
Missing People

What happens to the people that go missing? The recent disappearance of Mike Clarizeel from Virginia only adds to the mystery. Could they really be taken by a UFO? The following story details the episode from a missing persons point of view.
In Barcelona, Easter 1976 a well-to-do couple were at the airport about to embark on a holiday with their Nanny and young daughter.

The husband left the family for a short while to collect his plane tickets. Upon returning to his great horror his wife was the only one there. The Nanny and daughter had mysteriously disappeared.

The wife was not concerned as she though that the Nanny had merely taken the daughter to the bathroom.

As time passed the Nanny and daughter were nowhere to be found. Security was alerted, and the airport checked. No trace of either of the missing persons was found.

A humble old woman supposedly approached the distraught mother, advising her to pray for the return of her daughter, at which point two amazing things happened; the elderly woman vanished into the encircling crowd of onlookers and the Nanny appeared holding the child sitting right next to the mother.

The Nanny was quizzed on where she was and where she had taken the child. She replied that she had been sitting in that position with the child all along and had never moved. Another incredible thing was that the child was physically stuck to the Nanny, as if glued to her.
The husband literally had to tear his daughter from the Nanny's arms to free her. He noticed that her arms were turning an unusual shade of red.

The family still boarded a flight to their holiday destination with the Nanny who then proceeded to have hysterics and had to be restrained half way through the flight. The family could no longer take their holiday due to the deteriorating condition of the Nanny and returned home immediately. The Nanny was then admitted to hospital and heavily sedated. Clinical Hypnotist Francisco Rovatti later on hypnotised the Nanny in an effort to reveal what had really happened at the airport. It was claimed that the Nanny had heard "an unpleasant sounding male voice" summoning her as she sat next to the mother at the airport. Efforts to go beyond that point would send the Nanny into uncontrollable hysterics.

Rovatti observed that the Nanny had a tremendously powerful post-hypnotic block that had been put in place from the moment that she had seen a red light on the floor. It was decided that to push the Nanny further would jeopardize her life and so no further investigations were made.
For Purchase
Missing 411- Eastern United States: Unexplained disappearances of North Americans that have never been solved

Missing 411-Western United States & Canada: Unexplained Disappearances of North Americans that have never been solved

Something in the Woods

The integrity and detailed observations undertaken by a New York outdoorsman could hold the key to the phenomena of cat mutilations.

"I wanted to tell you about some strange activity I've been having. For the past 4 or 5 months, I go outside and watch the stars from 12-3am. I've heard on six different occasions, the sounds of cats in serious distress, what I would call a terminal call. The first time I heard it I ran about a half mile into the woods to see what was happening and unfortunately because of the distance I must have miscalculated the true spot as I found nothing. There is a Sow bear with two cubs that live in the woods near me so after that occasion I'm wary of wandering in the woods after dark. But typically bears are not able to catch a cat so I do not believe it would be due to a bear. Now I have to say that I am an experienced outdoorsman and to hear a cat in true distress is something you hear only once every few years if that; some people will never hear it in all their time in the woods. What strikes me as odd is the amount of SIX occasions in only three months, especially when you take into account the fact that I am the only cat owner for over a half mile, and there are very few houses near me, none being in the vicinity where I heard the terrible sound.

I've been paying attention to this part quite closely. Over these past few months I go outside every time there is a clear to semi clear sky. About fifty yards from where I sit there is a small patch of woods and then a field and then more woods about another 75 yards across that field. But the focal point of this is in the small patch of woods about 50 yards away. This is the weird part; whenever I am outside by myself there is no commotion or movement in this patch of woods. But what I’ve come to realize, and I've kept close track of this, is that every time my cat comes outside and sits on my lap with me there is constant commotion and movement in that patch of woods. And I don't mean just leaves rustling, it is large sticks breaking, cracking loud noises and what sounds very large. I've been letting my cat come out almost every night with me for a week or more straight. Every time he is with me there is constant movement, and what is weirder is that every time I try to locate the nature of this noise there is nothing there.

I've investigated it many, many times with an industrial bright light. Yet every time I go back and sit down the noise starts right back up again. So I started watching the area in the dark for varied different amounts of time. While looking in that direction no matter how long I stay watching, there will be no noise. As soon as I turn away within seconds there it is again with a loud crack. I’ve also kept my cat inside a few times here and there and sometimes on consecutive nights to see what will happen. Whenever he is not outside with me on my lap, there is no noise. Now this in a sense makes me wonder if it is paranormal in some respects because it seems to have a consciousness about it.

As I’ve said I'm an experienced outdoorsman so I’ve gone through all the animals that would stay in an area or routinely come back to a spot at a certain time daily. That leaves only a few that are deer, possum, raccoon and skunk, and sometimes a bobcat. The problem that I have with it being these animals is that I have scoured the area and have come across no such animal or sign that they have been there; moreover, in the spot I search, if an animal were to run across the field I would see it before it got to the woods, and it also would not be able to start the commotion and noise as soon as I sit down as it would be ‘spooked’. The other problem I have with those animals is that only a deer would be big enough to cause some of the sticks to break, but sometimes the breaking or loudness is too much for even a deer to create.

There has been on a couple of occasions a weird dark movement that I will see, as if it is made of a shadow, move very fast and noiselessly in the open from one random spot to the other side of my yard and disappear into some very thick brush and trees which would require it to make noise, yet no noise is present. This had spooked me quite a bit each time it has happened. There is no lights shining out there for a shadow to even be present, the only light is my flashlight and on the occasions that I’ve watched this ‘figure’ my flashlight was off. There has been other strange activity too, like orbs and once a fireball in relative close proximity (about a mile or less) to where I sit and stargaze."

Name withheld for privacy

Mysterious Things in the Woods; Mysterious disappearances, Missing People; Sometimes Found... (Something in the Woods is Taking People Book 1)

There's Something in the Woods

Missing Persons: True Stories And Disappearances Of Missing People: The Cold Case Files Of What Happened To Some Of The Worlds Missing Persons (Unexplained ... Files, True Crime, Missing Persons Cases,)

Seeking Answers

Finding a dead animal with obvious signs of having met an unnatural death is one of the reasons behind this web site. Our aim is to raise awareness of this phenomenon by focusing on people's experiences and hopefully finding an answer to why they are happening and what can be done to stop them.
A concerned cat owner offers their thoughts on unexplained half cat mutilations
“Something that came to mind, and please don’t take this in any bad way, but it is how cats seem to sometimes play with mice, rats, chipmunks before killing them and a lot of house cats will kill and bring the ‘trophy’ home to the homeowner and almost display it for the owner. A lot of times the kill will be missing a head or missing half of its body. The reason I bring this up is because it has a weird but possibly direct correlation to what is being found with the mutilated cats. Whether there is a true connection I do not know.
With the cat mutilations check the hair around the 'clean cuts'. Look closer to see if the hair follicles themselves are actually being cut on any of the victims, as this would imply a cutting tool, something very sharp like a knife or sharper, only extremely shard objects will be able to cut through hair, where and animals teeth or claws will never cut hair, only pull it out. This would help determine if some of them were killed or cut by a tool of sorts. Very rarely in a cattle mutilation you will see a cutting of the hair itself which implies that a knife or something very sharp or efficient at clean cuts was used.
The other thing to relay is to have her lift the body slightly off the ground where it lies and see if there is any blood pooling underneath as sometimes it appears to be drained of blood yet because of natural occurrences when a body lies in one spot for a while the blood settles giving it the appearance of being drained, and to check for necropsy rates. Rarely but once in a while a cattle or sheep mutilation will have advanced rates or necropsy or even delayed rates of necropsy and even sometimes carrions and magpies, scavengers will avoid certain mutilations which is very odd, hinting at something that we can't notice or sense that other animals can.”

A Gust of Wind

Five goats were found dead in Argentina, with strange perforations in their heads. "....they had an orifice, a well-executed incision in their heads. We’d never seen something so odd. The animal’s hide was left like a bag, and the only wound or incision seemed to be made by a tool or some precision instrument. Furthermore, it looks like they took out the entrails, kidneys, liver and some bones through it. It’s a well-made cut. For this reason we don’t think it was a predator."

There were no unusual noises the night of the event; not even the dogs gave any hint that something was going on. However, they remember that at a given moment, when the family was readying itself for bed, they felt a sudden and intense gust of wind. “It was accompanied by a strong, nauseating rotten odour, which suddenly went away.” 

Outside Forces

Thinking outside the box is the purpose from one reader in the UK.

“I believe that a force or entity roams the earth and for whatever reason expresses itself in different ways, be it cattle mutilations, half cat mutilations, spring heeled jack, jack the ripper or strange behaviour in people.

The unfortunate cats appear to be displayed and presented in a fashion for us to find. Is this not the same for crop circles and perhaps many other events? Is something trying to make itself known or is it like
John Keel said, these entities do not know what they are doing here themselves. After reading the autopsy reports on Jack the Ripper victims and then studing animal mutilations, you cannot help wonder if these vile events were the first attempts of human mutilations. They never found the culprit, they have done documentary after documentary and they are still no closer to naming the killer. We have the same problem today with animal mutilations, theory after theory on who`s done the deed but no arrests.

If we put the human in the equation nothing makes sense, substitute human for entity or a force that does not operate on our level of understanding only then do things start to make sense.

One morning his neighbor found pebbles laid in a specific trail and pattern leading from an area of small pebbles in his garden, his comment was "Damned Birds." He went for the easy option, we apply what we understand. He never thought for one moment or even imagined why a bird whose sole purpose in everyday life is finding food and feeding its young should take time out to furnish his garden with an intricate arrangement of pebbles.

People have got to start thinking outside of the box; I know it’s not easy.

There is far more to the cat mutilations than someone walking around with a sword, knife, or a mobile surgery, but people do not want to accept this. There is something out there that is involved in a vile mischief.

Tonight I had a pause for thought, I was holding my spectacles and this caused four reflections from the wall lights behind me to appear on the floor in front
of our border collie, she immediately became curious and started to follow the lights as I moved my spectacles around. After a while I said, "Sorry, I should not tease you, you do not understand.” Then it struck me... are the cat mutilations and other phenomena so simple that we just do not understand? Is someone or something having fun teasing a few insects (us humans) with flashing lights and dead bodies?”

The Cognizant Englishman


Chris Holly from Paranormal World is working with Enigma Earth to increase people’s awareness to the phenomenon of ongoing cat mutilations in the hope of finding a solution to this unexplained slaughter. The following is an experience from one of her readers.

"About year and a half ago I was walking my dog in the early morning when I saw what appeared to be a dead cat on someone’s front lawn. As I got closer I realized that the cat was cut in half. It was just its head and front legs. It was a clean cut like someone took a knife to it. It was obviously a fresh cut because it was pink inside but I didn't notice any blood. I thought it must be a coyote but there was no hair around the cat and no blood and the cats fur looked normal. I just assumed it was a coyote because I have seen them in my neighborhood several times. I told my friend what I had seen that day and she said oh no, that's an owl that killed it. She said that's what happened to her cat a few years ago. I thought well that makes sense.

About three months ago, I was walking my dog in the early morning and there it was again, another cat. This time in the middle of the street, cut in half, clean line and no blood. I thought wow there are a lot of owls out here.

Four weeks ago, same thing, walking my dog but this time was different. I saw something on the sidewalk and I thought it was a rat, as I got closer it was half of a tail. The tail was jet black with white stripes, clean cut, no blood. About 6 feet from that was the half cat again, it was light peach in color, no blood, clean cut. About 3 feet from that was the bottom half of a cat that was dark brown in color. I thought geez, this time the owl killed 2 cats at once. It wasn't until later when I was telling the story that I thought wait, that tail didn't match the bottom part of the brown cat and I thought I saw a furry tail but I don't remember but I do know that there is no way that it was the same cat, it was 2 different cats, maybe even 3.

About a week ago my co-worker told me to look at this website because there is a mystery of the half cats. I still was thinking it was an owl but as I searched all over the internet of how owls kill their prey, there was nothing that said their talons slice like a knife. When I asked my Dad if owls kill like that he said no bird would and they pick and rip there food. A coyote would take the whole cat back to its pack and they always leave a furry mess. So now I am so curious as to what or who is killing these cats."

All of these events took place within 3/4 of a mile from my house.

Thank You
(named withheld for privacy)
 I live in West Hills, Ca "

A Readers Perspective

I received an email from a person who has been researching half cat and other animal mutilations for a number of years. I was provided with a long list of news links relating to this problem from towns and cities all over the world. It certainly has been continuing for long time totally unchecked. The Questions and Issues raised in the comments below need to be given further consideration. Everyone should be asking the same questions and seeking answers.
"Be advised there is a long-standing mystery re: unresolved serial domestic cat mutilation .. along with some other animals notably goats and rabbits .. and the occasional dog .. I would have expected more dog .. given the high-strangeness of the cat mutilations, glad that's not the case. Nevertheless pretty unusual stuff - it's obviously not coyotes or other dogs .. they are not known for surgical exactness. Am I allowed to use the eff word ?
Here goes: something is definitely 'effed up' in Cat Land. Simple as that. And I betcha this stuff can turn your stomach, if only just the prolific 'body count'. Wholesale, high-strangeness, intermittent slaughter - it can get to you .. keep reading. Shortage of blood but no shortage of human and animal suffering and misery and ultimately; mystery. 

So what's with the cat mutes - you ask? What's behind all this first order mystery and depravity? Who would be so bold? Who would be so brazen? How is this possible
we keep seeing the same or very similar hallmarks in such disparate locations and calendar dates? What is the meaning of this outrage? And why are we such modern morons incapable of connecting the most obvious dots on the cat mutilation map? We are not worthy pet-owners nor worthy computer-owners (for that matter!)

 One thing that's re-occurring makes people understandably nervous is that there is never any blood .. presumably this means the mutilation is done elsewhere and the remains are 'brazenly' returned to the general area (or right to the owners doorstep). We see this time and again - who would be so brazen? Word is on the street .. pet-owners are keeping a sharp eye out - cops are prowling the streets .. still it continues to happen!
Reward offers, public awareness campaigns and increased police presence - nothing makes a dint in the frequency nor sheer audacity of these attacks. Spates end of their own accord. They end as mysteriously as they begin. Only to possibly 're-kindle' after a year or two hiatus! Always the same or very similar MO! Bizarre!
Big unanswered questions re: this phenomenon:
  • If it's 'pelt poachers' - why leave (or return) half a pelt? Who the hell collects cat pelts anyhow? Answer: nobody.
  • If it's 'exotic cuisine' harvesting - why leave half a meal?
  • If it's 'garden-variety' natural predation - why the surgical precision and why no trace coyote or dog saliva/DNA?
  • If it's natural predation - how is it that it's episodic? - i.e. why don't we see this all the time?
  • Why don't other domestic animals (dogs) 'raise the alarm?'
  • Why have large rewards never resulted in any leads - let alone any arrests? All told - there have been 100's of cases. 
  • Why do the 'spates' stop as mysteriously as they begin? Only to re-appear (possibly) after a year or two hiatus.
  • Why don't the authorities return the remains to the pet owners - post-analysis?
  • Why don't experts and L.E. provide detailed assessments of their findings in support of natural predation?
  • How is it possible there are never any witnesses nor reports of prowlers 'scoping' the neighborhood?
  • How does the 'perp' know whose yard to return the half cat to? (Some, not all cases)
  • Why hasn't anyone 'connected-these-dots' previously? Is it Pet-owner fail? Computer-owner fail'?
  • Is there a deliberate conspiracy of silence and obfuscation surrounding this disturbing, super-high strangeness?
  • Should we be concerned?
  • Is law enforcement comically excessive i.e: laughable in sticking to the (their) natural predation, super-elusive, coyote-prowler hypothesis? What do you think?
"...there is methodology to what's going on. Speculation has it the cats are somehow removed from their home or neighborhood, taken somewhere for the cut and excision of internal organs, and then returned close to their homes."" 

I went to the cops and told them what I know, they said "we're already aware of the paranormal nature of these assaults" !!!  WTF

So until such time as they develop a keyboard for cats .. our feline friends are forced to place their welfare in our less-than-competent hands. Poor kitties!
The Cognizant  Citizen