Western NSW 1998, a farmer and a few other men went shooting kangaroos late in the evening. They made about a dozen killings and planned to pick the bodies up on the return journey to put them in the chiller. Laws say that the roos had to be killed by head shot only.
45 minutes later they picked up their last kill and travelled back to collect the others. They found the previous kill had a rib cage missing and thought it was a bit odd because they always drove close to the dead animal to make sure it was a clean shot and that the animal was not suffering. This kangaroo was not found in the manner in which it was left and they were puzzled. They moved on the next roo and found it had its entire head missing; the next one was badly mauled and also had part of its head missing. The men were feeling a bit spooked. They stayed inside the vehicle and had the spot lights far and wide because whatever had done this damage was close by and had the strength and savagery of a huge carnivore. The next kangaroo also showed signs of a terrible maul so they decided to abandon the evening and get out of there. Whatever it was had been following them from start to finish.
A few months later my partner was preparing the back paddocks for a crop and left the truck loaded overnight with oats and super. He went to work the next morning but returned unnerved saying that something huge had been on the back of the truck and had ripped apart the 70kg bags. They were strewn a distance away. He said he found one hoof print on the ground and it looked like it had three toes. A wild boar would have been strong enough to do the damage but not have the ability to get up on the truck tray. This man was born on the land; he knew it was not a usual hoof print.
After that incident it took a lot to get that paddock finished.
No one knows to this day what caused the savagery.
45 minutes later they picked up their last kill and travelled back to collect the others. They found the previous kill had a rib cage missing and thought it was a bit odd because they always drove close to the dead animal to make sure it was a clean shot and that the animal was not suffering. This kangaroo was not found in the manner in which it was left and they were puzzled. They moved on the next roo and found it had its entire head missing; the next one was badly mauled and also had part of its head missing. The men were feeling a bit spooked. They stayed inside the vehicle and had the spot lights far and wide because whatever had done this damage was close by and had the strength and savagery of a huge carnivore. The next kangaroo also showed signs of a terrible maul so they decided to abandon the evening and get out of there. Whatever it was had been following them from start to finish.
A few months later my partner was preparing the back paddocks for a crop and left the truck loaded overnight with oats and super. He went to work the next morning but returned unnerved saying that something huge had been on the back of the truck and had ripped apart the 70kg bags. They were strewn a distance away. He said he found one hoof print on the ground and it looked like it had three toes. A wild boar would have been strong enough to do the damage but not have the ability to get up on the truck tray. This man was born on the land; he knew it was not a usual hoof print.
After that incident it took a lot to get that paddock finished.
No one knows to this day what caused the savagery.
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