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Part 1 Summary
The Secret Space War matters are tied up with the Khazarian Mafia and the secret, and almost completely hidden, machinations of the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia, or the incredibly dark, evil, etheric non-corporeal entities which they serve in order to get their power.
All secrecy is now ending, and there are so many breeches from all over the world that it cannot be stopped. Some new KKhazarian Mafia-mandated laws have slowed this process down somewhat, but those too are becoming quite ineffective. Even so, many of the most serious secrets are so obtuse, so deviant, so incredibly evil, few will be able to fit them into their heads, once told. The biggest secrets that the Top Khazarian Mafia Chieftains live by and keep are so nasty and so esoteric that they are incredible to all but a very, very small group of those who have worked at their periphery and who have well-corroborated information and evidence they just can’t ignore.
The most closely guarded secrets of the Khazarian Mafia Chieftains and their powerful associates are their private intersections, associations, subordination, and operational “slavery” to the unimaginably evil, ethereal, non-corporeal world they have sold out to. Strangely, the Khazarian Mafia Top Chieftains and their associates do not understand that they have lost their very souls and have become slaves of the the evil spirit guides (lesser gods) they serve, and that this path leads to only one thing — judgment and their final demise. In becoming slaves of the hidden realm to evil lesser gods (fallen ones), they have been granted the power to rule over evil on Planet Earth and have made serfs out of most of whom they rule over.
The Plutocrats and Oligarchs (Plutocracy - from Greek meaning "wealth", and kratos, meaning "power, dominion, rule" - or plutarchy, is a form of oligarchy and defines a society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens) who rule us share one thing in common, in order to obtain their status they have risen through specific occult-based initiation rituals which become increasingly evil. At some point when they near the highest initiation into the Khazarian Mafia Hierarchy, they will be approached by non-corporeal entities in the hidden spirit world and will be asked to enter into a contract, selling their very souls in exchange for extreme power over others, incredible riches and high status in society.
But they have to perform seriously deviant, criminal acts in secret against the masses in order to be so empowered and to maintain their level of power attained. These acts are parasitical and required by the lesser gods they serve.
In so serving these lesser gods these Plutocrats and Oligarchs have been able to create a secret kingdom, an Establishment Hierarchy which they must maintain through covert political manipulations and exercises of their secret power that has been given them.
To protect this kingdom of power, wealth and status they have built up a pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy. This Establishment Hierarchy is the world’s largest organized crime syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia.
These Plutocrats and Oligarchs have hijacked the American State; formed close relationships, groups and associations; and routinely invoked the false-cloak of so-called “National Security” as cover for their evil, illegal and unconstitutional deeds, which are necessary to keep We The People under control.
Some of the most hidden of their secret programs are deep-black and beyond-black “unacknowledged special access programs”, often not even known by the defense contractors in which they are embedded. Some deep-black and Beyond-black programs have developed a life of their own, gone into secret arrangements with Alien ET groups, and have gone rogue. And some of these beyond-black programs have spun out of control and developed a life of their own, running parallel to the Power Control Group that is supposed to control them. In some of these beyond-black special access, unacknowledged groups, those involved have been deeply mind-kontrolled and now serve as agents of these Alien ET leaders and are helping them attain their own agenda, which plans to make an end run around the Globalist NWO Agenda of the the Khazarian Mafia.
The agenda of this certain group of Alien ETs is substantially different than the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia, whom this Alien ET group has been using as disposable cutouts to gain control over the nations and major institutions that run humanity.
Once they have done that, then they plan to dispose of humans in three intermingled ways.
They plan to deploy war and disease taking a toll of 90%. This was sold to theKhazarian Mafia Top Chieftains as necessary chem-trail spraying, high tech eugenics in the food, and vaccination poisoned healthcare, and purposeful pollution and radiation spills and contaminations. They plan at some point to start deep-sixing (destroy or dispose of irretrievably) all the Khazarian Mafia Cutouts and Doofuses and useful idiots who sold out their fellow humans for temporary power, riches and status, as a soon as they are no longer necessary and these spirit guides (lesser gods) have set up the necessary means to relate directly to the masses and elicit a world populism they control. They will manipulate the masses to become lemmings, while the eugenics and mass deaths from war take their intended toll.
The Alien ET Agenda seem like the Khazarian Mafia’s Globalist NWO Agenda, but is actually far worse and evil beyond the imagination of most. The Alien ET Agenda is actually a secret agenda of the lesser gods, the fallen ones that rebelled against the God Almighty and were cast down and quarantined upon Planet Earth and its surrounding space. A certain group of Alien ETs are well organized “spirit entities” (lesser gods–Dracos) and have an age-old plan to repopulate the earth with their own new race of strange creatures that are Alien ET/human hybridizations. They intend to genetically engineer these new creatures and enmesh A.I. computers and “machine components” in their genetic structures, which will be triple helix-based and thus self-healing.
Because there is a major cosmic correction now on the way, this sinister plan is doomed to complete failure; but because these entities running this are soulless beasts driven by evil instincts, they cannot process the truth or stop themselves from heading toward judgment and destruction. The coming break point when the Khazarian Mafia Top Chieftains and their Khazarian Mafia are going to be dis-empowered and taken apart at the seams is now approaching. As these monsters who walk free are de-throned, they become confused and wonder what went wrong.
Part 11 Summary
Recently there has been a significant and recognizable displacement of the Khazarian Mafia’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) by the Internet’s Alternative Media. In the last few years, a fairly high percentage of Americans have come to trust the Internet as a their main source for major news stories. There are no true investigative reporters left in the Mainstream Network News, all have been retired, fired or forced out. The Problem that We The People, the commoners have to deal with on a daily basis is that we have to live under the evil, unconstitutional, illegal laws mandated by the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), who hijacked and now run our system of government and control our Network News. Our major recent laws since 1963 (when the KM assassinated JFK using GHWB’s Op40 of the CIA) are actually based on the Core Edicts of the KM Top Chieftains and have transformed us into their secret Serfs on a Global Plantation best described as a farm. What this means in practical terms is that we common folk have to work and live within the rules these KM Top Chieftains have mandated. But this is now changing quite rapidly thanks to the Internet, the world’s New Gutenberg Press.
The KM Top Chieftains now recognize that the Internet has now become their ultimate threat.
The KM has murdered so many US Special ops when their missions were done that the rest have found out about this, and few trust their commanders at all anymore, and are constantly watching each others’ backs. The word is out that American soldiers and special ops are typically fighting for the KM and not We The People and have been used as mere cannon fodder for the KM. There is no doubt that these major leaks, which are disclosing the Dark-side and incredibly evil practices of the KM, are frequent now, are major, and have been causing extreme exposure of the KM’s egregiously evil deeds against We The People and the world.
The realization is finally hitting the KM Top Chieftains that, if they don’t stop this flood of leaks very soon, their days in power are going to be very limited. So naturally, they are desperate and beginning to crack at the seams, and are becoming more likely to make bad decisions leading them to stage extreme Gladio-style False Flags to try and restore USG prominence and KM Control.
Part III Summary
Part 11 Summary
Recently there has been a significant and recognizable displacement of the Khazarian Mafia’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) by the Internet’s Alternative Media. In the last few years, a fairly high percentage of Americans have come to trust the Internet as a their main source for major news stories. There are no true investigative reporters left in the Mainstream Network News, all have been retired, fired or forced out. The Problem that We The People, the commoners have to deal with on a daily basis is that we have to live under the evil, unconstitutional, illegal laws mandated by the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), who hijacked and now run our system of government and control our Network News. Our major recent laws since 1963 (when the KM assassinated JFK using GHWB’s Op40 of the CIA) are actually based on the Core Edicts of the KM Top Chieftains and have transformed us into their secret Serfs on a Global Plantation best described as a farm. What this means in practical terms is that we common folk have to work and live within the rules these KM Top Chieftains have mandated. But this is now changing quite rapidly thanks to the Internet, the world’s New Gutenberg Press.
The KM Top Chieftains now recognize that the Internet has now become their ultimate threat.
The KM has murdered so many US Special ops when their missions were done that the rest have found out about this, and few trust their commanders at all anymore, and are constantly watching each others’ backs. The word is out that American soldiers and special ops are typically fighting for the KM and not We The People and have been used as mere cannon fodder for the KM. There is no doubt that these major leaks, which are disclosing the Dark-side and incredibly evil practices of the KM, are frequent now, are major, and have been causing extreme exposure of the KM’s egregiously evil deeds against We The People and the world.
The realization is finally hitting the KM Top Chieftains that, if they don’t stop this flood of leaks very soon, their days in power are going to be very limited. So naturally, they are desperate and beginning to crack at the seams, and are becoming more likely to make bad decisions leading them to stage extreme Gladio-style False Flags to try and restore USG prominence and KM Control.
Part III Summary
Keeping the American Masses in line has always been a major goal since 1913 but has recently become an acute crisis for the KM Top Chieftains, due to its public wide-scale exposure for the very first time. Naturally these lesser gods (fallen ones) who serve as the personal private spirit guides for the KM Top Chieftains have ordered them to do whatever is necessary to regain control, or else.
In practical means the lesser gods are going to deploy Plan B, which is to deep six the Khazarian Mafia and raise up a populist world hero who will gain instant and near complete worldwide support and acclaim. Once their KM Top Chieftains have taken control of a government (like they did in America in 1913) then they proceed to pervert and corrupt every single institution and major corporation. These KM Top Chieftains then merge their corporations with the government and stack and run the government by their individuals chosen from their corporations.
Along the way:-
- they proceeded to privatize many government functions to their corporations, consolidated all institutions and corporations into large units they could easily control from the top of their pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy.
- they organized well-funded NGOs, social movements and other organizations and used them to destroy moral and religious values, sex roles, the family and all the basic “glue” that holds any society together.
- they began to traffick in illegal drugs and narcotics and do everything possible to create urban blight, crime, and massive drug and alcohol dependency and to destroy the moral fabric, sex roles and the family system.
- they manipulated America and nations into illegal wars to industrialize the world, to “thin the human herd” (their words), and to make huge profits for their Banks and associated contractors and corporations.
- they forced this system on as many nations as they could through engineered wars, crafty lethal covert operations including staged terror, incredibly evil death squads, use of mind-kontrolled soulless zombie mercenaries, and by use of economic sanctions and manipulations.
"The Agenda of the KM Top Chieftains has been to use this model to take down and subdue the whole world nation by nation."
This step-wise plan was working well until the age of the Internet which leaked so many KM secrets that the Chinese and the Russian Federation figured out they were going to be chumped by the RKM Banksters.
The over all goal of the lesser gods is to destroy society and restructure Planet Earth, making it unfit for human life and only fit for their new hybrid race they plan to merge with machines at a molecular level.
What are these fallen ones, these lesser gods?
- They are those one-third of the lesser gods who rebelled against the Creator God Almighty and were cast down to Planet Earth and this solar system and were quarantined here. These fallen ones were essentially cut off from God Almighty and His truth.
- They had the ability to manifest themselves in physical form on Planet Earth but disobeyed God Almighty’s rules in doing so. They bred with humans which God Almighty had created directly Himself and perverted them with their evil. This was part of their new plan to create their own race like God Almighty had done.
- This was followed by a direct judgment of God Almighty destroying these Nephilim in their human forms and their human hybrid offspring which had become unimaginably evil.
- When the human form of these fallen ones was destroyed by God Almighty’s judgment, only their disembodied spirits remained and they could only then continue their Globalist NWO plan by finding or creating soulless human surrogates to work through and indwell after.
- Naturally they would pick those who were from the wealthiest families that appeared to be the easiest to compromise morally, that is, those who appeared the most selfish.
- Before they can mass occupy and infill humans with their spirit and assume control, these lesser gods have had to select chosen Earthly representatives (world leader Cutouts) to become their evil agents to organize, consolidate control of Earth. This was necessary so they would be able to garner enough power to create secret programs to run these highly technical programs and be able to capture all the massive funds necessary to finance them.
"To infill a potential future world leader, the human must agree to give up their soul. These lesser gods use various huge temptations are used to play on the “weaknesses of the human flesh” such as sex, kink, power, drugs, alcohol, riches and status. In return for their souls they were told they could rule the Earth and would later be made eternal gods by Lucifer and sit at his council of gods as their reward. This was a lie. They were selected to be used as Cutouts and then disposed of when no longer needed, a time that is now approaching. In exchange for giving their souls to Lucifer these KM Top Chieftains were given supernatural powers and their own personal spirit guide which periodically appeared to them for advice and consent."
But there was one serious limitation that they were not informed of. The lesser gods like their chief Lucifer (Satan) are liars, deceivers, users and filled with two-faced evil. They were told that Lucifer (Satan) was rising and would overtake God Almighty and would rule the universe and they would share in that rule. This is untrue. Giving up one’s soul and serving Lucifer is a death sentence for one’s soul and loss of continued existence beyond this life on Earth. These KM Top Chieftains were not told that any human who lives under Lucifer will face judgment with Lucifer and will eventually be destroyed and eradicated along with him and those lesser gods that rebelled with him. Nor were they told that any human who loves God first and then loves his neighbor as himself, who lives by the God’s golden rule of “treat others the way you want to be treated” would not only be forgiven for their transgressions but would live again. They were also not told that those who live by God Almighty’s basic rules will be blessed and empowered by him and will serve to trod these fallen ones underfoot someday.
"Ongoing wars and societal conflicts are thus necessary which can produce big death counts and a lot of needless human misery, human pain and extreme human suffering to feed the negative energy needs of these lesser gods as spiritual food, so the KM Top Chieftains deploy the means to create these as ordered by their spirit guides. The Spirit Guides who empower these KM Top Chieftains are negative energy vampires that are “fed” and thus empowered by great human suffering and death. The more trauma, anxiety and terror involved while dying the more energy they can parasitically extract from their surrogate victims and the younger the better."
Despite all their empowerment by their evil supra-natural spirit-guides, the God’s Eternal spirit implanted at birth in one’s soul (unless given up) keeps providing lots of resistance to their efforts to destroy humanity. This resistance continues to crop up unexpectedly requiring immediate attention and the application of countermeasures. Many view this resistance to evil as the noble human spirit.
The KM’s Top Chieftains are now in secret discussions attempting to come up with a solution for these ongoing massive secrecy breeches, which are now seriously threatening their continued power and existence, and which are being published daily on the Internet all over the world.
Collectively, these fallen ones comprise what is referred to by insiders as the “Third Force” and operate under the authority of Lucifer (Satan) who is the god of Planet Earth.
It is this Third Force that the Top Chieftains of the KM and so many top elected officials and “super-elites” have sold out to obtain power, riches and status.
The KM Top Chieftains will be disposed of by the Third Force (lesser gods/fallen ones) when they are no longer needed and that time appears to be quickly approaching.
God Almighty is best described as the “Fourth Force”, the “First Cause” the “Most High”, the Greatest Power”, and the only ethereal entity which can create life from nothing. God Almighty is the only one that can create real souls. To commune with God Almighty and receive His blessings, you must you must live by two rules: love God Almighty with all your heart and mind and trust Him, and love your neighbor as yourself. There is no judgment for those that do these things and live by this according to conservative Christian teaching.
Message - "A few years ago it dawned on me after much deep thinking and before I read anything of your work that there was more to the problems on planet Earth than power crazy politicians. I reasoned that our problems just had to be from an off world or inter-dimensional nature. This or these entities new what they were doing, to me their intentions were to get the human race to turn on its self, to self destruct with wars and greed (for us to do their work for them). They stay hidden, manipulating and directing events and all the time worming deeper into society ready to take complete control. The worst thing is most humans would not realize they had been invaded and taken over so subtle is this entity. I know I may not be right in all I say, but when I read your work it was refreshing to know I was on the right track. Please keep up the good work."
English Cognizant Citizen
Answer - "You are another example of the typical VT reader who is remarkably well informed about events not covered truthfully by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) and the policies and groups that really set the agenda politically and socially. It is obvious that VT readers are some of the brightest best informed most knowledgeable individuals anywhere. I continue to be impressed by the knowledge base and expertise of VT readers on so many issues as evidenced by their excellent comments."
Preston James VT
Part 11 - http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/08/31/subjects-and-serfs-of-the-lesser-gods-part-ii/
Part III - http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/09/07/subjects-and-serfs-of-the-lesser-gods-part-iii/
Part III - http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/09/07/subjects-and-serfs-of-the-lesser-gods-part-iii/
For Purchase
Taking Bullets: Terrorism and Black Life in Twenty-first Century America Confronting White Nationalism, Supremacy, Privilege, Plutocracy and Oligarchy