Finding a dead animal with obvious signs of having met an
unnatural death is one of the reasons behind this web site. Our aim is to raise
awareness of this phenomenon by focusing on people's experiences and hopefully
finding an answer to why they are happening and what can be done to stop them.
A concerned cat owner offers their thoughts on unexplained
half cat mutilations
“Something that came to mind, and please don’t take this in
any bad way, but it is how cats seem to sometimes play with mice, rats,
chipmunks before killing them and a lot of house cats will kill and bring the
‘trophy’ home to the homeowner and almost display it for the owner. A lot of
times the kill will be missing a head or missing half of its body. The reason I
bring this up is because it has a weird but possibly direct correlation to what
is being found with the mutilated cats. Whether there is a true connection I do
not know.
With the cat mutilations check the hair around the 'clean
cuts'. Look closer to see if the hair follicles themselves are actually being
cut on any of the victims, as this would imply a cutting tool, something very
sharp like a knife or sharper, only extremely shard objects will be able to cut
through hair, where and animals teeth or claws will never cut hair, only pull
it out. This would help determine if some of them were killed or cut by a tool
of sorts. Very rarely in a cattle mutilation you will see a cutting of the hair
itself which implies that a knife or something very sharp or efficient at clean
cuts was used.
The other thing to relay is to have her lift the body
slightly off the ground where it lies and see if there is any blood pooling
underneath as sometimes it appears to be drained of blood yet because of
natural occurrences when a body lies in one spot for a while the blood settles
giving it the appearance of being drained, and to check for necropsy rates.
Rarely but once in a while a cattle or sheep mutilation will have advanced
rates or necropsy or even delayed rates of necropsy and even sometimes carrions
and magpies, scavengers will avoid certain mutilations which is very odd,
hinting at something that we can't notice or sense that other animals can.”