
Cats chopped and tossed

Mutilated Cats
Cleanly sliced bloodless pieces of cat bodies are turning up in in random towns, heads, paws, tails or body halves, with no explanation of why this is happening.

The head of a black kitten was reportedly found in front of McClintock High School in Tempe. Parts of an adult cat were found in the yard of a nearby home. Similar incidents were reported a couple of miles away.

Cat body parts have been found in areas as far north as University Drive and Priest Road and in the neighborhoods near U.S. 60 and the Loop 101, according to Facebook posts from residents in the area.

In most cases, residents report finding body parts that were clean cut at the joints and no blood or guts.

Tempe police say they've received several calls about dismembered cats since May.

But who — or what — may be killing them is unclear.

Detective Greg Bacon, a Tempe police spokesman, said officers believe the cats were killed and eaten by a larger predator and that "no foul play was observed." They do not know what type of animal it may have been, he said, but it's not uncommon to see coyotes and foxes in the area.

However, Arizona Game and Fish Department officials aren't so sure.

Darren Julian, urban wildlife manager at Arizona Game and Fish, said animals typically wouldn't leave remains. It could be a domestic dog or a person, he said, but without photos or evidence the department can't say for sure what caused the deaths.

Residents report finding paws, tails in yards
According to a letter sent to Tempe residents by their homeowner's association, a dismembered black kitten was found in front of McClintock High School near McClintock and Del Rio drives.

Parts of two other kittens were found in the yards of two homes on Terrace Road, according to a copy of the letter, which was posted to Facebook.

Parts of an adult cat were found in the yard of a home near Los Feliz Drive and Southern Avenue, according to the letter.

Similar incidents were reported near Hermosa Drive and Dorsey Lane, near Priest and University drives, and in the Shalimar neighborhood.

What is killing the cats?

This is not the first time Tempe residents report finding a dismembered cat in their front yard.

Last August, half of a cat's body was found in a resident's front yard in north Tempe. There were other attacks on cats reported in the same neighborhood and a rabbit was found cut in half the year before. Some residents believed it may have been a coyote or a fox.

Julian, with Game and Fish, said it's not uncommon for coyotes or other predators such as foxes or even skunks, to snatch up small pets, but it is unusual for them to leave remains behind.

"Though (coyotes) kill a large number of small animals throughout the Valley, if you're talking about a kitten, there's probably not going to be much left of it," he said. 

It's also unusual to find body parts cleanly cut off as residents describe, he said.

"Think about if you took a bit out of a steak and pulled on it, what is it going to do? It's going to tear," he said.

Julian said the cats could have been killed by a hawk or owl or a domestic dog, but without seeing the remains it's difficult to say for sure what killed them.

Residents in the area fear the cats were killed by a person. The homeowner's association urged residents to bring their cats inside and remain vigilant for anyone "lurking in our neighborhoods, scoping out helpless animals," according to the letter.


Israel hundreds of missing cats and half cats

Jerusalem alley cat
Jerusalem - A city with phenomena at their door step. Hundreds of cats either missing or found cleanly sliced in half. For years the problem of clusters of cat disappearances has taken over the globe, now the phenomena is happening in Israel.

Usually there is a huge number of cats roaming Israel’s streets. No matter where you are in the country you will see masses of cats out and about. There seems to be hundreds of them, in fact, one estimate says that there are currently around two million cats in Israel. There are numerous laws in Judaism prohibiting cruelty to animals and this has spread to the wider culture. As a result, people are generally very tolerant of the street cats and treat them kindly. It is not a strange thing to learn that a nation having the highest vegan population cares so much for the stray cats.

Cats are a frequent sight on Israeli streets, particularly in Jerusalem. However, residents have been taking to social media lately to express concern over the recent disappearance of numbers of cats in certain areas of Jerusalem, particularly Nahlaot and Arnona, and are warning people not to let their pet cats go outside, even if they have collars. 

A disturbing photo was also circulating on Facebook of a cat dissected in half, which people were claiming was more likely to be the work of a person than an animal as the attack was too “clean.” The half-cat phenomenon is not new. Chris Holly first alerted the world to this and continued to keep us updated.

The spokesmen for the Jerusalem Municipality Veterinary Service stated that the Veterinary Service was not aware of a mass disappearance of cats throughout the city, but that there are suspicions that such a phenomenon is occurring.

The shelter manager for the Jerusalem Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, stated that a fellow rescuer told her that some 50 cats had disappeared in the past year in her neighborhood.

An active rescuer and cat lover, said, "Several people are reporting that cats are completely gone from certain areas of Jerusalem". 

How does a city that revere cats insidiously lose them? How do a few murderous cat killers silently make a city of cats vanish? There is more at work here. Something dark and insidious..


Spooky Stories 3

Continued... the world is a big place. We may think we all have it figured out, but sometimes something happens that makes you think twice. From time loops in the middle of the desert to towns that don’t exist on any map, sometimes things just can’t be explained. 

This Seems Like A Deleted Scene From “Big Fish”
10 years ago, my friend and I were bored one night and were driving around. We were on a highway in NJ about 30 minutes from our houses and through the trees in the middle of nowhere we see this beautiful freshly paved cement pathway with lampposts every 100 feet just lighting this pathway up. It was beckoning to us…and so we found the nearest exit. We drove around for a while through the darkness until the road came to a dead end and the path began. We got out and started walking on this path through the trees and these beautiful wide open fields until eventually, it ends at a little small town after a couple of miles. At this point its like 2am and a small town like this nothing should be open except for this pizzeria….which is odd…so we go in. It is empty except for the older gentleman behind the counter. We order and start eating…then another older customer walks in.

The gentleman behind the counter and this customer do a double take at each other and then smile. Both of them run around the counter and embrace……”Mario!” “Stefano!” “What has it been 40 years?” “They talk the whole time about their childhood and growing up back in Italy. We think what are the chances we would be here..at this moment….seeing friends reunited after 40 years, just plain, odd. My friend and I, finish up and we head back down the brightly lit path and back to the car and call it a night. Ever since that night my friend and I tried to find that brightly lit path but to no avail. We haven’t seen it since from the highway or driving down that road. In the small town, the pizzeria is there, but it closes at 10pm, so no explanation why it would be open at 2am. Just plain odd and something we never could explain, experiencing an unlikely moment to watch friends be reunited after 40 years.

Got Some Real “Jonestown” Vibes 
Near where I live there is a little town called Ridgeview Park.

My friend was talking to a new girl, and we were scoping out where she lived so he wouldn’t get lost on his upcoming date when we took a wrong turn.

After a slight decline, the road sharply rose until we crossed some train tracks and were met with a fence about 20 feet tall made from wood pillars about the size around of telephone poles. There was a gate that was open, so we drove in.

Once inside, there is a single loop that winds through the whole complex. Only wide enough for one car. One way in, one way out. In the middle sits a large dome/church. The houses that surround it are all square two-story homes painted brightly in strange colors. There is a drained community pool off to one side with grass growing in the basin. Lined up along the very back of the loop are 50-70 single car garage doors, all right next to each other. No house appears to have their own.

It was strangely quiet and as we drove passed the homes, residents would step outside and watch us. The loop isn’t too large, and we eventually made our way around and exited through the gate and some people walked closer watching us leave.

Haven’t seen anything else like it. Their website is password protected, and their Facebook page is private. The part you can see says it is a “summer community” that started out as a Methodist camp and still has religious services, and that they only sell homes to members of the family.

Such a creepy vibe to the whole place, and we try to drive through at least once a year (when the gate is open).

Nope. I’m Done. This Is Too Creepy
A friend had a recording studio in his parents house in Colrain, Ma. We were up late, having fun and recording, and for whatever reason, we took his 4 track to the barn to record ourselves singing. On the tape, there’s a take of the two of us singing, and then there’s a pop, we stop and start laughing all of a sudden, because in real life the single light bulb in the barn had suddenly burst and surprised us. Ha ha! We hauled everything back inside and went to listen to the takes and add more.

But it’s western Massachusetts and everything is haunted here. So, of course on a separate track we found a faint voice. New tape, unrecorded area. As we’re singing on track 2, a frantic voice is on track 3, quiet but clear enough. It yells “I GOT AWAY! I GOT AWAAAAAAY! I’LL SHOW YOU!!!” And as soon as it says “I’ll show you” that was when the light bulb burst and we start laughing.

18 years later is gives me chills to think about. That night we left all the lights on, it was too creepy. There were high tension lines nearby, it wasn’t unusual to pick up AM radio on the tape but… On an untouched track? And such a terrified voice coming from the local oldies station at 1 am?

You Can Checkout Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave
There’s this old abandoned hotel a couple hours away from me. It’s not like a modern hotel, but like an old Victorian house that was turned into a B&B. It’s totally boarded up, a big fence around it with barbed wire. Apparently, it’s pretty haunted.

In high school, me and some friends went to go check it out. It’s in the middle of this a circular road, not a roundabout but you can go around several times before feeding back onto the main road. It takes about ninety seconds to go around this circle. Anyway, the first time we drive through all the shades on the windows are drawn. We drive around again, only half of the shades are drawn. The next time we drive by all the shades are open. We drove around one last time and all the shades were drawn again. We freaked out and drove out of there.

Run For The Hills, Run For Your Life
Many years ago, my family and I moved from California to Nebraska. I was still a young kid, probably 5-6 years old. We were driving through Nevada and shortly after Las Vegas and we needed to stop and fuel up. We stopped at your typical old-school gas station that rings when you pull up to the pump. I don’t remember it that well but my dad told me it looked normal. He got out to stretch while my mom went inside to pay for gas. My mom said that when she walked in, the gas station had quite a few people inside(despite us being the only car there.) When she walked up to the counter to pay for gas, everyone turned to her and the lights went out. She ran outside where my dad witnessed everything and helped her into the car and we sped off down the interstate, not caring whether we ran out of gas or not. To this day, my mom says that’s one of her scariest encounters because she can’t explain nor figure out exactly what was going on. And yes, we found a better gas station down the road and made it to Nebraska.

Maybe It Was Pumpkin Hill?
When my brother and I were 10 and 12 respectively our family went on a hike through the cemetery and into the woods not far from our house.

My brothers and I would explore these woods every day. Even camped in them before. We knew it like the back of our hands.

Anyway, as the family hit our usual spot by the creek halfway through the hike my brother and I said we would be back in a few, we wanted to wander off further up creek. So we did.

We came across a very large hill we had never seen before. It was littered with what looked like all of someone’s worldly possessions. As if they turned a house upside down, shook out the contents, took the house and left. There were tons of painted X’s on the trees showing someone intended to cut them down at some point. We poked around for a few when we thought we heard our mom hollering at us. So we turned tail and walked maybe 20 feet back down the hill to where our parents were. The entire encounter was maybe 45 minutes long…. on our end.

As soon as our mom saw us, we got the scolding of a lifetime. We had actually been gone almost 4 hours. She never saw us walk up any hill and remembered seeing us meandering down the straight path by the creek, not turning up a hill that was 20 feet away. My mom, dad and our other brother combed the woods for over 4 hours screaming our names and couldn’t find hide nor tail of us.

We pleaded our case and even tried showing her the hill. Surely she was messing with us. So we stomped up to the turn off for the hill and….it was gone. Nowhere to be seen. For YEARS we explored the woods determined to find that hill. We covered miles and miles of off path woods. As we got older we mapped it out. To this day that hill does not exist. We never found it again. Never found the weird furniture, toys, clothes, and other household items that were scattered across the hill. And never met anyone in the area that had a clue about the hill.

We probably just wandered way further then we meant to but I always found it weird that we never found the hill again.

Turns Out Even Extraterrestrials Like Tacos
Was driving through Illinois to get to Chicago about a decade ago with a group of friends and we stopped at a taco place. The first thing we noticed was that the workers were acting very odd. Everything they said was monotone and rehearsed. After sitting in this fairly busy restaurant for a bit, we kind of all just looked at each other at the same time as we realized that none of the conversations happening around us made any sense. The people were speaking, and it was English, but the sentences weren’t logical. They were just saying words at each other. We didn’t say much about it until we got outside, at which point we all freaked out and confirmed each others’ experiences at once, and got out of there. We jokingly refer to that place as the “NPC Training Center” since the people didn’t seem to be real, or they were learning how to be human or something. Still freaks me out.

Spooky Ghost Store Is The Name Of My New Band
A music store seemed to just show up in my town. I’d lived here three years and never saw it. Went in, and the guy had one bass guitar in the store. Me, being a bassist, played it and fell in love. Bought it, and then the next week when I was in town, the store was totally empty and looked like it hasn’t been open in a long time.

Got a new bass out of it though, so I’m cool with it being a spooky ghost store.

Honestly, They Probably Just All Decided To Move To Canada
There is a town right near me in Pittsburgh, PA (Lincoln Way in Clairton, PA) where a whole street full of families disappeared overnight back in the 70s. Everything (bills, food, clothes, etc…) was left behind, no trace of them to this day. You can go on google maps and look it up, the houses are abandoned and almost closed off from the rest of the town.


One by one they all disappeared

Vasi, Navi Mumbai, India - A female cat which had recently given birth to a litter of four kittens inside the Vashi railway station commercial complex limited (VRSCCL), was a happy sight for office goers and animal lovers alike who would often give the cat and her kittens milk and food. However, suddenly on Eid day the cat and all the kittens disappeared from their hangout spot on the second floor, making people wonder as to how and why this disturbing vanishing could happen. 

"Around a fortnight ago, the employees of private offices at VRSCCL were thrilled to see this cat with a litter of around four cute, newborn kittens on the second floor, near the canteen. 

Her kittens started disappearing one-by-one every other day, and just a day before Eid holiday, there was only one kitten left with the cat,'' recalled an officer.

When the offices reopened a day after Eid, many animal lovers were shocked to find neither the cat not her kittens at the usual spot, which was rather disturbing. 

An animal welfare officer and activist, commented: "Normally, a cat which has just given birth to kittens would not shift out of its original location, since the animal feels safe and secure there."

A city activist commented "the authorities are unable to take responsibility of one small cat and her kittens, which is ironic. Recently, the Punjab & Haryana high court had also passed a favorable order that all animals are 'legal persons' with right to live with honour and dignity; and that all citizens are their guardians. Animals cannot be treated as objects or property.''

Website comment - "I am really concerned of these animals in Vashi, Navi Mumbai. A stray cat used to visit us everyday during the past two years, then suddenly went missing in March 2019. I looked for it everywhere but couldn't find it. In my search I learnt that two other cats from the vicinity have gone missing during the same period and those people were also on the lookout for their cats. I had contacted NMMC to inquire if they had picked them up under the program, but learnt negatively." - Laxi M


Theo Hayez is ALIVE we must find him

Two reputable psychics have looked into the disappearance of Theo Hayzes and both have come to the same conclusion - that he is alive next to water away from public sight.

Hayez was staying at the WakeUp! Byron Bay hostel and was last seen on May 31, the last 'ping' from his phone was on June 1 was near the iconic Cape Byron Lighthouse.

Psychic Lynn
An American psychic claims he is very dehydrated but alive.

I get they are looking in the wrong place. I see him leaving the bar and heading to a beachy/water spot. I realize they are looking in the bush, but they need to focus efforts on a shoreline. I see him spending hours walking around and near the water, and throwing stuff in the water as he walked. He was very intoxicated, and even passed out/slept near the water that night.

It looks like when he was sleeping, he got bit by something. The image I have is a snake (not sure if it is literal or symbolic for some other animal????). This bite made him weak and sick. I feel like he is still alive, but not doing well. He really needs some medical intervention, but is unable to get to it.

If anyone has any pull, please suggest they focus their search near a beach or water. Also, he is not near a public access. He feels to be in a remote area (where he wandered in his drunken state that night). He feels to be in bad shape and very dehydrated, but if they can locate him soon he should be able to fully recover... He really needs some healing light his way.
Love and light be with him until help is found. Please send some guiding light in his direction."

Psychic Tea Kay
An Australian psychic has claimed missing Belgian backpacker Theo Hayez is alive and stranded on a Byron Bay clifftop.

Psychic medium Tea Kay took to Facebook to urge residents to conduct a search in Broken Head, NSW, claiming she can 'see' the 18-year-old trapped in a rugged area.

Okay. I'm now going to put this here. I have to. I have been using my psychic medium skills to track where Theo Hayez has been, is at etc... Since last night. Broken Head needs to be searched ASAP. The rugged part, ocean side. Please, if anyone is near to there, go out there. listen out for him calling out'HELP'! Call out to him too. I can 'see' him stuck in an area he did not realize was so rugged. He was walking through bush last night towards the ocean because he could hear it. I 'saw' the moonlight on his face. He is worn out, but has had drinking water from the land. Yes there are other things that have happened, as far as I have been able to 'see'. But this is what is most important NOW People in Broken Head, go out there and call out to him, and listen for his call."

Tea arranged a Meditation & Prayer for Theo Hayez Safe Return for June 20th and in later facebook postings she provided positive updates from spirit saying that he will be found.

Latest message from Spirit, concerning Theo Hayez.
I was shown/told Very clearly, about 30mins ago, that Theo WILL be found.
They also showed me a news anchor on TV reporting such.
When I asked 'Where' he is, Spirit said 'It has already been told'.
I am taking that as meaning the initial message from them to me, about Theo being in the Broken Head area.
Please be safe out there.
Please keep sending Love to Theo and his Family."

And then a final update with a sad note

This is the final message I will be sharing in regards to the disappearance of Theo Hayez.
I was called by Spirit to speak up for him.
I was pushed to speak up about where he was at the time he was there, in the dense bush of the Broken Head area.
He has not been there throughout this whole time.
He was taken by evil people, on the night he disappeared.
When I saw him lost in the bush with the moonlight on his face, he had gotten away from these 'people'.
Unfortunately he did not know where he was when he ran, and did not know how to find safety. So, they got him again.
He was kept in a basement or cellar under a house.
He was also moved around to different places.
The window to find Theo alive ended up closing after about 3 and a half weeks. I did not get called to this awful situation until he had been missing for about 2 and half weeks approx.
I had a week to do my best. And that is what I gave.
I was able to see through Theo's eyes, I walked in his steps.
I felt some of what he went through.
I had the help of Spirit to do this.
On the 28th of June, I saw Theo surrounded by Golden Angels.
They were healing him because of what he went through.
I felt he would come to me at some point to confirm if he had passed over.
On the 30th of June, I was in a very relaxed state, I did not call him, I did not try to 'tap in' to see him.
Theo came to me, in Spirit.
With a big smile on his face, and wearing his hat.
He came very close so I could see his face clearly.
He thanked me for my efforts, and put love into my heart.
He told me he was with his ancestors now, and being well taken care of. He was calm and peaceful.
Yes... there are many details I have not shared here, and I will never share them publicly. However, I have shared them to a handful of people that I was guided to, and to the appropriate authorities. Yes, I still feel he will be found.
There is no more I can do now.
There is no more information I can bring through.
I send Theo's family so much love and healing.
I wish I could have seen more so to find him quickly.
I wish that people would understand more about what we all have inside... our innate abilities, so we could have used them all together, in a much better way.
I wish I could have physically been well enough to Be there.
I wish I could have given a better outcome.
I've learnt a very hard lesson.
I will never go public again with this kind of information.

I don't expect everyone to understand.
It is what it is. I can't change that.
However.. I truly hope I am wrong, and that he is found alive."

Please pray for this young man.

New Developments
"But he was being tracked by Google - so every 15 seconds, Google was recording his precise location. His family were able to get into his Google account, get all this data and put all of that information on a map.

"We can see exactly where he went after he left that bar, and he walked this very strange route and ended up on a beach called Tallow Beach in Byron.

"The phone is a big mystery - it hasn't been found but it was still pinging until about 1.40pm that Saturday afternoon. But Theo's last activity was at about one in the morning.

"For some reason, he switched his location off just after midnight - but we know he continued to use his phone. He sent a couple of messages to friends, he watched a YouTube video, and from that, we can gather he was okay at that point. But something happened then.

New witness
Leesa Horn, a beauty therapist from Queensland, came forward as a possible witness - revealing that she saw a man 'looking dead' by the side of the Pacific Highway.

"She was driving south towards Sydney, just past Coffs Harbour very early in the morning on June 2nd, and a man tried to wave her down," Murray said.

"Lying on the ground next to this man was another man who appeared to be dead. She went to stop, but thought better of it and drove on. She called 000, but they couldn't find anyone.

"This was four days before Theo's family knew that he was missing - and when his story was on the news, she saw the footage and what she was wearing, and she instantly thought of the man lying on the road looking dead.

#enigmaticearth #theohayez #missingpeople #prayfortheo #miracleplease


Spooky Stories 2

Continued...the world is a big place. We may think we all have it figured out, but sometimes something happens that makes you think twice. From time loops in the middle of the desert to towns that don’t exist on any map, sometimes things just can’t be explained. 

Just… So Much Milk
When I was about 12, my mom and I were traveling cross-country to move. We were staying the night in Missouri, at a typical roadside hotel next to a chain diner, so we went in for dinner. It was packed, despite us being one of only a couple guests at the hotel, so we sat up at the bar. We noticed something weird after a few seconds – every single person had a glass of milk in front of them. Even the dudes around the bar. Nothing else, just a tall glass of milk. Someone opened the fridge under the center bar and we saw just gallons of milk. The bartender took our dinner orders and bought each of us a glass of milk without us asking for anything to drink. It was so weird. My mom told me not to drink it.

On our way back to our room my mom stopped at the front desk and asked the woman working there, half-jokingly and half-concerned, why everyone drinks so much milk in this town. The woman said she had no idea what she was talking about and we just moved on. When we were putting our leftovers in the mini fridge up in our room, there were like ten mini-cartons of milk. No brand, just the word MILK in black lettering.

It was a weird place and I’ve never been able to figure it out.

Gas Stations Are A Hotbed For Paranormal Activity
A few years ago, I was driving home from Florida to Pennsylvania with three of my friends. It was late, probably sometime between 1-3am, and we were somewhere in North Carolina. We needed gas soon, so we agreed to take the next exit off the highway that had a gas station.

The second I took the exit, it was pitch black. There were no streetlights along the exit ramp or on the roads up ahead, the only lights in the area came from my headlights and the lights from 95 behind us. The sheer darkness was enough to creep me out (especially because my vision isn’t the best to begin with but really sucks when it’s dark) but we really needed gas so we pressed on.

While driving to the gas station, the only building we saw was a massive, old looking church. we drove by a sign informing us that we were in a town, but there were no businesses or houses other than the church.

When we finally got to the gas station we saw an assortment of giant farm animal statues outside the building, standing tall and barely illuminated. They weren’t fenced off, and there were no signs explaining why they were there, so if it‘s considered an attraction it’s a confusing one at best.

However, the weirdest thing happened inside the gas station. With me on this trip was one other girl and two guys. We had all been friends for years and our dynamic includes making fun of each other a lot, but never deliberately messing with each other’s heads. At this point in our trip, we were all tired and eager to get home. The gas station itself was huge on the inside, filled to the brim with shelves, all of which were jam packed with an assortment of junk food and junk items. In hindsight, this seems weird given how empty the town was, but at the time we were all distracted by just how much stuff this gas station held. The other girl and I went to the restroom while the two guys paid for gas. The restroom was hard to get to as there were boxes piled just outside the door, and the sign just had a piece of paper with “women” scrawled across it in green highlighter.

Upon leaving the restroom, we saw one of our friends entering the men’s restroom (also marked by a piece of paper with “men” written in highlighter). He gave us a weird look as he entered, but we shrugged it off and walked towards our other friend who we could see standing at a shelf a bit away. He was facing away from us, and as we approached I started to get a bad feeling in my stomach. As we got closer, he turned and gave us the most sinister look I’ve ever seen. Alarm bells are going off in my head at this point and my female friend and I proceed to the car, unsure of what to make of the interaction we just had. The second we stepped outside and looked towards the gas pumps, we saw the same two friends we had just seen standing behind us. The one who was entering the bathroom was leaning casually against the car, while the one who gave us a sinister look was finishing up pumping gas.

My female friend and I were dumbfounded and asked them how they were standing in front of us when they were both just behind us a few seconds ago, and they looked at us like we had multiple heads. After paying for gas the two immediately went back out to the car, as the gas station gave off too weird of a vibe to wait in there for us. Sufficiently creeped out, we piled back in the car and noped out of there.

I’m not sure why we saw two of my friends doppelgängers in a gas station, or why the doppelgängers seemed to be in such a bad mood, and I’m really not sure why the gas station had a collection of farm animal statues outside of it. I’m pretty content never going there again though, that place definitely should not exist.

I Did Promise A Milkshake
So back when I was younger I was kind of a terrible kid. To deal with being just totally unmanageable as well as being a child of two narcissists the decision was made that I would work on a huge ranch deep in the countryside of Arizona (should be noted I was a pretty accomplished equestrian rider at this time so ranching wasn’t really out of the realm of what I could do) . On cattle drives it was not unusual to stumble upon houses, encampments and even whole towns in also in the middle of nowhere. These all had their own movie like situations that came out of them but one, in particular, I will NEVER forget.

Here we are on another cattle drive this time pretty far into it, we have been out in the desert if I remember correctly easily three or more weeks when we stumble upon this town in the middle of a canyon that is picture perfect in addition low and behold there is a diner. Like an old totally chromed out east coast diner. We have not eaten anything really of substance for a while and the head wrangler promised me a milkshake for my birthday. I was beyond stoked if not a little weirded out but honestly, after you spend enough time in the wilderness of the US, nothing really surprises you.

So we leave behind some of our mates to watch the cattle who are resting in the shade after getting over this rocky wash and hike into the canyon to go to the diner. The second we set foot in the diner the head guy, this older cowboy who is the head of all of us grabs my arm. This place is packed and everyone is wearing odd clothing like stuff from maybe the 40s or 50s? My head wrangler (T) is a really tough guy who from ranching for his entire life had definitely seen some weird stuff. T grabs my arm (as I am just focused on milkshake and about to go grab a booth) when I realize everyone is just staring at us and there is a really strange feeling in the air. Now we were used to getting looks all the time from being smelly and dirty but these people had these almost fear and/or shock . T and the two others with us slowly back out of the diner dragging me in tow and we immediately go back to our site and leave without a word. I was so confused I just went along with all of it.

To this day I have no idea what that place was or if we stumbled through a time warp or what but my wrangler told me later that night when we were away from them that he felt like we had stepped back in time. Like truly stepped back in time and that place was stuck in some sort of loop and if we stayed we would get stuck too. T never really spoke a lot, nor was he to be messed with, he also had a mean sweet tooth despite having almost no teeth so for him to have reacted that way really shook me.

I have no idea if what he told me is true but I will never forget the look of all those people in that immaculate diner.

Even Africa Knows How To Get Spooky!
Back in the day my dad had a company that rented out 4×4 vehicles to foreigners who wanted to explore rural Africa. These cars were kitted out for off roading and rarely broke down. But this time one did. My dad had to retrieve the vehicle as he’s done a few times before, and since we lived in the neighboring country It wasn’t more than a 20 hour drive (We live in Cape Town, South Africa and the vehicle broke down in Namibia.)

To my delight my dad was setting off to retrieve this 4×4 in the upcoming school holiday and asked me to join him. I should add that I was about 16 at the time and ghost stories never really got to me. So we set off on our long journey and the trip goes smoothly as planned. We get to the collection point, hook up the broken down 4×4 to ours and off we go, no problems at all… Until it turned dark. Now I know Namibia quite well, it has some well known ghost stories, ghost towns and other eerie occurrences have been reported, but in my mind that was just fantasy.

Fast forward to about 2:30 am (remember kids, nothing good ever happens after 2am) and my dad wakes me up with noticeable uneasiness in his voice. He asked me to look in the rear view mirror and tell me what I see. I looked in the mirror and noticed two dim headlights almost on our rear bumper that appear to be bouncing around a bit. My dad told me he wanted to make sure I see it too and it isn’t just his tired eyes playing tricks on him. I looked around and the area we were in was terrifying to say the least. We were surrounded by hills, but because of the lack of light it was just pure blackness against the night sky, covered in leafless trees with pointy sharp branches all over.

I ask my dad where we were and he simply said that he doesn’t know, he’s just been following the GPS and asked me to look if there were any towns near. There wasn’t, not for more than 300 kilometers. He pointed back at the mirror and said “look”. He then proceeded to shift over the center of the road to the other lane and the lights followed suit without hesitation, as if they were tied to us. I asked my dad what it was and he said that he thinks its a truck. Now that in itself is not totally uncommon on these long cross country roads but something about this just seemed off.

I mentioned to my dad that the truck may simply want to pass us, we are pulling quite a bit of weight so we are way under the speed limit at this point and he could be impatient. Dad decides to slow down to 60km/h and moves into the yellow line in an attempt to get this truck to pass. Nope, truck slows down too. Okay lets take it down a notch, dad slows down to 40km/h. Nope same result. We had to drop down to a speed of 20km/h for this truck to start overtaking us. And then it did…

We heard a groan and the grinding of gears and what seemed like an eternity till this truck started pulling up next to us. Now keep in mind these are quite windy roads with hills, so overtaking isn’t recommended, especially not that slow, but this truck took its sweet time until it was right next to us. It was one of those car hauling trucks that has two levels that it can carry cars on. It had chains all over the sides that were slowly clinging and clanging through the night. The back of the truck where the cars get loaded appeared bent out of shape and the metal was rusted and held together by pieces of wood and loose torn pieces of fabric were blowing in the wind. I was terrified. I shifted my attention to the cabin, black as the sky that night and no driver in sight. I’m not making this up, we saw nobody.

The truck pulled in front of us with a groan and it didn’t seem like it could speed up anymore. Now we were behind this terrifying mess of a vehicle and my dad started getting impatient, we started overtaking the truck and checked again for life inside the cabin as we passed. Nothing. Once we were in front of the truck I noticed the headlights getting ever dimmer and dimmer, and when we picked up speed so did it. The lights kept dimming until there was but a spark left. This is where I got convinced something supernatural was going on. We were driving on a hillside and a bend was coming up, not a tight one, but if missed one would go straight off the road and down the hill as there were no barriers. We go around the bend slowly, considering our heavy load and the truck just goes straight without hesitation. We both saw it drive straight off the road and down the hill where at the bottom it finally got to a stop and all the lights died.

We stopped at a rest stop for the night and head back there that morning to have a look if anyone was hurt or if the truck was there. It wasn’t and there were no tracks or broken bushes where we saw it go off the road.

This Is Why We Need Better Electric Cars
I was driving from Dallas to Tuscaloosa. Left at midnight and drove straight through the night with two friends passed out sleeping. It was probably 4am and I had a 1/4 tank of gas which translates to about 100 miles. I see that the nearest town is about 90 miles so I’m pretty worried about making it.

Before I hit that town, I ran into a tiny town that wasn’t on the map. A few houses, a gas station, a convenient store, and that was about it.

I walk into the gas station and hand the guy a 50$ so I can fill up. He was a really tall skinny guy. Like skin wrapped around bones level skinny. Probably 6’5 at least. And he just had this eerie look about him.

He looks at me, leans over the counter, scans the outside, and looks back at me. He hands me my 50$ back and a hat and says “Look, you look like a nice young fella. You don’t want to be out here at this time of night looking like that. Put the hat on, get to your car quickly, and get gas at the next town.”

I was super confused and just said “I don’t have enough gas to get there, that’s why I’m here. I didn’t even know this place existed.” He responds “It doesn’t. Here, there’s 2 gallons left in this can. Just drive another 15-20 miles out and use those two gallons. But please, you need to move now.”

At that point, I stopped questioning him and left. On my return trip, it was day time. So I wanted to stop back in and return the can with 2 gallons in it. But wouldn’t you know? Couldn’t find the little town again. It’s like it disappeared over the weekend.

To this day, I refuse to stop in small towns that aren’t on the map. I have no idea what that gas station employee was trying to save me from, but he pushed me out of there with some urgency and even gave me free gas to do so.

This Is How Skynet Gets You Before The Robot Uprising
So, my best friend and I are driving from Texas to Kansas City. We wanted to pick up some tacos for a friend in KC on the way back, so we wanted to find the closest taco shop to KC. Google Maps says there is one on the way, just like two hours away from home! Score, right?


When we get close, it is near 2AM. We have been driving all day. We are tired. Google Maps tells us to get off the highway, so we do. It drives us through a small town, christmas lights and banners hanging, street lights on and everything holiday levels of cheer. Apparently, the place isn’t in the town, which is unfortunate, but hey, fast food tex-mex. We keep driving, the roads get dodgier and dodgier until google maps has us turn down a literal dirt road. Another mile or so in, and Google Maps calmly says

“You have arrived at the destination.”

We are surrounded by trees on all sides. It is pitch black. It is getting foggier by the second. I turn the car around and get out of there.

We can’t cancel the google navigation, but instead of saying rerouting, that cold robot voice just keeps repeating:

Turn back.
Turn back.
Turn back.

I have to figure out how to get back on the highway, and it is made all the harder by the sudden shut down of the town. The lights are gone. The buildings are closed down and run down. Everything that had been alive ten minutes ago was rubble and regret. My friend is losing it, thinking we have entered Silent Hill. I am furiously driving, watching blankets of fog roll in behind us at every intersection. At last, I find the on-ramp and get back on the highway.

Sometimes I want to go looking for that town. Most days, though, I am smarter than that.

Here Come The Men In Black
When I was small I went to check out a local graveyard (it’s not as weird as it sounds, there was Norman art and scattered human bones. These are neat when you’re 10)

Anyway, I’m cycling in there and I see like 4 guys in Ordnance Corps gear. Walking from grave to grave, before I had much chance to investigate, two soldiers pointed their weapons and told me to leave.

So I headed back home and told my mom what I saw. Explosive scares happen every once and a while here in Kerry as they find ammo from the civil war so we (me, mom, dad, brother) decided to go drive down. This is only a few minutes after I was there. We turn into the junction and that’s all I remember.

I wake up in a field next to the graveyard. My head hurt so much. After I realize where I am. I begin yelling out for my family and I hear replies from over by the graveyard. Hopping over the wall, I see my brother lying the wrong way over a bench and my dad coming out from the abandoned church (he says he was sitting against one of the walls). We go over to the car, which is haphazardly in the middle of the car park. And my mom is slumped over the wheel. When we wake her up she jumps back with a panicked look on her face. She yells at us to get into the car and we speed off.

When we get home we start talking about what happened and me, my dad and my brother all remember nothing past the junction. My mom remembers past that the junction. She says she saw “something” there was a bright white flash.

And there was nothing.

It still freaks me out just thinking about it.

The Grove Of Tranquility
I’ve been living out of my car recently. There’s a stretch of road in the southwest that runs along national forests. One night I was looking for a good dark pull off to sleep in. I found a good one, it had trees to pull under so the headlights out on the two-lane wouldn’t be as disturbing, as it has truck traffic.

In the morning I heard a car pull off and watched as it went on past me into the forest on a two track. I hadn’t seen that lane when it was dark, it looked inviting.

I decided to try driving on it myself, it turned out to be a lovely area, and eventually, I found a really nice spot under some trees out in there where it was very quiet and I could see the Milky Way at night, although it was subzero most nights.

I stayed out there for several days, data service was good so I kept applying, and during that time I got an interview invitation, the first in a long time. They called while I was sitting under those trees, the guy who had called later told me that I had sounded very relaxed.

Heartened by that call, I drove out to the highway to get some groceries and water. When I came back up the highway I could not find the original entry point. I found another two-track and eventually got back to the same spot, but that lane had no place to pull off and park.

Months later I took a temporary house about 40 miles from there and sometimes still use that stretch of highway.

I look carefully every time I pass through, sometimes irritating other drivers; have not yet found the original entry. None of the pull offs have a lane at the back or even a break in the fence, and none of the lanes have even a slight wide spot, much less a deep place with trees.

I am not that kind of person at all, which is why I re-examine that stretch every time I pass through, but I’m slowly resigning myself to having spent at least one night in a place that doesn’t currently exist.


Jesus and the cat in the shed

Over a month ago, one of the three feral cats that hang around our house went missing after we heard a vicious midnight fight in the woods. We grieved the loss because “Booties,” with his clean white paws, was the friendliest of the three.

But one morning last week, my wife noticed movement in the window of the shed about 60 feet from the house. She went closer and saw the face of a cat staring out at her through the window and could hear faint mewling. Long story short, we rejoiced as eventually Booties crept out to meet us!

He was severely dehydrated and emaciated. Perhaps he had mice, lizards and insects to catch and rainwater to drink during his confinement, but Booties surely must have used 8.5 of his 9 lives since disappearing. To us, it was a little miracle.

Now, after plenty of food, water and rest, he seems hardly the worse for wear for what we estimate to have been three and a half weeks stuck in the shed. But he has had a change of attitude. Suddenly, he has become more like a dog than a cat, and won’t leave my side. He craves attention, affection and follows us all over the yard.

We reflected on what he must have gone through in that shed. It must have been awful for him to sit inside the shed, hearing the cats being called, seeing them being fed and his humans watering the garden. Was he staring out the window, watching the good life pass him by?

Is that what eternity will be like for humans separated from God? For eternity, they will see what they were intended to have and enjoy, but because they had chosen to reject God and his salvation, they will be unable to partake of, and enjoy, heaven. Longingly watching what they miss will indeed be excruciating punishment. Like the cat in the shed, they will be so close, yet so far away.

It is so amazing to watch this cat and his attitude toward us. We saved his life, against all hope of it ever being discovered alive, and set him free. He now adores us and actually desires to be with us, even more than eating the food we provide.

The other two community cats will come near us when we feed them or deign to give us a nudge of thanks if they are in the mood. But that is as much affection or appreciation as they show. Perhaps they feel they really don’t need us, and the food and water will just be there waiting for them every day. But Booties’ new level of love, adoration and loyalty are heartwarming.

I began to think of the theological implications of Booties’ reaction toward those who saved his life. Many people reading this column are aware that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Some have believed and been rescued by him.

But in response, most of us behave like our other feral cats. We meet with God when we are going to get a free meal, or some other blessing, but then we go off and do our own thing the rest of the time. Like them, we know God will meet our needs, so we give him the occasional nudge to say thanks.

This is what we can learn from Booties’ experience: Because we have been rescued by Jesus, shouldn’t it be natural for us to love and adore him? Shouldn’t we love to be with him? Shouldn’t appreciation flow out of us all day long, and shouldn’t we run to him whenever we get the chance? When we used to be spiritually starving, thirsty, lonely and helpless, and we fully understand that we have been rescued, that’s when we can’t thank our Savior enough.

Being rescued by God should result in a lifestyle of gratitude. Psalm 107:1 says, “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.” Read the rest of the Psalm for the whole meaning of this concept.

Are you like the cat in the shed? Looking out and seeing others enjoying the peace of mind and the blessings given by God, but you are trapped in your unhappy life? Or have you experienced being unable to save yourself and cried out to your Savior? Have you experienced him setting you free?

And now that you are free, do you live like the ungrateful feral cats that only come around for the goodies? Or do you look for every opportunity to fellowship with the One who saved you, loves you and provides for you?

Which cat are you?