Just supposing animal mutilations are the doings of Demonic Entities whom have the ability to reach in from another dimension and commit a revolting mutilation while not being seen or heard. If they can do this (and their reason is to manipulate and deceive) then what else are they responsible for? Just how much of our lives are controlled and influenced by these entities? Could they not reach in and make me trip up and fall over or cause me to have a car crash or perhaps make it so I win the lottery (which can ruin your life).
What causes a person of no previous mental disorder to suddenly climb on the side of a motorway bridge and jump to their death? why does a household pet dog, whom has always shown a high degree of tolerance towards children, suddenly turn and attack a member of the family? What causes schizophrenic episodes such as hearing voices in their head? is it an imbalance of neurological chemicals or are they being interfered with from another realm?
The items I have mentioned above, and many more I have not, appear to be unsolvable, we have no answers, we have theories and in some cases drugs and medicine for afflictions such as schizophrenia, but the medication for this mental disorder does not cure, in fact it is not known 100% what causes schizophrenia. Study this link then have a deep think about so called Alien abduction and the mental problems that seem to emerge from being the victim of supposedly Alien contact, then change the Alien word for `Demonic` the great deceivers, that is when things start to make sense.
I have many question, one I would like to know is how does a disease mutate so that antibiotics no longer have any effect, deep down in the microscopic world is there some sort of thinking and reasoning process that takes place where by the disease says " Hey! we have got to do something, we are on the verge of being eradicated by these antibiotics we had better change the way we do things if we want to survive." Or are various diseases and infections being manipulated by an unseen hand, one we refuse to believe exists, a Demonic hand, a hand that keeps rotating life and the problems that go with it, to keep us prisoner, to feed of all of our insecurities which they continuously create.
Many times the people we look up to such as police, MP`s, medical professionals and many more come across incidents they have no answer for. Some years back I remember reading in our local newspaper that firemen were called to a house fire that had started under the floor boards in a top bedroom of a house, the mystery was that there were no electrical wires anywhere near were the small fire was started, it was quickly dealt with and a lame public calming explanation was given to the newspaper and the incident quickly disappeared into media history. This fire comes under paranormal events, just like animal mutilations UFO`s goblins werewolves and anything else you care to think of, they all have one thing in common and that is not one paranormal event has been solved, no one has caught a goblin or werewolf even though the witnesses swear they have seen them. Why can we not solve a paranormal event, perhaps we are not meant to, the workings of paranormal events do not belong to us, they are the machines of a Demonic realm they control them and switch them on and off as required.
It is thought that these Demonic Entities are great deceivers and distractors, experts at manipulation for their own ends which begs the question "What are their own ends". Do they really feed of the fear they produce in us, fear from not knowing your future, fear of all mysteries, wars, disease, illness, death, accidents. We may think about those things I have said, but then there is being involved in those things personally, to be a victim of war or disease produces more fear than thinking about it.
I often wonder how many murderers are responsible for their actions, are we all pawns to be moved around a synthetic world we think we have control of but the truth is the opposite, something controls us. A perfect example is your games console system, you insert your games disc, you choose a character, you put yourself mentally into your character then you proceed to manipulate their/your life throughout the game. You set tasks for your character he will even fight your enemies and after all this you feel elated for every task you achieve, you build up a great amount of euphoria, you feel good and boast your achievement to your friends. Is this how these Demonic Entities manipulate our lives, is everything that befalls us a result of Demonic intervention, are they playing their `Game` of life with nearly 7-billion characters, then feed on euphoria and fear we give out? Here is another thought, everything we build is based on our own bodily construction, we first build a skeleton of steel for various items such as cars, boats and so on, we then attach to that the workings of the building or machine which represent parts of the inner working of our bodies, the same can be said for our roads and highways, look at a map and you will see these roads running all over the country just like a nervous system. Everything is based on the human construction, so when we build a games console complete with a game, are we duplicating the way our mind work, or the way we are controlled without realizing it.
Are we indeed someone else`s game, a game with benefits for the controller
I have always questioned the intricacies of life asking the questions no one else will for fear of being called stupid, no matter how outlandish my theories I will continuously explore those questions others avoid. If you wish to find things out sometimes it is necessary to walk down a dark path.
Remember this, our history is dark, we do not know where we came from or where our future is going, but someone or something does and while we are stuck here they intend to make good use of us, without our permission.
"This is just more evidence that we live in a computer simulation that can be hacked just like anything else that uses computer programming. I think the universe itself can be programmed and hacked into and you could change the laws of physics. This is because the universe is information at a fundamental level. Like MIT Professor Seth Lloyd said, the universe doesn't act like a quantum computer, the universe is a quantum computer or a simulation being ran on a quantum computer."Source:
Schizophrenia, Prayer and Demonic Spirit: Satan's Playground
Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness
Beyond Antibiotics: Strategies for Living in a World of Emerging Infections and Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria