
Fukushima Shine

The Fukushima authorities and media have grossly under-reported the extent of the nuclear damage. 

Imagine 270 million cardboard book boxes (9,000,000 cubic metres), end-to-end, encircling the world of radioactive waste. This amount has been stored in black bags as a result of the disaster. However, according to estimates, there is another 13,000,000 cubic metres of radioactive soil yet to be accounted for.

And, there’s still more, the cleanup operations only go 50-100 feet beyond roadways. Plus, a 100-mile mountain range along the coast and hillsides around Fukushima are contaminated but not cleansed at all. As a consequence, the decontaminated land will likely be re-contaminated by radioactive runoff from the hills and mountains. Indubitably, how and where to store millions of cubic metres of one-tonne black bags filled with radioactive waste is no small problem. It is a super-colossal problem. What if bags deteriorate? What if a tsunami hits? The “what-ifs” are endless, endless, and beyond.
“The black bags of radioactive soil, now scattered at 115,000 locations in Fukushima, are eventually to be moved to yet-to-be built interim facilities, encompassing 16 square kilometers, in two towns close to the crippled nuclear power plant,” Ibid.
By itself, 115,000 locations each containing many, many, mucho one-tonne bags of radioactive waste is a logistical nightmare, just the trucking alone is forever a humongous task, decades to come. According to Japanese government and industry sources, cleaning up everything and decommissioning the broken down reactors will take at least 40 years at a cost of $250 billion, assuming nothing goes wrong. But dismally, everything that can possibly go wrong for Tokyo Electric Power Company (“TEPCO”) over the past 5 years has gone wrong, not a good record.

The 2020 Olympics
Yet, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant remains totally out of control with no end in sight. As far as that goes, Olympic events alongside an out of control nuclear meltdown seem unfathomable. As recently as October 30, 2015, The Japan Times reported: “Extremely high radiation levels and the inability to grasp the details about melted nuclear fuel make it impossible for the utility to chart the course of its planned decommissioning of the reactors at the plant.”

On the other hand, according to TEPCO, preparation is underway for removal of the melted nuclear fuel, scheduled to begin in 2021. “But it is difficult to know what is happening inside the reactors, and there are no established methods for doing so… It is not difficult to get a camera inside the reactor. The problem is the camera breaks down due to high levels of radiation,” according to Toru Ogawa, director of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency’s Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (Kiyoshi Ando, senior staff writer, Long Road Ahead for Fukushima Cleanup, Nikkei Asian Review, Feb. 19, 2016).

Beyond the remote possibility they find the melted nuclear core aka: corium, engineers have not yet figured out how to cart the molten core away, assuming it can ever be located, and somehow handled. Meantime, if molten core burrows through the steel-reinforced concrete containment vessels into Earth, then what? It is likely a disaster for the ages! But, what about the Olympics? If perchance melted nuclear core penetrates its steel-reinforced concrete containment vessel and burrows into the ground, it likely results in deadly isotopes uncontrollably spreading erratically, ubiquitously into surrounding underground soil and water. It is difficult to imagine Olympic events where melted nuclear core is still at large.
“Sporting events at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are to be held in the Japanese region of Fukushima… Spectators and athletes in the Olympic village will be served with food from the region as part of an effort to restore the reputation of Fukushima, formerly one of Japan’s richest agricultural regions,” Fukushima to Host Olympic 2020 Events, The Times, Feb. 25, 2015.
Unprecedented Disaster
Japan has declared a state of emergency due to recent events at the Fukushima nuclear reactor.

Officials have said that the damages at the reactor are "far worse than previously thought". They have found that melted fuel has contaminated underground water and melted core appears to have spread out over an "extensive area". Furthermore, a gaping 2-meter wide hole has been found under the containment vessel.

A camera probe was sent in to survey the damage and it revealed that part of the grating is missing as well. Three days later a plant operator announced that the radiation levels at the reactor have soared to levels never before seen. Readings taken inside the containment vessel at the number 2 reactor of the disabled nuclear facility stood at 530 sieverts per hour, the highest recorded since the disaster. Before these recent readings, the highest reading ever recorded was 73 sieverts per hour. 

These recent developments have been described by many as "unprecedented" and "unimaginable". Many in the field state that they have never considered the possibility of working with levels as high as these. Another disturbing disclosure came as a boss revealed that 600 tons of fuel had melted and cannot be found. "Nobody really knows where it is he stated". There had been hopes of decommissioning the reactors in the past, but these recent developments show that it will be impossible to do so. With the cores missing, decommissioning or containment becomes impossible. Uncontrolled fissioning continues under the site. 

This is by far the worst nuclear disaster to ever occur on earth. With no end in sight. Uncontrollable fissioning will continue for years to come.

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Hell on Earth

The above title has never been more appropriate to this world of ours than it stands today; this world is not beautiful, the beauty is an utter con on the intelligence of human race. 

We are led to believe that things will always get better, how can things get better if our constant every day threat is Fear, it's always lurking around ready to give you a sharp reminder should you think you can relax and enjoy life. If you take notice Fear has kept us company throughout the years, and has increased in its bombardment of our 'Brain' to keep us subdued . What was a few basic 'Fears' of survival years ago, such as keeping a job and paying your bills and buying food has now turned into a 'Tsunami' of it in your face 'Fear' every way we turn we are faced with some form of 'Fear', even when the Sun is shining! 

It's quite apparent this world of ours has a very contagious disease and its spreading rapidly and everyone is susceptible to catching it. Look at all the 'Fear' that surrounded 'Brexit' (Britain voting to leave the EU) this has caused massive controversy and of course untold 'Fear' for the millions that voted to stay with the EU, Britain is now, we are told, a country divided. That is excellent news to the perpetrators of 'Fear' that is just the news they wanted, but saying that, it does not matter whether the stay campaign won and Brexit failed the result would have been the same , a divided Britain, and with division comes 'Fear', not only in Britain but across Europe also. 

Is 'Fear' linked to self-preservation? I would say yes ! and to a very large degree, but here lies the strength for the 'Fear' mongers, they know self-preservation is strong in every human and by using the concept of self-preservation heavily soaked with 'Fear' it is possible to control a whole country if not the world, the perpetrators of Fear are in essence feeding off humanities existence , the more 'Fear' they can cause the greater their control, and if you apply 'Fear' in the right area you can change the outcome of any situation as the stay in the EU gang tried to do but failed with the Brexit situation. You could say 'Fear' and 'Doubt' also go hand in hand, give someone even if it's a lie, cause to have 'Doubt' about a situation and 'Fear' is instantly injected into their thoughts. A good example of the power of 'Fear' is the comments on media news, it's obvious the scare stories about Brexit delivered by our politicians worked well on many people but not quite enough to have stopped Brexit. 

'Fear' is a strange concept, we can be the victim of 'Fear' just through being left alone with our own thoughts, there does not have to be a direct threat to us. On the other hand we can use threat to instil 'Fear', to gain the upper hand in a situation. Just look at how we are subject to the 'Fear' of illness, why do they in TV adverts continually show distressing adverts concerning being ill, or what might befall you in the form of health issues, magazines are also plastered with medical adverts as are bill boards at roadside bus stops. It's as though there is a constant effort to get us to always look on the downside of life, why? have they discovered that when people think 'down' they eventually become ill, and when your ill you run off to the doctor whom in his infinite wisdom prescribes you some medicine which is produced by the multi-million dollar pharmaceuticals, can you see where I`m coming from? The biggest majority of over the counter medicine do you know good what so ever, but you think they do, and that`s all that matters. You are reacting to 'Fear' induced by an entity that knows how to manipulate the human mind through the instinct of self-preservation. Below you will read an example of the power of the mind. 

Mind Power 
The power of the mind is real, it can be manipulated for the good or for the bad as indicated in a recent article I read written by Mark Baker in Nexus magazine 2016 Vol 23 page 49. titled CHANGE YOUR MIND CHANGE YOUR BODY. In the article we are told about people with multiple personalities, one person in particular needed several different sets of spectacles , one for each of personality because their vision changed with each persona. Another woman had diabetes in one persona but not in another, the article also looks at pain and discomfort, these examples and others demonstrate the power of the `Mind` I was amazed and pleased to read what I have always believed about having a positive attitude when struck with illness. When I had my hip replacement I recovered and was back walking quite quickly, the surgeon said I was doing well, I then told him how I thought, and that was " Even though it was a major operation the fact remains that I`m injured, and firstly I have to except that fact and once you do that you can start getting better ". When you reject the pain and discomfort you suffer. The surgeon replied, "I like that, I never thought of looking at it that way". The article is most interesting and informative and is worth the purchase of the magazine. However back to this world of 'Fear', who or what is calling the cards, what is pushing this agenda of 'Fear' in order to control, to direct us in a certain way, just like the pharmaceuticals saturate our lives with the threat of illness in the form of advertising in order for us to seek medical advice if we think we have the symptoms they have shown us. 

I`m a great believer that the human race has become a victim of a parasite, a parasite that that feeds on our 'Fear', this parasite has taken control of our halls of power and every aspect of our lives, they are everywhere, manipulating, not wanting to kill us off completely but just manipulating us to live in 'Fear' so it can feed of our energies. Some call the Grays a parasite, a demonic entity, it's also said when the Gray tries to abduct someone the victim should recite the Lord's Prayer in order to ward off the abduction. Is it the prayer that does it, or is it the fact that you have taken a positive stance, have you, like the Nexus article said 'Changed your mind' have you steeled your mind against abduction. Would words like "Leave me alone" or " I demand you go away" said in a forceful commanding manner work just as well. 

Fear Mongers 
This world of ours has become a dirty grubby place, and I do not mean through pollution, I mean because of the greedy self-centred parasitically controlled humans who have taken on the job of serving the demonic Grays, the farmers of Fear. 

I sit here with food on the table and money to pay bills and run a car, I`m not rich, I`m comfortable, but I have a constant companion it's called 'Fear', 'Fear' that I might lose everything , get into debt, end up in an old folks home, become ill in hospital, have a stroke, develop an incurable disease, will I be murdered, will I suffer at the hands of terrorists, and it goes on and on...

The Grays have done their job well, we are being taken over and most people will never know it.

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For Purchase

The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From Violence

The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things: Crime, Drugs, Minorities, Teen Moms, Killer Kids, Mutant Microbes, Plane Crashes, Road Rage, & So Much More

The Children of Roswell: A Seven-Decade Legacy of Fear, Intimidation, and Cover-Ups