
Something in the Water

Somewhere in the cyber world I read an incident where two young men threw a stick across a river only to find that it hit something invisible, stopped for a few seconds and then slid down into the water. They never found out what the stick hit and they quickly left the area.

A keen angler also encountered an unknown force.

"On this particular day in 2012 I went to a place called Blakesly Hall which is situated in the county of Staffordshire in the UK. I spent most of the day there and did not get much luck, the fish were not biting, I was cold and hungry and decided to call it a day, but first I thought I would chance one more cast. My line sailed through the air and landed in the middle of the pool. After a few moments I thought I had a bite so I reeled in the line a little but then it came to a sudden solid stop. I swore and thought that a snagged line is just what I needed at the end of a bad day.

Just as I prepared to put on some strong gloves in order to manually free my line, another angler came to talk to me; he asked if I was having problems. I said it looks as though my line is caught on a rock or wood at the bottom of the pool. By now I had wrapped the line around my protected hands and was pulling hard to free the snag. I'm a big person with hands like shovels and I expected something to give fairly soon. It was then that the gentleman who joined me blurted out "Good grief I have never seen that before!"

I had been concentrating on wrapping the line around my hands and I looked up and there to my utter amazement was my fishing line suspended 6 to 8 foot out of the water the hook, bait, float and sinker just hanging there! The other side of the pool was just open land, there were no bushes or tree`s on the other side of the pool where a careless angler may have left a line caught in a tree.

The hair stood up on the back of my neck. Then suddenly the hook, line, bait and sinker just dropped straight down into the water.  

That was it! I packed up! I rushed home to tell everyone about my strange experience.

I have no interest in UFOs or the paranormal and this incident quite threw me; there was no natural reason whatsoever for that line to be suspended out of the water like that. It was NOT normal.

That’s one place I will never do any night fishing."
The English Cognizant Citizen

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