
Generally overlooked clues about UFOs

The following article appeared on Above Top Secret Forum. It is a rather insightful about the manifestation of phenomenon that is well worth reading.

"I'm always saying that "I'm retired", but here I am on ATS still flapping my gums about UAPs, UFOs and things that go bump in the night. I was just thinking today, that if I were to actually just go cold-turkey, what would I deeply regret that people had not taken seriously enough.

So I will share just a few points that made all the difference for me in "nearly" slaking my thirst on this topic.

The Phenomenon manifests in Infinite Confusing Ways
People are always trying to justify their pet theories about little green men or whatever, by taking one tiny subset of "sightings" and forcing it into their limited perceptual mold. Let's take the ETH for a moment. I have nothing against the idea that organic aliens (or non-organic for that matter) might be riding around the Universe in nuts and bolts ships. ET could arrive tomorrow and land on the White House lawn. (I suspect they might be from a different galaxy, but that is another matter). The problem is however, that there is dead ZERO evidence that this has happened to date. But the major point of this topic, is that people have been seeing "strange lights" and "strange stuff" since shortly after we evolved eyeballs. Some of it in the sky, and some of it elsewhere. And no doubt in their imaginations as well, but that's not necessarily a problem.

To continue with the problem this causes with the ETH, is that maybe a few ET races with different ship styles could be hypothesized to be visiting us, but the number of ship (and alien styles) that have been perceived must be more than 7 billion. Everyone sees something different.

I'm not going to go into all the myriad absurdities of the ETH (there are so many), but just leave you this one to think about.

Things get TOO quiet
When I had my one and only "UFO" close encounter, things suddenly became "supernaturally and ridiculously quiet". While the big bad old (fake) Black Triangle UFO (BTUFO) played games with my mind, I could have heard a pin drop a mile away, or so it seemed. I've only experienced that a few other times.. and those times were during "paranormal or at least highly unusual" experiences.

That's the thing. A "real" "UAP" (Unidentified Arial Phenomenon) and not just a mis-identification, is simply another form of the same old "paranormal" Phenomenon that has been with us forever. Now, what is the basis for my saying this? It's a very long story.. worthy of a book to answer, but I would like to focus upon that "quiet".

Not only have I experienced that "high strangeness quiet", but apparently people have for hundreds (thousands) of years. I have come across a few references to this.. the latest one is in Jenny Randles book, "The Truth Behind Men in Black..". In that book she mentions that during sightings of "faeries" that witnesses discuss this "eerie quiet" falling upon them.

Now I'm not saying that "faeries" are behind all of this deception, but I am saying that whatever the Phenomenon is, it would seem to be the one Phenomenon behind ALL the unusual spiritual/folklore/UAP stuff. I suppose it *could*be faeries (or demons, god forbid), but none of the evidence points to those conclusions. Rather the Phenomenon takes those forms because it is beneficial for it to do so.. in part because that's what we want to see. It's no longer cool to claim to be consorting with little men in the woods.. but catching a sighting of Sasquatch, or grey aliens, or a "UFO" just might make you a celebrity in nerd culture.

It's (Mostly) Projected into our Minds
I was reading one of Jacques Vallee's books, I'll have to scrape up the references. But on more than one occasion, two "experiencers" of a "UFO" were standing shoulder to shoulder, and both saw something completely different. In one case as I recall, one person thought a "UFO" had landed and the occupants got out and abducted him and flew away for a few hours. The person next to him saw a bus drive up. There are *many* such examples in carefully compiled research.

So what's going on?

Well from my experience (primarily with the BTUFO), it was painfully obvious that the whole thing was being projected into my mind. Now I'm not saying that there wasn't anything "there" there, I think there was. I do not believe that i was just having a simple psychotic break with reality, though anything is possible of course. I've only "seen" one (1) single "UFO" in my lifetime, so it's not like I sit around pining for them.

Why was it obvious that the entire experience (from soup to nuts) was being projected into my mind? Easy. It was the damn rivets.

So when I first saw the enormous thing in the sky it looked so cool and impressive.. very awe inspiring (a note for another time).. like it could leap up and eat the "Death Star" or all of "Starfleet" for breakfast. It had no visible engines. It made no audible (to me) noise. It did eventually change shape several times and do other crazy things.. (a note for another time).. but none of that was important really.. it was those damn rivets that were the critical clue.

Well number one, why did a super-high-tech "ship" need rivets? Well it wouldn't. I mean the thing looked like it was grown from some crystal granite mountain. Rivets were just silly. Of course silly looking "craft" have appeared since the late 1800's (airship incidents) if not before. But that is not the point.

I don't know how far away the "craft" was when i first saw it, but it looked far to the West, perhaps on the horizon near some mountains. But even then, I could see "rivets" on it, like it was parked in my garage. Over about 45 seconds it covered my entire visible sky and finally disappeared at extreme range to the East, way past the edge of town. Those rivets were as clear in my mind as if I could reach out and touch them.

Now, I have no idea as to the distances involved, how to estimate size or speed or anything. But those rivets (and other factors) lead me to the *inescapable* conclusion, that this "sighting" was mostly or entirely in my mind, although I have every suspicion that half the city could have been shown this "vision" at once, should the Phenomenon wish it and everyone concurred (permission is required but that's for another time).

Nearly "Raw" Information without Permanent Form Seems Involved
This last point is worthy of a book as well, and I'm afraid that I can't do justice to it in a few words. So I won't really try. But if I were to go "cold-turkey" on posting tomorrow, I'd want people to know what I've realized after about 50 years of researching "this".

There seems to be "nearly raw information" "out there and here with us", that wants to get a foot-hold in the physical world.
In my experience, "it" needs to be given permission to interact with and "enter" a physical body/mind. That's why "it" kept harassing us to develop spiritual and religious systems, that required us to "let it in" in order to be "saved". But that's the thing.. we aren't being saved... if we let "it" "in", we are "saving it". Letting it get a foothold in our amazing brains in order to live through us. It doesn't matter if you call it "the holy spirit", a "demon", "a dJinn", a "spirit" or whatever you want to call it. Even an "ascended master" or a "UFO".
Now we can go roundy, roundy about what "it" is in this model where it is "nearly raw information". We can theorize that "it" is an alien AI invading our planet.

We can theorize that it is "the Archons" of the Gnostics. We can wave around Jung and the Archetypical Unconscious. We can wave around all sorts of things. But we don't know.

That whole "trap" that the Phenomenon lays for us is insidious. It doesn't matter ONE BIT what the contents of the "little red wagon" are. It's an illusion. It's a reflexive trigger inside our minds. What we should be noticing is that "it" doesn't have a body at all, or at least very nearly not a body at all.

Not only does "it" wants inside us, but it will take almost any "body" it can muster, including free-floating plasma or possibly (soon to be) advanced quantum computers that we so helpfully building for "it" without our realizing.

Permission seems to be one key.. If we don't allow "it" to get a foothold in our brains (organic computers), then it seems that "it" cannot enter. I mean, people who don't believe in "demons" seem to be immune to them. (I'm sure that many believers would argue this point, but it's easily defensible in every case I've ever seen, with sufficient background information available.)

That point is critical. For thousands of years people let "it" in, in the form of faeries, "gods" and "spirits". But now belief in that sort of thing is waning in large parts of the word. If the Phenomenon wants to be let in, it has to assume a form that an atheist or other non-believer could "buy". Such as say an ET from another planet.

My final point in this little essay, is that not only does the "information" need permission to enter, it needs a power source. In the case of humans, we generate plenty of energy by breaking down food in our stomach. It's the little free electrons that are the key, but that is a subject for a future time.

Now, if appropriate humans are not available, or perhaps "it" in the form of one of it's young doesn't have the experience to delude a human and terraform their body and mind enough to give "it" a home (I call it humaniforming), then it needs an easier "target". Perhaps an "orb" might do the trick (and "Earth Light). It's a ready source of energy, and as people say, these "Earth Lights" seem responsive to people viewing them (sentient).

So a minimally sentient "Earth Light" would provide a perfect hatching ground for some "raw information" that needed both a minimally sentient host and a power source both.

Well that about wraps up this little essay. People say that the Phenomenon cannot be understood by us little human beings. I beg to differ. I think that there is all sorts of easily available information upon which to ponder in plain sight.

I hope these words caused you to think. I may be too lazy to write it all up more formally.
Kevin Pretty Bear

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More Weird Cat Shavings

Strange cat shaving incidents have gone one step further. Ginger cats are being targeted while other cats in the same family are left unscathed.

The weirdo has repeatedly cut the hair on two pets and may have attacked as many as ten. Beverley said her two ginger cats had come home with patches of fur shaved off. Her other two non-ginger cats were left unscathed in Tonbridge, Kent. The same pets have been targeted several times over eight weeks.

“It’s only happened to the ginger ones. I have no idea who would do something like this or why. I just really want whoever it is to stop. The whole thing is really creepy. I’ve heard of quite a few ginger cats being shaved over the last month or so. It’s not just an isolated incident, this is happening to ginger cats all around Tonbridge.” 

Kent Police said they were investigating.

It is unknown  how the cats are being caught. As one  person said "I would love to see them try shaving my ginger tom, they would need a blood transfusion, I have spoiled him rotten for ten years and he still won't let me hold him."

Cats are being abducted and SHAVED before being dumped back on the streets.

A small city in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley called Waynesboro is the scene of a strange wave of cat shaving. Someone has been taking roaming pet cats and shaving their underbellies or legs. It's happened to seven cats since December

A cat owner said on Facebook that her cat had been shaved three times. Another person said her friend's cat had been catnapped and shaved three times as well.

Another person pointed out that it would be very difficult for one person to hold a cat down for a shave, so multiple people are probably involved. 

Other residents found the mysterious shaving creepy. 

'Could be ALIEN Abductions!? Just sayin...' asked Drew Tedesco on Facebook.

New Zealand
A New zealand woman, who lives in Raumati South, says her long-haired tabby returned home with its tummy, back legs, and tail partially shaved.  A friend living about 10 houses away had a cat who had been shaved too, another cat owner several kilometres away had the same thing happen to his feline. There were clear, square edges to the cuts.

It was hard enough to worm a cat, let alone hold one still while it was partially shaved, both my cats, both times it's been around their backsides, and that's just disturbing."

In British Columbia Tabby suddenly went from merely ignoring other members of the family to actively hissing at them and refusing to eat. 

Her owner said “I managed to pick her up and found a bare patch on her belly in almost a perfect square,” 

When Tabby came back a third time with what looked to be another shaven area on her belly – the second time her upper legs and base of her tail were shorn bare – an event which also saw her nipples cut, Yarjau put a call out on social media about the situation, and found others in her area had similar experiences.

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Illuminati Truths?

An interesting insight into the Illuminati and the unveiling some of it's secrets. Whether this is truth or fact is as confusing as the Illuminati themselves.

I was a member of the Illuminati for 47 years. I was recruited when I was 19 years old. I have posted here off and on over the past year. (Some of the posts are mine, others are my brothers, mainly they are his) The information that I am about to unfold is very revealing and very dangerous. I am one of seven people in the history of the Illuminati that have performed the “Departure” Ritual. I knew that I needed to get out when I had something revealed to me at a meeting in June of 2010. For years I was in line with the beliefs, motives, and actions of the Illuminati, but it recently became too much for me to bear, and I had to extinguish my sacred contract.

My reason for coming here is to reveal EVERYTHING about the Illuminati. How you become a member, what the organization is about, what the organization does, and the future plans that we have.

I will be back to make my first post when I can see that this thread has enough attention for me continue. Any time in the near future when I begin to reveal the secrets of the Illuminati, I need to ensure that there are enough people paying attention so that my efforts do not go to waste. Once I see that this thread has a substantial amount of views and replies, I will make my first post.

Here is a preview of some of the things that I will reveal:
  1. Barack Obama is not a member of the Illuminati, he is something much, much worse.
  2. The new “space flights” which are planes that can briefly enter orbit are not as fun as they seem, they are an Illuminati tool.
  3. Denver, Colorado is an evil place
  4. Aliens are a little different than what mainstream teaches us
  5. The information I have is essential!
page 69 of thread:

The first topic to discuss will be these underground bunkers that I have mentioned. Currently, there are 57 underground bases and bunkers around the United States that are in use for various purposes. There are 439 bunkers in the entire world. ALL of these bunkers and bases are controlled and maintained by the Illuminati. The largest underground bunker is in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This bunker has the capability of holding up to 5,000 people for a period of up to ten years. I have personally been in this bunker, and it is much larger than one that anyone can possible even imagine. This bunker is secured mainly for the events of the end times. 5,000 of the world’s richest, brightest, and most powerful individuals will secure shelter in this bunker in the event of a global thermonuclear war, natural disaster, or any other form of global catastrophe. Don’t be confused. Several other bunkers have the ability of housing large numbers of people for extended periods of time, but no other bunkers is as large and capable as this one. In the event of World War 3, all of the world’s leaders will take shelter here, and the governments of the world will be theoretical proxy governments. The world’s richest people will be here as well. People such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the oil tycoons ( however, these oil tycoons will be murdered while they are in the bunker so that the takeover of the Middle East will be much easier for the New World Order). I do not know the exact number, but of the 439 bunkers in the world, I would say that around 275 of them are constructed mainly for shelter and extended stays. I myself stayed in one of these bunkers while in China in the nineties. They are very nice, very luxurious. It is practically like you are staying in a 5 star hotel.

Some people that have stayed in these bunkers: Leon Trotsky: After Stalin defeated Trotsky and secured power in the Soviet Union following Lenin’s death, Trotsky was moved to an underground bunker just inside Switzerland. Stalin originally did not know about this because if he did not follow the orders of the Illuminati, then Trotsky was going to be reinstated as the leader of the Soviet Union. It was important to have Trotsky placed in this bunker because Stalin was going to kill him otherwise. Stalin eventually fell in line with the Illuminati’s plans, and Trotsky was executed because he was no longer needed.

Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was NOT murdered by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was placed in the office of presidency as a pawn. The Illuminati knew that if he was elected then the South would secede. The Civil War made the North very, very rich. That was the only reason the Civil War was allowed to happen. If the Illuminati had not seen the opportunity to become rich off of the war, then slavery would still be an American institution. Lincoln was placed in office just to start the war. He made a deal that once the war was over, that he would be removed from office. This was taken care of through a fake assassination, and he spent the rest of his days in a bunker in Mexico.

Saddam Hussein 
Hussein was in power in Iraq merely to raise justification for invasion by the United States and other nations. Many of you are already familiar with what I have said about the plans to entirely take over the Middle East and to secure the oil that is currently untapped. The Hussein that was “hung” was a dummy, and the cell phone video that was release was meant to be released as “proof.” Saddam is currently in a bunker somewhere in Argentina. I do not know of any future plans with him.

The rest of the bunkers in the world are used for storage of things that cannot be stored on top of the ground. Nuclear stockpiles are being held in these underground bunkers . In the event that a nation veers off the course that is planned, then they will be eliminated. Either through assassination of their leaders or by nuclear destruction. Thankfully, nuclear action has not had to be taken yet; however, do not put it past these people to bring about such destruction.

You all know about the HAARP machine conspiracy. It is real. I can assure you. The machine is housed entirely in a bunker that is underwater in the Pacific Ocean. This machine was developed back in the 1980’s, and was first used in the late nineties. This machine has capability of creating any natural disaster that the Illuminati wish to create. Hurricane Katrina was a product of the HAARP machine. The Hurricane was used as a diversion. While the area was in chaos, and attention was diverted everywhere, engineers were sent down to prepare for the gulf oil spill. I can assure you that the Illuminati is capable of releasing more oil into the gulf. The oil that has already been pumped into the gulf is only a small amount compared to what could possibly be done. I already mentioned that the oil spill was used as an agent to implant microbodies into the brains of the children in the area. These children that have been affected are now subject to government control whenever these microbodies are activated. The Illuminati also used the opportunity that Katrina presented to build a bunker that is directly beneath the French Quarter. Why else do you think that FEMA was slow to provide adequate assistance? The engineers needed time.

The HAARP machine is not controlled by any one single country; it is collectively controlled and used. The earthquake in Haiti, the ones that happened over the past couple days, all are products of the HAARP. Not all of the events are relevant or important, some are just tests, some are even mistakes. Rest assured however that once there is need for a natural disaster, the disaster can be generated, engineered, and directed and have whatever effect is necessary.

Another thing that is housed in these bunkers are drugs. There are massive amounts of cocaine, marijuana, heroine, and all kinds of other drugs being stored. The drug trade and war on drugs are essential to the Illuminati. As more and more drugs are traded and cartels become more powerful, the Illuminati becomes richer and more powerful. One of the major contributors and benefactors to the drug trade is Warren Buffett. Buffett has been running the drug trade in the Western Hemisphere for the past twenty years. The drug cartels of Mexico are under his power. It is important that the Illuminati control the majority of the drugs in North America. This is because it gives them yet another vehicle to transport technology that allows them to take control of the consumers. The Illuminati is constantly searching for ways to implant themselves in the minds of the general public, and naturally, control of the drug trade was the perfect way to do so. Buffett secured control of the drug trade when he approached multiple drug cartels and presented them with contracts. He has been in control ever since, and Ben Bernanke is assisting him with the day to day operations.

Multiple bunkers are also equipped to serve as crematories. Much in the same way that the Nazis burned their victims, the Illuminati plans to burn victims that are killed off. Many have speculated that FEMA has constructed stockpiles of coffins to be used for mass burials, but this is not true. Mass burials would take a massive amount of time and effort. Therefore, when the time comes to begin mass killings and executions, the bodies will be shipped to “burn yard” where they will be dropped in these bunkers and reduced to ashes. FEMA, which is an Illuminati run organization, decided that this would be the most effective way to dispose of a mass amount of bodies.

Yet more of these bunkers contain robots that are designed and ready to infiltrate the workplace in the case of a labor shortage. The scenario in which these robots will most likely be used is when the mind control aspect of the Illuminati’s plan goes into effect. Robots will be sent in to perform the jobs that these people were doing, and these people will be used for other events, such as war, propaganda, and violence. These robots will also be used once population control goes into effect.

Alex Jones is not who he says he is. For years he has been working to uncover the secrets of the Illuminati and the New World Order, but yet he is a member of the former, and will be in power in the latter. Jones has been placed in the world of conspiracy theories to feed false information, to throw trackers off the trail. Do not believe anything that the man tells you. All of the information that he presents is fabricated by the Illuminati, for the Illuminati. Think of Joseph Goebbels. Alex Jones is the perfect Joseph Goebbels. STOP LISTENING TO HIM IF YOU ARE. You are being lied to by a man that receives his instructions straight from the Illuminati.

The moon landing in 1969 was real, but there was a moon landing seven years earlier that was the first real landing. In truth, the Russians were the first ones to land on the moon; however, they did not publicize the mission nor the results. It was decided that America was going to win the space race in order to secure a feeling of capitalism over communism. Russia launched their own rocket ship toward the moon as a test run to ensure that the American trial would be successful seven years later. Everything went perfect with the Russian moon landing, and the same technology was then applied to the American moon mission. While on the moon, the American astronauts began the first construction of nuclear missile sites on the moon. These nuclear missile sites have been added onto over the years by way of subsequent moon missions and work by remote control robots. The purpose of these missile sites is the ability to launch nuclear missiles without the risk of tracing the missiles back to a particular country. The scenario in which these missiles would be used is to attack a nation that is not cooperating with the Illuminati. The Illuminati would order missiles launched at the nation, but without the afflicted nation being able to track where exactly the missiles came from, they would not be able to show evidence that they should declare war on a specific country. In my opinion, these missiles will never be used because there are many other ways that the Illuminati can bring down an entire government other than nuking them. However, to my knowledge, the moon currently has 2 fully equipped nuclear missile sites that can be operated from Earth.

Scientists working for the Illuminati have found a way that they can “shut” off the sun. A weapon has been created that shoot a beam of high density radiation right into the heart of a planet or star. This beam of radiation penetrates through the planet creating a very large cylinder in the exact middle of it. The radiation that is left behind begins to eat at the star or planet and the effects spread like wildfire. This technology has been tested on various stars in our immediate solar system and is very effective. The first thing that occurs to the star is that the radiation eats a perfect cylinder through the middle of the star, the radiation left behind begins working its way outward degenerating anything in its path. The radiation continues to build and spread. Some stars hung on until they were totally deteriorated from the radiation; however, some stars became so unstable that they combusted at a certain point.

Scientists are certain that this technology can be used on the sun, but also on other planets. One estimate that I overheard was that from the initial shot of radiation, it would take approximately nine years for the entire sun to be entirely consumed. We would begin seeing the effects of the radiation in approximately 3 and a half years however. The first signs would be shorter days and a decreased amount of sunlight during those days. The sun would start becoming unstable at about the seven year point, and we will begin seeing massive solar flares. Once the nine years is up, all life on earth will be dead.

Since my departure, I am completely unsure who the top, head leaders of the Illuminati are at this point, but I will give my best guess. The Illuminati is structured so that there are one to three major leaders in each major region of the world; however, some regions are left out because of a lack of a suitable leader; therefore, a leader is installed there.

In North America:
Warren Buffett is most likely the head of all Illuminati operations. Followed by Ben Bernanke, followed by Lloyd Blankfein who is CEO of Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs is a key player in the North American Illuminati sector. Recently, Goldman Sachs invested almost $500 million dollars in Facebook. Usually this means that Facebook will fall under Illuminati control soon, just as Myspace and Twitter have.

Other key players in North America are Alex Jones, Bill Clinton, Rahm Emmanuel, of course Obama, and Timothy Geithner

South America is void of any real Illuminati leaders. Hugo Chavez has been difficult to work with in the past. He seems to be in line with the Illuminati agenda; however, he does not like being told what to do. Most of the North American leaders control South America as well.

In Europe
Nicolas Sarkozy is the main guy. He controls the majority of the operations in Europe and Africa. Gordon Brown was very influential in the Illuminati until he decided to begin playing his way; this is why he was removed from office. My opinion is that he is still a key player, just not as key as he once was. There are several African arms dealer that have recently gained some power; however, I am unaware of their identities.

The Middle East is controlled largely by Benjamin Netanyahu which should not come as much of a surprise. Netanyahu does not have as much control as you would think however. As I have stated before, Israel is the grand puppet state of the Illuminati.They will do absolutely anything that the Illuminati wants them to do, and they will do it to the best of their ability without even thinking twice. Israel has been given the permission to fire upon Iran whenever it wishes to do so. Control of the Middle East is hard because there are so many rebel groups. Palestine should not even be worried about. Although they are not controlled by the Illuminati, they are not able to do anything. Iran is borderline at time, and completely in opposition at others. This is why Israel will destroy Iran to start WWIII.

Asia is controlled entirely by Vladimir Putin and his cronies. Putin is a very powerful, very smart man. He will regain popular control of Russia very soon, but you can be assured that everything that is happening in Russia right now is going through him. China has chosen to give up a little power to the Illuminati. They cooperate; just do not care to become too involved. In my opinion, it is because they feel that they will be able to defeat the Illuminati in the end. They are sadly mistaken. Eventually they will come to terms and will join in the great skit that will be called World War 3.

The Spanish flu of 1918, SARS, and the H1N1 scare all have one thing in common: they all were engineered by the Illuminati. While nothing has been instituted on a global scale, the Illuminati has been testing these viruses for years and they are finally unlocking the keys to creating a virus that will spread across the globe very, very fast killing select people. My advice: do not receive the vaccines. You will become a part of a test group that the Illuminati is using to experiment. The H1N1 virus started to become widespread when animals escaped from a farm in Brazil where the virus was being tested. Several of these animals mingled with citizens of surrounding towns, and many of the animals were consumed. The population of the surround towns were quarantined, and the ones that died were covered up; however, somehow, a traveler had carried the flu virus all the way up into northern Mexico, where the virus was first reported. The Illuminati soon found out that the virus was much, much less ineffective than they thought. They are currently pursuing research on a virus that will wipe out a country within a matter of days.

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Prisoners of the Carousel

For the moment forget your God, just pretend you do not believe in anything religious or religion does not exist, then look at life. 

The more I look at life the more I wonder what the purpose is, some of us live rich lives others are comfortable and even more live wretched lives, again why? By living just what are we doing, is there a reason for countless humans to be born into life, to live a period of uncertainty then die, to become just a memory which eventually becomes lost in time? Millions of ordinary people have lived and died and apart from close family and friends I know not one of them, so why do we have this cycle of continuous birth and death? forget phrases like "To continue the human species," we know all that, ask yourself "Why must the human continue to live and die?" is it for a purpose? does it benefit us? 

Something is not right, do you ever get the feeling we are being kept good, sort of entertained while an agenda using us is fulfilled. Only when you get older can you see that life is littered with occasions Birth, Birthday, Easter, Pancake day, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Christmas, New Year’s Day and it’s all based on 7-days and this happens year after year, repeat, repeat, repeat, as the old die the newborn will again be subject to repeating life. Those that come after I have died will again live a life of occasions. I have said before everything is repeated, they do it with films they will do remakes of old films. It’s not for me they do remakes it for the next generation, one example is UK TV has put out a 3-part series ‘10 Rillington Place’ I know all about ‘10 Rillington Place’ the story is ages old and has been remade a few times, why do they bore me with this repeat? Simple! It is not for me. They have to bring the next generation onto the carousel where eventually they will die and fall off. This has nothing to do with a God planning everything, this is something else. 

It seems like we are worn out parts of a machine that are thrown away and new parts are bought in (the birth and death cycle), there are billions of us and we have not left this planet to colonize other worlds, why? Something seems to keep us here, no matter how much we talk of space travel we never seem to go anywhere. 

One thing for sure Fear is part of our everyday lives, look at it this way. You dare not try to enjoy life too much, only today in one clean stroke the UK TV has demoralized the nation by doing a full week on the extent of catching cancer due to our life style, even telling us every alcoholic drink we have we risk catching cancer, they also had a group of people interviewed who are living with cancer, if they looked into the cure of cancer and spent less time hitting us with who will catch cancer statistics . It would be more uplifting if we knew the progress being made with a cure, but wait, the following day the whole nation again was plunged into yet more misery as we were told Alzheimer holds the spot for the biggest killer, topping cancer. We were recently told most of our meat food was bad for us, the much-loved sausage had the thumbs down along with other red meats because there seems to be a link to cancer. Yet! sausages are still advertised on TV along with alcoholic drinks and everything else we are told is bad for us, not so long ago advertising cigarettes on TV was banned so why do they not do the same with cancer causing meats and alcohol. 

We are born into a life of uncertainty and flung into a sea of threats and fear, when the child is old enough and asks the question he/she will be told all humans eventually die, that is your first and foremost threat and fear firmly embedded in your mind you have from that point been programmed to die. Now you can get on with your life of fear and threat, but again why? what is the purpose of all life? it cannot be because some unseen God has a reason for doing so, a reason far beyond human understanding. This whole world seems to have a controlled existence, a plan, but not by a God, this controlled existence is serving something or someone. The theme that a God has all the answers is to stop us asking questions, it’s again one of the first things a child learns, ‘There is an invisible God’ who knows everything. It seems that we are educated at an early age with key triggers to stop us asking question or thinking for ourselves, or searching too far for the knowledge of why we exist. 

Everything biological on this world seems to have the purpose of feeding off one another, fish feed on other fish and sea creatures, birds feed on other birds, insects feed on other insects and many creatures feed on various fauna, and the human feeds on everything. Does the rest of the Universe function like that? if it does the possibility exists that the life cycle we go through is to feed some unseen entity, do our actions trauma and dilemmas generate a vibrant energy that this entity feeds on, perhaps this energy is what`s referred to as ‘Ambrosia’ the food of the Gods, but as we are not talking about God perhaps I should say the food of all creatures, are we just another commodity in a massive food chain even though we are supposed to have intelligence. Having intelligence does not make me any less tasty than chicken or less vulnerable, there may be an entity that feeds on our energy and another that feeds on our flesh. 

Are we overdue for a visit from this unknown entity that consumes our energy and at certain times like the chimpanzee seeks out flesh to eat, how long before humans start to disappear never to be seen again or perhaps cut into pieces drained of blood and body parts taken just like thousands of pets and other animals across the world. The thought brings panic to most people but as far as the universe goes it’s the norm, this is how it works, life hangs onto life by what it can kill and eat whether it’s your spiritual energy or your flesh Without doubt something out there feeds on human energy, we give of energy in living, our flesh also contains energy as it does all living creatures. You are not born into life, life is already there, you are part of a system that functions to kill itself over and over again in order to survive for as long as possible, as sort of Dog eat Dog, the survivor then it looks for another Dog to eat and so it goes on. We are without doubt, prisoners in a never-ending circle of life and death. 

I feel this world cannot go on much longer in the state it is, something has got to give, we have to break the bonds that keep us tied to this life and death system. In other words, we have to know the ultimate truth about our existence, why we live and die and who or what benefits from the lives we live, we have all asked questions like "where do I come from?" "Why am I here?" When you contemplate those questions your brain just remains blank nothing shows up in your mind, you think of a shop food shows up in your thoughts, you think of the sky birds and planes and clouds come to mind, but you think of where do I come from? and why am I here? Nothing shows up in your brain or your thoughts, someone or something does not want us to know. We are just required to ride the carousel of life. 

What would your thoughts be like if you did not know of a God, would you eventually invent one?
The English Cognizant Citizen
Image http://fav.me/d769np7

Our Blueprint

Psychic Focus is one website with infinite answers to questions. Lynn is an amazing woman with a wonderful talent. Outlined below is her blueprint for life. 

"Your body is directly influenced by what is happening in the universe, we are part of, rather than alongside the bigger picture, so it only is right that what is happening in the larger affects us and who we are.

The moment we leave the womb, the alignment of the sun, moon and stars has a direct influence on who we are.  I see that for at that moment, in fact that exact brief second, the universe and our beings align and I get the image that the positioning of everything in the sky sort of ‘stamps’ an impression on that being.  I then get an image of someone holding a magic wand and they are taking the exact alignments of everything from the heavens and then making this motion as if they are blessing a baby at the exact moment of birth.

Numerology looks to be more accurate for those with a very detailed understanding.  If applied correctly I see it as a very effective tool. Specific events like dates or numbers that don't change, are extremely accurate.  Picking numbers that aren't tied to something, but rather have a random feel, are the ones that need the most caution when trying to interpret.

There is a complex link to your hands and your brain, I get an image of someone looking at their own hands, then they look to the sky, they then look back at their hands and shake their head yes.  It was as if they were able to look at their own palm and gain insight into something on their own.  For people that study and understand looking at the palm, they can ‘read’ other people along with their own palm.  I then get an image of someone holding out their hand, and a blueprint floats upward.  That blue print looks to be every line and fingerprint laid out like a map.  I get that no two are alike and this "blueprint" is a specific  outline for that person.  I see it as a tie between the soul and life plan of the person. It looks like the map or blue print is a map of the person’s life or life path / journey. 

In closing, I see that something else can also be read by looking at the sole of a person's foot.  There is some mapping or lines / sections of the foot that are also unique to that person. I get that no two foot prints are alike.  Then I hear there is a reason that sole and soul sound alike."


Let's Read Our Feet!: The Foot Reading Guide

Palmistry: A Beginners Guide to Palmistry

The Numerology Guidebook: Uncover Your Destiny and the Blueprint of Your Life

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

Time to Wake up and THINK

Just how are we, according to the church, all sinner's? how can a new born baby be a sinner? some may say their sins were in a previous life, but how can there be any previous life? Right! You're thinking 'Reincarnation', but how do we know that reincarnation exists? 

All that we have are ages-old historical theories, there is no definitive proof of reincarnation, and do not forget all those theories and supposed accounts of reincarnation are of human origin - in other words, we do not know for sure. 

Human's and God 
The same can be said for 'God' we are told he is the creator of everything, and what tells us he was the creator - the Bible, and who wrote the Bible? Other humans of course, right from Genesis to Revelations. I do not only mean the Christian religion, the same can be said for all religions, the root of them all lies within other humans. 

We try to make sense of our mysterious lives with theories, I say mysterious because we have no idea where we come from or how life was even started on this world of ours, so how can we say God did 'this' or God did 'that', even religious words like 'God' rides with you into battle, or 'God' watches over you, and the reason being because he was an invention by male dominant humans. 

Also think about this, God is always referred to as a 'Man/He' never a 'Woman/She' , is not the fact that 'God is known as a 'He' more in-tune with eastern cultures where women are considered second best to man. Can you not now see the type of people who would write the books within the Bible would be those of a male dominated society and that's why God is referred to as a 'Man'. 

There is a universal force that creates life and keeps everything ticking over, a universal force that's neither 'Man' nor 'Woman' it is a force that is beyond the human invented 'God'. 
"It has no feeling yet it does have feeling, it is right yet it is wrong, it creates and it destroys". 
Only this force knows why this universe exists, something we as yet are not privy to. If the God of the Bible created everything can anyone tell me why? what was his reason? I'm sure there are many human theories as to why the Biblical God created everything, but none of them will be the truth. 

Biblical Fear and Human Agenda 
We all theorize about life, it brings us comfort, we surround ourselves with thoughts that make us feel good about our lives, the Bible, by contrast, does not, the Bible is a book of fear, I say that for one reason, have you noticed there is no humor written within the Bible, all of it is serious stuff. Are we to believe everyone during the Biblical period walked around with straight faces, I doubt it. In most churches the congregation are all sporting solemn faces, if they are there to celebrate God and their gift of life should they not be more joyful, even the hymns are of a solemn tone, as also are the so called uplifting hymns. 

All this seriousness over religion has an air of control about it, something like:- 
"Do not smile when you step into the place of God :- Listen to every word that is preached:- Question nothing :- When told to sing you will do so :- You must put money into the collection dish, your friends are watching". 
So, to me, if something smells of 'control' then you can bet your bottom dollar there is human involvement behind it and that's how it has been since the creation of the Bible, there was no God involved just humans, humans with an agenda and that's how it's been all through history. 

Me, Myself and I 
Am I everyone else? is everyone else me? is there just me or am I also 7-billion people? when I look at the lady across the road am I looking at myself ? when I argue with a man in a car park am I arguing with myself? is the vagrant begging outside of the town hall also me. When people die is it really part of me that dies? is this world my creation? am I the universal force that controls everything? am I the universal force that 'is' everything. Is the individuality that we all have something I have created to give my existence purpose, to fool myself that I exist in a thriving civilization, when in fact there is only 'me', 'The Universal Force'. 

You Are an Infinite, Eternal Being 
What is universal consciousness? It is the unified field of intelligent energy that is everything. It is intelligent, loving, all knowing, all powerful, creative and omnipresent across all dimensions of space and time. And so:-
"it is also present in you – or more accurately, it IS you". 
There is no separation between your mind and the Universal Mind, or the Unified Field, God, Source, Creator, the One, Universal Consciousness or the many names that humans give to things we are trying to understand.
The English Cognizant Citizen



Spiritual Science, Higher Conscious Thinking, and How to Access The Universal Consciousness: Learn How To Expand The Power Of The Mind At Every Level of Existence

I AM GOD - And so are you!: A complete guide to Source

One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

Mysterious Cosmetics Craze

This article to me comes under the same heading as Cat Shaving and Fox`s chewing brake cables, it also has the same feel to it as peoples mutilated pets being left on their gardens or doorsteps, mysteries no one can get to the bottom of. Perhaps they are 'Apports' left behind from Poltergeist activity or gifts from an inter-dimensional Alien Race who is studying and trying to understand us, Another strange point about it all is the fact this area is close to where I live, about a mile as the crow fly`s, and its also the same area where some years back sheep were found with their back legs missing and no one heard anything.

Bamboozled villagers are desperate to solve the mystery of who is leaving make-up in their gardens. Neighbors in Werrington are waking up to to find lipstick eye shadow and mascara abandoned outside their homes- and its been going on for months.The cosmetic craze seems to be centered on Chatsworth Drive, and Meigh Road.

Pensioner June Morgan, from Chatsworth Drive, was stunned when she found a comb and mirror in her front garden last summer.

This was followed by lipstick in September, three more lipsticks with a mascara and a tub of Vaseline in November, and an eye shadow in January. The 77-year old said 
"I was shocked when I saw what the items were. I thought it was a coincidence. But they kept appearing, it was most peculiar . They seemed to be picking on me . And none of the items had been used.Why would they do that, who is wasting it ? Who has got the money to do it? Make-up can be expensive.  I got my rubber gloves and put them straight into the bin. I feel like Miss Marple investigating a mystery, I vigilant and like to know what`s going on."
Anne Swindail, of Meigh Road, was also bewildered to find make-up on her lawn in January for the third time. The 62-year old said 
"The first time there were 2-lipsticks and a tub of Vaseline. Its very strange, so I did not know what to think."
Neighbour Phil Harrison aged 58, added: 
"I`ve spotted this make-up about three or four times over the last 12-months, I put it down to kids. We`ve had all sorts of stuff thrust into the garden and I just put them into the bin. We need somebody with CCTV so we can find out what`s going on".
The craze has been the talk of Werrington`s online community forums. Bobbie Hodgetts, age 34 from Meigh Road, said: 
"Walking around the estate, and on the Werrington forums on Facebook, you can see this is going on. It seems like there`s a lot of items to". 
Sharon Harrison aged 50 from Moorside Road, added:

"There have been lots of comments on Facebook about make-up being left on driveways or peoples front door steps. Hopefully it won`t travel to my estate . The cost of all these items must be extortionate. Nobody can find out what`s going on."