
Missing Cats THE BIG WAKE UP

Missing pets in Timaru NZ
Slowly we are being woken to the fact that there is a peculiar and unsettling trend in many parts of the world where cats are going missing for no particular reason. And by cats I mean many, many cats within a local area with no sign of fur, collar or bodies to account for their disappearances - "no remains, no signs of struggle, no nothing.".

These are the cats that have been accounted for, the real number of missing cats is much higher because of the strays and feral's that also share city areas and therefore unrecongised. 

The residents in Timaru New Zealand's South Island have banded together and created the Facebook Group #freethefurbabies. Together they have pooled information and collected enough evidence to discover the extent of the disappearances and have described the incidents as too much of a coincidence.
"When Ashleigh Hicks’s cat Moses went missing, she was concerned because it was unusual, but assumed he would soon return home. However, it appears Moses is not the only one to have disappeared in odd circumstances. He is vanished cat No 50 this year alone in the city of Timaru, in New Zealand’s South Island. “A common factor I have noticed in the majority of these stories is that the cats simply disappeared for no particular reason, cats that don’t tend to wander far,” Hicks said. “We all thought this is too much of a coincidence and suspected foul play.”"
We have been writing about missing cats for a number of years and our own evidence has uncovered the vanishings have been happening on a much larger scale than originally thought and going as far back as the 1980's. Because Police don't view pets as stolen property, cat owners have gotten together in Groups, such as Facebook, to share their experience and to tally up the losses. A sad fact is these groups focus their energy on searching the news for possible motives, further disappearances, police activity, news articles and new members. They forget about searching beyond their own experience and their own locality. If these desperate cat owners took just one moment they might achieve an open mind and realise that missing cats is a phenomena happening all over and not just a mysterious drama unfolding in their own backyard.

Reasons provided by officials:-
  1. if the cats had not been fixed they had probably gone wandering for mating season
  2. taken by coyotes/dogs - (Contrary: "If there was coyotes marauding around in here you wouldn't see as many rabbits or squirrels, and we are overrun with rabbits.")
  3. pets are believed to have been lured into a vehicle with food treats, with the attacker deliberately picking spots not covered by CCTV
  4. used for blood sports
Other reasons provided by the public:- 
  1. taken by human 
  2. trapped by a cat hating neighbor
  3. taken by a cat hoarder 
  4. taken by satanists
  5. eaten by a snake
  6. poisoned by eating antifreeze
  7. taken for the food industry
  8. misadventure
  9. went off and died
  10. taken by a UFO
  11. taken by an evil entity
As humans we are finally getting to the truth on matters of the unbelievable. Take the following news article entitled UFOs and other weird stuff surrounding the Brexit. There is a section as quoted below
"JUST ANOTHER UFO SIGHTING...OR TWO  - Soon after digesting the news that shocked the world, my husband called me outside frantically."Are you seeing this?" he asked. I was indeed seeing it... and not seeing it. A UFO right across from our balcony, mere metres away that flickered in and out of transparency with its bright blue glow and fantastic patterns over it. While he said he was overcome with a strange feeling, I knew exactly what we were dealing with. Just another demonic trick. After staring at it wryly for a moment, I remembered my spiritual warfare training and told the UFO to leave in the name of Jesus. It did instantly. The name of Jesus is what drives all 'alien' hybrid liars away. It's documented fact, discovered by alien abduction and UFO researchers. The similarities between demonic encounters and UFOs are not coincidental. It wasn't just us that saw something that night however; a good friend of mine was stunned, as across town she saw a typical flying saucer with orange red lights, moving in a strange way across the skies out of her window that very same night."
For those of you who want to read more about aliens and their link to the demonic just go to Close Encounters 4 and read the testimony of others.

The presented facts are:-
  1. Cats are mysteriously vanishing all over the world
  2. Strange animal mutilations are taking place all over the world
  3. People are emphatically describing UFO experiences and abductions in all parts of the world
  4. There is never blood found at the scene 
So what could possibly be the reason behind these dire facts?

  • It is believed that aliens do not reproduce like humans or animals. So they experiment on earthly life forms and in their efforts to understand us they core out the parts of our bodies that they themselves are missing. 
  • Another common belief is that aliens do not have a God given soul. As humans we underestimate the power within ourselves, this inner power is known to aliens and they are mixing their DNA with ours in their efforts to reproduce themselves with their own Godly power. For this they need blood. Earthly blood.
  • Aliens feed off Fear; sometimes known as Loosh Energy. The more fear in the world the more powerful the aliens.
So what can we do about it?
Pray. Use Prayer to protect yourself, your pets, your town, your city, your country. Use Prayer every day and always find something to give Thanks for. Never fear. Fear is weakness. Use your own God given strength in ways that are Positive; Positive Prayer, Positive Thoughts, Positive Words. Do not be disheartened if your thoughts become morose and fearful because just the fact that you are recognising those thoughts means that you are becoming enlightened to the truth.

How do I know my prayer is working?
By being aware, by taking notice. One of the common ways to know that God is working in your life is by synchronicity. Perfect timing - You just finished the job and sat down and the phone rings for a good chat. Your car broke down just before payday. You are on the right side of town when you discover you have a job to do. A million things speak synchronicity. Once perfect timing starts happening to you your life will become amazing in little ways. 

Give THANKS and PRAY today.

And it always helps to keep your pets safely inside at night...



For Purchase

Meet the Hybrids: The Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors on Earth

Hair of the Alien: DNA and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abductions

The THREAT: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda

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