining to the power of God. The only card which didn’t follow the Trump rules was The Fool card, which was the origin of the Joker in the tarot. The Fool card allowed the player to break the rules and not follow suit, just as the court jester was allowed to break rules no one else was allowed to in the feudal system.

The Juggler (Trump 1) was more akin to a stage magician. Someone who would use slight-of-hand tricks to awe the average person but was a distraction from the spiritual principles of the Church.

The Popess (Trump 2) was based on Pope Joan, a legendary woman who tricked the Church into thinking she was male and rose to the papacy. She, unfortunately was killed horrendously when it was revealed she was a woman. So she had the trickery of the Juggler, but at least working within the realm of the Church’s teachings otherwise.

The Empress (Trump 3) was lower in power in Trumps because she was still female, but at least had “legitimate power” in the eyes of the people, but didn’t have as much power as The Emperor (Trump 4) who overpowered her. Both represented the power of law and land.

The Hierophant (Trump 5) was the male Pope. His divine power as a representative of Christ on Earth and of the Church gave him more power than the Empress and Emperor because heaven’s law was greater than the land’s law.

The Lovers (Trump 6) which represented Christ’s assertion that Love was the greatest law (1 Corinthians 13:13).

THE VIRTUES - The next set of cards are heavily influenced by the writings of Thomas Aquinas, who was deeply influenced by Plato. Though their ranks of power are interjected with the next series of cards, the virtues are indeed there. Anthony Louis writes in Tarot Beyond The Basics that

Aquinas viewed Prudence as ‘the cause, measure, and form of all virtues … the auriga virtum or the charioteer of the virtues.

The Chariot (Trump 7) the first virtue is Prudence, which opened the way for his other virtues, Justice (Trump 8), Fortitude as Strength (Trump 11), and Temperance (Trump 14). The Hermit (Trump 9) embodied the life of a monk following the virtues and living a life or prayer, introspection, and meditation.

The Wheel of Fortune (Trump 10) represented things that were beyond our power, things that were delegated to the power of the stars and to God.

The Hanged Man (Trump 12) represented the surrender to God as well as the sacrifice of Christ hanging upon the cross, who also surrendered to the will of God as a sacrifice.

Death (Trump 13) whom we must all surrender to, whether we are a Hermit, an Emperor, a Juggler, a Fool, or a Hierophant.

The Devil (Trump 15) is an obvious Christian symbol as well, representing the things that tempt us away from “salvation”. The Devil is beyond life and death in his power and is referred to as the “God of the world” in the Bible.

The Tower (Trump 16) is the Tower of Babel which God struck down, representing the Devil’s influence in making men think that they can reach God through their own arrogance.

The Star (Trump 17) is the Star of Bethlehem which heralds a sign of hope for the birth of Christ so that people can gain salvation.

The Moon (Trump 18) represents the Virgin Mary often represented with lunar imagery and she will give birth to The Sun (Trump 19) which represents the Christ Child, the light of the world.

Judgement (Trump 20) refers to the final Judgement after Armageddon, when Jesus comes back to judge the souls of the dead who have been “slumbering” in their graves.

The World (Trump 21) which represents the New Jerusalem that will be built afterward, the new Eden.

Being Psychic and Using Tarot
Your first thoughts are the most psychic ones, before your rational mind interferes.
- Felicity Carter 2019
Any tool can be used for good or evil— it’s all up to the person using it. A hammer can be used to build a beautiful house, or to bludgeon someone to death. Tarot is just a tool, it’s up to you how to use it.
- Anon 2020 
Tarot was designed to tell a conventional Christian story using images from late Medieval popular culture. Associating tarot with Cabala, the grail legend, alchemy, or other divination systems is an artificial overlay. Tarot was not invented with any of these systems in mind, but these associations work well in the realm of the imagination and can add depth to one’s understanding of the cards.
-  Sherryl Smith 2011

I was excited about my new tarot cards. I didn’t think much of it, and my inlaws began to message me saying how it’s evil and it’s not God it’s the Devil. I am spiritual, I do believe in God, I go to church. So they’re acting like I’m a witch from the Salem witch trials and they’re the prosecution!
My Mom isn't religious, but enough that my practicing tarot was a shocker and led to some talk about 'finding God' one day..
The Word is a Living Word because the meanings can shift depending on the day, message, and what is being sought e.g. comfort, advice, etc. She spends her mornings searching for passages that 'speak' to her. It's the same concept in tarot. I am using a living tool to help me find center, advice, comfort, ect. One's a card, one's a book. They are very much what you make of them.
Ignore them and be yourself. Lead by example. Keep growing, healing and doing good things for others. Allow them to see you shine, remain positive, kill them with kindness. Might take a long time but they will eventually see that there is nothing evil about you and find they may have come to the wrong conclusion about Tarot.

Steps to limit the chance of a bad reading
  • Say a prayer before you read or are read for and ask that all that comes from this reading will be for your greater good. Picture it going well.
  • If you get a bad feeling that you shouldn’t go ahead with a reading then don’t do it. You need to trust your instinct.
  • Try to get a recommendation from someone who has already seen that person. Then ask how did they present information and was there anything that worried the person about the reading.
  • Be careful what you ask for. Are you ready for all the possible answers to that question? What will you do with the answer?
I love the Tarot and have been studying and using it for more than twenty years and most Tarot readers will have only your best interest at heart and will hopefully weave a wonderful picture that is empowering.

Tarot readings can be really useful to help us see our lives more clearly and personally and I think it is really exciting.

This article was first released on www.spiritawe.com



The Bible: The Truth About Psychics & Spiritual Gifts

God's Purpose for Psychics...and everyone

How to Be a Christian Psychic: What the Bible Says about Mediums, Healers and Paranormal Investigators


It's been a frantic 5 years. Sadly I've examined probably over a thousand mutilated animals many of them victims. I've done countless press interviews and been on TV on numerous occasions and there's the Vice documentary too. I have counselled and supported hundreds of victim owners and travelled up and down the country in pursuit of this evil killer.

To say it's been heartbreaking would be an understatement. I wonder how I'm still alive.

Sadly, almost two years ago to the day, the Metropolitan Police closed their investigation and the RSPCA quickly followed suit leaving SNARL as the only investigation team. About 18 months ago Boudicca ended our relationship then subsequently resigned from SNARL taking two team members with her. Since then five other team members have resigned for various reasons. I can understand because this case is heartbreaking and some just couldn't take it any more.

That leaves just three of us. I will be eternally grateful for the other two who have pretty much kept things going over the last year whilst I have battled with my mental health and depression.

However I feel we have reached a crossroads. I have dedicated 5 years of my life and in all truth we are no closer to finding this killer. We are all emotionally exhausted.

More to the point I am basically bankrupt. Over the past months numerous people have cancelled their small monthly donations this Covid pandemic has been tough on us all. It has however postponed eviction proceedings against me.

So. A sensible person would probably draw the line on this investigation, try to get a paid job and save the home that is currently sanctuary to 16 cats and two dogs all rescued animals. However I can't give it up having made promises to most of the owners that I would continue until this killer is caught and brought to justice. I cannot let him win the killings have to stop!

I hate asking but to carry on I'm going to need some serious financial help. Over 30,000 people follow the page. If only 1,000 people were able to donate just £3 per month that would be enough to cover all my expenses and help dig me out of debt. I realise this is a huge ask in these difficult times but I cannot see any other way forward. If I get any where near this target I will register as a charity so the trolls and naysayers can do one.

Either way I would to thank from the bottom of my heart each and every person who has helped this investigation over the years. Bless you all.

A Day in the Life of Animal Rescue

After a round trip of 475 miles stretching over 15 hours I finally arrived home at 1.30am with my mission accomplished.

Millie and Baggins, two lovely 17 year old cats had been abandoned at a vets in Eastbourne by their owner following a divorce. One had suspected renal failure and the other a tumour so their lifespan is limited. Rather than have them put to sleep we networked them on this page and were fortunate to find them a home with a lovely man called Peter who lives near Stafford with his partner. My mission was to pick them up from Eastbourne and take them to Peter’s.

After feeding and cleaning up my own menagerie I left home about 10am to head to Eastbourne. I was delayed at the garage waiting whilst some idiot tried in vain to pump up the tyres on their car. I sorted it out for them and once happy with the tyre pressures on my car I set off. My journey was not without its hiccups. About fifteen miles from Eastbourne my car Boobie suffered an engine malfunction and stopped working. I managed to cruise to a layby, pulled over and turned the engine off. After several expletives I calmed myself down with a cup of coffee and a fag. I then gently explained to Boobie that we had an important mission and that she couldn’t let me down now. She didn’t . She started up and I set off with some concern wondering whether I’d make it.

I duly arrived at the vets sometime after midday. The vet and staff were pleased to see me and seemed very nice and caring having looked after the cats for a couple of weeks, in particular Jon, who first alerted us to the plight of Millie and Baggins. As it turned out we had briefly met before as we have a mutual interest in a particular weekend pursuit.

I had taken my dog cage so that the cats could travel together. I had liberally sprinkled the blankets with cat nip and valerian. It worked a treat. Within a few minutes they were both rolling around in the cage and quickly settled down not knowing that a long journey was ahead. We loaded them into Boobie’s hatch and I set off again hoping that Boobie would be OK.

A few miles out of Eastbourne I spotted a hitchhiker, something I haven’t seen for years. I used to hitchhike in my younger days and always vowed to return the favours I had received when I was able to but had never seen anyone. Naturally I pulled over and in jumped a rather pleasant if slightly eccentric older man whose name also happened to Peter. We had a good chat and I dropped him off happy and appreciative in East Grinstead. I took the opportunity to have a bit of lunch – a portion of chips with gravy from a really nice chip shop. I also put some food and water in the cage for the cats who were still sleeping.

As we approached the M25 on the A22 Boobie was running fine so I decided to take the chance of continuing the journey rather than heading back to London and keeping the cats at mine for a few days whilst I got Boobie checked out in the garage. I therefore took the M25 round to the M40 and headed towards Birmingham. Apart from a quick piss stop it seemed I made good progress. However when I hit the M6 I got stuck in a long traffic jam. There had been an accident just past Junction 15 and traffic was backed up to Junction 13. I needed to come off at Junction 14 so spent well over an hour in a jam with only the radio to keep me company. The cats had been brilliant, no howling or anything they were so quiet and chilled I almost forgot they were there!

I finally arrived at Peter’s shortly after 7pm where I received a warm welcome. We got the cage in and settled it in the living room, the cats still chilled out. Peter made me a quick coffee then left me for half an hour whilst he drove his partner to work. I had a relaxing half an hour watching Eastenders and meeting his dogs and 2 of the cats. I left the cats in the cage as they were still chilled and I wanted them to have a bit of time to acclimatise. They were warmly greeted by Scamp, Peter’s lovely 16 year old three-legged dog.

When Peter returned he coaxed Millie and Baggins out of the cage with Dreamies. Another favourite trick! Within a short space of time they settled down on the sofa (see photos.) Peter’s other cats treated them with respect. It seemed to me that their transition into a new home happened almost instantaneously. After a lovely dinner, more coffee and a nice chat I decided it was time to hit the road again. Peter had kindly offered me a bed for the night but I decided a late night drive home would be easier than trying to get back during the day. I left around 10pm safe and confident in the knowledge that Millie and Baggins were in good hands for the rest of whatever life they have left in a lovely animal-centred home where they will undoubtedly receive lots of love and attention. Thank you so much Peter for taking these guys on you are a star.

My journey home was not as easy as I thought it would be. I joined the M6 at Junction 14 and almost immediately ran into a traffic jam. I waited whilst three lanes filtered into one and then a diversion took us off the M6 at Junction 13. The southbound part of the M6 had just been closed between 13 and 12 for essential roadworks. The diversion took us all around the houses where we eventually rejoined at Junction 12. I took the opportunity to pull over at a non-service station garage to fill Boobie up with diesel. As I left a van driver kindly flashed his lights to let me out into the long trail of slow moving diverted traffic. The driver then proceeded to flash at me for a mile or two until I pulled over into a layby wondering what was wrong. As the van passed me the passenger had his head out of the window and shouted to me. All I heard was ‘open’ and ‘roof.’ When I got out to check I realised that I had not only left the fuel filler door open but I had also left the fuel cap on the roof of Boobie!

The rest of the journey home was fast and uneventful and for me fueled by a can of Monster energy drink to keep me awake. I finally arrived home at 1.30am to be greeted by one of my fox cubs standing outside my front gate. Boudicca had earlier texted me to say she had forgotten to feed the foxes when she was at mine to feed the cats. My cub was no doubt registering a late night protest and quickly turned up in the garden with his two siblings when I put their food out.

Still a bit wired from the energy drink I sat down and opened the bottle of wine that Boudicca had kindly left for me. I soon retired to bed with the bottle and watched a bit of Star Trek TNG before falling asleep feeling that it had been a good day.
