
Iceberg in the Room

One word `Antarctica` what do we know about this place? 

It is a vast continent with possible untold resources oil, coal etc, limited amount of people are allowed there, scientists work there, and many countries have agreed not to spoil the pristine environment, and last but not least we have the Admiral Byrd story. 

As most of us know the story of Admiral Byrd is cloaked in a certain amount of mystery, for one he was reputedly sent to the Antarctica with many ships and a few thousand men to confront the Nazi that fled there after WWII, and by all accounts they basically took a 'good-hiding' and returned home with many casualties. Another story tells of Byrd flying over Antarctica and seeing a land never before seen by man, of trees and vegetation and of strange people. There are many strange stories connected to Admiral Byrd`s exploratory journeys to the Antarctica from 'Nazi UFO's' to the 'Hollow Earth' whatever the true account is one fact remains that continent is out of bounds for all humans but for a minuscule few of scientists and researchers. 

The big question is Why?, the human race has marauded across continent after continent taking everything it wants in the form of resources, nothing can or could stop this plague call 'Humanity', it would cause wars death and destruction for thousands if not millions of its own kind just to get what it wants, nothing could stop it, that is, until it encountered 'Antarctica'. Yes countries signed an agreement not to ravage that place for its resources, but signing agreements has not stopped the human race before, just look at the agreements signed over nuclear weapons or not putting weapons in space, they have been or soon will be broken. So what is stopping us from exploiting 'Antarctica'? 

Over the years there has been reports of secret diggings taking place in 'Antarctica' of people falling ill under strange circumstances and having to be flown to the main land for treatment, all clouded in confusing stories or secrecy . As I pondered all these stories, whether false or not, the same questions kept coming to mind, Why are all significant events such as exploring 'Antarctica' accompanied with confusing and misguiding stories to perpetually have us running in circles ? Secondly, What force commands such power that it can quell the human urge to not exploit the resources that are said to exist there? 

The whole scenario of mysterious Antarctica brings to mind Arthur C Clarke's (supposed) fiction 2010 where Hal the on-board computer kept repeating the words 'ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT EUROPA, ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE' now think of it this way 'ALL THIS WORLD IS YOURS EXCEPT ANTARCTICA, ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE.' Both of the previous sentences bring to mind one word 'inaccessibility'. 

If you want to hide you find somewhere remote, somewhere so extreme that you have no worry's anyone will find you then Antarctica is the place. So! I ask the question 'Is Antarctica the home of the beings or entities that really govern this world, the string pullers, the untouchables?' We are kept looking to the sky for Alien activity, we are inundated with UFO reports year after year with no answers to the phenomena, stories about Antarctica are many and confusing, are they 'sludge' thrown into the waters of truth to hide what's really there, what's right under our noses. A famous quote from Sherlock Holmes comes to mind......" When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth". So going by the years we have been tricked into scanning the heavens looking for Aliens with no results anytime soon it's safe to say it comes under the Sherlock Holmes quote as the 'impossible' so what is left? 
"I will tell you, what is left is that they are already here and are more than likely to have set up home/base in Antarctica and from there they can manipulate humanity for their own needs, their presence is kept secret by a select few Earthlings. However there is a problem, recent research has indicated that these entities are not Alien as such but are Demonic in nature, and they are posing as extraterrestrial Aliens, and even our saviours, again is this mud in the water or is there some truth to it. I just cannot believe that the greed driven marauding human race has not taken advantage of the Antarctica resources, to me something pretty powerful must reside there. Whether its Aliens or Demons one thing is for sure, confusing stories will keep us running in circles and we will never know the truth until we explore Antarctica thoroughly with people from all nations and where the truth will be paramount." 
Everything seems geared to keeping us looking skywards from UFO's to 'The Secret Space Program' and of course 'The Secret Space War', are they a purposeful distraction by some greater power feeding it into our heads, we even have a fascination finding possible habitual planets we have no chance of getting to. 

The true reality is we could have an enemy that is far more devious than we could imagine, with its own agenda, and it resides in the most inhospitable place on Earth, and in a sense 'right under our feet'.
The English Cognizant Citizen
Image http://fav.me/d9mydma

Dead Beasts

A suspected poisoning of drinking water is being blamed on overnight cattle deaths. This is pretty well much the standard that is being reported about the cattle, it's all a little vague, but I did discover while looking that this has happened elsewhere in the world and I get the impression they too are unsure what has caused the death of their cattle.

A police investigation has been launched after ten pregnant cows were killed in a suspected poisoning. The animals' water supply is thought to have been contaminated with an "unknown poisonous substance" which was added to the cattle trough last week. By Friday morning, ten "in-calf" cows were dead along with their unborn calves, police said. The incident took place in an open barn containing 67 beef cattle near the small, rural village of Ham, Wiltshire. 
Wiltshire Police are now investigating the suspicious death and have appealed for anyone with information to come forward. Police community support officer John Bordiss, of Wiltshire Rural Crime Team, said the incident was "clearly upsetting for all involved". He said: "Between 27th and 28th April an unknown poisonous substance was added to water troughs within an open barn containing 67 in calf beef cattle. "By Friday morning 10 were dead along with unborn calves."
Clearly there are unanswered questions, such as are they doing tests to try to find what poison was used (the poisoning is only `suspected`) if this was deliberate why not poison all the cattle ?. Did some virus kill them if so could it affect all cattle, they take `foot and mouth` serious so I would have thought the Ministry of Agriculture would be very interested in this case.

I find it a curious case myself because back in April 19 Elk were found dead but not eaten, this happened in Wyoming.
The English Cognizant Citizen

UFO Cow Abductions
On the subject of cows an image has been doing the rounds showing a cow being abducted by aliens. Questions are being asked about the validity of the photo.  After searching out the image it turns out to be in .png format which in itself raises questions because normal images are .jpg. If an image is saved as .png or .gif there is usually transparent qualities involved, or the image has first been edited in a program like Paint which automatically saves images as .png. 

Lynn from Psychic Focus tuned into the image and hit a startling revelation...
Yeah, this is fake... BUT, it's allowing me to see what a real abduction looks like. A real abduction would look like a thin beam of light connecting to the cow, nothing extraordinary, really. The cow would then have a slight glow about it, and then the cow would basically disappear, teleported kinda like on Star Trek; the beam of light sucks it up like a straw, then rematerializes it onboard. It's more of a quick disappearance." [Beam me up, Bessie]
And THAT is exactly how it is happening to living creatures all around the world.
