
Bless a Scam Caller

“Good afternoon madam, my name is Clark and I am calling you from the Telstra Technical Department. The reason for my call today is to inform you that some malicious software has been loaded onto your computer. This is the reason it is running slow . . .” I am sure you are very familiar with the rest of the conversation. The caller wants you to turn your computer on, follow their instructions, and become another “catch” for unscrupulous operators to either gain access to your computer or to persuade you to give them your credit card or bank account details.

About two years ago, after enduring these kinds of calls both at home and at work for many years, it finally dawned on me that by hanging up on such callers I was wasting golden opportunities. Overnight my practice changed. I started viewing each caller through spiritual eyesight, as candidates for God’s kingdom. They were no longer annoying, time-wasting, pesky, evil people. Now they were people whom God specifically sent my way for me to speak to about eternal matters.

I’ve tried different tactics over the ensuing months. They’ve centred around pleading with the caller to stop hurting people, to return to the values they had grown up with (that is, honest principles), and to leave this disreputable work and seek honest employment. I know of one man who got up from his chair and walked out of the room without a word to his colleagues. How I know is that another man I was talking to referred to this person and what he had done, and how they had no idea what had happened to him! My heart leapt with joy as I realised the Holy Spirit had gotten through and this man had listened and obeyed His promptings.

But, over time, those in charge of these call centres conditioned their employees to resist such pleadings. The girls in particular were the hardest to reach. They were very cold. So, realising that this form of appeal wasn’t working anymore, I prayed for God to give me a new direction.

The answer came from my prayer group. We decided to start praying the “Jabez” prayer. Jabez is an obscure Bible character, only mentioned in one place in the Bible, 1 Chronicles 4:10. He pled with God: “‘Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request.”

In Luke 6:27, 28 Christ instructed His followers to “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” With these two powerful Bible verses working in my life, I decided that whenever I engaged with a scam caller I should seek God’s blessings for that person, just as I was seeking them for myself.

And so I began. When the next call came through, while the caller was giving his opening address, I was praying silently that God would keep him on the line as long as was necessary. As soon as the caller asked me to turn my computer on I started praying—out loud. I opened with “Lord God Almighty” rather than “Father in Heaven”, as I had no idea if the caller had a Christian background, but I was sure he would recognise the word “God”. I prayed that God would bless him and his family, that his needs would be provided for, and that he would be a blessing in his community and seek to do good to others. I continued until I had nothing left to pray. When I finished, the man was very subdued and thanked me repeatedly for praying for him. He didn’t want to hang up. We chatted for a while.

Several girls I have prayed with stayed on the other end of the phone longer than I’ve ever had girls stay on before. One even waited until I’d finished praying before hanging up—a definite improvement on previous calls.

One man who engaged me in conversation revealed that he was a Muslim. He didn’t want to be doing this “job”, but he needed the money. We had a great conversation and I encouraged him to leave the room he was working out of and not come back. I also told him I’d continue praying for him.

Now these callers no longer interrupt my busy day in a negative way. In fact my prayer now is that God would send more calls my way! This is an opportunity to expand the influence of Christ’s kingdom and I am doing it from the comfort of my house. Not many opportunities like that are available to Christians today. I often wonder what would happen to the scammer industry if every Christian who owned a phone in Australia and New Zealand became an agent of blessing to these people who invade our houses to try and steal from us. If every Christian became a channel of prayer for individuals like these, I wonder what the eternal results would be? Can you see yourself praying for God to bless these people? To seek good for them? You will not necessarily see the effect your kind words and blessings have. You will be working with people on an individual basis and then, usually only a one-off call. I keep a list now so I can see when names are repeated. One poor girl phoned me three times in one day. I ended up asking her why she was running away from God!

Results for this endeavour will probably only be known in heaven. I look forward to being surrounded by a great crowd of people whose voices I recognise because they once tried to hurt me, and I had the very great privilege of praying for God’s blessing on them. Do you want to join me? Let’s join forces together to promote a better way of responding to these people who are out to scam us.



The Cost of Allowing Power to Come at all Costs

This article has been copied from Dubbo Photo News, Australia.

WHEN the President is 'unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office', Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the United States Constitution allows the Vice President and a majority of heads of the executive departments to formally declare the Vice President as Acting President, and divest the President of all authority. Given the subnormal mental capacity of the current President, his incompetence, conflicts of interest, cronyism, and his ignorance of the rule of law, invoking this section of the 25th Amendment would seem the logical and honourable action of American leaders. But of course, they never will. The majority of lawmakers are Republican who will not declare Trump unfit for office and invoke the 25th Amendment. In a world of hyper-partisanship, the lust to hold office overrides the dignity of that office. Trump is obviously unfit for public office. He treats the Presidency as his kingship, and the Republican Party are his enablers. They judge their success on how much Obama era legislation they can dismantle, not the health and wellbeing of their citizenry. 

This hyper-partisanship undermines democracy and is underpinned by point scoring over opposing ideologies. Compliant mainstream media fans the flames, and social media pours on the petrol. Trump is the example again. His childish rants on Twitter are reported by decent media as childish, but reported by the Murdoch empire as doctrine. Right wing websites attack the left-leaning media, and Trump attacks journalists who dare question his credibility, honesty, intelligence, or power. The gullible swallow the claims of the real fake news pedalled by Trump and his cronies. 

The net result is a growing schism between the supporters of the cult of Trump and the rest of the country. The cultists are being emboldened to regress to the power trips of old, where racism and guns ruled, and African-Americans were second class commodities. 

Witness the recent freedom given to heavily armed white people to protest in the Michigan state capital building, and the investigation of the murder of a young black man (who was set upon by two white men whilst innocently jogging in the street) being deliberately hindered by the county district attorney as examples of the divide between the powerful and the powerless. 

These are the bastions of old power demanding relevance in the current day and will be fully tested in six months' time at the election. Trump will take re-election as full permission to continue his divisive behaviour and cronyism. Alternatively, defeat could likely not result in the accepted practice of the peaceful transition of power, with his supporters unwilling to give up the control they have come to expect. And they are armed and dangerous. 

In Australia, we too have a federal government built around a marketer whose lust for power out-shadows his ability. Although he claims his ascension to the Prime Ministership was accidental and he is just an ordinary bloke with no power ambitions, his political path reveals otherwise. 

Long serving Liberal Party and Sutherland Shire local Michael Towke easily won the first ballot for pre-selection to the seat of Cook in 2007. He scored 10 times the number of votes as Scott Morrison, 82 to 8. Then the smear campaign to get Morrison pre-selected started. On the word of several senior Liberals, Murdoch's Daily Telegraph printed four stories suggesting Towke to be a serial liar. The adverse publicity and intervention of the state Liberal executive caused an unprecedented second ballot, which Morrison won. A Lebanese Christian would not get to represent the seat of Cook. 

Tellingly, a defamation case brought by Towke was settled by News Corp just before the commencement of court proceedings, thus avoiding revealing the back-room dealings. Evidencing the power-play of Morrison's backers, Towke said at the time "these guys were prepared to ruin my life". 

Fast forward past his years as Immigration Minister with his Stop the Boats posturing, Morrison projected himself as the reluctant candidate in the leadership spill of 2018. This should not be believed. Against a background of LNP chaos and fronting attacks on Labor's death tax, Morrison campaigned aggressively in spite of the polls giving him little chance of victory. 

Following the 'miracle' result however, the depths of his power lust have come to light. He stands at press conferences berating re-porters Trump style and objecting to their lines of questioning, knowing full well he approved a spending splurge that would embarrass Labor if they had come to power. 

The latest revelations in the sports grant rorting affair points the finger directly at the Prime Minister's Office. He has failed to act on the rorting of parliamentary expenses, preferential infrastructure, and job funding to marginal Coalition seats, and required Barnaby Joyce to submit nothing more than a few text messages to justify his $675,000 in Drought Envoy expenses. 

This is the disconnect between the public image of power and what happens behind closed doors. Power for the sake of power and the satisfaction of vested interests should no longer be tolerated. Beware the power-seeker who refuses transparency, and those who confuse power with leadership. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and democracy is not a plaything of the wealthy and connected. 

- Greg Smart, Photo News, May 14-20 2020, Dubbo NSW Australia

Half Cats Found in Canada

A spate of inexplicable cat mutilations is occurring in America. The recent incidences are in Kelowna, a city in the south of Canada’s British Columbia province in the Okanagan Valley, on the eastern shore of Okanagan Lake. There is a warning to cat owners in the downtown Kelowna area to keep their pets inside, as reports circulate of animals being mutilated. More concerned Kelowna citizens have come forward to try and help find out what is going on after several mutilated cats have been discovered over the past few days.

Alexandria O'Neill says one of her four cats was cut in half, discovering the body just outside a neighbour's door on Friday. 

In front of her house, right in front of her vehicle. It was just cut side up and it was just blood and flies. She's like 'that's not your cat is it?' and I was like 'that looks like my cat Misses and then I flipped her over and it was my cat and I just broke down," explains O'Neill. "we are currently waiting for the results of a necropsy that is being completed by investigators with the SPCA to determine the cause of death.
O'Neill says there were no bite marks and no blood, it was a clean cut. O'Neill and her husband were told by a friend that half a cat, the backside, was found at Bankhead Elementary on Wilson Avenue. 
I got into contact and got a picture and confirmed it was the back half of my cat, also a clean cut.
Another cut-in-half cat has been found in a Kelowna park. Ray Peron says his cat, Mouse, went missing Saturday night in the Glen Park Dr. area and then he received a phone call from a stranger saying they had found his cat, at least what was left of her.
I got a call because her collar was still on and the body was left in Glen Matera Park but from her front legs back, her face was there, her shoulders were there, and then there was nothing.
..even the spine was gone. 
He has already buried Mouse and was content to write it off as a coyote killing until he saw the story about another cat that was also found in half and he began to reconsider. "I don't know what a coyote kill looks like but I'm pretty sure when a coyote takes a cat they take it away and eat it somewhere else. They don't leave them around and this was left right in the park.

Residents are advised to keep their pets inside at night.

In the meantime we ask the obvious question. Who takes the spine from these cats and leaves them bloodless?


Entity Mutilating Pets in Locked Cages

SNARL UK is at the forefront of trying to prove to police that a human is responsible for the ongoing pet mutilation problem, but there is those amongst us who beleive there is something frighteningly non human about it because of the strange complexities within each case. 

A pet owner who found her beloved rabbit decapitated said she is “devastated” the Police have dropped their investigation into the M25 Cat Killer. On Thursday, the Metropolitan Police concluded their three-year investigation into the alleged pet killer who was suspected to have killed over 400 animals. Police believe the mutilations were likely down to fox attacks.

But a group tracking the cat killer, called Snarl, say they have proof many killings were human caused and will continue their investigations. Nicola Camoccio, from St Leonards, found her beloved pet rabbit Clive mutilated in her garden last Christmas. Snarl say they have no doubt it was the work of the killer and was “one of the nastiest” incidents they had investigated.

The 48-year-old has kept Clive’s decapitated body in the hope that the killer is caught, and the rabbit’s head is returned, so that she could have a proper burial for him.
It was so horrific finding Clive, the killer took all of his internal organs ribs and backbone – I was hysterical. I remember feeling so much fear.
Snarl and Nicola say the remains of Clive were found in Nicola’s garden. Clive’s liver had been placed by the shed and appeared “surgically removed” according to the animal rescue charity. Nicola was asked not to remove the organ from the garden and so she put a pot over it to protect it from scavengers. 
The next morning, when she lifted the pot, Clive’s liver had been replaced by his collar.
Along with Snarl, she has no doubt that the attack was human, not fox-related. She added: “The police have dismissed it as a fox but I’m angry because I know that this person is still out there. Clive is now gone and there’s other victims. “The killer will never stop until he is caught.”

In response to the police’s conclusion, the animal charity released a statement on Thursday. Boudicca Rising, the founder of Snarl, said: “We have taken a collective decision to continue with the investigation. Our thoughts are with owners who have been confronted by this news without any warning.”
Sussex Police said: “Sussex Police did refer a number of incidents of mutilated animals to the Metropolitan Police, but there was no evidence to suggest that there was any anything suspicious.”
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? - Public Comments
My grandsons rabbit was found earlier this year in the garden with its stomach sliced neatly open when my son told me I collected it and took it to my local vet, who after examining it, concluded that certain organs were missing and the cut was human rather than animal. The bizarre thing was the garden is fully secured with high fencing all around with houses on either side its not a huge garden and who ever it was would have had to scale at least 7ft !! 
How did they know the rabbit was in the garden to start with?
How did they know the rabbit lived deep under the shed?
Without any flippancy at all, it sort of makes one wonder whether it's the work of someone not human.. I know that sounds far-fetched but when one considers regarding such a highly enclosed garden, they either have ladders, or something else.... ! And again I repeat, no flippancy intended, just very, very bizarre although when he is caught, all will become clear how he has managed to do all this, all this time, without being caught.

I too agree with the not human not animal theory it is too bizarre to be anything one can put a finger on and I think the police already know this.

My daughters rabbit was killed years ago. She lived in a hutch inside a secure locked pen. We came home and found her headless body placed neatly at top of garden. 
But the pen and hutch were still shut up and secured. 
No way any fox could do that. But someone scaled our fence to get in. Still makes us shudder even now. 

About 4 years ago I came home and found my rabbit in the garden, he appeared to be laying out enjoying the sunshine and I thought he had escaped his run. 
When I went out to get him back in his head was missing and the run was still secure. 
At the time I assumed he had found a way out and a fox had got to him but I have wondered since if he was killed by someone.

Found within Moments
Facebook is rife in the UK with mysterious headless, bloodless bodies of fox cubs and rabbits. Some mutilations have been discovered while the body is still warm. Where do the bodies come from? How do they appear? Are they dropped from the sky or tossed from a vehicle. WHY IS THERE NEVER BLOOD FOUND ON THE BODY?

My neighbour knocked on my door earlier to ask for help as she had found a dead fox cub in her garden. The poor little animal had been completely decapitated. What I found odd is that there was no blood anywhere but the body was still soft. The head is still missing and we assumed it had been killed by another animal but I keep thinking how it looked too 'clean' for an attack....this little family of foxes are regulars around here so to see one of the cubs like this is really upsetting. Please keep an eye out for the rest of them in case they suffer in the same way! - Gosport UK Facebook 8 Jul '20

I had a fox do this to my rabbit.. No blood anywhere and the head missing. I caught the fox carrying her body in the garden. She was a white rabbit and wasn't a spot of blood on her. I doubt the fox did it if there was no blood, the fox probably unfortunately got hold of the rabbit after it happened. - Gosport UK Facebook 8 Jul '20

I found a cub beheaded ... literally severed off, no blood just the body without a head in my garden .. the mother had 3 cubs, only saw one cub weeks later no sign of the others .. thought maybe another animal killed it but it was a clean cut so doubtful ... this was a few years ago but same happened to me ... AND my children witnessed it, they found it actually .. horrendous! -- Gosport UK Facebook 8 Jul '20


Sliced without a Fight

Horrific cat mutilations are ramping up in Washington USA. The strangeness about these killings is that they follow similar patterns to other random mutilations with typical clean cuts from a very sharp object. It is yet to be discovered if there was no blood at the scene and no DNA attached to the cats claws, which is typical of mutilations found in the same random manner and states that the animals were killed very quickly and did not have a chance to fight for their life.

A series of cat killings and mutilations has horrified residents and sparked an investigation in the Tri-Cities area of Eastern Washington. The unexplained killings began in late May. Cats that have been cut in half have been left on streets and sidewalks all over Kennnewick.

Officials with the Tri-Cities Animal Shelter say two cats initially were found that had been violently killed by someone with a sharp object. The first cat was found decapitated about 10 days ago on its owner's property in the vicinity of Costco in Kennewick. 

Then, last Wednesday, animal control investigated a cat found cut in half in the area of Vancouver and 37th in Kennewick. It appears the cats were cut with an extremely sharp object as the cuts were clean, officials said. 

Then, in the following days, two more cats were found cat in half. One was near 17th and Kellogg along the canal in Kennewick. The other was in the 1100 block of West Parkhill Drive in Kennewick.

Police say a fifth cat was found mutilated in Kennewick Tuesday morning in an apparent string of cat killings. The cat was found cut in half in the 900 block of N. Kellogg St., according to Lt. Aaron Clem. Four other cats have been killing in a similar manner in the past couple weeks. The sixth mutilated cat was found on June 9 on North Kellogg. 

A seventh mutilated cat was found in the area of 10th and South Reed on Tuesday night.

Animal Control and the Kennewick police are working together to investigate the gruesome killings.

Joel Watson, owner of Just Joel’s Cafe in Kennewick, offered a $1,000 reward out of his own pocket Sunday for information leading to the arrest of a local cat killer. 

Within a couple hours, Watson said he received messages from Kennewick mayor pro-tem and prominent business owner Steve Lee, Horse Heaven Hills Pet Urgent Care and a community member named Jeremiah Griffith — all of whom were interested in adding to the reward.

Together, they’ve raised $3,000 for the name of the person responsible for mutilating four cats in Kennewick in the past couple weeks. 

Here is a list of all the locations where cats have been found: 
  1. 900 South Auburn 
  2. 900 North Kellogg 
  3. 4000 South Anderson 
  4. 1000 North Pittsburgh 
  5. 1100 West Park Hills Drive 
  6. 10th and South Reed 
  7. 17th and South Kellogg 

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Tribute to Joanne Cappy aka Chris Holly

Chris was the encouragement behind the birth of Enigmatic Earth in 2012. She wanted another focus for the half-cat phenomena and introduced us in Half Cat Mutilation Reports Continue!

Our Introduction by Chris
At this point, after years of trying to find answers or even find a clue- I can only say I have no idea who or what or why this strange horrific cat killing or any of the animal mutilations are taking place all over the world The only thing I do know as fact is that animal and even human mutilations occur and continue to be complete mysteries. Who or what could be behind this horror is a question I think needs to be researched seriously and quickly. I think we have looked at these things with a dumbed down curiosity that allows us to simply shrug our shoulders and walk away. I think this may be a mistake and we should try to look at this nightmare not only in a more serious manner but as a warning of what may be ahead if we do not confront such horrors in a more determined way. We need to insist on more involvement of our law enforcement officials along with the eyes of science to figure out why these awful mutilations and slaughters of living creatures are happening worldwide. I admit I could not give this subject the time and effort it needs. I was at a loss at where or who to ask or turn to about it when along with a few new reports of half cat mutilations in my email I found a note from a person who told me they wanted to start looking at these things with a more determined eye. They realize the depth and horror of these mutilations and decided to do something about it. They are going to join with others and continue to collect and report data concerning this issue. They will contact those who are working on this subject with the hopes a more serious thinking can be applied to this truly horrific subject.
The name of their site is ‘Enigma Earth’ they will be collecting and welcomes reports of all the animal mutilations and understands the scope and horror of the half cat dilemma. You can reach Enigma Earth @ https://swollensky.blogspot.com/
I will be working with this site by directing this type of report to them and providing links to their site on my blog. I hope all those interested in and disgusted, disturbed and concerning by these activities support and help this site work on this horrible situation. I believe that many subjects considered unknown would be solved if people worked together to find answers. This has not been the case with the paranormal to date however maybe due to the brutal killing of so many living creatures we will start to give up egos and dreams of internet success to stop the madness of these mutilations. For now continue to be careful out there, turn off your hand held gadgets and phones and give your full attention to your surroundings. And for all of you who love your cats- keep them near and keep them safely out of harm’s way.
About Chris
Chris Holly spent a great deal of her life building different entrepreneur ventures, however her one true passion has always been writing. Chris found out long ago it was far easier to explain the paranormal by way of a true story told in an interesting form. She lived a life filled with extreme experiences and unique events involving that which we do not understand and felt it her destiny to tell these true events to the world by way of her short stories or articles based on true experiences of her own or reports told to her by those who read her work. Chris is known to be a writer who will protect her sources understanding how difficult the world can be to those who come forward with experiences of the unknown. Chris learned how cold the world can be to those who have encountered the paranormal. She learned this lesson as a young woman after her own UFO event. Chris has been writing Chris Holly’s Endless Journey with the Unknown for many years as well as cp hosting on many radio shows that cover the unknown. Chris lives on Long Island New York with her husband, family and little dog Buddy.


Joanne Cappy of Fort Salonga on December 28, 2019, 68 years of age. Beloved wife of Michael. Mother of James Preissler (Cara) Loving sister of Susan Elliott and Holly Lidowski (Edward). Fond sister in-law of Christine Cappy and Charles Cappy. Dear Aunt of John Lidowski, Jeff Lidowski and Barbara Stevenson. Visiting Nolan Funeral Home, 5 Laurel Avenue, Northport, NY, Friday 2-5 & 7-9 pm. Funeral Saturday 11:15 am at the funeral home with burial to follow at Genola Rural Cemetery.
Memorial Fund
Joanne Cappy
My wife Joanne Cappy, AKA writer/journalist Chris Holly, after years and years of painful suffering passed away at home while on partial life support. She was loved with myself as her primary and sole care giver 24 hours a day. Through all of her pain and suffering she was a Brave, Gracious woman always appreciative of all the care that she was given.

I wanted to give her the type of funeral service that she deserved as she was the kindest, sweetest woman that I have ever known. This type of fund raising is something that I never ever thought that I would have the need to do, nor would ever want to do. However after years of paying for my wife's medical care and having had to close my business in order to attend to her medical care full-time I find myself with my life saving gone, and needing to pay for all of the medical bills and other final expenses.

I am solely responsible and in charge of her final expenses. And so I am swallowing my pride and asking for any kind of help that people would be kind enough to offer. The funeral service that I planned at Nolans Funeral Home in Northport New York was a beautiful service and took place on 4th January 2020. I am however still struggling to pay off her funeral expenses to this date 29th February 2020 as well as all the other medical bills. I know that it is sometimes difficult for people to make donations. I would however be most appreciative of however little or much that people are able to donate to my campaign. I am eternally grateful for any help that I am given. 

Michael Cappy, Husband of Joanne (Chris Holly)

Firestorm Miracles at Bunyip VIC

The town of Bunyip in Victoria Australia is the place for wildfire miracles.

2009 Miracle at Bunyip VIC
Mrs. Gerrard was home with her invalid husband and her daughter who has a studio on the property. We were on fire-alert and I thought I knew about fires as I had I lived in Erica for years where they were a threat many times. We were prepared with our mops, buckets and hoses all at hand. We were very calm. 

We could see the smoke in the air and at 2:30pm our neighbours sent us a text message to advise us that we were about to get some embers. So we got ready, still calm. We have a tower here and my daughter could see a long way. We got my husband out of the house, he has a heart condition, and got the dogs inside. We were still very calm, just waiting for spot fires. 

A young man, Michael, arrived and helped us fix and connect our hoses and then he just hung around. He lives in Warragul, but didn't feel easy about going home and I couldn't persuade him to go. At about 3:00pm the wind changed and we started getting embers. We had been watching the flames and smoke across at Jindivick and the fire was moving away from us. 

Suddenly our neighbour texted: 
"Look to the front of your property, you have two seconds to prepare yourselves!" 
My daughter organised us we split into two groups and went to our stations. God had sent that young man, Michael to us and he hadn't felt able to leave us. Then another friend arrived. My post was in the front of the house so I was on the perimeter waiting. 

Then it came, roaring up the paddock from behind us. A great rolling wall of fire tumbling like a long barrel, with the noise of 1200 bulldozers all at once. The noise was terrific - we were shouting at the top of our voices. Andrew and I were filling buckets to protect the perimeter of the house. 

"GOD HELP US! DO SOMETHING! WE LOVE YOU!" My daughter and our friend were at the other side of the house. The fire was raging all around us it came to within a metre of our garden and all the paddocks were on fire. My hair was singed and my scarf wrapped around my face was scorched. 

By this time I was on my knees calling out, "God help us! Do something! We love you The fire then turned and went down to the lake. 
Our friend called out, "Tell Him we need some rain, and send it now!" So I called out, "Lord, send us rain, and send it now!" 
The rain came, it was like when you drop a hose and it snakes along the ground - the rain came spurting down like silver streaks of water through the air. That helped us and we knew then we would be OK. 

As the fire passed we came back together it felt like we'd just come back from a battlefield. 

The young men said, "We could hear you shouting out to God, above the noise of the roaring fire." Now I'm a softly spoken person -- I don't generally have the strength for volume in my voice. I'm 72, and I've never experienced anything like it before. Never been so close to dying. We praised the Lord and thanked God; maybe we weren't ready to go?

Right around the house is a ring untouched by the fire; the house and rose garden looked as though nothing has happened. The white wooden fence is there, but it is untouched. The fire burnt the foliage and the ferns under the fence; outside the fence all the native trees and the conifers are gone - totally burnt.

Our neighbour had cows in the next paddock and as the fire roared on my daughter said, "I'm going to bring the cows over." She was amazing. She brought them over to our sand area where we had some horses. When the horses saw the cows, they helped her with the roundup.

I said, "Look at that!" The horses had the cows in a ring, just calmly grazing the perimeter around them so that the cows couldn't get out. The animals were so calm —they must have felt the Lord's hand over them.

At one stage I was riding the motor bike. I nearly crashed many times, as I couldn't see more than ten feet in front and sure enough - I turned the bike over. I said, "Lord, give me the strength of twenty men!" I put my leg on the upturned bike and over it came. Later, my daughter found blood on the back of my head and on my arm.

I can't say it was frightening it was an experience we were carried through. My faith is strong; I don't start the day unless I ask the Lord if I am doing His will. He protected us as if He put a cone over us and said, "I will protect you". He sent us a guardian angel to protect us. Michael was like an angel and he said later that he didn't know why he stayed. The other young man was sent to us too. My husband is not well we couldn't have done it on our own. We were just calling above the noise, Lord, God help us! Our voices went above the noise of the fire, even though we could hardy breathe. Ive had a cough ever since. 

If you believe in God and put your life in His hand, He'll be with you. I'm sure all these disasters are to bring us to God. All these disasters overseas in lands where very few are living with God, are surety a sign of the end of end of times. I feel I live in the world, but I'm not of it. I got on my knees and said "Please, Lord, I want you to save my family. I'm 72, but these young people...


2017 Hollywood Actress Declares Psalm 91 Over Home Saved From Wildfires (not Bunyip VIC) 

Amazing testimony of the power of speaking the Word of God over your life! The American actress and singer, Brenda Epperson, best known for her role in the soap opera The Young and The Restless, was thankful her home and family were saved from the deadly wildfires that continues to burn in California. In one of the live videos she posted on her Facebook, she showed the area where God miraculously stopped the fire and saved their property. Brenda said it was only through the power of prayer that God stopped that fire from reaching their home and protecting their terrified horses. 
… and the fire stopped. God stopped that fire right at our property line, right at our fence.” Brenda said in CBN interview. She also shared in her Facebook post that she keeps on praying the powerful verse, Psalms 91 over her home.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in his mighty shadow. I will say of the Lord He is my refuge and my God in whom I trust. Surely, He will save you from the fowler’s snare and the deadly pestilence. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you.
She was so overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness. At the same time, she encouraged the people to continue praying for the victims. And at the moment, Brenda and her family are going around the affected areas helping people. They are sharing the love of God to those who need it.

“The good that’s going to come out of it is I believe that revival, that God is going to wake us all up.”

2019 Goat miraculously survives on only grass patch in paddock

A GOAT tethered to a fence has miraculously survived the Bunyip bushfire — by standing on the only patch of grass that didn’t burn in a charred paddock. Moorooduc firefighters came across the “luckiest goat” on Sunday when leaving a property at Tonimbuk.

“He’d been surrounded by fire throughout the day, yet the one square metre patch of dirt and grass he was standing on didn’t burn,” volunteer firefighter Aaron Pinxt wrote on Facebook. “Everything around this guy was burnt, yet somehow he survived without a scratch.”

The firefighters checked him over for injuries and filled a drum with fresh water from their truck.
“Hopefully that water will keep him going until his owners are allowed back home,” Mr Pinxt said.

How would you fight this monster?

FLAMES OF HELL: Narrabri man Mark Barrow took this photo on Timor Rd looking towards Warrumbungle National Park 2013