"I wanted to tell you about some strange activity I've been having. For the past 4 or 5 months, I go outside and watch the stars from 12-3am. I've heard on six different occasions, the sounds of cats in serious distress, what I would call a terminal call. The first time I heard it I ran about a half mile into the woods to see what was happening and unfortunately because of the distance I must have miscalculated the true spot as I found nothing. There is a Sow bear with two cubs that live in the woods near me so after that occasion I'm wary of wandering in the woods after dark. But typically bears are not able to catch a cat so I do not believe it would be due to a bear. Now I have to say that I am an experienced outdoorsman and to hear a cat in true distress is something you hear only once every few years if that; some people will never hear it in all their time in the woods. What strikes me as odd is the amount of SIX occasions in only three months, especially when you take into account the fact that I am the only cat owner for over a half mile, and there are very few houses near me, none being in the vicinity where I heard the terrible sound.
I've been paying attention to this part quite closely. Over these past few months I go outside every time there is a clear to semi clear sky. About fifty yards from where I sit there is a small patch of woods and then a field and then more woods about another 75 yards across that field. But the focal point of this is in the small patch of woods about 50 yards away. This is the weird part; whenever I am outside by myself there is no commotion or movement in this patch of woods. But what I’ve come to realize, and I've kept close track of this, is that every time my cat comes outside and sits on my lap with me there is constant commotion and movement in that patch of woods. And I don't mean just leaves rustling, it is large sticks breaking, cracking loud noises and what sounds very large. I've been letting my cat come out almost every night with me for a week or more straight. Every time he is with me there is constant movement, and what is weirder is that every time I try to locate the nature of this noise there is nothing there.
I've investigated it many, many times with an industrial bright light. Yet every time I go back and sit down the noise starts right back up again. So I started watching the area in the dark for varied different amounts of time. While looking in that direction no matter how long I stay watching, there will be no noise. As soon as I turn away within seconds there it is again with a loud crack. I’ve also kept my cat inside a few times here and there and sometimes on consecutive nights to see what will happen. Whenever he is not outside with me on my lap, there is no noise. Now this in a sense makes me wonder if it is paranormal in some respects because it seems to have a consciousness about it.
As I’ve said I'm an experienced outdoorsman so I’ve gone through all the animals that would stay in an area or routinely come back to a spot at a certain time daily. That leaves only a few that are deer, possum, raccoon and skunk, and sometimes a bobcat. The problem that I have with it being these animals is that I have scoured the area and have come across no such animal or sign that they have been there; moreover, in the spot I search, if an animal were to run across the field I would see it before it got to the woods, and it also would not be able to start the commotion and noise as soon as I sit down as it would be ‘spooked’. The other problem I have with those animals is that only a deer would be big enough to cause some of the sticks to break, but sometimes the breaking or loudness is too much for even a deer to create.
There has been on a couple of occasions a weird dark movement that I will see, as if it is made of a shadow, move very fast and noiselessly in the open from one random spot to the other side of my yard and disappear into some very thick brush and trees which would require it to make noise, yet no noise is present. This had spooked me quite a bit each time it has happened. There is no lights shining out there for a shadow to even be present, the only light is my flashlight and on the occasions that I’ve watched this ‘figure’ my flashlight was off. There has been other strange activity too, like orbs and once a fireball in relative close proximity (about a mile or less) to where I sit and stargaze."
Name withheld for privacy
Mysterious Things in the Woods; Mysterious disappearances, Missing People; Sometimes Found... (Something in the Woods is Taking People Book 1)
There's Something in the Woods
Missing Persons: True Stories And Disappearances Of Missing People: The Cold Case Files Of What Happened To Some Of The Worlds Missing Persons (Unexplained ... Files, True Crime, Missing Persons Cases,)
Paranormal for sure. This is just a guess, but possibly a Nephilim sprit. Now in the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim where the children of fallen angels, and they where around for a long time and eventually dominated the Earth. Before the flood Good manipulated most of them to kill each other and doomed their spirits to walk the Earth in eternal hunger and pain until the end of days. Many of the Nephilim where giants and human/animal hybrids. These are also known as demons. They do occupy parts of the world where they died. America is filled with ancient remains that are unexplained and so is Mexico, all were built by something else other then humans because they are too big. But case and point, the wooded area is possibly the unholy ground and resting place of a long dead Nephilim.
ReplyDeleteParanormal for sure. This is just a guess, but possibly a Nephilim spirit. Now in the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim where the children of fallen angels, and they where around for a long time and eventually dominated the Earth. Before the flood God manipulated most of them to kill each other and doomed their spirits to walk the Earth in eternal hunger and pain until the end of days. Many of the Nephilim where giants and human/animal hybrids. These are also known as demons. They do occupy parts of the world where they died. America is filled with ancient remains that are unexplained and so is Mexico, all were built by something else other then humans because they are too big. But case and point, the wooded area is possibly the unholy ground and resting place of a long dead Nephilim.