
Merry Christmas

Wishing our readers a safe and happy holiday season with the very best of a Merry Christmas a prosperous New Year! 

True Story of Love and Hope
Can you imagine the horror of taking your pet on vacation only to end up losing it?

That’s what happen to me—on my honeymoon—when microchipping was not yet available. I had only my powers of ingenuity and tenacity to help locate the missing cat—or so I thought…

My husband and I put our two Persian cats, Channel and Camalot, into the rented camper and headed out on our honeymoon. We took the hour and a half ferry trip from Vancouver Island, Canada, then drove six hours to Lake Chelan, Washington.

As we set up camp, we put the cats into their harnesses and tied their leashes to the picnic table – but the next time we turned around, Camalot was nowhere to be seen. He had somehow wiggled free of his harness, which now lay empty and lifeless on the ground. This shy, gentle cat had been raised in a cage by a breeder; he was not prepared to fend for himself in the wild.

We spent our entire honeymoon walking around the town calling, “Liver, liver, liver,” because it was Camalot’s favorite treat and he always came when we called “liver.”

But not this time.

We wandered the streets day and night going from the radio station, to the newspaper office, to local schools, searching and telling people about the missing kitty. Eventually, everyone in town knew of our missing cat.

Three days after he “evaporated,” we had done everything humanly possible to find him. Our “vacation” had run out and it was time to return home to our jobs.

Exhausted on the darkened streets at 4 a.m., knowing that it was our last chance to find Camalot, it was obvious that locating him was out of our hands. So, I passed my heart into the hands of fate and said, “Dear God, If you are really out there, if you really exist, please show me where my cat is.”

The most unusual thing happened next! Invisible hands of God, or hands of loving Angels, were placed on my back, and directed me in the opposite direction that we'd been searching.

These hands applied pressure at street crossings on which way to turn. We turned to the right, and walked another block, then they guided me to the end of the street. I followed their direction for a quarter of a mile to a location we had not searched when the feeling of the guiding hands lifted. The sun rose. I stood there in confusion. 

What was that all about?

I called "C-a-m-a-l-o-t" one last time, and out from under a bush, twenty feet ahead, a scared-thinner-fluffy Shaded Silver Persian meowed. Camalot slowly crawled out from under a bush and stood still...waiting to be picked up. 

He blinked his huge green Disney eyes. My soul soared, my heart melted.

Is there a God out there? We all have to make that decision in our own way, in our own time. Relaxing, coming to a wall in our life, losing a precious kitty, and taking the time to ask, seems to be the key. 

Maybe if my cat had not slipped from his harness, I may never have discovered prayer, God, and the Angels. Maybe when something bad happens to us...It is just part of a greater plan that we do not see at the time!

The story of our missing cat had spread around the entire town. (I had seen to that!)

When we pulled out of the motor home park we told the gate keeper we had found our cat and she burst into tears. She said, "Today is my 21st birthday and you finding your cat is the best present I could have! He is beautiful, and it is lovely to see your cat is home with you." Yes, there are kind people all over the world.

Oh, and Channel?  When we carried Camalot back into the camper and put him In front of the water bowl, Channel walked right over to him and smacked him on the head with her paw, with a look as if to say, "You sure caused a lot of trouble."

As upsetting as Camalot's disappearance was, during a vacation where we never got to have one, it appears that Camalot was meant to get lost so that we could find and understand that a Divine power is at work in our lives. 

And now, 31 years later, it is still an amazing true story and one to offer you hope in your life....may you too find what is missing in your life.

Angel Pet Tip
They told her that when a pet is lost that we can VISUALIZE A PINK RIBBON FROM THEIR HEART TO YOURS.. Apparently, lost pets follow this vibrational lead back to you...or you to them. The lead is active wether they are alive or dead. Possibly this is the link some pets follow for thousands of miles to return home. 

I once shared this information with a friend on the phone. Her cat was missing for three days. She hung up the telephone, visualized the pink ribbon and walked outside. She said, "I walked the same route as before, but this time I could feel my cat. Sadly, I found her dead by the side of the road. I found her in a matter of minutes, and did not have to spend the rest of my life worrying if she is OK."

Our family did this same technique when our bunny became lost. He safely came home, emerging from the 7 acres of woods behind the house.


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