

I never thought that a person could actually worship the Bible, or that there was even an actual term for this. Bibliolatry can be taken by some to mean “taking following the Bible to an extreme”, but the truth of Bibliolatry is that it means “to worship the Bible in the place of God”. 

Using the Bible as a crutch and oracle in order to help understand what is happening in your life. There are so many situations and circumstances that don’t seem to be answered by Scripture alone.
The Bible is not our God, and cannot be treated as such. The Bible is the revelation of the love of God through Jesus Christ, and its sole purpose is to point us to Him.
How does a person turn their worship of God into worshiping the Bible instead? And what does that look like? It is so easy to take things that we can see and touch and turn them into an idol. Because we worship an unseen God, it sometimes causes a great struggle between our minds and our hearts. To have the Bible in our hands as a manifest representation of our God makes it so easy to use it as a tool of worship.

Jesus Christ is the revelation of God the Father. Jesus is the Truth and the Way. The purpose of the Bible was always to reveal the truth of who Jesus Christ is. The Bible shows us our inherent need for Jesus: we cannot do this life without Him. Jesus Christ is indeed the Almighty Creator and our Life Source. It is only through Jesus Christ we find the answers to life and the guidance for our specific circumstances and questions.

Only Jesus Christ was meant to be our everything. Everybody can have a rich and intimate relationship with Jesus. We cannot let the Bible replace a relationship with God. God gave us Jesus Christ so we could have a relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the exact representation of the Father and the image of the invisible God. To see and know Jesus Christ is to see and know the Father who sits in the heavens.

Therefore you must strive to achieve deeper and greater levels of intimacy with God through Jesus Christ. We must read the Bible, but then we must set it down and sit with Jesus Himself. We must talk to Him, but then we must be silent and with patience listen for His reply. He will guide and direct us to the specific advice for our current situations. He will answer questions and give us divine revelation and wisdom for the deep soul-searching questions we have in these modern times.

First and foremost God wants to strengthen us in our identity in Him and the knowledge of His great love. Without those things, we will continue to struggle and our relationship will continue to go back to the Bible instead of using the Bible as a bridge to the Word Himself. The Bible is a wonderful tool, but it is not the Way; Jesus Christ is.
Let Jesus Christ be your guide and your everything. He loves you. He wants you. He sees you. And He says ‘You are good. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Do not be faint-hearted but come my children, come to me and let me love you.’
Some people have made the Bible their world. Their church Priests having answers to all individual problems, directing the lives of others in the way they see fit. These people use a tangible Bible to prove their faith. They carry it, worship it, fill personal correspondence with Bible phrases – ‘spreading the word’. They live in a segregated world and see everything in black and white. Anyone with a different perspective, such as ‘new age’, is working against God and bordering on the demonic. It is hard to be a true friend to people who are so narrow minded, because you must hide those parts of yourself that doesn't meet their rigid beliefs..

Source http://www.theothersideofdarkness.com/bibliolatry-worship-bible/
Image https://pastordaveonline.org/2012/07/05/the-charge-of-bibliolatry/

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